FOX shows end of RBG term by mistake
>video of apology due to (((technical error)))
FOX shows end of RBG term by mistake
>video of apology due to (((technical error)))
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>(((she))) ded
I saw it live this morning was a quick glance and her name was all I saw.
If Trump gets another pick, that'll be good because once conservatives are no longer able to get a majority in office due to the demographics, the conservative SCOTUS will be regularly clashing with the radical Democrats. Constitutional criseses are great if we want to accelerate the fall of this Jew owned system and delegitimize the govt to as many people as possible
1. You're fucking retarded.
2. Democrats will simply impeach all non-marxist justices in 2024.
3. "Conservative" justices have never clashed with anyone.
Fucking retarded
she's already dead. her handlers are cancelling all of her appearances and hoping people buy the "she's just at home recovering" line forever
Is there any historic precedent for a judge being as openly partisan as this kike? All I can think of is Taney not liking Lincoln, and even that was on solid constitutional ground
Never have. Never will.
Conservatives are cowards that know the truth, yet only choose to turn the ship a few degrees back toward the destination. A couple generations ago they saw what was happening. They saw the jewish takeover of institutions. They saw the demographic time bomb being planted. Yet they chose to not speak directly about these things because they didn't want to appear as mean and unpresentable so they chose to disguise themselves under the conservative brand and dogwhistle to each other by complaining about "inner cities" and "bankers" and now you get today's conservatives that actually believe the dogwhisles at face value!
"What's it got to do with skin color, they're just poor folk"
"It's just the rich tricking you into the trap of anti-semitism to neuter their opposition"
If you are EXPLICIT about what you are talking about you will be co-opted by fools that actually believe the propaganda.
We don't need conservatives. We don't need secret agents. We need racist, sexist, homophobic, transphobic, islamophobic, fascist, neo-nazis.
All liberal judges have been making laws from the bench for decades, it's just never been more apparent or obvious during the last 15 years
that should be
Somebody should deliver pizza to her place as "Hello fellow democrats", and ask to take a picture with her.
She is clearly a taxidermy now.
rest in piss
this is more proof that all media is kike own and run and all the news outlets are gearing up for the ginsburg 24/7 coverage … and yea 100% this bitch is already dead
exactly right. crises, acceleration, and clash is the only way we win this with the demographic apocalypse thats coming in a couple of years (not 30 years you lying kike rat bastards)
I mean, it's not like we don't know she's going to die soon anyway. I'd expect Fox News to have figured that out too.
The jewpreme court is never going to be on our side, regardless of how many BASED republikikes are on it.
Getting pretty sick of this cock tease. Can she just fucking die already? I want to buy a 30-round magazine, and those court cases aren't going to hear themselves.
What are the odds she'll still have a rep on the court to vote by proxy for months after she's officially dead?
Stay mad moshe, day of the rope is coming.
Couldn't agree more. Darn those liberals.
Has anyone actually seen her alive? I've only seen pictures and blurbs but nothing showing her moving around. Pretty sure they all know she's dead and they are waiting to pull the plug once they get the details sorted. They really don't want another Trump pick screwing up their plans.
First cyborg SC justice when?
You new? We've been celebrating since her broken ribs.
It’s not, no. You’re just mentally ill.
Networks pre-fab obits. Simple mistakes like this are not uncommon.
The only take from this? Even after their best efforts in Photoshop, that is still the best they could manage to make her look.
I believe this is the real reason Pelosi is trying to cancel the SOTU address. The state of RBG would dominate any other discussion if she's shown to the public.
No, that's true remember that whole Solomon Brothers Building 7 fiasco…
simple mistakes and coincidences goy, hush now, back to your pasture.
That can't be an error. The media is simply being told when to announce and some based employee put it out.
Good point user, after the SOTU where she was asleep was neither talk than SOTU. Can’t recall which year that was but everybody was talking about her stepping down and getting a bigger Jewish cocksucker on the SCOTUS. Maybe 2014/15?
So, vegetative state?
She's already dead. We should push for proof of life.
"Conservatives" won't do that; "bad optics".
If dubs she's already dead and they replaced her with a prop.
seth is that you?
They would just pull out an e-Assange fake double anyway.
she is 100% dead, probably already ashes
When was the last time she was filmed and seen live on air? The last SOTU?
I don’t get the comic
Crabs are carrion feeders.
it's a meme juxtaposing this very upbeat/happy rave song (with a clear 'drop' point) with some nominally 'tragic' event which is secretly a cause for celebration (in some deeply taboo way). such as the imminent death of ginsburg.
inb4 the short list of replacements is full of kikes.
Too late. They already have a jew lined up.
it's pretty stupid
it's going to be a christcuck white women with two niglets
Every fucking time.
I thought I've seen the most cucked a man can be, but this is a level far beyond that.
News stations have obituaries made up for tons of famous people on their way out so that when the news breaks they have a nice shiny graphic ready instead of having an intern throw one together as needed. This kind of flub happens from time to time.
Rest in piss kike monster
obvious predictive programming.
also she's already dead, for you newfags.
good one, thanks for taking time away from your nog kids to come post here amy
You think that the courts, which have steadily been growing in power, and which are encouraged by vauger and more convoluted laws, are somehow *not* infested with jewry using their growing leeway to "interpret" laws in order to deal out reward and punishment however they want.
Further, you think that this ideal breeding ground for jewry will somehow magically end jewry.
Wait, why was the stonetoss comic deleted?
Please don't be retarded.
Post moar videos you feggat
Coincidence theorist here, that's just a coincidence.
Stop being a jew.
Jokes on you, kikess is already dead.
Where do we start? I can't wait to see whether Trump picks another Jew to replace her.
Because he nominated a jew on his last pick, right faggot?
How’s that republikike Chief Justice working out for you?
It probably died several years ago and the puppet they were using fell apart recently.
So far so good yid.
hey hey people
No, because Ginsberg is a jew.
She died some time ago. I bet the fall was fake as well. They needed a reason to not have her show her face. She was magically okay after a broken rib at her age, then got cancer and turned out okay, and now she sending in letters and not going to work. She has been dead for god knows how long.
This should be reminded and spread everywhere. She should just officially be called the pedo judge. Worst is she admitted to the talmud being her favourite best influential piece of literature and we all know the kiddie fucking kike laws in that rubbish.
Every single jew justice has been a democrat so far.
dunno, feels good man. fuck off with your d&c, kike.