Donald Trump hid Adnan Kashoggi at Maro Lago when he was wanted for defrauding Thailands second largest bank. Adnan Kashoggi 6 years after bought a flight school in Florida that Mohammad Atta trained at and Al Waleed bin Talal and Adnan Kashoggi financed and sponsored the 9/11 high jackers so they were in with Osama Bin Laden and Taliban and Al Qaeda. GHWB and Adnan Kashoggi owned Five Star Trust where they stored looted wealth from the Philippines and Thailand and i'm sure from Japan remember Ilmelda Marcos? Remember BCCI? Remember Bush Srs days in the CIA and government? Operation Eagle? Golden Triangle? General Ferrera?
They GHWB and Adnan Kashoggi owned Barrick Gold, Marvin P Bush SECURACOM and that's all i got to say, you know the guy was brothers with GWB and son of GHWB who oversaw security for the NYPA and the WTC. So HW and Adnan were partners in crime during Iran Contra member all the arms trafficking and the war in Afghanistan between Afghanistan and the Soviet Union? So they for sure got Jews and CIA to rig the WTC and got the gold out of the WTC and got the airforce out of the country on 9/11 doing the training exercise and the plan was to get into Iraq to get the oil or something and get revenge on Saddam and the CIA wanted to get into Afghanistan for the poppy and opium and for something they must have left behind or found from the Soviet Afghanistan war. Well Adnan and Al Waleed financed the attackers on 9/11 and the Taliban and Al Qaeda and Osama who were all once CIA Mujahadeen. HW and Adnan looted and plundered the platinum, palladium, silver, and gold from the WTC and smelted it at Barrick Gold in Canada, and hid the wealth offshore just like they did to Japan, Thailand, Philippines, etc. We went to Vietnam for heroin. Donald Rumsfeld on 9/10/01 member the 2.3trillion? Member amdocs and the 200 plus Jewish Israeli spies? Of course Cheney and Rumsfeld and Jeb and George Bush Jr and Bander are all connected more on them later.
Donald hid this Adnan who is a fraud and criminal robber spy arms dealer he killed his nephew he bought his yacht sold his yacht he poisoned Adnan in the hospital i'm sure. I'm sure he hides his wealth offshore.
Larry SIlverstein owned WTC which he insured with terrorism insurence before the attacks i'm sure Donald Trump caught wind of 9/11 before it happened and warned him cause Trump has real estate in NY.