Why is nobody talking about the Black Israelites involvement in the Covington thing

They started it and are literally niggers that idolize kikes

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What was their involvement? All i saw was a kid staring at a injun

Lots of anons are talking about it but obviously the msm has purposely turned this into MAGA catholic kids vs poor helpless injuns
Is it possible the nignog Israelites are a cointel group?

because its nigger appreciation day, because it was a bunch of niggers saying they're jews while calling people faggots, it would make leftists heads explode to have to contemplate such an event, I don't even know what to think beyond that it is hilarious, fuck punctuation beyond commas and capitalization is only for I, everyone who fought for black equality is a dumbass, hitler did something wrong - he lost

They like hitler tho?

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I'm just not really interested in this particular story today. If you see something in it, I'm fine with that.

They don't idolize them. They think THEY are the real Jews. That the Jews mentioned in the Old Testament were blacks and kikes are fakes.

(((FOX))) news has acknowledged and mentioned them prominently

Attached: Louis Theroux meets the black isralites (360p_25fps_H264-128kbit_AAC).mp4 (480x360, 14.55M)

why are so many threads being shoad today

Whatcha sliding moshe? QTDDTOT

Straight up, they're seen as a weird cult within the black community. And in every other community, too, but even their own people don't like them.
Being universally despised is the most solid proof that their theory of being true kikes is true, come to think of it.
Anyways, this dumb group is too small to really be worth dealing with themselves. BUT, all the bluechecks who are aligning with them thinking they're the safe good guys they can cling to in this icky situation they now find themselves in should be made to answer for the kangs dogma. They should be asked repeatedly and publicly "Do you agree with them when they say that the holocaust is a hoax? Do you agree that gays should be killed? Do you agree that 90% of the black community is actually genetically white and should be killed with the white population?"


so niggers are retarded, what a shocking revelation

Because the (((ones))) controlling the conversation don't want you to. Of course, I'm sure you've figured that out by now OP.
A better question to ask would be how do we get (((their))) controlled discourse off its leash?

yeah these nigs are hilarious, even though they want to eradicate all white people, they still manage to hate jews (whom they call khazar demons) more than us.

They yelled a bunch of shit calling people nigger, faggot, cracker, said the whites were going to "harvest the organs" of a black

The kids started doing school cheers with adult permission to lighten to mood and not hear the hate being spewed by the nigger apes.

Then out of no where a wild indian mummy appeared and decided to play the staring contest, YLYL and I'M NOT TOUCHING YOU game with a random White student.

Student was a good boy who didn't do nuffin. Literally just stood there. Now he is a pariah. This is 2019. I hope you own some of pic related and something to put it in.

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plot twist a inbread like paid off the niggers and the teepee niggers off. Everything you see on tv is literally faked
Threadly reminder America is Aryan clay. Red jews fuck off back asia.

Lying niggers go back to asia

These Blacks are based. They stir up racial relations and harass Jews on the street. Based and siegepilled

Based fellow whites

I'm sharing this here because I don't use social media but I was browsing halfchan's /gif/ and stumbled on webm related.

It looks like the younger native american harasser that was saying racist shit to the kids is deep in bed with the black Israelites, this wasn't a coincidence this was targeted harassment.

I'm not 100% sure that it's him and would like to get more eyes on this but even if it isn't him there is some connection between black Israelites and radical natives it seems.


Attached: Link between black Isrealites and native harassers.webm (640x360, 2.92M)

das riiiiite
inbred crakas!

Fuckā€¦. I've seen some shit.

The main provocateur was a kike.

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A statement like this makes me think that actual Jews started the Black Hebrews. This is a line straight out of Jewish eschatology. Or maybe one of them actually picked up a Jewish book and read it, who knows.

Do they speak Hebrew fluently or is this like a cargo cult sort of thing?

They do look like the same guy with a few extra years.

Natives and kikes both come from Mongolia right. Really jiggles the jello

The kikes are trying to cause groups to fight each other. It's totally transparent.

What's the name of that native casino/tribe south of Tucson that those homeless vets found a little kid skull near..the border is open for fucking truck traffic down there. They don't even hide it at all. *call them Red jews**

They burned acres of land after those vets found that shit. Rothschild owns Tucson btw for any newshits.

For what?

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And the real shitter of it all is that the Black Israelites were shouting shit, really hard core racist shit at the chugs before shouting shit at the white kids.
But that didn't matter, even the chug with the drum ignored the shitskins and went straight for the white kids with his passive aggressive routine.



I guess those boys can sue shitter and the (((media))) now.

holy fuck, dont roast me, but i hadn't seen this before. this is literal "We waz vikings, we waz king of England and sheeeit". these fuckin losers are batshit crazy, seriously, their fucking wingnuts

Probably because all of the "outrage" is being generated by trumpniggers and the mainstream media, both of which are populated almost exclusively with vile semites and nigger lovers.


yeah, "sorry, it was all a big mistake, fake russian bots scammed us". what a clown world.

It's almost as if that's where the meme came from.

and I thought he just made fishin poles and reels

(((CNN))) is talking about it because they hate black hebrews. If it weren't for the black hebrews the white goy would still be guilty of white racism and white privilege.

When did msm stop allowing comments under their articles? If disqus is still around, it must be subsidized.

Because pointing out nigger behaviour is racist to libtards. MSM is run by mentally ill jews who're cucked to shit.

you mean this jew

Dilbertman observed yet its too spicy to oblame black hebrews, whose whole MO is trolling and roasting .

based steel case poster

black herbrews are a sensitive topic for jews. usually the jew will take non white peoples side for anything just to be anti white, but black hebrews are anti semitic (or pretty much anti-anything that isn't them) and claim to be the real jews

if they cover black isaelites, not only will they move white people to the right because now they realize black people can actually be extremely hateful, they will also lower white guilt about the holocaust.

Did they come up with the Khazarian imposter theory?

More like a wrap-up smear.

low effort sage

bump for discovery

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They were just going with that Get Out movie. The young men white men were reasonably confused by that as well.

Even fox news is you dumb nigger.

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The funniest thing about this is that if you see DNA tests of African-Americans, a lot of them actually do have a portion of Native American, Iberian, Sephardic-kike, and in the case of the US specifically, even Scottish and Scandinavian DNA, which means that technically they actually wuz kangz, but in a completely different way than they think they are.

It didn't. It came from a story where one of the kartrashian coal burners was with a nigger who named its son "king cairo" and actually had sand flown in from egypt to put inside a store it opened that was selling nigger egyp (bc niggers, of course, could tell if the fucking sand had come from the beach or fucking Egypt).
That, and on veteran's day 2015 or 2016 they had a nigger and a stronk womenyz on the jewggle doodle. Inspiration struck, the jews released the game (who's name escapes me, niggers in egypt and right around that time) and it was off and running.
Living where I do, I appreciate black israelities and the way they harass kikes, and the police are too afraid to even say a word since they are so fucking confused. If it goes to court, is the cop worse off for siding with the kike or the nigger claiming to be a kike? And they don't bother you so long as you don't make eye contact, keep on a serial killer expression and spit as you pass.

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It is more than curious when an old depiction(the oldest known) shows a man that looks neither "White", jew, fake jew, or Arabic

Attached: Abraham Isaac.jpg (716x638, 156.56K)

This could be better but I appreciate the sentiment.

People are talking about X. Always.
Shit, man; even CNN is talking about that. Just because nobody is talking to YOU about it doesn't mean nobody's talking about it.

The funny thing is they don't idolize kikes, they fucking hate them. They think the kikes are fake kikes, and blacks are the real kikes. They call them Khazars in reference to the ashkenazi ties to khazaria (which I think might have some truth to it, dunno)

It would be fucking hilarious if it weren't so totally insane.

The Thirteenth Tribe, by Arthur Koestler
Benjamin Freedman's 1961 Speech at the Willard Hotel
The Invention of the Jewish People by Shlomo Sand

The Khazar hypothesis was pushed by jews to take the blame off of themselves and push it onto an extinct gentile group. It also affirms that jews are not a race but are just some mongoloid and/or caucasoid group.

It's jewish disinfo.

It's not niggers idolizing kikes. It's kikes started this movement by cherrypicking slave verses and telling the dindus they are chosen. It's not a as big as other discredit movements by (((them))), but it is more of a mockery.
(((They))) know that the Europeans are the lost Tribes of Israel. We are kinda related to them and Arabs through Ismael and Esau, but we were blessed and chosen. They have the Devil as their father.

This isn't what's in the books or in the speech, and it doesn't make sense either. If one believes that modern day Jews are descended from Khazars, there isn't an "extinct gentile group" to blame.
So what? The evidence presented is pretty extensive, and includes genetic and historical studies.
"Accuse the other side of that which you are guilty."

Maybe because they're low effort nigger tire.

love seeing that jewboy cry