Kikes angry as far-right pages are thriving on Tumblr
White nationalist propaganda is still extremely easy to find.
After Degenerate Purge, Only White Nationalists Remain on Tumblr
That’s funny because the porn and sexual things are considered degenerate by the nationalists. Really make you think.
We Tumblrwaffen now
i am very disappointed in that second image's lack of transparency
third* jesus fucking christ i am retard
Victory after so many years.
2019 is turning out to be an interesting year. Who would have thought back during the 2014 tumblr/4chan war that five years later (has it really been that long, holy shit) we would have effectively conquered them with our ideology.
Ah yes. I remember when I first went there to troll and ended up finding white male supremacist porn. Good times
dude, ick. You're looking for trannypol.
oink oink
Yo that’s baste
I saved these to spam in BLACKED threads on half chan
Fuck, I just went over there and searched for "Zig Forums", assuming that was going to be fairly safe. I was wrong. BTW, wtf is pic related?
Joseph with tits.
a lot of iron march guys used tumblr to host their artwork and writings. there was unironically great content on there for many years, not sure how much of it is left now.
Don't let your memes be dreams.
2019 is going to be awesome, not to mention 2020
Joyous shitposting aside fora moment, it sounds like a hotbed of child grooming. Probably got nuked for widespread cp and trafficking shit like craigslist did. Good riddance. Somebody's son isn't getting brainwashed into trannyhood becasue of this purge, and that's why it's a good thing
Never thought I'd see the day
I would have mirrored the t's, but it would have no meaning then.
Lol does anyone have links to any of the love spawn spawn of pol on tumblr?
Thanks user, got a good laugh from this.
strong independent white woman who dont need no niggers or kikes
basically what happens when pol fucks tumblr
pic related?
Good, coopting the enemy's tactics is a good start to taking the internet back tbh.
It would be so easy to chase them off tumblr too. They would all delete there accounts so fast if they got trolled.
Top fucking kek.
Jolyne is my waifu
tumblr is unrionically full of great content, if you aren't curating a White Nationalist blog in enemy territory, what are you dOING? sAVITRI dECI IS super popular with the vegans and feminists there, good in for repdilling
Tumblr does have some good content. I think the only site who's content is verifiable garbage is reddit, and even then, the tiny subs are alright.
Really, the internet in general has some great content hiding in it, the only reason people here don't see it is the usual imageboard autism. I recommend heh pilling yourself if you're still reluctant on viewing other sites.
so this is what tumblr OC looks like
Hit reply too early.
Things like pic related is fucking hilarious, you won't get this kind of dumb shit here, nor can you really enjoy it if you take the internet too seriously.
WTF is JoJo?
kid is like a miniature majin buu
Tumblr is run by Jews so no surprise they want to promote Nadzees.
I want to fuck tumblr-tan
We even conquered Deviant Art. The cultural blitzkrieg has only just begun, brothers.
Tumblr format is unironically a good fit for our message, with blogs and easy but permanent ways to host images…
Oy Vey!
Gobbels said nazi was a good shorthand
Getting insulted by a jew is a fucking compliment you retard
Thank you White Nationalists for helping us Jews kill the White race
Damn, that waist.
I had to look it up too.
htt ps://'s_Bizarre_Adventure
He said nazi-sozi and that was back in 1926, it never really caught on and later the term "nazi" was used disparagingly by our enemies, so fuck off. We say natsoc here.
Who fucking cares but you Nazi fags? Jews win, Whites lose as always.
Yes, push Nazi faggotry everywhere goy!
Daily Reminder kikes will die and lose forever, never to return to this universe, or any other plane of existence, ever
tumblrs nat soc blogs i knew about, but DA? that's impressive.
A good number of those tumblrs in the screenshot where the blog name is shown are bot accounts full of porn virus links. I would be surprised if all of that is just a PS job over a tumblr search layout.
Isn't that the "art" blog site where creepy Yifniggers post their "art"?
Turn it into a literal extension of Zig Forums.
♪Do do do do do do♪
♪It's just another daaaaay!♪
there's always been a colony of furfags on DA but it's not exclusive to them, there's tons of other autistic stupid shit they share space with too.
If we want to win the culture war, we should sites to ban porn.
Tumblr might have purged the blogs after the (((media))) complained.
The entire Jewish-run postwar world order is crumbling before our very eyes, and it's fucking beautiful.
Less than perfection, but unlike (((tattoos))), at least it's removable.
This calls for a celebration! But still much work is to be done.
kikes can only cry on TOR, which most of us filter those 0's anyways.
If any of you have natsoc blogs on tumblr I'll follow. This is truly the best timeline and a weird enough one to have me back on tumblr after years of being gone.
Can someone please post some links to some of these tumblrs
i cant find shit and i really want to be white pilled on this
hear hear
Why would you care though?
Because it shows the movement is growing dude
dont be a fucking black piller shit poster dude
its cool to se even if some are troll acounts
if ethno nationalism is reaching larger audiences of whites thats a good thing no matter what
I hope it is too. I just got here. :D
Are you seriously replying to a TORpedo?
DeviantArt has some good shit too
Tor users are mixed bag, representing both the best of Zig Forums and the worst of Zig Forums. And you'd still be a faggot, with an id or without.
t. torfag
Now this is fucking hilarious. tumblr, the degenerate cesspit of the internet has become a right wing website after filth got banned.
It's a sign.
In my neck of the woods a nosering means the lass would be on her knees blowing whatever opportunistic lad bought her dinner that night.
See these ladies? Nothing about them screams 'far right radical extremist nazi fascist bigots' &c &c &c. But the left will perceive it that way on account of the emphasis of femininity, the white children and the traditional wear. If you successfully provoke the left with simple displays of fertility, then in the mind of normies the right wing will become subconsciously tethered to pretty white women and babies. Even if on the conscious level they ignore the left's assertions that pictures of fertile white girls in dresses with babies are emblems of 'radical far-right hate' and suchlike, the subconscious will associate the two and thus you can spread memes like have families to white people without explicitly phrasing that in words. Girls especially cultivate images like this in so called aesthetics blogs on Tumblr and one can easily meme fertility to them (which they are naturally inclined to according to the dictates of evolution) through images of pretty people. There is no need to use hooked crosses or explicit racial imagery, and any backlash from the left will be a net boon to us.
It all starts with feminism. Purge that and all the other -isms lose their main source of power.
Really goes to show we outnumber leftist when they can't (((censor))) us.
looks like a Danish gril
u fokin wot m8?
I'll need some evidence of this.
Imagine being a yid so terrified by shitposters that you spend 24/7 shilling on their board.
Deviant Art is where a lot of Iron March artists are from.
Read the comment.
where do you find all these blogs? I just started and stuff like this is at my homepage. tumblr still seems like a sea of left leaning shit with just islands of /ourblogs/
I've only ever used tumblr for finding a e s t h e t i c images.
Translation please.
user we live in an age where the slogan "it's ok to be white" is extremely triggering both online and offline to normie retards.
The left has radicalized itself so much and is so paranoid of us, that pictures of beautiful happy white people have almost the same effect as the swastika on them.
At least spoiler your filth you degenerate low life.
Was operation homefront a success then?
We don't even have to do anything but exist for them to start have panic attacks. That's how much they hate us.
Search for "Aryan" and you find tons of blogs. And then when you find a particularly Zig Forums post open up the notes and open all that reblogged it in new tabs.
Unfortunately, sometimes you find degenerate, meth-using, assfucking skinheads as well like these.