Video allegedly shows MAGA Teens harassing girl

She claims that they harassed her when she walked by, before the incident with the old Indian Man. However her twitter reveals her to be a radical feminist and the video itself is selectively cut to hide context, again.

Leftist twitter shills and news outlets are starting to pick up on the clip and use it to justify the witchhunt against the teens. What does Zig Forums make of this?

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Other urls found in this thread:

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Go back to reddit with the other dead memes, kiddo

Anons have apparently dug into her twitter history and found a few….. interesting posts

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Yes, she should be ashamed that she ever turned away from the truth.

Thank you, Murad-Al-abdi-el-shitskin-al-shabbar.

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Maybe they interacted with them before the video was shot who knows


Yeah, its obvious they did, it would be great if video from the MAGA teens emerged showing the girls verbally abused them first because of their hats, i wouldn't be surprised honestly.

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BREAKING NEWS: Video allegedly shows NIGGA Teens harassing honky. News at 11.

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t. kike trying to fit in

The left is trying to push a new narrative. They're using a 8 second video of 6 kids yelling MAGA at women, but their original narrative was that all students directed it at native Americans including Nathan Phillips. The latter claim is disproven by the 2hr stream.

Tl,dr double down

Additionally, accuse her of being a racist for using slurs. If leftists try to claim that she's changed over the years, then point out how she changed without a mob going after her.

Posted an idea for anons:
Dig up her racist and discriminatory tweets, pointing out that the kids didn't say anything offensive in comparison to her 22 year old self and stating the fact that she changed without a mob intimidating her.

Without proof of course. I do hate that we're talking about this stupid story. What are they distracting from?

We already knew that about you but thanks for spelling it out… I guess…

Look out everybody, Don Rickles coming through!

MAGABabies when?

First and best kike-free first post.

All I need to know about this story.

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Probably just some bitch trying to get attention. Could also be a psyop to try and get the narrative back on track.

Oh, (((you))).

Teachable moment for newfags, and for the others here who think abortion is no biggie. I used to think this way too, until I got pilled on the dark spiritual forces behind the practice of abortion.

You know how we joke around about "if you only knew how bad things really are"? Well, abortion is how bad things are. The blood magick of abortion is at the beating heart of marxist-progressivist plans to annihilate us. Innocent blood is a powerful fuel source for Moloch's infernal machine, and whether the devil literally exists or doesn't, these cultists are possessed by unclean spirits.

The Covington kids peacefully voiced their opposition to abortion. Sensing a disturbance in the evil fluid, dark forces dispatched an emergency reaction force of Black Israelites and a couple of red Indians to hold the line while heavier artillery could be assembled behind the lines. When the initial narrative crumbled faster than expected, Plan B – the photoshopped pics of the niggerball game – were released faster than the Kraken.

Now that Moloch has had a moment to plan, what should be the killing blow will now drop. Dear me! A girl says she's been harassed but not raped on a battlefield like she deserves by these bad old meanines, who were coincidentally on the brink of not getting savaged by the kikeslaves in public.

In short, all the Jews' tricks go out onto the shelves when the issue is goy women killing their own flesh to please the real king of the Jews. If you are ever going to resist the plague of abortion, be prepared for something like this to happen to you when you become effective.

I imagine that's what happened.

There's a hidden statistic with abortion; when women have one or two abortions no matter how brave a face they put on it it's terribly traumatic for them spiritually to murder their own baby in a casual way like this. Totally unnatural for them but they've been indoctrinated to just turn to it as though it's a casual thing and it's not.

The result is they become lesbians. They associate casual sex with men as being something that will tear them apart inside so they turn away from men.


She looks like an scorned woman, whose highschool boyfriend cheated on her with the class slut. Probably been a feminist ever since.


double niggunt

the looks thinner in the older profile pics. she got fat in college and unnattractive so she gravitated towards "empowerment" and feminism.

she wants the d

Who gives a shit about this??? I don't give a shit about MAGA hat brainwashed shitheads, fucking idiot go back to cuckchan with that trump and MAGA shit

Or just ignore her and stop talking to shitlibs about their hysteria. We could try not validating these insane criminals, and maybe brainstorm ways to get little pockets of white identity back.

Sorry. I'm a little worn out on triggering the libs/owning the libs. How about fuck the libs, I want a white credit union?


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Why is the right wing so insistent on "we wuz good boys we dindu nuffin"? The left is openly advocating for our death and will double down when confronted about it but MAGApedes want to be little fucking Boy Scouts.

dead leftists are good for America

Video is the few seconds of banter some boys responded after she and her friend verbally antagonized them. There's a reason the video starts with her looking at them. I didn't make out anything they said but this is basically the filmed version of a classic crybully move: Antagonize someone privately and get the attention of authorities to punish their out of context reaction.


The thing that impresses me most about the retarded MAGApede spastic is that on the one hand they pretend to understand what's going on, while simultaneously sucking on the same jew dicks responsible for the entire problem

Okay, you got any examples of these kids personally doing that?
Or is this just some irrelevant "fuck MAGApede kiddys" posting?

can someone swe if this works please

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48 hours later and this is the best a CNN news room could cook up.

This user speaks wisdom. It's similar to the "kid who was molested more likely to be gay/lesbian" thing, it comes down to imprinting in trauma. The thing is, people are wired to adjust to "enjoy" things they can't escape over time or become numb to it when it's ongoing whereas trauma that's life altering but not recurring leads to aversion. This stuff should be common sense but for obvious reasons it just doesn't pay for it to be.

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Looking at these kids unironically makes me feel proud. It's wonderful to know there's still hope for future generations.

I like this pic, the girl is honestly asking for it for real
sauce & moare of her plz?

Heh, this is like the time the cops in Colorado posted the faces of kids at a 4/20 smokeout. It just made them more popular.

The ENTIRE media, is now on the platter
The ENTIRE media, is now on the platter
The ENTIRE media, is now on the platter


Jesus Christ some of these replies are classics though, top kek.

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Leftists are attacking kids because any adults would stomp their asses.

Attached: Its_not_rape_if_you_enjoy_it.webm (1080x720, 126.45K)


Attached: Kekistan_faggots.mp4 (720x1280, 2.23M)

Where's the kekistan part coming from in your filename?

Checked for deep truth.

What is your purpose here?

Okay, where do I send the rope to OP?

Maybe because they wear civnatcuck paraphernalia?

Attached: Trumpniggers.mp4 (1080x720, 4.91M)

But CivNat =/= Kekistan.
They are two equally gay things, which are not necessarily connected.
I don't see anything 'Kekistani' in any of the imagery. Maybe I missed it.

Still true.

(s)he seems very upset about the 'its not rape if you enjoy it' bit.
Not sure why.

Strange that there hasn’t been any “real news” for a few days now.

‘’’One has to wonder what they’re distracting us from with this bullshit. As if the country even needs to pay any attention to this little spat.’’’

i once heard a nun shout "dead leftists can't do this dumb shit anymoar"


Solid first post from a great user

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That's not what a kike would say user.
Plenty of kikes love MAGA. To pretend otherwise is disingenuous.

They want to isolate people on the right from everyone else. From women, indians, etc. So that people in these groups attack the right instead of joining them. Classic D&C.

Plenty of kikes also hate MAGA, like you. I'm just here to fuck over lefties.

Nah. Most of those people will never join 'the right' user. Non-White women will never do it, featherniggers will never do it.
What they're doing is just a perpetuation of their attacks upon White European society from any and every angle.

Gross, faggot.
So do plenty of Whites, like me.
I'm just here to secure the existence of my people and a future of prosperity for our children - i don't give a shit about 'left' and 'right', and neither should you.

Attached: Hitler - Third Position.jpg (1024x512 41.52 KB, 149.86K)

That's true, they are less likely to join the right, but at the same time i don't think they are very likely to oppose the right. Attacking them for no reason turns potential allies into enemies.

You're wasting your time on that guy.

But I do faggot, and there's nothing you can do about it

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Kavanaug is such a pansy for not going after Ford and the other liars.

Archive the screen caps and put the url of the archive in the image.


Your retardation is your own problem.


D.O.B. November 24th, 1991

190 Cross St
Coventry, CT 06238-3306

Voter ID Number: 004101272


Apparantly she is a raysist? Big if true, but doubt:



Associated Phone Numbers:

(860) 324-4398 - Wireless
(860) 742-9266 - LandLine/Services
(860) 712-5138 - Wireless

Previous Addresses:

39 Sam Green Rd
Coventry, CT 06238-1688



Peter B Lachance
5 Rivergate Apartments
East Windsor, CT 06088
(860) 742-2293 - LandLine/Services
(203) 292-1043 - LandLine/Services
(860) 292-1043 - LandLine/Services

Abigail L Goodwin
41 Sparkleberry Dr
Pawleys Island, SC 29585-8091
(843) 808-3441 - LandLine/Services
(860) 377-8217 - Wireless
(843) 235-8088 - LandLine/Services

Anthony J Goodwin
1022 Hidden Harbour Dr, APT E2
Melbourne, FL 32935-5264
(860) 970-5568 - Wireless
(860) 997-0355 - Wireless

Abigail Huestis
41 Sparkleberry Dr
Pawleys Island, SC 29585-8091 [email protected]
(843) 235-8088 - LandLine/Services
(843) 655-7834 - Wireless

No crime was committed.

Attached: its-called-free-speech-you-communist-faggot.webm (640x360, 856.1K)

she was so based what happened


Attached: you are liars and murderers like your father the devil.png (600x540, 143.52K)

A woman's claim is ALWAYS a lie.
Harassing women is a natural behavior of human beings (that is, Men).
So, nothing wrong happened.

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Depends on what the right is trying to do and how the kikes spins it. Anything 'the right' might do that is beneficial will innately be opposed by, for example, non-White women and Injuns.
Those creatures will never be your allies. You are like a lion talking about not aggravating the leopard because you consider it a 'potential ally'.
It would rather eviscerate you and watch you bleed out slow.
Your biggest problem is that rather than understand your situation and address it honestly, you want to pretend you can rely on others to protect you, but there is nobody else that wants to protect you anymore. Everyone wants you dead.
You will protect yourself or you will be destroyed, and none of your 'potential allies' will lift a finger to aid you, or if they do, will be in so small a number as to not matter.

That's fine, stupidity tends to work itself out.
If you want to keep boxing yourself into the false dichotomy you've been given, then you'll remain in the box your enemy made for you.