Anything from contact with these chimps to genetics to the shitholes they inhabit.
Nigger Hate Thread
Other urls found in this thread:
Fuck White People
Fuck White Nationalists
Fuck White Supremacists
Fuck White Apologists
Fuck White Men
Fuck Racists
Fuck Sexists
Fuck Bigots
Fuck Nazis
Fuck Fascists
Fuck Republicans
Fuck Libertarians
Fuck Conservatives
Fuck Right-Wingers
Fuck Christians
Fuck 4chan
Fuck T_D
Fuck Incels
Fuck Alt-Righters
Fuck Alex Jones
Fuck Ben Shapiro
Fuck Milo Yannapolis
Fuck Steven Crowder
Fuck Trump Loyalists
Fuck Donald Trump
Good post, OP
Looks like you got them booty blasted
Also nice projection, niggerkike
well, post some then OP. What are you waiting for? You created this thread…
Ogga Bogga back to africa
These "X hate threads" are just another form of slide.
but niggerhate threads are a classic? they amuse me.
No, I approve of this form of shitposting. I like the counterculture behind it.
They're fine occasionally. We've been getting these hate threads for women, niggers, homos, muslims and all sorts of other hot button topics for Zig Forums in rapid succession lately, which isn't fine.
pedos to the left
Even the chimpanzees mock you, nigger
the absolute state of Zig Forumsyps
Got a problem nigger?
No one's forcing you to stay.
got a problem wh*toid?
No one's forcing you to stay.
They actually make great fathers.
I bet Glowniggers are not allowed to bump these. These threads are probably classified as "Rogue Elements with Mandatory Non-Engagement policy"
I always love the shitskin butthurt everytime these threads are made
You were the one who came up to shit up this thread, oil slick
Kike counterbumping thread with pro-nigger material because he is afraid the next thread will be "Kike hate thread" . KEK
Dumping Moonman
The insecurity in this thread is hella cringey
Yes, yes, let the booty blast build up
It truly amazes me how many kikes and their shitskin employee will try derail a classic nigger hate thread
This is just sad. I remember when Zig Forums was actually funny and didn't come off as tryhard little kids.
Wtf? I hate Zig Forums now!
Go back to 4cuck
Fuck off faggot
What the fuck are you blaming me for faggot.
I am basically contributing to this thread.
Cuckchanner is a cuckchanner
(((You))) have to go back
Well look (((who's))) back
Confirmed cuckchanner in
Woah... white men look like THAT?
off yourself faggot
fuck kike mods who deleted my posts
Carry on.