You’re laughing now but you’re not going to be laughing when 4-digit IQ Chinese superhumans show up at your door and use telepathy to make your skull implode in on itself.
This whole denouncement is a hoax.
This guy is not actually being punished because he didn’t actually violate anything other than international law. The Chinese used this “oh we didn’t tell him to do this tho” excuse in order to push this into the international arena of discussion.
The whole “resistant to AIDS” part is also an excuse. What the Chinese are actually going to start doing – no doubt already are doing – is creating super-intelligent superhumans with telepathic powers who will probably also be able to levitate by manipulating matter with their thoughts.
This is the new arms race. And the sickening West is just bowing out of it because filthy Jews told them genetic engineering is “unethical.” Apparently, even believing that genes affect intelligence at all is unethical as well, according to Jews who keep telling everyone that niggers are smart. Well, Jews: nuclear weapons were relatively unethical as well.
The fact of reality is that if your competitor is doing something, you have to do it too in order to keep up with them. And that means if the Chinese are genetically engineering superhumans, we have to do it also. But the Jews have us in a vice-grip of their ethics gibberish because the very last thing they want is a bunch of 4-digit IQ superhumans refusing to be politically correct and tearing down their entire social construct regime.
The age of the superhuman is now and we must enter it. Call your Congressman today and demand that the government start funding genetically-engineered superhumans to fight the Chinese superhumans immediately.
The chinaman called your mother a dog. Make him suffer.
Alexander Gonzalez
Hello there, bugman.
Kevin Torres
Brody Thompson
Genetic engineering is good goy its not like the chinese would be engineering subservient drones to work there factorys or nothing Here why they would keep far away from high iq super gooks because soon as they do that they have created a new class that can outwit and think any of their glorious leaders nothing scares the communist party more then that
Ryan Lopez
did you just try to nig me
Leo Wood
Samuel Phillips
Alright, Chang.
Jason Morris
动态网自由门 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Free Tibet 六四天安門事件 The Tiananmen Square protests of 1989 天安門大屠殺 The Tiananmen Square Massacre 反右派鬥爭 The Anti-Rightist Struggle 大躍進政策 The Great Leap Forward 文化大革命 The Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution 人權 Human Rights 民運 Democratization 自由 Freedom 獨立 Independence 多黨制 Multi-party system 台灣 臺灣 Taiwan Formosa 中華民國 Republic of China 西藏 土伯特 唐古特 Tibet 達賴喇嘛 Dalai Lama 法輪功 Falun Dafa 新疆維吾爾自治區 The Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region 諾貝爾和平獎 Nobel Peace Prize 劉暁波 Liu Xiaobo 民主 言論 思想 反共 反革命 抗議 運動 騷亂 暴亂 騷擾 擾亂 抗暴 平反 維權 示威游行 李洪志 法輪大法 大法弟子 強制斷種 強制堕胎 民族淨化 人體實驗 肅清 胡耀邦 趙紫陽 魏京生 王丹 還政於民 和平演變 激流中國 北京之春 大紀元時報 九評論共産黨 獨裁 專制 壓制 統一 監視 鎮壓 迫害 侵略 掠奪 破壞 拷問 屠殺 活摘器官 誘拐 買賣人口 遊進 走私 毒品 賣淫 春畫 賭博 六合彩 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Free Tibet 劉曉波动态网自由门
Nolan Edwards
This copypasta is topjej. Real organic 100% effective bugspray for free.
Lincoln Green
Robert Phillips
Title of thread should be:
The eugenics war has begun.
Aktchually. jpg
Gabriel Garcia
You must be way behind the times. They have already said they have isolated at least 21 genes that increase intelligence. They have already begun testing and proved 3 years ago they could increase an entire generation's IQ average by 1/3 of an SD. Doing that twice yielded them a full SD increase in 2 generations. That means: -they expect their 300million surplus of men to be dead soon. -the next generation replacements are already being implemented as they have lifted the 1-child policy. -new-borns within a couple years will be at least 20% selected
NY times reported on this shit years ago bro. These kids are already out, walking and gaurenteed first and send gen models/selections are hitting middle school already if not high school/Western Colleges.
h x x ps://www.n y
Leo Williams
cidf detected
Carter Myers
Soon Chinese will all be blonde-haired and blue-eyed. Hitler would be proud.
Good job setting a grand vision of converting all Christians to monkeys, Rothschild. Enjoy extinction with the population of retarded monkeys you devoted your life to creating.
Even the chinks are apparently against it. The only assholes likely pursuing it wholeheartedly are jews.
Jack Perez
Refreshing to hear news of real progress.
Logan Nelson
You are now aware that Grey aliens are actually Chinese from the future who have selected and modified their genetics for raw intelligence while removing genetics for creativity due to their risk for various forms of psychosis, which causes a synthetic psychosis.
Anyone who honestly believe any of China's self proclaimed achievements is a retard. Those fuckers can't even mix concrete right.
Michael Diaz
Take a break from the negative stories caused by Israel's innovative Nigger Empowerment Psy Ops. Enjoy this story of people fighting climate problems rather than running away to Europe to help McDonald's lower wages further.
Cooper White
I find it hilarious that you consider this the big problem. It shows not only a considerable lack of thinking but also knowledge. As it stands what has been done is to attempt to modify one gene to try and recreate a naturally occuring mutation that confers resistance to HIV. HOWEVER HOWEVER HOWEVER They failed. Probably. See nobody is quite sure as the modifications once complete did not match up to the natural mutation in either child. Could be better, could be worse, could accomplish fucking nothing.
But this isn't the problem. The problem is we have no idea what possible negative side effects there are of this. For all we know something could have been altered in there genetic makeup that results in them getting early onset alzheimers at age 40. So they hit 40 and both gets alzheimers. People will have forgotten they're the first gene mod babies. So it won't get connected. Nobody will connect the dots. But at that age we can expect them to have one or two kids who also have a strong chance of passing this modified geneline. So lets say they both have 3 kids and two thirds of the kids suffer the same fate. So thats 2 victims becoming 4 in one generation. Now lets say again they all had 3 kids. So 35 kids total. Two thirds again suffering the same fate that brings us to 23 or 24 victims. It could be a hundred years or more before the connection is made and by that point its too widespread to effectively contain. All it takes is for one or two of the male descendents to be a bit of a playboy and it gets far far worse.
The potential for widespread damage to the human genepool is utterly horrifying. The solutions moreso. We must either enact gene engineering nuremburg laws. Forbidding any sexual activity between modified and non-modified humans. With extreme punishment for violators. Or we must impose blanket bans on travel from countries where gene modding in humans is taking place along with from any countries that don't also impose such a ban. With no possibility of being removed from said ban list.
In the long run we shall as a species have to establish a preservation zone for original humans. A fully self sufficient nation in which modified humans are not permitted. Just so that if there is some huge fuckup through gene modding, we don't go extinct. If the Chinese communist party have an ounce of sense in them they will quietly kill the children and provide assurances/evidence of them having done so to other nations.
Of course they're going to have one. They'll call it a zoo and wonder at the quirky behavior of the dumb monkeys in the pen with a mere 150-ish IQ as they telepathically float above us and throw peanuts.
Anthony Perry
Fuck off back to cuckchan, Pajeet.
Nolan Cox
Well a couple of subhuman bugmen did seig heil in front of some government building in Germany and got themselves in trouble. Don't know if chinks secretly worships Nazis.
Justin Jenkins
How about no?
Matthew White
A zoo wouldn't be self sufficient and would defeat the point. It has to be entirely self sufficient as it would be the base from which the species is rebuilt in the event that genetic engineering fucks up humanity.
There's not even any evidence that being hyperintelligent is actually good for humans. Sure being high IQ is good, but having an IQ 300 points above normal? How can anyone know if that is actually an evolutionary advantage?
Maybe at that level you just sit and meditate and don't do anything. Maybe you're so autistically intelligent, you don't even want to reproduce because muh climate change. Maybe you kill yourself because the world is too boring. Or you have zero creativity, like a robot you are just programmed by the state like a "clever" educated western NPC today who thinks being a cuck is intelligent.
I can imagine a civilisation of 100-150 IQ destroying a 300-400IQ civilisation in war, just through sheer animal bravery, determination and not being afraid of dying, and not minding being a simple footsoldier for something greater than you. Kind of like how working men today BTFO 'intelligent' students in basic common sense and fighting.
You're making tangential paths to the twisting, winding, diving, and turning. Tangetial paths lack enough variables to show you what's going on.
First Gen and Second Gen (or rather the initial starting point) wasn't CRSPEr based, it was simply "natural selection". Same process for invitro, growing multiple embyos for each couple. except they sequence these embryos, select out known genetic diseases and pick whichever has as many of the 21 or 23 identified genes from their 2500 smartest people in the world project about 10 years ago. Ergo, the first part will not be as problematic as actual genetic engineering. However, they are still smarter than the average…
Joshua Martinez
Fret not, jews. The U.S. is close behind.
Eli Green
Chinese are bugmen. Try a nordic with a four-digit IQ.
We use time travel and quantum entanglement to make sure you never leave your mother's hospital if you cause us problems.
Well the issue with that argument is that IQ is not a measure of intellect. It never has been and was never designed to be. Even current tests do little to build off the original pattern recognition tests which were used to gauge mental development relative to age in children. Yes folks those IQ scores everyone gets so worked up about were made specifically to see if a childs mental development was proceeding normally. If your child scores 100 on a test intended for his age bracket then congrats his mental development is proceeding normally. People though are thick and love the idea that you can measure intellect with a single test that spits out a simple easy to understand number.
But we do have people who could be called "super intelligent" but you'll rarely hear about them because they're all a bit unhinged and don't interview well. The public much prefer charming pop-scientists who come out with pithy quotes or have some heart warming story about them or who just know how to put on a good show for the camera. You know folk like Einstein, magic science nigger, the wheelchair guy, etc. Rather than a guy who wouldn't remember to bathe if he wasn't reminded and can barely string together a coherent sentence most of the time. But whose work on radar waveform modulation is decades ahead of his peers.
Chinese have the highest IQ scores. Africans have the lowest. Chinese are inventing the most things. Africans do nothing. Stop ignoring basic evidence that IQ scores matter.
Eli Williams
You fail to grasp the point. IQ tests in their original format measure pattern recognition. On the premise that our brains get better at pattern recognition as they grow and develop into maturity. Modern tests add a bit of what is essentially general knowledge or linguistics knowledge.
Now I'm going to post a smug anime girl and you're going to back and think about that AND the point you tried to make.
Kill yourself Shlomo. IQ is real. Race is real. IQ is a direct measure of intelligence. Blacks have low IQs. It is genetic. All of this is undeniable fact, backed by overwhelming scientific evidence, and not contradicted by anything but your faggot feelings.
No they do not. You are confusing SATs for IQ tests because you are very stupid.
Robert Hill
Keep making more excuses for brown peoples' failures. Maybe the next one will make afrimerica great again.
Eli Reyes
Chaim you're embarassing yourself. Please stop it's depressing to think anyone is this stupid. Just stop masturbating for two seconds and think. What does a low score on a pattern recognition test imply?
It’s actually not entirely bullshit, it's just that it's disappointingly underwhelming in effect. Telepathy and telekenis are well documented, but have never been found to be particularly useful for anything. What you get instead are people who can predict something with a 1 in 5 probability maybe 1 in 4 times on average, or a child who can occasionally move a ping-pong ball a few centimeters with their mind. Statistically significant enough to prove the phenomena, but that's about it. This stuff has been studied extensively and there are plenty of scientific papers on it going back to the 60s.
Alexander Peterson
waste of trips
Lincoln Gonzalez
Unironically this. I doubt it's likely to succeed, but if it did, they'd just gradually genetically engineer future generations into tall, fit, Nordic-European looking blue eyed blonde Aryans. The only question is if these vessels they create will have Aryan souls reincarnate into them, or… Whatever it is Chinese people have instead of souls.
Connor Gutierrez
If anything the government memory holed it and replaced the public's idea of these phenomena with sensational hollywood nonsense. Also, many of the studies were independently funded anyway. Anyway why are you so desperate to dismiss something so benign and inconsequential anyway? What's so hard to beleive about it? Are you a strict materialist? If so, you're in the wrong neighborhood.
Robert Russell
looks like the chink internet defense force is out of their cage again
Parker Myers
Starve elsewhere, Chang.
Andrew Phillips
Nice dubs. The AIDs resistance part is absolutely an excuse. AIDs isn't an epidemic or anything to even worry about. It is an absolutely preventable disease, you just don't have unprotected buttsex or use dirty needles. They just needed a cover like that to start doing research on genetically engineering people. I have always said that the end game is to be able to create humans in as large batches as possible of identical twins. There would be a few different types of people they would produce to serve different roles optimally. The concept is similar to the Hatchery and Conditioning center in Brave New World by Aldous Huxley. Of course, next would be conditioning. Conditioning would be done in a way where kids are raised by the state. They are trained to fit whatever purpose they must with the help of their optimal genetics. There are many methods being used to start easing this idea into peoples minds. First, is separating the ideas of sex from reproduction. This is done with pop culture promoting promiscuity, pornography, abortion, homosexuality. Next is to make people believe that is something is being done in the name of science that it is always for your benefit (I am not religious). Another tactic is to destroy the family unit. It is not conducive to creating slaves. This is especially important to the conditioning phase.
Hunter Johnson
What you're suggesting here is a bit fantastical and far beyond what is possible and has been done in this instance.
Landon Powell
It's okay user, I too suffer from autism.
Bentley Morris
-can't into trends -can't process why they suceeded or failed at a task -can't into planning as a result of being unable to see your part in your own life
Kayden Rogers There is a technological Eugenics arms race coming and the Chinese and Jews look set to win. The Aryan civil war in WW2 destroyed our chance… there is a slim chance for a revival nya~
I am sure that it will be close eventually. They aren't at that level yet, I am just suggesting they are beginning the process. The internet, that we are communicating over right now would be called fantastical 200 years ago.
Brayden Bennett
Watching you two argue about IQ is like watching two children with a vocabulary of 20 words each argue over the best candy.
IQ predicts an aptitude for pattern recognition, which forms the foundation of human intelligence. So it is very significant, and a fantastic metric for predicting the success of groups in many areas. However, pattern recognition isn't the only thing a human brain can do. There is also verbal intelligence, spacial reasoning, charisma, and intuition, to name a few. In other words, while IQ excels at predicting the success of a group, it fails to sum up everything that makes an individual intelligent or effective. You're both basically arguing semantics. IQ is a great metic, and it clearly matters, but it's also obviously not the only thing that makes one intelligent. IQ is more like the most important prerequisite for intelligence.
Christian Ward
Why do you stupid stupid STUPID people keep breaking the links?
Nicholas James
I've wondered about this my whole life. I suspect that an excessively high IQ like 200+ is very difficult to cope with, and that such individuals would have a very difficult time relating and working with others. They would seem crazy and would inevitably reach logical conclusions which average people would never understand or accept, and would end up being outcasts. Kind of like how we are demonized for wanting to deal with the kikes and their degeneracy, and how we have a lot of autist among us, but way more extreme. At least, that's the gist of my running theory so far.
Matthew Davis
My point is more that IQ tests aren't much use in adults. Having a high IQ in adulthood isn't a measure of anything other than pattern recognition skills. By adulthood if you're getting under 100 on a proper test then there's a problem but anything over 100 is more likely to be a well trained pattern recognition ability than any measure of your general intellect. Or a sign of a mental disorder.
Never forget that jews are big advocates of IQ as a measure of intellect.
And like every other GMO they will have cancer and be generally unhealthy for everything it comes into contact with.
Matthew Sanders
Oliver Wilson
Based on the chinks own admission it hasn't worked. Sort of. The changes induced don't match up to the natural mutation they sought to copy.
Christopher White
>m-maybe we should accept the jewish supremacy, the chinese are w-worse
How about no, if whites go down, chinese are preferable to jews to replace us. Then we end up as top aesthetic anyway between chinese women and whiten them, we won, few generations and whites rule again.
Cameron Diaz
nice trips, but,
Brody Scott
David Wilson
i can confirm telepathy
mostly low resolution shit. f.e. someone is hunting me. i can(maybe) tell that he is in vicinity but that is about it.
Brody Hill
But what if they get genius-level white person DNA? It could be as small as a pin prick or a hair follicle in the coming years and do you think the Chinese are one's to be emphatic about literally anything? The government doesnt have to explicitly state that they are taking white DNA but they will do it anyway in a shoddy offhand attempt to emulate white DNA to make their own genetic frankensteins. If they even found one person who was pretty close to what they wanted, don't you think that they would try at least 1000 times to find a good hybrid of the differences? I don't think they'd make some 4-digit IQ superhuman but they might make actual humans instead of the bugmen that they are. Maybe I'm wrong, but I could easily see the chinese government trying and calculating the result of 1000 babies created with this shit and destroying all the rest. It's not out of the realm of possibility, it's why most chinese technology is stolen from western countries, they can't create things themselves and need a copy to emulate.
Benjamin Nelson
They can post on an imageboard… without an image.
How do I get off this planet!
Liam Kelly
Most full measures of IQ include verbal reasoning, "spatial" intelligence, and even intuition to some extent…
To sum up the timeline: CRISPR & cloning are already available but will remain unimportant indefinitely for various fundamental reasons; multiple embryo selection is useful now but will always be minor; massive multiple embryo selection is some ways off but increasingly inevitable and the gains are large enough on both individual & societal levels to result in a shock; IES will come sometime after massive multiple embryo selection but it’s impossible to say when, although the consequences are potentially global; genome synthesis is a similar level of seriousness, but is much more predictable and can be looked for, very loosely, 2030-2040 (and possibly sooner).
Jordan Scott
In short, iterated embryo selection (the ability to take embryos, have them produce stem cells, then turn those stem cells back into sperm/eggs, fertilize them, genotype and save the best; repeat) is what will change everything. A few millennia of eugenics done in test tubes over a few months…