Volkswagen joins male bashing
Strong empowered thot breaks up with infantilized VR addict boyfriend, riding in her VW paid for by daddy or with divorce rape bucks.
Volkswagen joins male bashing
Strong empowered thot breaks up with infantilized VR addict boyfriend, riding in her VW paid for by daddy or with divorce rape bucks.
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The newest episode of Star trek: discovery literally had a man die for doubting/talking back to a woman.
Probably to accelerate the economical crash by delivering reasons to downsize the production lines and fire the working drones.
I think we're getting to a point where there will be zero push back against hard line islam to put women back into their place.
All the comments are focusing on the anti-male angle, but none on the anti-marriage angle.
i think everyone should focus on pro dead leftist messages
Jews, user. The rest is always diversion.
VW, Subaru, Volvo (and Prius) all SJW Globalist pandering.
The Saab and Saturn of old…
daily reminder that one-line OPs about random bullshit are not threadworthy. put in some effort, cuckchanner.
Reichswagen was better
This makes me sad, I liked Subaru a lot.
I enjoy seeing these major corporations and media outfits trying desperately to further the end of this society.
I'm making a list of where the CEOs of these outfits live and if/when things go off the rails, that's where I'm headed first. I bet their houses are full of shit I wouldn't mind having, like their tvs, cars, daughters and maybe wives.
Pretty fucking crazy when you consider Volkswagen was founded by National Socialists.
Well, It looks like Volkswagen is ready to go broke.
I don't really see it that way. It's just women being bitchy and uncaring. Women, in other words. It's highly authentic. Women never love.
I don't see the problem.
As far as I can tell, very few people at this point have VR headsets still. So that won't be what most people identify with.
This. Is this supposed to portray her in a positive light? She acted like a straight up cunt lol.
I think OP misinterprets the video. It's an anti-betafaggot ad, not an anti-male ad.
Betamale VR victims don't deserve a family. It's a good message.
It's strange that they don't make a positive ad, it doesn't help their brand, but the message is important, albeit not positive at all.
What's the wicca connection?
Every thing they did since 2001 has been a pile of shit in comparison to their early stuff. I still run a 99 impreza turbo.
Interchangeable but a well trodden and programmed path.
Isn't strange how there's a connection with secular liberals in hollywood, politics, and music having an affinity towards witchcraft and satanism? It's as though their beliefs are associated with evil and black magic.
vr is the future
Wicca was founded by a kike.
No shit, when the 60s came round, kids had already been heading to india where they were getting redpilled by /ourguys/ who had claimed asylum in the country, as well as the soldiers of AZAD HIND which continued fighting even into tibet as the communist chinks invaded, long after the fall of berlin. The entire "New Age" movement, was originally started by our kin, and was directly referencing the end of the Kali Yuga and the dawning of the Satya Yuga or next Golden Age as the greeks put it… and preparing for the current age of chaos which we now reside in, where we must burn it fucking all to purge the poison that is the kikes from this world.
To stop this, the kikes did what they always do, being creatures incapable of creation. They corrupted and perverted the image of the New Age and the hippie movement by creating (((YIPPIES))) and created all these bat-shit insane crystal shops, the marketing, the (((wiccans))) and the (((satanists))) to divert people from the truth.
It is interesting how corporations like Proctor & Gamble, VW actively antagonize a large part of their potential buyers, just to gain some cheap political correctness points.
There is no economic rationale behind that and for example the mass immigration of uneducated, useless and aggressive foreigner, or the man made global warming scam.
The heads of most western corporations act more like member of a cult than cool calculating economists.
Really strange, what might happened behind the cover of the western world power structure. What is clear, there is very tight control now, more than even in the former East-Block.
Bing-o, fren
Guys it's because their many share holders who asked that they make a political ad, opposed to increasing the value of their shares. Duhhhh
to be fair cuckseveratives do the same thing
search lesbian marketing campaign subaru
Whoah, bruh. That dude has it all figured out. He's got everything packed neatly into his box.
You ain't SHEIT, WHITE(?) BOI!
This but we all know anti-male is anti marriage
oh gee you showed me
Of course I just searched the car brand and bumper sticker for my images
Lets try Ford bumper sticker;
close, but nope… scroll scroll scroll… still nope
Lets try Prius bumper sticker again… yep;
It’s hard to care about money when your (((sponsors))) have tons of it. This was never about capitalism his is a world wide social conditioning experiment. Profits don’t matter in this experiement only brainwashed foot soldiers do
Bumper stickers are for retards.
The first two aren't so bad. Probably nice ladies.
I didn't even search that I searched right wing bumper stickers anyway most bumper stickers aren't political but cringy humor you find on t-shirts
women think belittling and fucking over guys is positive
welcome to the modern world…
ad agencies are run by jews and you can bet big corp is super subverted by (((them)))
they're cunning political schemers so they always rise to the top with the help of each other or just by pure scheming abilities
these companies aren't owned by (((them))) so they don't care about running them into the ground in the age of political correctness
if you go against ads like that in big corp (((they))) will make sure your head rolls…
(((they))) are combining all their forces at this point in every organizations to give whites the final death stab
the message is: everybody hates you - just kill yourself already
They're genuinely going to be surprised when they wake up at the age of 39 with a string of unsuccessful casual relationships and a child that doesn't know it's own father, became redpilled and now blames it's own single mother for the downfall of society.
I feel bad for Women I genuinely do because they're not going back in the kitchen, they're going back to the cave.
fixed that for you
most aren't even going to be single mothers
it's going to be the harpycalypse…
I already see so many middle aged women with kids (single mothers?) given me the evil eyes these days while I just go about my day
women are out for blood…
it's just shaming
in reality a guy would be so tired of her nagging and crazy demands that he would go for VR instead
I don't know man, I'm in my mid twenties and I constantly have Women try to hook me up with their single mother friends. And sometimes I'm even shocked at who they bring to me, like I'll have thought they were alright in high school. It's like a baby boom of people who shouldn't be having fuckin kids.
do the single mothers bring along young Jamal hoping he'll grow up with a father?
Money isn't power, it's an illusion. When the people you work for can print it at will, why would you chase profits?
Implying they will ever have the self-awareness to realize their situation. They will continue to lie to themselves and the world all while making you pay for their misery anyway they can.
"Everybody hates you just kill yourselves already."
I see that blackpill comment in many variations. They have to keep the programming consistent or else their whole house of cards will collapse. The stakes for them of not keeping us distracted and divided is that they'll be swinging on a lampost.
Witches are seen as a symbol of female empowerment because they undermined patriarchal medieval society.
Nothing of value is lost
But I like the subtext. Women are entirely too shallow to comprehend electronics or technology, or to respect things which are outside of the stupid whore realm. Decorations, attitude, the animal realm. Women aren't humans.
Fuck off back to kikechan, nigger.
Subarus are cheap and versatile, but I fucking hate them. Most uncomfortable seats, and every time I go to fix something on one I end up breaking some piece of plastic. I've literally got bailing wire and glue holding a lot of my subaru together.
Shit cars only retards buy anyway.
Perhaps if she were a proper woman, he would not spend time playing VR. Sounds like she is the problem.
It's even better seeing women that work for the government doing it. I am just like, stupid bitch, who do you think pays your fucking wages.
big daddy government whose bitch you are…
women don't think in abstracts…
Dreams are not real. Neither is anything in that post.
Yes, no shit the woman in the commercial is a vapid whore, the commercial still presents her as the winner and the white male as the loser, and your average knuckle-dragging viewer watching this will always come to this conclusion because they're too dumb to understand anything more complex.
Let's turn this shit thread into something, pol.
like niggers, your word doesn't work, user.
fancy new words should roll off the tongue not dislocate the fucking mandible.
…and because I can't think of where to put the following I'm just going to dump it here as if I was a pajeet with a sore tummy:
This afternoon, while walking the dog, I ran interference for a bumble bee so my silly mutt wouldn't stand on it and cost me $70. He has done this twice before.
I begin pondering the humble bumble bee…Honey bees do the job perfectly fine, unless they have that nigger veroa mite hitching a ride, so what gives with the bumble bee?
The existence of bumble bee began to annoy me, not only does it appear to serve no obvious purpose (aside from pollination but the honey bee could do that) it really shouldn't exist anyway. Shouldn't exist?
Das rite. If the Earth is periodically wiped out by some calamity and the most recent global shitstorm appears to be around 4000 years ago, where are all the insects and animals coming from in the first place? If everything burns globally, or is wiped out by giga tsunamis, followed up by weeks/months/years of darkness and bitch conditions nothing should survive to repopulate the Earth when conditions improve.
So is the planet restocked from without or within?
Because there must surely be no way life can bounce back quickly enough from cataclysm to sustain a human population on its own.
If I'm overlooking something obvious, kindly divulge.
I don't really get the problem with this commercial.
Who cares about 3DPD bitches when you can have 2D waifus in VR?
9 chances out of 10 that's a dude.
Reminds me of retards putting stickers on laptops and shit. Annoys me.
More like they will get a job at some shitty blog and get paid to bitch about the patriarchy and toxic masculinity.
GC8 was an amazing machine, still highly sought after.
They don't show the bit where she rear ends someone while playing with her phone.
Also BMW 100% Bavarian phenotype none of that smelly VAG group stuff.
< children are evil
That's so goddamn nigger. MGTOW never said that, dum fuk. If you're not CIA you should be shoahed.
None of this changes the fact that VW doesn't make a decent male targetted vehicle. The Golf these days is literally a hipster mobile. The Audi's still have decent vehicles, but nothing to fiend over.
For a decent performance car you can get way more value with a Mustang or Camaro.
For a good economy car, Honda and Toyota win.
For a good luxury car, Lexus and Mercedes.
For wealthier people there's no reason to not go with a Porsche, or higher end Mustang or Camaro.
Also. I learn plenty, I just know you're not as powerful as you think you are.
You wait for the depreciation to hit rock bottom and buy it off a single owner that used the warranty religiously.
50k car for under 10k and brands like BMW go for cheap because people think it's like working on a German spaceship and don't want to touch it.
lol why?
Don't care. Will not stop buying Volkswaven.
Who fucking cares about volkswagen anyway, they don't make cars, they make vanilla flavored paste. Not to mention the only 'good' cars they ever made were just total rip-offs of other manufacturers anyway. They ripped off the peugeot 307cc to make their shitty convertible, and then fucking then they made the "passat cc".. now for the unititiated, the CC stands for 'coupé cabriolet' or convertible coupe.. the fucking 'passat cc'? is a fucking four door executive with a fixed fucking roof..
And when was the last time the golf had a meaningful facelift? Not to mention they're always that same fucking drab shade of silver
brb gonna go run a golf off the fucking road
tl;dr fuck volkswagen
Only one sticker on my Pug.
Typical “who the fuck uses this product featured in marxist advertisement anyway” reply. You can expect this every time so cucks never have to come to terms with the fact society has decayed so much this ad even exists.
Fuck off shill. sage for slide thread.
Good argument
exactly, they're fucking plebmobiles
as is your peugeot
The tvs will be useless, and they will have walled estates with armed guards, but if we all work together, nothing is impossible. Remember the first rule of revenge: two eyes for an eye. The second rule is have fun.
not my one fren, it's full-spec and nobody has a peugeot in my country
Reminds me of a time when libtards were 10x more sane. Notice there's no messages about niggers, BLM, ANTIFA, LGBTQIOP and radical feminism?
They probably live in Bal Harbor Fla. It's an island on a private lagoon and you don't get in unless the security gates on the causeways to the island let you in.
Perot lived there and pissed off his wealthy neighbors when he dredged out the lagoon so he could pilot his massive yacht up to his mansion on the water.
Rich people didn't get rich by being stupid you know. They're always about 10000000 steps ahead of us…
As someone who has worked for rich people, I can tell you that's far from true.
The armed guards will be gone around the same time that their fiat buckaroos become as worthless as the paper they are printed on.
German cars have been going to shit since German reunification.
Most of Islam is kiked, though. (((Feminism))) is infesting places like Saudi Arabia, believe it or not.
Damn good post.