Does anyone have a list of these people? I know there are some.
List of "conservatives" that dogpiled on MAGA hat kids
Other urls found in this thread:
QTDDTOT, niggerjew.
I'm aware of Greg Gutfield, Ben Shapiro, and Rick Wilson. No surprises there of course, I'm sure there are many more.
Anyone has some screencaps that we can keep posting back to them? I'd love to see them have to see their own words, again and again.
Check out /dox/ and make America great again…
The so called "conservatives" are like those 2 female politicians that change their party status to democrat the moment they become elected.
Oh, no. He called them out! Bet they're real scared now.
Tell every LE agency to go home, and stay out of the way. Let the purge begin
nah fuck that, this is a good thread, cuckservative traitors need to be annihilated
What's the fascination with the sanctity of police with you red state randy types? They are an extractive force who profits from terrorism against you.
The user who made over 120 posts calling it a "psyop"
you forgot 8ch is cuckchan now. not that I want it
I'm not convinced that it isn't a psyop to show what's acceptable conservatism. The press release from the one boy is full of, "Hatred is always wrong." "Racism is awful" "One must always be pacifist." talking points.
What's your fascination with Communism, pink hair and zero culture? Your group does nothing to change the overlord equation, and you attack the proletariat.
If you're not conservativing your race, then what in the fuck could you possibly be conservativing?
Man you're a fucking idiot. Filtered.
NYT has already issued a retraction saying they got the story wrong.
You're wrong user. Cops are an exception to empathy here because they are nothing but militarized terrorists that work for (((them))). Anyone who willingly fights against their country's better interests, i.e. fighting for kikes, deserves death. Just like with niggers, just because one cop happens to be good, doesn't mean we should treat the majority like the minority.
Have they retracted the lesson that if you are even slightly "MUH RAYSIS" a horde of drooling SJWs and niggers will call for the death of you and your kin nation-wide on every available media platform with the blessings of both major political parties?
Likewise fuckhead for assuming my comment was about their safety, as opposed to not having the pain in the asses around when gods work is being done dumb ass
"Filtered"? Faggit!
Sure but that's pretty divorced from my point.
I don't know they rarely ever do that though even when they get something glaring wrong
Why do you fucks read into shit? The comment had nothing to fucking do with shit you imagine. Can it!
It's not a psyop just because cuckservatives aren't 100% Zig Forums. Take your meds.
no kidding. this ABSOLUTELY deserves its own thread.
God's work
Creating a list is step one, and that list is more complete than anything I've seen here.
Things are lining up far too conveniently for me to just dismiss. The woman who came forward accusing them of harassment after the initial video got debunked just happens to have a bunch of tweets calling blacks niggers? This just happens to reinforce "the democrats are the real racists point with every single thing shown? Its either a psyop or has the unintentional side effect of being one as it serves to deradicalize people on the right.
politicians can only enact policy because the leftist infiltrated police back them up…. no police= no politicians
dude stfu. jesus christ
I'd assume that's because this random small town Kentucky Catholic school suddenly has the eye of the Beast upon them, and they're feeling the heat. The left is obviously going to try and spin this, and they spent 24 hours pushing the kid as the new face of hate, so they have to address that.
The event itself was obviously organic, black Hebrew Israelites are famous here for their ability to cause a scene, pro-life people protest regularly, and the media is desperate for a story about white hate.
Things happen in real life. And people with life history generally have skeletons in the closet, I understand that concept is alien to a basement dwelling NEET.
One of the few things I agree with you commies on. The only good cop these days…
Things don't line up this neatly in real life, things are messy.
The only problem with police terrorism is that most of it is directed at the wrong people.
Someone trying to be a 2 bit commissar against these kids having racist tweets is "things lining up neatly" to you?
Again, this is all explained by the media jumping the gun and being too eager to try and ruin these kids' lives. Now they're in damage control mode and we need to be on the attack, calling out leftists for their abhorrent behavior towards these kids. But you'd rather be here talking about how it was a psyop. Pathetic.
Everyone in this thread should be on twitter, or FB, or anything, and demanding an explanation from leftists why they are targeting children.
50 deservs def
It's a slow day and frankly, better to have a thread compiling a list of backstabbing cowards than yet another religion debate thread or yet another "Orange man good… NO! Orange man bad" thread.
You misunderstand, the one with tweets calling blacks niggers is the woman who went after the kids. That's why I'm saying its lining up too neatly, it serves to shunt the right into the "dems r da real racists" box they want to keep them in.
The wrong people according to who? You. Not the police.
Clearly the President is Chaotic Neutral.
The republican party has been an anti-White genocidal organization since its inception. I agree it fits together quite neatly in the little Fusionist narrative trumpstein is trying to spin.
No I do understand. I'm saying that, in and of itself, is messy. You're giving them far too much credit. You are quite literally the only person I've seen referencing that woman's prior tweets. No one cares about that, and even if some cuckservative does go to dems r real racists, then the right move is still to be in social media keeping the story on track for our message.
More like the people who write the police's paychecks. Arbitrary difference I suppose.
I started this here instead of cuckchan because discourse actually happens.
They are carefully curated before they are ever hired.
Its all over twitter.
No, it serves to give cuckservatives a sweeping victory and give them the lesson that they'll be defended as long as they're good goyim.
Not really viable as the kids and their parents are pushing the cuckservative message.
Incoming expulsion and further life-ruining for that boy. It's already happening on Zig Forums like half a dozen threads yesterday "HE'S A JEW GOYIM" trying to kill any support for the truth of the situation.
He's not going to get expelled, he's going to get treated like a hero and be the cuckservative version of Hogge.
Except he did something. He didn't buckle to some fucking activist retard trying to get on national TV and cause an incident
Whether it was a planned psyop or not this is bad for us.
you're insane or a shill
How? How is people seeing the explicit white hatred of the (((MSM))) and the entire government apparatus going to hurt us?
You're a fool, explain how cuckservatism being encouraged is at all positive.
it's not, what the fuck are you talking about?
By conditioning the public that the only acceptable response for the right-wing is to stay racially blind while giving them the moral high ground of democrats being the real racists. It reinforces the status quo of any sort of racial consciousness being the ultimate sin one could commit.
found this link between the harassers and black israelites, same guy who told kids to go back to europe?
you're just making shit up now and stringing together words. none of this is happening.
You're a willfully blind fool, its quite clearly happening.
You're actually retarded. You're the type of patsy that would see that 11+12=23 and connect that to 23 israelis in a board room.
That already existed. That's already the dominant narrative. If you believe all that, and you're acting in good faith, then the right move is to get stuck in on social media and remind people of all the disgusting things the left has said about these boys for the last 48 hours.
Amplify Ann's message calling the right who denounced these boys scum, point out the nature of chief Crying Wolf as a professional agitator, and don't even acknowledge the DR3 message.
You are giving the cucks power. Right now, by doing this, you are giving them power. We have influence, we can push the right message.
Sure it existed but it was weakening.
While they're an issue the larger issue is that the children and their parents are reinforcing this status quo, so any attempt to use this event for our purposes would be undone by the words of the Covington boys themselves.
Ben Shapiro is the kind of faggot who will never publically confess the real reason why he dislikes someone, if mentioning it is going to make him lose symphaty in some way. You might remember him saying that he disliked Trump because he found him a "buffoon", "not a good model" and similar shit, but the real reason was, as Milo pointed out in some intervew, that he disliked Trump's decision to start reducing the involvement of the US army in ((foreign conflicts)).
They're not doing that, you schizo. Go back to your "THEY'RE ALL JEEEEEEEEEEEWS" script.
Have you not read his statement?
Who cares what they're saying? It literally doesn't matter, this is a national incident. You're looking for an excuse to do nothing, and sit here crying about how everything's against you. You're pathetic, I'm done. Of all the deviant personality types in our thing, I hate yours the most. I think you believe this, and that's the worst part. You've invented this intellectual defense for never engaging the enemy. Just sit on Zig Forums and criticize.
Fuck, I'm mad.
user. You're replying to a kike. Filter and move on.
I don't think he's a kike, that's why I'm mad.
Hardly, I just refuse to engage the enemy on a battlefield where I'd be ambushed by a third party who has the high ground. I do plenty in real life.
everyone filter this derailing retard and focus on the OP please
Every. Single. Thread.
At the end of the day, who care if that poster is a kike or not a kike? Just filter and move on. There's a true-dichotomy here: it's either a kike or a cuckservative republican. What you do to handle the situation doesn't change.
Anonymize your screenshots. Don't reveal anything you don't have to.
Nicholas Frankovich writer National Review The Covington Students Might as Well Have Just Spit on the Cross
Rich Lowry editor National Review
Jonah Goldberg National Review justified it by an appeal to false equivalence
Alexandra DeSanctis National Review
Bill Kristol
Ana Navarro -
Ben Howe -
Jennifer Rubin
Jim Swift -
S.E. Cupp -
Guy Benson -
Meghan McCain
Hugh Hewitt -
It should have been clear from the context of my post that I was criticizing the people who think that.
You have a point, but stop fucking talking like a tumblr soynigger. Jesus. You may as well exclaim "yikes" foe how much of a cock gargling FAGGOT you sound when you speak that way.
god bless. Looks like a full list of nevertrumpers
Fuck off. This isn't MPC, we don't need a million special snowflake phrases to establish that we are in the ingroup.
This shit is just fucking sick. With this, the communists NEED to die.
I hope all of their fucking assholes rot.
You need to not sound like a cum guzzler. There isn't much benefit to Zig Forums winning if the outcome is some nancy soychuggers spouting womanly phrases with limp wrists that just happen to have more natsoc political views. Citing some shitty goon site doesn't change the fact you sound like a child molesting fruit. A la la homo faggot.
I'm not going to agonize over what some faggot on Zig Forums thinks of how I type. Deal with it.
Would you stop pretending like you matter? Give it a rest.
This is a task that definitely needs to be done.
Stop by my OP while you're over there:
Seems like It's getting a bit better as of late. I feel like some old diggers are either returning- or new ones are just discovering this place. Still not as many as I would like to see but there is still hope user.
I don't have any specific cuckservatives of note to add, but I was disgusted with "Conservative" retards on the normie forums swallowing the (((media's))) narrative without question. We have several years of provable "Fake News" examples and they're still fucking taking the bait.
as always…
Traitors First
Gonna get called a TRSodomite for this, but…
Find other anons on social media and call out these conservative traitors, call their offices and flood their phone lines
I follow Mike Enoch on twitter, and whatever you may think about him, he is an aggregate of info to find these people. Making an anonymous twitter account with a googlevoice phone takes 20 minutes max. Mass-replying these cuckservative tweets and tagging Tucker Carlson gains visibility. Not every normalfag uses twitter, but the TV personalities do. Tucker Carlson calls out (((Bill Kristol))) for slandering the innocent kids, and then deleting the tweet (and not apologizing). Tucker also includes the Irag war (a war for Israel) that hints at his loyalty to Israel.
What can you do?
There are adult anons without kids. If you're not going to have white kids, then you have nothing to lose. Infiltrate the GOP as plain nationalist conservatives, and turn the party into a pro-white vanguard. Take the cut in pay, even. Jews infiltrate everything and only promote each other through nepotism, but if the party is purged of cucks and flooded with prowhite members on a grassroots level, then the party is too swamped with prowhites to be a machine for the jews.
Waste of time.
Look what (((they))) did to their goodest of goys Steve King. The neocohens would crash the party at the slightest hint of a pro-White agenda. As it is, they're doing their damnedest to neuter the Republican Party for daring to go in a civnat "Muttland First" direction.
Been outta the loop, someone gimme a quick rundown. What the fuck even happened with dacapede kids and chief tonto that's got everyone so salty?
The video is all over the internet, stop asking to be spoonfed.
Yeah I saw it. Feel like I'm missing something because it's literally nothing.
You're missing how evil the left is, that kid committed facecrime by smirking at a proud native elder veteran hero. There are complexities that don't matter, apparently the Black Hebrew Israelites were involved. But none of that matters. The point is that leftist journalists have doxxed these kids and are busily trying to ruin their lives, to the applause of childless cat ladies across the country. Call these people out on twitter, or faceberg, or wherever. There's red meat here.
No fucking shit, faggot, of course cops are going to attack their enemies. I bet you might even find someone who disagrees with the political stance of the SS/RWDS/U.S. ARMY/ISIS/IRA, while simultaneously acknowledging that they have respectable tactics.
You're not going to when everybattle. You have to make them work like hell to achieve anything. Force them to sweat a bucket to take just an inch.
If mods were useful they would delete all derailing posts including responses.
This is a fine plan.
"It’s not rape if you enjoy it”