Supreme Court allows transgender military ban to go into effect
Supreme Court Upholds Military Tranny Ban
What a time to be alive.
finally some good new
based and redpilled
If she gets anally raped while she's out jogging dressed like a demented nymphomaniac that even the most shameless whores of the 50's or 60's would refuse to appear in public like that OMFG the howls and lamentations…the quivering blubbering victimhood.
On the one hand, it's great to see these arrogant fuckers smashed in the nose. It's fun to watch them pull out their hair and cry because, for once in their disgusting lives they didn't get their way. They don't get to have their cake and eat it.
Good. I hope they choke on this.
Too, this is a moral victory that may inspire more patriots to continue the fight.
On the otherhand…
I worry Trump accomplishes something immaterial and symbolic instead of concrete. I worry because it doubtlessly has the effect of pacifying patriotic Americans. They see daddy Trump scoring a small victory and are satisfied enough not to resist the System directly because daddy Trump will take care of it for them.
In addition, as a political dissident I actually would rather that the US security forces be made as weak as physically possible and flooding the place with human waste like trannies and faggots makes the US military demonstrably weaker.
BTFO. Only health White men should have the honor of dying for Israel.
Fuck you Autumn Sandeen! Fuck you!
You are going straight to bog!
There should be an olympic weightlifting event for women but much different than the event for men..
It should involve a special dildo fitted to a weight so that women squat down over it insert the dildo in their vagina and then lift the weight up by the kegel strength of their pussies.
With a stout ass like this broad I bet she could lift at least 45 pound with no hands, just her pussy strength.
Within my lifetime there were laws compelling people to join the US military. Now we need laws to keep people out.
Well yeah, if you wanted a surgery that cost more than $200,000 and you just had to join the military for a few years, most of which would be time spent healing from said surgery, why not?
Is it wrong that I recognize this as cammie from SF?
Does joining the military get your tranny-surgery paid for?
And he was jew.
I have no problem with trannys serving because they are actually male.
"That sounds like a GREAT idea!"
Hey Rabbi.
He's Lebanese.
B-but/pol/ 's shills told me that Kavanaugh was a leftist!
Hold up. You're saying that a faggot can go to a recruiting office and say "hi I'm a faggot but I want to be a turbo faggot. If I enlist and rent my body to the government will the government pay for me to fuck that body up?" And the answer is yes?
Look, I am not defending the fucked up world we find ourselves in, and I'm not denying we live in clown world. But saying the military will pay for tranny-surgery is more than even I can believe.
Did they actually hold session? Was Ginsburg there?
We aren't fighting for (jew) anymore shlomo, didn't you get the memo?
Fuck off /r9k/ incel faggot.
Back in my day they were called nylons. even the whore's price tag is showing
Allowing kids to be "transexual" is nothing more than a side-step to allowing pedophila. Forget every other "partisan" issue, forget race realism issues etc..How can we not all, regardless of out political beliefs, come to together and stop this unholy mind blowing depravity?
STFU Nazi fag wanting Whites to be raped.
He didn't dress her like a trollop.
The amount of Americans that died in the me is statistically insignificant. Whites suiciding at home is literally a far more significant problem.
LMFO, that reply is gold
Because promoting pedophilia is part of the left's agenda.
Imagine being degenerate enough to actually write that. Immediately gas yourself.
Trannies verboten for real.
Now, mobilize the masses to kill all LGBT abominations.
Use the imagery of the tranny child abomination in a strip club, to incite hate and violence against the LGBT abominations.
Good. That this was ever a question, however, only shows how far down the rabbit hole we've gone.
Daily Reminder
US Whites are the only racial demographic with more men than women in ANY branch of the US military.
Do they count as double affirmative action hires?
monkey wrenching the jewish foreign legion does sound like a great idea.
her butthole is like 4" wide wtf
Burdens btfo
I WANT the 'murican mill-turry fem-faggotted up.
& the rest of zog's institutions.
Only healthy white men should die 4 global jooniggerfemfaggot supremacy.
Now just remove the women, fags, niggers and spics.
Ok niggers I need transgender facts and shit. Help me find info to dispel the myths about murders and shit like that.
Use /polarchive/ you lazy nigger. This ain't cuckchan
Thanks m8. Have a dancing loli.
It's funny that we have all of these red flag laws being proposed but the transgenders who mutilate their bodies wouldn't be targeted.
Special snowflakes are above the law.
Oh wow! Now our country is 100% dekiked and free again!
Oh look, JIDF porn posters.
Because outside of Zig Forums 99% of people don't give a single shit. Especially the baby boomers.
jews being jews
Oh look, an incel
Yes goy, we will just casually insert porn onto your political thread goy. Don't mind me.
What do you mean I'm trying to make you addicted to pornography? What are you schizophrenic? Take your pills goy.
it doesn't kick them out though. this allows for them to stay in. still a mentally disabled person in the military
Check'd and kek'd. Nice to see some good news for a change.
Fucking MAGAfags are the most delusional cunts. You fucking burgers keep eating kike propaganda because you are too fucking retarded to pick from 2 zionist candidates because you don't know any better. Enjoy dying for Israel and having your country fucked, faggets.
What kind of moron thinks it's a good idea to let a person who is mentally unsound so much so that he can't even tell what gender he is entrance to the armed forces? If he's so unstable that he's willing to spend money to get his dick cut off and operations that only "fixes" the external and not the internal..what makes you think he's stable enough to be holding a firearm the battlefield?
Please someone post the reddit tranny account biopic. For science.
It's this pic, but with the post-op pictures. Does someone have it?
Nevermind, found it.
The salt must flow. Post your best.
Tranny child fuckers rule the Ausfag Military. See here
Trannies are disgusting monsters, this is great news for humanity.
If you rape a woman and you identify a woman you go to a womans jail and get free condoms in Australia. Strange but true. First tranny in womans jail raped many women. My next fetzer show will expose it.
if you are a child a gov funded free legal service for fags only says you dont need your parents permission to cut off your cock for gay boyrapist pride.
your tax dollars at work
Salt thread confirmed. This time they actually are sending their best.
Aww where is the tranny torposter? Did it kill itself?
Trannies were the next step after allowing Sikh’s with their turbans and accommodating other religious/ethnic crap in order for the Next Neo-Lib President to institute the Draft , probably right before WW3 with Russia.
Otherwise everyone will be showing up at MEPS wearing a wig and a skirt trying to get out of it
I'm not sure why they're upset. A lot of them are antifa types who are opposed to the military industrial complex. Why would they complain about losing the right to kill brown people overseas?
they're experts at killing.
Because the military or the VA afterwards would pay for their Dick to get chopped off or have their labia rolled into a sausage
Gotta give credit to the screamer there, no visible fillings or cavities. +1
It's real. Some branches fight it more than others but at the end of the day they have to bend to (((the will of the people))).
t. zogbot
High Tier:
Air Force
Mid Tier:
Low Tier:
Coast Guard
I Was Just Pretending To Be Retarded Tier:
Marine Corps
Well, if we need a crack suicide team, we know who to call then…
Whatever else, Trump's was the presidency of butthurt
hmm i dont get it, they go, they fight, they die
whats the problem?
What a clown world that was considered rational to begin with.
the trick with this is to stop giving a fuck.
this is minority that makes so much noise.
they go to war and they die. Or better give them bombs - suicide bomber 2.0
Besides, little blowjob for battalion will do well too
Transabled post you faggot.
I am against this ban. Instead they should put all trans on the frontlines full-time. Ensuring that these disgusting mentally-ill beings are purged from our society.
Funny thing is, I agree. If we're having people die for the kikes, we might as well backfire their original plan by eliminating the LGBTards.
Race is the cornerstone of morality you nigger.
All blue checkmark NPCs allowed to comment on Twatter should be executed.
It's beautiful.
They love this too, as they're natural masochists.
Thank you, President Trump.