We are now nothing more than a global marketplace, where every human interaction is treated as a transaction. This is a gigantic disaster and the cost is human beings.
I stand with the incels, who are the single most oppressed class on earth. I’m entirely sick of seeing no one in the world stand up for them. Presently, we can only look at this system and draw the conclusion that it exists for the express purpose of preventing people from interacting in a way that is normal and social.
There is no justification for this beyond “something something something free market.” The role of the elite, or the ruling class, or the state, or whatever was at the top of a social order and charged with managing it, was to serve the people by providing them with a path to work, to do the right thing, and to be rewarded for doing so.
Now, somehow, we’ve decided that society owes the individual absolutely nothing, that it is every single atomized person’s own duty to simply figure out a way to make their own lives work.
At the same time as the system owes you nothing, there is an entire grid designed to control every aspect of your behavior.
It would be one thing if we had a completely lawless “every man for himself” type system, where you could do whatever you wanted to whoever you wanted. A Mad Max type of scenario. Then the people with power would rightly be able to say they owe you nothing.
All hierarchical systems of government are doomed.
Isaiah Cook
Andrew Miller
That's hilarious that you believe the delusion that the rules of nature no longer apply. These are absolute physical constraints placed upon everything at the most fundamental level in the universe. When "society" collapses, natural instincts will reemerge with a vengeance. People that believe they are "owed" something will be the first to die.
It is easier to say “well society is garbage, at least I will get mine” than to become the next Adolf Hitler and fight for a better world. It seems unrealistic because of how conditioned we are as a people to tend towards utter domestication of the spirit and mind. There is a better world, goodness does exist and it can prevail. Places like this serve to help trigger and remove some of the conditioning which leads us so far astray.
Would it be worse if there was no master plan for our self destruction? That we, as a society and collected groups of people and peoples, just want to live the in a commercialized dystopia?
Someone good has to have the legitimacy and monopoly of force. I would be willing to submit to a just, honest, kind, and spiritually cantered person. If this kind of person had the loyalty of a modern western military force, imagine what kind of lives we could lead when good food, clean water, and health of a people and vitality, intellectual and spiritual development were our goals? We could be among the stars in a generation.
Carson Collins
The good hearted will always prevail in this life, or the next. When you talk like you do it almost seems like you are thirsting for a return to a barbarity of the supposed natural condition.
Daniel Lopez
Only i fyou engange in forging a contract. Take every oportunity to break the interaction and the npc(s) you are interacting with.
Gavin Miller
Also, pure realism ignores what is beneath the surface. Purpose should exist in ideals, too. Fundamentally healthy people are balanced in world views.
Samuel Nelson
We live in barbarity where the criminally unfit not only survive, but thrive. What is needed is a return to justice where those who feel entitled to the sweat equity of others are quickly dispatched.
It's going to happen anyway. I'm not saying it has to be a long term state of being, but it's the only means to effectively purge what needs to be purged. Sound familiar?
The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants. It is its natural manure,”
Austin Cruz
user, your little autistic interaction was infantile and only served to entertain yourself. You didn’t talk about the issue of personal info theft in a manner which is conducive to open conversation, and you managed to completely out yourself as a willing hypocrite for recognizing the issue yet still partaking in the transaction, all because you needed to get a buzz.
So your morals are over taken by the desire to drink. You could have withheld your purchase if you really wanted to protest the policy. In a thread about mass consumerism and transactions it is amazing to me you didn’t recognize or care about this.
Dominic Robinson
The CIA destroyed 100% of men's societies.
That gone, manhood decreased, friendships vanished. We need to rekindle this, and for men it's around interests.
ALMOST bro spaces: 1. REAL gyms (that require everyone there to be strong, not a pussy) 2. Radio clubs
Bro spaces are oriented around objects, concepts, studies, creations. We have even forgotten how to do any of this. We were robbed of our fucking social identities. Society now, as you point out, is just women's spaces (shopping, everloving every damn moment more goddamn shopping, blogs about product released, more bullshit to buy buy buy, more youtubers hocking more faggot buy buy buy).
Nathan Price
People don't even realize that as an option. I speak to anons from all racial backgrounds about nationalism and the importance of preserving their culture. Then I define Fascism for them. Everybody agrees. However, I never mention Hitler or jews. The Dick Dastardly approach isn't very functional.
I have only got one pushback and the guy chose flight instead of fight. He was Jap mixing with larger pink-hair Celtic lady but he was clearly a genetic Maylay and seemed bothered by having to ack that he was supposed to be Jap. No worries. Puropeans tbh.
Cameron Fisher
We warned you many times that jews are working towards dismantling the natural order. You have three options now 1) follow and die 2) turn your back to society, back to the roots of humanity and build a family/community on the principle of survival or 3) fight the power.
Xavier Russell
Men’s spaces can be equally devoid of truth. Playing black metal and grunting does not replace a deeper fundamental understanding of what constitutes a just society. The type of culture you advocate is just another form of consumerism based on T-shirt, gym accessory, supplement, steroid sales.
And user, I like gyms but for you to suppse everyone must be strong or not be allowed is insane and stupid. How does a weak person not get strong? Are you going to ban the person with a illness or condition that prevents them from being a big stronk man like you? You never been to a community centre gym and seen someone with a disability or an elderly person staying active?
You all preach community among your kind yet all I ever see is talk of murder and ostracization. I even see the merit in the racial apects but it is nearly obvious a lot of users have some egoistic desire to enact a revenge that might sometimes be misguided, a little bit or even wholly.
Just tired of the negativity and grimness. We all have it within us to cast light on this world. I know things can be and are essentially bad, but you can choose how you spread your energy.
Aaron Rodriguez
No lost tbh.
Brandon Roberts
You nigger Bier is European. They already had taken my information at that point. There was no going back. The best course of action is a lawsuit. I hate going to court, though. Since I do self-rep, I have to "agree" to faggot jew rules that place the judge above all other americans. They put you in a cage if you break these "rules". I prefer not to and will simply take my purchases elsewhere. Haven't been in a wj since before amzn bought it.
Nolan Kelly
But how can you blame the master? Hate the Jews all you want but it is your fine white race which bought and buys into the consumerist dystopia clown world trash fire. How many of you compost and grow your own garden? Do you actively try not to make unnecessary purchases? I admit I have been a brainwashed consumerist whore my entire life until now, but whose fault is that but my own peoples? No Jew was forcing my parents to park me in front of the television and be typical boomers.
Hate just will lead to irrationality and impulse. Jews are ruling this world because they can. We let them. There is nobody to blame but ourselves.
Brayden Murphy
Alcohol is an intoxicant and a drug that many people abuse. Justify your substance use any way you want, but claiming it is ok to buy commercial alcohol from a turbo-Jew corporation because beer is European is amazing to me. Are you actively trying to be suburban?
Kevin Peterson
Ryder Nguyen
Nolan Powell
Hitler actually fought back. Most of these modern numales chatise people who want to fight back. Frankly this "hwhite race" crap needs to die. It is so shallow and superficial no true brotherhood and community and rise out of it. Literally skincolor nationalism.
I agree, in part Most men are beholden to the ever-present monitor of nanny wife & mum. Or trying to look cool for biches.
So my concept of male spaces is the old way things were. But that was back when people had free time.
Today, we see the emergence, but also the lack of freedom, online, with many forums (reddit, the great meta-forum, by dissolving its boundaries and unifying its codes of conduct destroyed itself, because it requires too much self-monitoring for creative freedom), giving us a glimpse of the shadow of what men used to have.
Honestly, you need chakra work. Be careful what you absorb. And the outlook IS negative, damn negative. And we don't really know where to go from here. But negativity is incorrect, yes. No sense depressing oneself into a hospital bill.
Well, you're right-wing. Right-wingers are keen to notice threats. It's a psychological thing. But most of those talking of DOTR are actually yids and shit trying to stir it up.
Example: REAL fascists know that if you avoid fucking up the society of niggers they live their own damn lives and manage their own economies etc. When you dissolve the lines and force people around against their will you create conflict.
The whole "we can't live with them" thing is only true of two: 1. Muslims 2. kikes If forced to give up their religions, 1 and 2 can be a non-issue, despite their genetic predispositions. Similarly, it is possible to train a dog not to shit in the house.
Why tho? What do you gain from strawmanning me or another user?
Brandon Torres
The political landscape has changed. Fight means something different. People used to be impossible to really influence without literally destroying their army and taking over the airwaves. Today, it's possible to inject your views without firing a shot. You simply let them know a thing or two.
But you must learn their language. That's why I consider language education the #1 focus of the right-wing.
There's gun ownership. Fucking congratulations, you bought a boom stick. Grand. Now learn a fucking language so we can have influence abroad.
And to this end, it is very important to me to innovate in terms of easing the task of learning another language, and I mean not only novel invention, but also bringing all the tricks to bear upon the topic.
Xavier Hughes
I agree. White people should be saved but calling people niggers and etc just proves to me a user here is more interested in enabling nostalgia for a dying and now nearly useless board culture, versus actually making a better, just world for future generations.
People can band together and help one another, and if you let skin color stand in the way of associating with honest and just and kind people, you are just being stupid. If a couple of different racial backgrounds comes together and has a family without being pushed to by the consumerist modern Netflix conditioning, isn’t that a beautiful thing?
The talk of racial seperation is always in a little bubble, as if different races wouldn’t interact positively and join each other’s inner circles in a world without Jewish subversion.
Nathan Reed
That's the prime globalist goal pal
No nations, one race - Ein Volk No borders - Ein Reich No politicians,only globalist elite - Ein Fuhrer
You responded to me you tard. And how is pointing out that ideological differences exist within racial groups a straw man?
Ryder Thomas
Bier halls with no tech allowed and firearms req that only serve European foods and wheatbiers This protocol reduces the potential guest pool to 90% genetic Europeans that love freedom and European culture without having to flex rights of private institutions to discriminate, since beer halls are publicly accessable and challenging to protect in such ways.
Aiden Fisher
There's truth to that. Take that woman in that picture. While her arrogance is derived from a combination of how she was treated by her daddy, and also how society treated her, it is also based on her chemical brain.
If she had been born, or adopted, into a muslim home, she would be a very different character. It's just a fact. We are more than our DNA. We are also our beliefs.
Cooper Perez
Mason Miller
Are we serving mead? Because I'm so there for the mead. Mead's paleo :)
As far as this topic! Let me show you how to make a "pol's table"!
Gabriel Stewart
Because I never said or even implied that there were not. I criticized your hyper-individualism or rather your perversion of individualism. Charity within a racial community is good. It makes the whole stronger. That's why jews seek to discourage White people from being ethnocentric.
Christopher Kelly
Leo Morales
This holy war or whatever they wage against the human race and nature itself is going on for thousands of years. You as an individual were already born corrupted by jewish crimes. Be it your race, your culture, your nation, your wealth status, your health, the nature around you etc. The corruption of their meddling is so deep and so severe that most humans would need a lifetime to comprehend what was being done to them. You always make the mistake of seeing yourself as the individual in charge of your life, but to them you're nothing but a number out of billions. This is literally generations of crime against generations of oppression at play. They are the only "race" on this planet that has a group consciousnesses of following crime towards selfish goals, and they have constantly build on top of that evil path, no matter how many times they got their asses handed to them.
Ethan Price
You need to go smell a flower, buddy. Take a break from the self abuse.
Matthew Smith
You can go back to Mexico with her. Why not go now? Afraid of "What are you doing here, gringo" being the last words you hear?
Evan White
I’m going to travel to Israel myself and see if all Jews are bad, user. Want to send me some bitcoin so I can go? I will make a YouTube series about it and will donate half the profit from advertising of the first entire series to a South African farmer’s fund.
Chase Miller
Vitamin C can be "toxic". Do you know how words work ? What kind of commie are you ? >>>Zig Forums It's the only place that imports European beer in the city you fag. At home I have a food co-op that has no surveillance and doesn't card because I am European like them. Remember that places that treat the people like shit are full of non-whites. They even do it to themselves because they know they can't be trusted. Ever been to a store on an indian res ? Your Puritan attitude towards alchohol is the only jewish thing here, user.
Zachary Morris
She literally has blonde hair and blue eyes. She may in fact be a stupid bitch but you projecting your own issues on a random image of a female is pretty intensely revelatory of your current mind state.
Hudson Jackson
I speak 3 languages, don't bully me oni-chan. more is always good though, but I'm a low level student on the path of becoming a wagecuck
There is nothing wrong with calling a spade a spade, but even for a rabid jew hater like me I do see that half of the userbase have become completely retarded and cannot open a sentence in an actual serious discussion without screaming nigger/chink/kike. And the amount of denial regarding China and Japan is depressing. Europeans and their descendants are on the trajectory to become the porch monkeys they despise. And nobody cares about this.
With that said, I do differentiate between interpersonal relationship and national politics. And there is nothing wrong with working with foreigners to kill the jews first and then trying to settle their exodus. A world without the jews will see us settling the galaxy in less than 1 millenium.
Nothing wrong with enjoying your craft bier on the lawn with your families and friend. But I know what your idea of drinking is, you swine. I almost typed "nigger" but then I realize those monkeys are more sober than you are.
Adrian Robinson
If you nofapped you could see women instead of see with your dick.
Charles Brown
Whatever you need to say to justify your purchase. You gave money directly to the Jews you hate yet here you are telling me I’m a Jew for expressing my distaste for alcohol and the contradictions in your rants about your little personal revolutions you partake in at the whole foods’s checkout to assuage yourself about the lie you live.
Noah Parker
user, sometimes people are just niggers.
David Walker
Spend more time outside the cubicle then. Your stupid psychoanalysis won't undo years of experience and decades of crime data.
Connor Lewis
noice You should be making thread to help out polniggers making the journey
Jayden Powell
I do not masturbate, maybe once a month if I wake up in a half coma desperate to fall back asleep. I think masturbating is a worthless endeavour.
Do you know the woman in the photograph? Who even is she? You are denying your personal projections of hatred towards all women on her? How can you rebuild the white race if you despise half of it?
Brody Barnes
Interestingly, China is headed for a big downturn, because they're amping up communist rhetoric. Things are bleak, and Westerners are exiting, mostly due to visa uncertainty. cite: embed
Andrew Wright
Some people have abilities you do not, user. It's possible to read facial expressions.
Eli White
I don’t even understand your point, because there is nothing rational behind it. What does crime and oppression have to do with a pic of a blue eyed white woman?
Jayden Thompson
And of course I have considerable knowledge of women. Women base their valuation of men on money, and a woman who can demand a higher price is more of a snob than the rest, and it's completely inevitable, and there is no straying from this principle, it never fails.
Henry Reed
Essentially, women aren't people.
Bentley Sanders
You see a woman laughing internally and judging you harshly, I see a gorgeous person with a half smile on her face. Interpreting it differently doesn’t make me face-blind. I would rather make believe, if what you are saying is true. Forgive me for wanting some peace and joy in my internal environment.
Caleb Martin
So you are a christcuck. Undertandable, then. You are retarded. I even know how much I gave them because of their price compared to my home store's. Should I not buy water or butter from them, either, because jews have cornered grocery sales in big cities ?
Isaiah Gray
Sad. Because somewhere out there is a hairy arm pitted hippie girl who would love you unconditionally if you were capable of offering her some happiness. Of course you attract stupid consumerist whores when that’s all you are capable of pleasing.
You count yourself as one of the good men? I wouldn’t want my daughter or sister getting with a woman hating bitter user like you, that’s for sure. What kind of happiness could a man like you give your children? You would teach them to be as bitter and resentful?
Isaiah Richardson
The point was go to Mexico.
Dominic Moore
Women aren't any good at "judging". They aren't good at the arts or anything like you think. Oh sure, some % are, obviously, but women don't come with the "arts recognition engine" or something. And as far as whether or not she's a nice person, I'm certain she isn't, but then we get to esoterics. I'm certain she's a shit person, but then again, odds are in my favor, since women are shit anyway, more than men.
Caleb Ortiz
Plus they are an aging nation. One child policy fucked them bigtime. Their boom will last for another 25 years then they have big challenge. State will have to pay for all the old people.
Levi Rodriguez
user, I can’t follow you anymore. I never mentioned Jesus or religion in my comments to you.
Your morals go as far as convenience. The fact you unashamedly admit this as if that isn’t the main issue I am espousing is amazing to me. You expect me to follow or partake in a revolution with a man with such loosely held beliefs? You stand for nothing yet preach it all the same.
Matthew Kelly
But you don't understand. It's not like… me, get it? Like, I watch other people, and assess. I'm a people watcher. I've seen bich after bich, narry a non-bich when bichness afforded.
How many 1000's more are necessary? And what about the situation where the WHOLE FUCKING POPULATION IS KNOWN, BECAUSE THEY SAMPLED 100%?! (I am referring to dating behavior on dating sites).
Kayden Collins
lel what a shitshow, fitting for a boomer thread.
Leo Johnson
See, it's quite plausible that, as woman-world may say, that having no carrying cash, I am worthless, so they and that butt-buggering deity niggerdly afford. But it cannot be the case that all those men I have assessed to be of noble character and worth, and honesty were rightfully passed up.
Women are living filth.
Angel Smith
Don't waste your time, user. Check her out… youtube.com/channel/UC8Q8EKy7To49GmE0UmH73Tw/videos Connected into the higher echelon of Israel, brutally honest to the point of uncensored self reflect, highly intelligent, and very friendly…just skip her esoteric stuff. You have to understand that the "not all jews" defense is their biggest move against a human race that is naturally driven towards trust, BUT there are 7.5 billion human beings suffering and dying on this planet…20 million are responsible for this and history showed us hundreds of times over that we don't have the time show any mercy. They never showed any other race mercy, not even their own.
John Bell
only 2 of them are foreign German and English It is not even complicated, I practiced English by reading wiki every single night back in middle school I learnt German at language schools I need to work on no fap though, student life is a jewish chain placed upon you, because this kosher society demands a piece of paper from every young adult
I'm talking about the people. They do have a lot of low IQ peasants running about abroad, but quite honestly, the chink students I see behave much better than many native Europeans. Which is quite unfortunate but surprising. Nu-Europe and nu-West are centered around selfishness, globalism and consumerism, and the main entertainment for the masses is to watch niggerball and drink cheap beer made by jewish firms and watching Talmudvision. No shooting, no martial arts, no camping movement. At best you have gym rats who are elitist and just want to show their butts on Instagram. Atomized to hell.
The chinks and japs? Maybe they learn etiquette manners just to feel superior to their less fortunate brethens. But at least they are learning it. But in the West in general day by day I see people perceiving Western traditional manners as "cuck" and "weakness", even on Zig Forums. And any attempt to enforce these incredible enlightened not the lib version values is shutdown by the globohomo states. And nobody who matters says anything about this. What a deep rut. Maybe we really need to be culled. Too much cancer has grown since the liberal revolutions. Mayber even further back to the past. But I don't know, I'm not that well read yet.
At least they won't be niggers or niggers in spirit **majority of modern "hwhites".
Yeah, we wouldn't want another inspirational attempt at a coup. REDPILS Beer for Europeans Opening in an ethnocity near you.
Brayden Campbell
*but not surprising
Carson Thomas
Oy vey.
John Carter
>It is not even complicated, I practiced English by reading wiki every single night back in middle school But English is like the nicest fucking language to learn, because there are so many nice things to listen to/watch whatever. I'm learning He fucking brew and Holy Jesus their music is fucking GARBAGE, and their local politics suck, basically it's all shit, and I have to force myself to care about their retarded bullshit. I will fucking do it, not even joking, god damn the boring fuckers, but holy fuck they suck
Europe's trash. I've given up on it. Even the most right-wing among them literally are wife swappers and degenerate filth.
The japs are a hopeful case.
Jackson Morris
I'm checking that & toasting with MEAD E A D imaginary, because small town, can't be seen shoppin' for the hols
Christopher Nelson
I don’t know what that is, so probably not. I just want to see it with my own eyes. I will go to Palestine as well. I know I need two passports. For any intelligence niggers reading this, I just want to take photographs, eat food, interview locals, and bone some foreign women.
Matthew Diaz
Nice dishonest omission of parts of my post to justify your alcoholism, white nigger.
Just to emphasize >The Kapp putsch was defeated by a general strike called by the Social Democrats which shut down the entire German economy. A young völkisch activist Josef Stolzing-Cerny and a Chamberlain protégé who had participated in the Kapp putsch wrote to Chamberlain after its failure: "Unfortunately Kapp was not all 'the man with the lion heart', much rather the man with the beer heart```, for he continually used all his energies befuddling his brain with alcohol.
Cooper Garcia
>no fap I am also trying to come up with some stuff to help here. It's not a thread type that's permitted, because (((mo 0000 ds))).
What I would say is that you're homo-raping yourself when you do it. Have compassion on yourself, and repulsion @ faggotry.
Easton Reed
A lot of cunts here swap husbands too. But what did you expect? Europe was always to be a benevolent hiearchy until the hooknosed folks decided they want to be on top.
Michael Murphy
What helped me tremendously was the combination of stop playing with my dick when bored, no searching porn for hours and only masturbating when I get an erection naturally.
With that I mean the European folks, or may all the people in this world, need guidance from the bests of their own. Not this fake freedom crap wherein the only freedom you have is how much shekels you are allowed to spent on stupid toys and cheap alcohol, guns included.
I'm just really depressed for now because during semester everything is really bleak I don't take benefits like a good goy. but I probably should have, pragmatically speaking I work on the weekends in the semesters, which really screws with my study, which I'm already not very passionate about, but will land me a stable job, a platform I can move on from. I didn't come from a rich family Semester is almost over, I can probably have some fun until sommer semester returns Ironically I think less about sex during the breaks, probably because I can do something beside learning such as working and enjoying myself
Probably not. Zeus was chad. He rapes but nobody is allowed to rape his women. "Pagan" gods were not meant to be perfect Which is why non semitic religions are always superior Because humans can only chase perfection and not achieve it, the ancient non kiked people understood that
Lincoln Taylor
welcome to the law of the sea. the currentsea. universal commerce is what this is all about. from birth you are bought and sold. i remember when i woke up. welcome, user.
Benjamin Butler
Do you have that infograph redpill about how every person born in muttmerica is registered as a corporate/business entity?
Eli Jackson
Daily fitness routine, user. When I wake up I roll out of bed, directly into 200 push-ups. I can't even remember the last time I masturbated to morning wood. I rather use masturbation to end my day.
Thomas Ward
Be Zeus, not the cuck, though. "Put semen in this woman so my dick can touch your semen, please."
Regarding nofap, I don't have a winning formula to give out. I'm thinking about it, but I don't have much to help others. Again, you're strangling yourself of something by gay raping yourself through fapping. But that doesn't seem to help others, others may need their own inspiration.
Part of it is to come to be aware that you are probably involved with some group or whatever that has women who will never respect you. The sooner you come to understand you are therefore completely and totally alienated from that church/social-group/city the better. That's just how it is. They are not yours, you have nothing to do with them.
Jacob Richardson
Did you know that Africans are emulating European culture ? From Scot ebonics and herding culture to mating with Germanic and Nordic women. So when you see an Eminem looking kid and think to yourself "wigger" he is at least trying to be a man of his own culture even though he does not know it is his. He is drawn to the culture because HIPHOP CULTURE IS EUROPEAN CULTURE With the exception of oogabooga wiggleshits, that is purely African. Project much, shlomo ? Maybe you are Arab and cannot drink alcohol…
Daniel Gonzalez
It's bad for you, user. Saps you. Something like that. I'm sure it's bad for you, but whatever. I think the main thing is that you become incorrectly configured, having a disposition toward women that would be appropriate were they actually putting out. But they don't actually care for you. They are, rather, living garbage. Come to see with a true eye, user!
Connor Russell
I'm down to once or twice a week for nearly a year now. I'm good.
Connor Ortiz
Hard hitting pills my friend. This really sends a chill down my spine. I was probably too outspoken about my views at some point. But generally it probably came down to the fact that I refuse to take welfare like they do and just get shitfaced A sad reality in Europe And I never enjoyed getting drunk just for the sake of getting drunk. The most normie fun I have is during casual sex duh and getting a just little red faced with my buddies at a nice restaurants with delicious food, then we hit a brothel together. I do agree that I'm probably not "respected" where I study though. -Normal student on campus Instant trash status for most of the sluts on welfare there. Surprise, most people here either do not actually care about studying their subjects like me or just considers it the next phase of their life to have fun until they get a boring office jobs. There are only 3 camps on uni: People who actually care about academy and higher causes 10-15% at best, the pragmatic people me, 40% likely or less and the rest is just the degenerates.
-City Without doxxing myself I would say it is a nice little city somewhere on the baltic sea. It was under communism for 2 generations though. Of course, anyone who is European will understand what kind of city this would be. All major industries are bought out by foreigners, and tourism is absolutely abysmal. Many people are just on welfare, and of course, they are alcoholic. Very difficult for me to "integrate" in, since I don't want to integrate with them anyway. Funny how I get respect, attention and fun from women in every city I went to for work and vacation in sommers, but not from where I study.
Enough whining though. I need to prepare for this break. I think I can squeeze out 1000 shekels doing mindless labor for 2 weeks then I will probably hit the big cities again for a few days just to restore my vitality and sanity.
Hunter Nguyen
Too often.
John Perry
Lol, in Europe, many beerhalls are filled to the brim with non-EU tourists. And those on the countryside don't need your filters.
Chase King
I thought we lived in a society
Dylan Baker
I propose we all just live like hippies in the jungle forever. Eternal flux be damned!
Aaron Barnes
Well said. Incentivizing criminal/anti social behavior is not natural, it is state directed barbarism meant solely to create excuses to further demand more power over lawful citizens lives.