Syria threatens to strike Tel Aviv airport
Probably better to just do it rather than talking about it.
To Syria…
Proceed with the aforementioned activity, sodomites.
Nukes don't exist, but they could carpet bomb the western wall.
Then kikes will play the victim card like usual. You have to create context.
Say one thing, bomb another.
Kikes will play victim no matter what
And the Media will always try to spin them as the victims or at least try to mitigate the public perception of their misdeeds.
Syria shouldn't give a fuck because all of that greatest ally vs Syrian dictator narrative kikery is just a fucking redundancy that the general public has no real strong convictions towards either way.
really makes you think
The (((Syrians))) are at it again, why do they want the US to invade them so badly?
How can we actually aid Syria?
You don't exist.
Yeah this message sounds a little… Kosher…
I'm so happy he's not threatening to give jews in nigger-infested jew york the right to collect billions from good goy insurance companies.
dubs confirm
Join their army. Syria's the only good country left standing anyways.
Learn Arabic and move there, join the Arab Christians
Nuke Israel.
Kill all jews.
Do your part and kill your local jew.
Why are you posting a forced me, created by the part-kike Alexander Rafalovich? This retard admitted to creating it as an "attack on the Zig Forums hivemind" and it does not deserve to be spread. Pics related.
Don't be afraid.
It'll be fun.
Remember when Trump gives the order to risk your lives to defend jews, ignore him because he ignored us when we asked him to give the order to fight for democracy and Christianity in America.
Because taken something from an enemy and using their creation to spite them is never something fun to do. Why you being a little bitch about some simple trying to appreciate some digits.
Why not sink Israel oil ships?
Trump is not my master.
The state is not my kin.
The troops are not my brothers.
Blood, blood is the only tie that binds.
And Zion must burn.
Just think of the economic impact if Assad and Russia were to sink several oil tankers, and fucked up Israel's economic exclusive zone.
We all have to stand by and do nothing while niggers and spics go on killing and raping sprees. Let Blankfein, Soros and Rothschild watch Israel burn.
Nice try federal agent
Right. They do do that often, but focus on the part urging white people to not risk their lives for jews like the uber-faggot Paul Whelan and everybody in WWII. It hasn't done white people any good to side with anti-Christians like Blankfein. Trump thinks niggers and spics that won't vote for him will die for him and Israel. Let him go down with them.
Rolling for dead kikes.
I see the faggot niggers are trying to toss their brainlet tranny around.
I'll pass.
Blessing of Russian Frogs aid you Syria!
How many fucking threads do you need?
Rolling for the juden transmutation into glass
LOL, against Israel? Looks like Syria has to follow through or look very foolish.
Oh no Assad what are you doing STOP!!
Actually I can see Israel absorbing a strike from Assad, just so they can play the OYYY VEY WOE IS ME THE LIFE OF A POOR OPPRESSED JEW. THE SMELL OF THE BOMB BROUGHT BACK MEMORIES OF THE OVEN. OY VEY USA DO SOMETHING!
Israel and the U.S.A. are often the only "nay" votes in the U.N. against literally anything that would benefit the Middle East and Africa.
so more happenings with nothing actually happening …. cool
Get ready to here about the 6 million imaginary dead jews about to be holocausted by Syria.
(jews go out and attack Palestinians and claim they are dead jews, killed by Assad.)
How many ways will they weave a new narrative, claiming everybody but their evil selves are to blame.
They will attack Syria anyway, at least they should do as much damage as they can. If Syria goes down, at least it should take Israel with them.
At least you know the truth
Reminder that christianity is the original 3rd position
Christian Identity is the last point in a white man's path down racism; truly we must strive to achieve Christ-like racism and reject the tranny pagans
Right on schedule too.
Evil, evil scum of the earth jew mafia.
Donate here
Imagine waking up to reading that Iran and Syria carpet bombed parts of Israel. I want to live in that timeline.
Pin yourself up on a cross for days, then resurrect.
/me cuts down your tree
checked. KEK is here.
at this point judaism and islam are more redpilled than christianity. muslims are fucking scum. jews too. but at least they fight for themself. christianity is religion of cucks today. start reconquista and i will praise Jesus like fanatic. Pagan larp is cringe. But all religions are larp anyway.
Aside from retarded NPCs like thisthat refuse to leave here
For anyone with a modicum of independent thought, I've always found it odd that the isreali kikes have what is claimed as countless nuclear warheads and still haven;t used any of them to scorch the entire Earth, if ever there was an argument that they don't exist, the fact the jews being innately evil and desperate to bring about their evil jew God haven't yet used them to destroy the world is the strongest argument possible for that theory
Gott strafe Israel!
This is where a healthy mind would stop blanket-accusing Jews of "being innately evil and desperate to bring about their evil jew God - rather than ignoring scientific facts like nuclear fission/fusion, through the power of mental gymnastics.
Ofc you're far too woke for that, Zig Forums is always right, etc.
The absolute state of atheists
Er strafe es.
Jim Watkins doesn't want you to see this picture. Download it before he shits his pants and deletes it
As a Christian, this is an easy choice to make.
The absolute state of Christianity. The minority with your viewpoint are totally representative of the whole. Probably going to accuse me of atheism or paganism or some other christian boogyman.
nuclear fission/fusion can exist without the existence of nuclear bombs.
Me too. lol.
I bet you have a lot more in common with Jewish people than dirty muslims.
Muslims have a grave for Jesus' return next to Mohammad.
Israel has politicians that tear up the New Testament and throw it in the trash. And clowns on crucifixes in their museums.
Christcucks, everyone, thinking this is about religion and not race.
Listen bud. I'm a proud evangelical Christian with two sons in the marine corp. I stand with Israel as is my duty as a Christian. That's the end of it. I'm going on a cruise to the holy land soon to trace Jesus' footsteps. I don't know nothing about Jesus walking with those towel head damn dirty a-rabs.
Your sons will die for Israel and your line will end with you, christcuck.
When your sons die for Israel, I hope God laughs before sending them down with the rest of you evangelical retards.
This. Weep not for green niggers.
Do you think the (((USA))) will just stand and watch while Assad bombs them? And don't expect (((Russia))) to help Assad.
Jesus would not approve of Israel bombing airports to build pipelines. No sane person would approve of what Israel is doing. Spend more time reading the New Testament, less time on cruise ships
Of course not. I expect them to do so and then I use it for my own purposes.
I pray for their safety, but God will not take my sons until their duty on Earth has been fulfilled. You're a very sick and evil person. That's such a pussy thing to say on the internet, my god. Look I'm not angry, just ask for Jesus' forgiveness and seek eternal salvation. You're a punk dude.
Forgive them father, for they know not what they do.
Such as?
Send more time reading at >>>/qresearch/. That's the big brain board in this place. You're too consumed with hate to put the pieces of the puzzle together.
Pretty sure we're getting baited.
Just filter the retard.
I'll go there right now, rabbi.
DACA for the Republic, (((maga))) for the bread and circus (((democracy)))
not my fault christians are biggest cucks ever. there is diference betwen be nice to others and buying golden ticket to heaven. belive in whatever you want.
god send his only son (WTF) to earth. born from virgin. he does some fancy miracles but don't bother to teach them to anybody. he end up tortured for our sins. his sacrifice is still valid 2000 years ago. everyone who is not christian goes to hell forever.
man. i am sorry but that doesn't realy make any sense. also christiannity arrived to europe same way like islam today. only useful part of this religion is to not act like slut and don't steal. no woman care about first one today. jews will steal while christians would not. that make christian victim. also this victim mentality is part of christianity. look how much i suffer, i will have eternal live in heaven. god is nice he testing me. whatever….
we had so many religions in history. but this one is right. other were fake and all these people are in hell. until jesus come here and show us how cool is to be tortured on cross. it is same semitic trash like judaism and islam.
ehm. sorry for long rant.
This is exactly why christianity is trash. Worst than leftist. Lets protect people who destroying us. muh Holy Land.
I almoust hope Islam win. At least they erase this cucked religion. Why even bother fighting for such pathetic race. I hope you are Hasbara shill.
Somebody's scared.
I bet one of the Kurds starts gassing other Kurds and hero Trump comes back in with a full scale war to save them from the Syrian army's ovens.
Nah nigga we wuz da reel izraelites n shiet mayne
Amen, brother. I enjoy LARPing as a NatSoc with the rest of you, but when push comes to shove, I stand with Israel. To be quite fair, most of the Jewish people I've met have been very decent, although it is fun to perpetuate the stereotypes and 'Shlomo caricature.' Iran is not a friend of the U.S., which they have show repeatedly and most famously in 1979-1981 hostage crisis. They have since continued to hold regular death to America chants in the streets. Screw that.