Analysis - Israel and Iran Are on a Collision Course in Syria – and the U.S. and Russia Don't Care
>Sunday's escalation in Damascus shows what happens when the two global powers' inaction create a vacuum in the Middle East
Analysis - Israel and Iran Are on a Collision Course in Syria – and the U.S. and Russia Don't Care
>Sunday's escalation in Damascus shows what happens when the two global powers' inaction create a vacuum in the Middle East
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I bredikt:
Oy have another slide goyim! Forget you already have multiple threads for this shit!
Zion Must Burn
Zion Will Burn
These kikes never shut up.
Can't, US cannot support a wartime scenario under current conditions.
Attempt to draw US into large-scale conflict will result in civil unrest and dissolution of the Republic.
US can no longer maintain itself. No such 'nation' can endure.
But, this is what (((they))) want
for a non-video-editing faggot like myself this didn't come out half bad
Sorry shlomo but there is not a chance in hell Donald Trump would push us into a war to defend another country, especially considering Israel is on the hook for initiating combat with Syria on their land that Israel tried to steal using ISIS.
We must let the more explicit as possible to prezz Zognald that we won't fight in another neoconservative war.
You don't get it, do you.
We have fought all of israel's wars for them
Recent ones:
There's Lebanon, Afghanistan, Iraq (twice), and Syria. I won't count operations in Iran (Stuxnet and Hostages in the '70s)
Not to mention the 38 billion that we have to give them now.
Trump is just another neutered bought and paid for Neo-conservative at this point, and you don't see it.
Israel fights against the Palestinians (of which they robbed their land!) and the only other war/battles they were involved in was a 6-day war, a 20-day war, and the rest of their conflicts are just occupational battles created for their land-grabs from the Palestinians.
Isn't russia also a good goy and an "ally" of israel?
(((They))) are too late. They blew it.
The US can't back them up anymore.
Russia doesn't want a Saudi Oil Pipeline running through Syria $$$ to the jewopean Union
I hope that is the case.
Israel can handle their own. The real question is who are the Sauds going to side with? Both sides are their trade and traditional enemies.
I don't need to hope.
Imagine if they did this right now. Like literally right now; and the US comes rushing to their aid. Coming to the defense of an aggressor during the big bad government shutdown. Imagining them fumbling trying to justify such a thing, and how it would be MAGA is making me hard.
It would be the ultimate normalfag redpill.
I've been on this Israel vs Middle East circle jerk since the 90's with Arafat and Sharon. Put up or shut up at this point. Lets get this thing going already.
tldr: the kikes are scared. when they get scared they lash out, but this time there won't be anyone there to keep their victims leashed.
Forget redpilling normalfags and start killing your local jews.
Do your part.
Kill all jews.
Start with the kikes in your alphanet agency glownigga
Of course the US doesn't care.
We are run by baby boomers, the scum of the Earth. They literally don't give a single shit about anything but themselves.
Starting with you torfag
you first, cringemaster
April 28, 2016 by concisepolitics
Does the government shutdown effects gibs to the kikes?
This topic is closed.
Bullshit, Iran is a weak ass puppet state, they wouldn't start shit.
Shitrael needs to get their ass kicked.
Israel has one last hurrah while the US is still run by boomers.
Do you know how small Israel is? They are alive because nobody want to fight uncle amerimut. And jews are all cowards. That is why they don't fight their own wars. When USA become majority non white, Israel will slowly lost their war puppy. Niggers and spics don't care if you are jew or white. For them it is all same. As we all know USA have last chance to have Trump in 2020. After that whites will never win elections.
Jews expected another flawless victory in Syria. But their ISIS failed. In the end just allways end expeled or genocided. At best they can escape to USA.
I stand with Israel
gotta go big when you roll for dubs my man
Oh really? How is that?
are you mentally fucking retarded, JIDF
new pol is so trollable
You're a faggot.
Lets ask someone who would know.
Advanced military simulation of modern Iran-Israel confrontation in the Middle East. Plz dont stael.
The problem is the wall is really starting to drive a wedge between Israel and Republicans.
Go outdoors sometime. Literally nobody would give a fuck except us and some tranny degenerates who think war is bad in general. Everybody else will be tying yellow ribbons around shit and thanking the troops for protecting freedom and maybe hanging little star of David ornaments in next year's Christmas trees.
Give me a fucking break. Civic nationalism is the state religion in this fucking stupid country. I've lost track of all the times I've been told (by whites) we all bleed red, white, and blue. These fucking idiots are getting shit like this straight from the president, who is understandably unwilling to pick a fight for white nationalism when A) he'd lose, and B) nobody is forcing him to.
Sorry to blackpill, but shit, man. If we're ever going to get anywhere, we need to get real about what we're dealing with. The idea that an overseas war would do anything but strengthen our rainbow nation until the immigration and spic birthrates have made recovery impossible is absurd.
Also, the US can burn every blade of grass on earth without raising taxes, let alone collapsing under the weight of a military conflict. We actually thrive on war, and we haven't had to draft a single Mexican since 1973. For the civilians in America, war is a new show on TV, not an existential struggle for racial survival.
FUCK – I'm just getting madder while I'm writing this comment, so I'm going to stop now and clean my guns. Fuck this fucking shit, man. Just. . .
It's really strange. Almost as if Israel took the intel "stolen" from the US and didn't gives jews any real power in their government or major corporations in return. Now the chosen have realized they can't sellout the US in WWIII and need Mexico's population to compete on the battlefield. A wall would make cooperating with Mexico's cannon fodder more difficult.
Whoops. I meant China.
If that was the case Obama would have invaded. He tried. The American public wouldn't have it. Get out with your "the three remaining boomer white ladies from Wisconsin that haven't figured out what's going on represent the country". Why are you even here if you think like that? Blackpilling faggot.
Kikes will do whatever is possible to destroy Iran. They will do whatever they can to achieve their insane goals.
You realize the left and jews hate Trump so much is because Hillary was suppose to invade Syria and Iran the (((media))) has never been as nasty to anyone since Hitler. Obama was prepping Syria to be invaded with all the fake news of Assad genociding people even though he is one of the few moderates and ISIS was being setup as the WMD to invade all that went away when Trump got elected. Obama put the muslim brotherhood in power in Egypt for a reason he was prepping the field and Egypt's people realized this so they threw them out. Libya was turned in to a terrorist state because Gadaffi was too moderate an rich and would of supported Iran. Gadaffi's death was a canary in the coal mine he was the most powerful man in Africa and the richest in the ME who had blackmail on damn everyone. You obviously have a myopic blackpilled view of the whole situation.
If you don't protect Israel, there might be another 911 :^3
The fuck are you autizing about? My comment was that Americans don't give a fuck about any of that, not that Obama was an asshole. Learn to read, nigger.
Nah, but it makes conditions on the ground in the US more unstable. This is a good thing.
See above.
Again: The US cannot sustain an overseas military venture at this time, the sociopolitical conditions will not allow it.
The moment you try to drag the US into a war it doesn't want, all hell will break loose domestically.
I do, it was rather snowy today, but nice.
To put it another way:
Jewtin caught aiding Israel during bombing attacks!
It is more evidence that the animosity between Russia and the US is just a ruse to trick China into a pointless war.
Much of the left supports Palestine because they see Israel as mostly white as they don't view jews as a different race, much of the right is completely sick of sending our own to die in shitholes for no gain. Israel has fucked to a laughable extent, longterm there is no way that they can continue to have the US as their attack dog.
What iran should do it let loose a volley fo their old missiles straight at israel or the iron dome, they have thousands of ICBMs I dont see why they can't use them.
Pray for the Persians