Formerly prestigious Kennedy name joins comic books and shaving supplies as latest institution to be swallowed whole by out-of-touch liberal psychopaths, shit back out, and then re-eaten as unjustifiably smug self-shit. Former President reportedly pleased with self.
Former President Barack “Drone Strikes and Torture” Obama enjoyed a hero’s reception in Jew York City last month, which I only just found out about tonight so give me a break. The Robert F. Kennedy Ripple of Hope Award (seriously, they call it that) was given to the nation’s 44th president at a lavish gala in the doomed city of New York.
Highlights of the event included ofay French aristocrats in powdered wigs dipping snuff, Russian noblemen urging the Kerensky government to continue WWI, and a small number of British country gentlemen urging the Prime Minister to pay no heed to the Boston Tea Party. Guests reportedly dined on the obligatory poached chicken, but with caviar that cost more than a car payment and champagne that cost more than a car. This being New York City, a homeless nigger veteran with AIDS quietly rummaged through the dumpster behind the hall and was promptly chased off by GS-14 pay grade Secret Service agents.
The award was given for, in the words of the organizers, leaders “who have demonstrated a commitment to social change.” What type of change, and whether or not white genocide counts, were left tactfully unstated by host Kathleen Kennedy, daughter of Robert Kennedy and aging Irish whore who looks like Margaret Atwood after suffering an acid attack.
News analysts covering the spectacle of a worthless parasitic elite giving the failed Nero of a president an award for humanely drone-striking Israel’s many enemies were careful to note that none of the participants was technically wearing a clown costume, the band did not play Yakkity Sax when the former president rose to accept the award, and Barack “Americans Have No Right to Blaspheme the Prophet of Islam” Obama was not at any point struck dead by a wrathful god for supreme hypocrisy.
In his acceptance speech, Former President Nigger delivered some oblique slaps at the white man who took his house away and burned every scrap of his legacy in the ovens:
According to reports, none of the assembled gazillion-dollar audience gasped audibly with the nerve of this remark, nor did they rise as a body to pummel Barack “Machine Guns for the Sinaloa Cartel, Magazine Restrictions for White Christians” Obama, but experts agree that’s just because nobody in New York has the slightest idea what’s waiting for them on the Day of the Rope.
Other speakers at the evening’s “festivities” included Film Actors Guild charter members Alec Baldwin, Keegan-Michael Key, Alfre Woodard, and journalist Tom Brokaw. Also present was the ghost of Robespierre, grinning softly and thumbing the blade of a guillotine. Past recipients of this farcical award include Bill Clinton, Hillary Clinton, Al Gore, Bono, George Clooney and Robert De Niro – you know, for supporting human rights.