Allot of us arent Aryan, allot of us are the colonoziers of the wod whom agree with the aryans, we will stand by aryans but i urge you true anglos to not discount your ethnicity.
Anglo Saxon Pride Worldwide
Other urls found in this thread:
Seig Heil. Although I am not Anglo, just a Danish Saxon.
Anglo-saxon people of the world ARE great, unlike this thread. Say something useful or GTFO.
The Angli (Dark-featured Danes) and the Saxons (light-featured Nords) became the Anglo-saxons. The Iberian and Nordic people also mixed and made the modern Celtic people. All Europeans are some range between Paleo-european and Indo-european.
Okay, buddy!
Fuck Pol has slid into the septic tank of ignorance. Anglos weren't the Jutons. Jutons were stocky burly bros. Anglos are rakish looking with slender builds.
When cops are gay, there is no hope for humanity, because they won't even lift a figure to help get the judge and DA off my ass so I can do something other than get setup by leftists that have never struggled into their lives.
Aryan, Anglo separation is the laziest and lest creative dividing point i have seen
you would think a thousand odd years of play the divide and conquered game the jews would be better at it by now
>germany is shit tier my fellow goyim :^)
Florida BOOMER Pride
Stupid fucking niggers!
In case that doesn't work.
You, you revolution obsessed trash.
You think you're creating this great memetic tide, but all you're doing is destroying your own future.
Fucking hot barbage of a thread and I expect nothing less from OP
Americanon here, Brit fags can fuck off with this pan anglo shit, and it's just as cringy as americans that go back to ireland/italy/germany/uk and larp like they have any connection with their tenuous (1/128) past. Have fun reaching 100% mutt before us :) S A G E D
Burgers can't help it
Hell yeah!
Fuck Germany
anglos are the missing link between white people and kikes. cheerio dollyfops!
Are you retarded?
Why would you think my name is Pol?
He left out
Niggers, so pathetic and cockroach that even with everyone else acting like crazy shits they still look worse.
I get so tired of having to point this out.
pic related
British people are not Angles or Saxons. The genetic transference from invading german tribes was minimal, we are genetically distinct from Germans. We are however, very similar, just as all Europeans are, relative to their mutual proximity. The desire to associate ourselves with German tribes probably comes from Nazi-loving Germanophiles. This is best seen from the poem 'When the English began to hate', which has been modified into 'Saxon'. While Hitler was a great man who has done more for us than anyone for a long time, we are not Germans, and our accomplishments deserve respect of their own accord.
We conquered the world and now our language is the world language. British colonialism made their small subset of Europeans the most populous of all White ethnicities. We have much to be proud of, but having our coastlines plundered by German tribes is definitely not one of them.
English are 50% Germanic, making them more Germanic than the Austrians, for example. We are just as Germanic as the Dutch. You are a shill.
Wrong flag, dumbass.
No retard, The English and the Germans are just genetically similar, you might as well say the Germans are 50% English.
Germanic doesn't mean German as in people who reside in Germany, retard. In Europe you have two main groups: Celts and Germanics. The English are roughly 50% Germanic and 50% (Insular) Celt. How you don't you know such a basic thing? You're actually an idiot and I hope a nigger rapes you.
You fail basic science.
denmark showing middle finger to england?
No you fucking absolute mongolia thats demonstrably wrong. Go look at a PCA chart of all European countries. There is no great divide anywhere. In fact they fall into a map of Europe, which makes perfect sense because of mutual proximities and respective geographical positions. Also, celts sre not a genetic group at all. Celts are literally nothing. You are a fucking spastic amd you should kill yourself.
Those picture back up what im saying you dingus. Europeans are all genetically similar and overlapping. There is no Celtic/Germanic divide. Honestly this board is mega retarded
Who painted that retarded map?
What is it with these fucking low quality cuckchan threads and people bumping it.
You can literally see it on the PCA. Reported.
OK, fair enough, there is a divide with northern Europe and Southern Europe/Iberia. I guess those are what you are calling celts then, which is very debatable, bit whatever. My original point was not that British are not Germanic, my point is that they are not Anglo-Saxon. They are just British. I guess you misunderstood coz youre an idiot. Also you are a huge faggot for running to the mods when you get called names.
I'm referring to this PCA. Now fuck off.
Yeah thats the one I was talking about you fucking idiot. The one which shows that Iberians and Southern French/North Italians are away from Northern Europeans.
And you are calling these people Celts for some reason, which is retarded, because Celts wete in those areas as well as North France and Germany amd Britain. Stupid cunt kill yourself. My original point is sound and the divide is even questionable since there is a clear gradient as seen in French DNA, and seen even better in other studies.
go choke on a niggerdick
Right, moron, then you can see the clustering BUT YOU CAN'T READ THE FUCKING PCA. The small cluster shown to the LEFT of the large one is not the only divide. Look harder.
Fuck off.
Hurr durr you just cant read it properly! Embarrassing dude, first PCA chart youve seen?.
Europeans are all genetically similar to a degree, which naturally decreases with distance. They are overlapping and there is no clear divide because there are no clear geographical boundaries. Since there is no clear divide, you can't lump anyone into Germanic/Celtic or whatever labels you've come up with.
Also, in reference to my initial point which you misunderstood, British are not Anglo-Saxon, the genetic transference was negligible.
So what you be saying, is that I come from dirty disgusting boat people of the north.
I ain't even mad.
I see exactly what you are saying, that many English fall into the Celtic/Germanic line, but that is because North Europeans are genetically similar. Saying English are 50% this and 50% that doesnt mean anything, because there is no clear divide, either within the English grouping or within Europe on the macro level. They are just all genetically similar, and the fact that Britain is an island separates the labels from each other slightly.
You really are dumb.
I've got the PAST software and over 15 data sheets from David from the Eurogenes project. I know how to compile one from raw autosomal data. What the fuck can you do other than be an obnoxious retard?
this world is so fucking fucked i cant wait for the shit storm to start
fuck off
can trace ancestry 1000 years +
Anglo Saxon
too many people on Zig Forums get all their info about UK from jews
They are not 50% AS, there is a even a segment labelled England-Anglo-Saxon. There is plenty of evidence suggesting the genetic transference was minimals, significant only to a small part of Britain.
The point is the English conquered the world, and now they larp as Germanics, and its patheric. I only abused you since you started it too, next time dont insult people when you dont even understand their argument. Cunt.
It means they are 50% and 50%. Easy. 50% Germanic means they are 50% Germanic. Means they aren't majority Celt.
Black and white divides aren't needed. Divides regardless are still meaningful. They show you where the various nations exist.
Many English are more Germanic than a lot of Dutch. More Germanic than the Austrians. The theory that transference was minimal is lefty propaganda based on shitty data. It's a whole lot more than you think.
Where are these people LARPing as Germanics? Zig Forums? Is that your sample? I haven't seen that phenomenon outside Zig Forums.
I do. But you're just so wrong on everything that I will continue to completely ignore everything because it's abject garbage and you're a snarky faggot with female tendencies.
Rot in nigger piss.
How many, and proof?
pick one only
wow so Germanic!
This has been disproven by modern genetic studies, embrace your Germanic heritage
The Anglosphere is going down along with the rest of the non-Anglo West. Although, it would be nice if we could somehow fully unkike ourselves.
bad picture
Whilst this is useful, I don't think it really tells us the full picture. After the Roman occupation Britain was invaded by several waves of people and what has come to be known as England encompasses about 4 different types which, according to other studies I've seen, more or less remain the same as they were 800 years ago (
Essentially South-Eastern England is 'Anglo-Saxon'; Wessex, Sussex, Kent, the Isle of Wight and Essex are all 'Anglo-Saxon', and if I remember correctly more on the 'Saxon'-side than the Jute or Angle. The North-East is largely Danish, which isn't all that different from Angle/Jute except that they came at a different time period. To the West you have the native Brythonic peoples; Cornish, Welsh, and all those inbetween. Middle-England is much more a mixture of Brythonic with Danish, Roman and Anglo-Saxon-Jute intermingling. All of these today are called 'English', but in reality they are completely different tribes. All of those tribes are obviously very closely linked, as they were back when they first came to the country. We know for instance that in the Celtic world people from all over Europe traveled to Britain and Anglesey specifically for education and religious pilgrimages. You then have the myriad 'viking' invasions which include Anglo-Saxon, Irish, Nordic and all the rest who plundered the coastlines of Britain and in some cases decided to stay.
I don't really get why you lot are arguing so passionately. All of our people are pretty closely related and depending on what period of time you start from can be considered as a single tribe, or all as separate and individual tribes. Suffice it to say that we are all brothers today, even if we weren't historically; though chances are that if you go back far enough we were brothers anyway.
We don't have an exact number because not everyone has done a DNA test but most English native to the East have huge amounts of AS DNA. Some individuals have tested as virtually pure AS. You can look that up easy as piss. To see this in the PCA download PAST:
Also, if you read the lit, British Celts came from Ancient Dutch Beaker people, so whether Celt or Saxon dominant, Brits are largely the same Dutch, hence the tight clustering. They are close brothers.
Propaganda based on shitty data, I said. No contradiction, moron.
Also sage because this thread is shit
Based Italian Floridian boomer.
Yeah the things ive read is that South East England has around 10-40% Anglo-Saxon DNA. Which of course is only a part of Britain. Claiming British or even English as Anglo-Saxon is ridiculous.
I dont know what AS is but the point is that when you take the DNA of English people, only a minority show influence from Central Europe, and this influence is more Dutch/Belgian than German
Yeah im not going to do that. You're really cool though for being a le epic genetic scientist.
Of course, because looking at actual data is not how you learn. You just download jpegs and post them without knowing how the data used to compile the graphs was acquired or how the study was conducted or anything. You're a real expert and you know you're right coz muh graphic.
Run along, loser.
In the meantime: "We estimate the genetic contribution to SE England from Anglo-Saxon migrations to be under half, identify the regions not carrying genetic material from these migrations, suggest significant pre-Roman but post-Mesolithic movement into SE England from the Continent, and show that in non-Saxon parts of the UK there exist genetically differentiated subgroups rather than a general “Celtic” population."
And "There was not a single "Celtic" genetic group. In fact the Celtic parts of the UK (Scotland, Northern Ireland, Wales and Cornwall) are among the most different from each other genetically. For example, the Cornish are much more similar genetically to other English groups than they are to the Welsh or the Scots."
"The majority of eastern, central and southern England is made up of a single, relatively homogeneous, genetic group with a significant DNA contribution from Anglo-Saxon migrations (10-40% of total ancestry). This settles a historical controversy in showing that the Anglo-Saxons intermarried with, rather than replaced, the existing populations."
So much for your Celtic/Germanic theory mate. Good try though.
AS = "British". And these are the conservative numbers based on old data.
Not mine but I do appreciate your faggotry.
West Europe = German and French but it's believed that "French" is actually Frankish. That would make Midlanders from the East 60% AS.
Right so as I said they have influence from France/Belgian/Dutch because they are genetically similar. You know for a le epic DNA researcher talking a lot of shit I expected a bit more than a random picture with some very general labels as well as the classic "unknown" percentage.
In the meantime: "Our research concluded that migrants during what’s now thought of as the Anglo-Saxon period were most closely related to the modern Dutch and Danish – and that the modern East English population derived 38% of its ancestry from these incomers. The rest of Britain, including today’s Scottish and Welsh, share 30% of their DNA with these migrants."
Now I don't deny there was some genetic transference from the invasions, but the evidence points to it being well under 50%, and generally limited to coastal areas. To call them Anglo-Saxons is retarded and smacks of Zig Forumsesque Nazi-loving Germanophilism.
When the British conquered the world they saw themselves as British, not some ancestors of glorified Danish tribes.
That's an image from one of the biggest recent studies. I thought you'd know that considering you like pop media articles so much :-/.
It's a fact that English are 50% Germanic. Probably even more. But 50% is conservative. You've basically conceded to this already. So I win. Thanks.
Never even claimed to be an expert. Nice strawman.
Cool. We know that. Whatever. They are British. Thanks, captain obvious.
lol this much damage control
So link the study? Besides, it doesn't seem that accurate with 20% of British DNA being unknown. Also, your claim that >That would make Midlanders from the East 60% AS, seems to be wrong, since the picture describes Western European influence as 20%, not 60%. And you even seem confused as to what West Europe means, saying it is German and French, but also "AS" which you described as "British".
So… basically you seem like a complete fucking retard falling over yourself in an attempt to explain your way out of your claims. Embarrasssing.
You made the claim that they aren't 50% Germanic but you conceded above that they are. There's nothing left to say. I win. You lost without realising it.
Says the guy who just lost the argument.
AS + West Euro if the French component is Germanic like they believe it is = 60% Germanic.
I said: "Now I don't deny there was some genetic transference from the invasions, but the evidence points to it being well under 50%, and generally limited to coastal areas."
Try reading comprehension mate, this is getting cringe.
The picture says 20% West European, which includes France, Belgium, Holland and Denmark. You're fucking hopeless. I actually hoped you had some conclusive evidence because I've had this discussion with idiots before, and if retards like you are genetic researchers I guess I have to keep having it.
How many times are you going to strawman me? I have already stated I am not an expert. Anyway, I'm going to collect this fucking win, officially.
Arthur is a Celt and his destiny is to destroy the Anglo Saxons
OP is not an aryan
In case you can't read:
British (37.61%), Europe West (20.45%), Irish (20%), Scandinavia (9.39%), Iberian Peninsula (3.09%), Italy/Greece (2.01%), Eastern Europe (1.85%), European Jewish (1.51%)
That's more than 50% Germanic on average.
This is what you said, and you havn't been able to back it up at all. Now you are saying one region of England has 41% Anglo-Saxon ancestry, and the rest of England has 10% scandinavian (could be danish or norwegian from viking invasions), and French/German ancestry of 20%, which is obviously not from the Anglo-Saxon invasions because they were Danish. So that is just genetic similarity due toi proximity, just as they have some similarities with the Belgian and Dutch people too. And this is just England, not even the whole of Britain. So it remains clear, Britains are not Anglo-Saxons, you were wrong in your 50% claim, and calling them Anglo-Saxons is stupid.
Continually claiming you have won for some strange reason makes you seem like a petulant child. Kill yourself you fucking runt.
British (37.61%), Europe West (20.45%), Irish (20%), Scandinavia (9.39%), Iberian Peninsula (3.09%), Italy/Greece (2.01%), Eastern Europe (1.85%), European Jewish (1.51%)
That's more than 50% Germanic on average.
its not even close. 9.39+20 = 29.4% "Germanic", which in this case is partly French/Belgian/Dutch too. Can you even add up you fucking retard?
=47% Germanic
You lose.
next level retard
I'm laughing so hard here that I'm crying. Can you addition??? LMFAO!
What the fuck is wrong with you
Terrible argument. Do you know where Britain is? Hint: its not in Germany
You can't even read. At this stage, you're basically a professional loser.
Literally circular logic. So there is no actual British component? This sounds like you clutching at straws, trying to associate the studies use of the British label as purely Anglo-Saxon. It would mean there is no actual British component. Its like the English didn't even live in England and develop their own genetic mutations and spread them between themselves. You are a deadset retard.
If British means Anglo-Saxon, why even have categories for WE and Sca? Its retarded, you've clearly misunderstood the labels.
British means English, Welsh and Scottish you mongoloid.
Brits are mutts. The study is looking at the components of the British people, what Brits are made out of. That's evidently clear. You are literally incapable of reading.
How are you even alive? I mean, don't you forget to breath? That's really low IQ.
shit thread
Nah the Brits spent enough time isolated to develop mutations and become slightly genetically distinct from other European nations, and this shows up in large scale genetic studies. Then the Saxons invaded and the Vikings and now Britains are 10-40% Scando-Germanic.
When that news article explains that British means AS, thats just effectively a tautology in their minds, they associate them as the same, not even realising that Angles and Saxons came from West Europe and Scandinavia which are the other categories used. It is a daily mail article and you've taken their retardation as proof. I really though you would have good stuff with all your fancy PCA charts and your talk about knowing researchers, but the best you can do is link some stupid MSM article and misunderstand it.
lol this whole time all you were going off was this Daily Mail article and using it as gospel. Fucking lol.
Wrong as shown in study of over 2 million people.
British: 37% AS and 10% Scandi.
You're just wrong.
British does not mean Anglo-Saxon, just because Daily Mail said so mate. Jesus.
Why dont you get in touch with David from the Eurogenes project, and he will tell you that Britain is made up of England, Scotland and Wales. Idiot.
They are reporting on the basic facts explicated by the scientists. I am not relying on them, I'm merely using it as an easily accessible source.
Daily Mail did not define them as such. That what the term given by the scientists.
Even God couldn't save you from this abject retardation.