Covington debacle lawsuits


I've made a separate thread for this for many reasons. Firstly, the other Covington thread(s) became a useless pile of shit. Secondly, this is big enough to merit its own thread. And lastly, it's better for this to have its own thread for the purposes of networking, brainstorming, and so on. Anyways, the TL;DR of it is that the libel and slander from (((the usual suspects))) has become so violent and undeniable in its scope that the parents of the targeted Covington students are pursuing legal action spearheaded by attorney Robert Barnes. This is already a potentially positive development but I believe it's possible to ride the momentum and deal a telling blow to the slimy vermin that so far has rained death threats and abuse with absolute impunity.

What can be done, you ask? Simple. First of all, Barnes and co. are collecting evidence of leftists making libelous acusations against the Covington boys, doxing them, plotting to ruing their lives, and so on. Most pressing of all are the death threats and conspiring to hunt down and physically harm the students up to and including murder. These are actionable threats and are grounds for serious legal punishment. That's the first task, collect evidence and send it to Barnes' office. Compile tweets, articles, video clips et cetera, MAKE A BACK UP IN CASE THEY DELETE and send it to him. Make sure it hasn't been reported already.

The other important thing here is that the parents are pursuing a civil suit against the media kikes and the leftist vermin that has formed a lynch mob targeting their children. This is a mistake because even if the suit is successful the fuckers will barely feel it. Both Barned and the litigating parents must be convinced that no amount of apologies will be enough, no financial settlement will be enough, not even getting these scumfucks fired from their jobs will be enough. No. These """people""" openly and gleefully manipulated the truth and did everything in their power to put their children in mortal danger, threaten the school with terrorist attacks and vandalism and generally make their lives a living hell for the crime of being white. Nothing less than prison time will be enough punishment for these pieces of shit. This point has to be hammered into their heads until they internalize it and pursue a criminal lawsuit and explicitly call for prison time for the vermin that gloated about brutally murdering their children. I can't emphasize this point enough. Fuckers went after minors, after children. They need to suffer real, physical consequences for their actions.

Lastly, and perhaps easier/harder of all, is the matter of awareness. This shit has to be spread far and wide. It has to be everywhere. This is a unique opportunity to get the normalfags on board. It has to be pounded into their heads that the soulless vermin populating the media and the Left want to torture and kill them, their families and their children for the flimsiest of reasons. They are a psychopathic mob that has to be stopped. Nobody wants to see their own kids targeted by a lynch mob for petty bullshit. Make sure to pound on that fact. With the right language, even the normalfags can be mobilized to support our cause. The Left has crossed a dangerous line, and they can't (and won't) disavow this behavior. They're backed against the wall and have nowhere to run.

PLEASE REMEMBER: We're dealing with people who are in the very early stages of being redpilled. Watch your language. Be very delicate with what you say. This is too big to fuck it up. Don't be an edgelord, don't be a nigger, be polite and respectful and back up what you say. There's only one bullet in this gun. The normalfags are primed and ready, but handling this carefully is paramount. Again, make sure to emphasize that these "people" gleefully conspired to have children ruined and murdered and their school targeted by terrorist attacks. Emphasize that they have suffered no consequences and have exhibited zero remorse, even when caught. Instill in them the need to see the fuckers that threatened their kids hit wit tangible punishments for their reprehensible actions. Don't get too vicious about it, but don't mince words.

Robert Barnes contact information:
Phone: 213.330.3341
E-mail: [email protected]


Attached: not gonna drop it.png (623x319, 18.87K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Attached: cernovich-maymay.jpg (1440x2773, 644.69K)

The Cernovich involvement makes me think even moreso that this is some kind of (((right)))-wing psy-op.

KY Prosecutor Confirms: Multiple Investigations Underway Into Twitter Users For TERRORIST THREATS Against Covington Kids

Rob Sanders, a Kenton County Prosecutor, confirmed Tuesday that there are multiple investigations into Twitter users who made terroristic threats against Covington Catholic High School.

You can have that bump, btw.

Oh, also: Be wary of precedent.
Remember always that the (((enemy))) will likely be in full-power under its "Leftist" mask soon enough, such that any legal precedent set could backfire when conditions change.

Bumping on Nathan "Druncle" Philips the child rapist. haven't seen that drop yet?

I got the roastie who was offering a blowjob to anyone who hit the kid.
Sarah Beattie
75-632 Opikanalani Pl
Kailua Kona, HI 96740-6940
+1 (808) 769-0446

Attached: photo (5).jpg (480x586, 104.17K)

Looooooots more of her big, dumb tits btw.

Usetogiveadamn Butnevagaveafuk

Egdylords get swated for much less than what these bluemark freaks commented on Twitter and we will just them go away because the old injun is an actor?

That is not what Nambla says

Attached: McJ3z8DetXKlxC5D.mp4 (720x1280, 1.68M)


You uh… gonna post them?

There are literally 100s of people posting about this and Thernovich isn't even the guy behind it. Why would you post a cap from his timeline here know that everyone fucking hates him? I mean, the lawyer you linked to at the end has a twitter account obviously. You could have posted a cap from there. But no, post the opportunistic civnat faggot everyone hates…

Unless the plan was to make everyone avoid the post and forget about bankrupting any of the lugenpresse operations to begin with…

Fuck off yid.

I would also like to see them please… for research purposes of course.

You're right, it was a mistake. I realized that when this thread devolved into a pointless bitchfight not ten posts in. I know it's a stupid excuse but I made this thread in the heat of the moment and, my (low) opinion of Cernovich aside I thought that simple statement encapsulated the sentiment behind this initiative nicely enough. It's okay though, I've learnt my lesson. When we get to the second thread I'll post an image of Barnes.

Maybe. Are you going to call her and tell her she deserves to be raped by a pack of niggers?

Attached: photo (4).jpg (606x480, 95.99K)

They always do unfortunately

Nigger, this is seriously reaching. He interviewed the kike. But that somehow makes him a pedophile? If this were about Acosta, I would understand. But talking to a jew doesn't make you one of their pets. Your image isn't even formatted properly and is just random shit thrown together in a half-assed manner to vaguely associate Cernovich with Epstein. What also concerns me is the lack of archive links for that 'article' in the bottom right.

1/10 for making me bother replying to what's obvious kike baiting.

Attached: ^09D2AF838755BC7E9164D42FFF7D7134F6C43017FE5E3D53EF^pimgpsh_fullsize_distr.jpg (422x448, 24.6K)

Look who was trying to fuck her lol. Fucking decade of shit to go through.

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Cernovich never represented Epstein faggot. Acosta did. If you're going to claim something, then post up fucking proof instead of this, 'Because I say so.' bullshit.

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Rooooooastie. I need sleep but will come up with something for tomorrow. Don't let these fuckers off the hook. They need to pay for this shit.

Jew media just writes, sowee and thinks that's good enough. You would think a call for a public lynching would be criminal but I guess not when the target isn't a blue haired trans negro muslim.

Attached: photo 4.JPG (480x605 87.73 KB, 84.74K)

Acosta was the prosecution

what's this babe?

Attached: Mike Cernovich Epstein.PNG (1902x423, 303.91K)

I bet those things have no meat in them. Probably hit her waistline as soon as she loses the bra. I can only imagine what her baggy snapper looks like.

Yeah you'd think. None of them even got bans as far as I know. I just copped a ban for telling some cunt I hope she gets curb stomped by a pack of feral pavement apes. Some people are more equal than others as they say.

Now I know I'm tired. That's right. He was the one who gave Epstein the light sentencing deal where the fucker only got what… six years of house arrest? Despite all of the evidence collected against the sick fucker no less. But that still doesn't connect Cernovich. Only thing I know is that Cernovich represented Brennan at one point. So what's his supposed connection to Epstein?

I honestly wasn't aware of this. But if the photo in question was taken during an interview, then how does that automatically make them have close ties? There are questions you aren't answering, and are just posting pictures.

There are no good Jews.

Attached: epstein-dershowitz.jpg (1024x732, 128.42K)

99% Sure Thernovich is also Jewish

straight up reptillian

Attached: cernovich reptilian jew 2.jpg (480x640, 64.1K)

< Mossad pictures D&C operation
lel. We're white people. We're not niggers, or women, dum fuk. You have to present logic.

Attached: cernovich 3 jew.jpg (606x754, 120.85K)

Here's to thot hate.

I wonder what it's like to have a "I can do whatever I want on (((Twitter))) and (((FB)))" card.

And don't sage. The activities of the alt kike is significant, because their misdeeds get passed off on us.


Attached: cernovich reptilian jew.jpg (640x428, 60.18K)

magakid was already exposed as a kike. not bumping kike eceleb threads.

Attached: Mike Cernovich tranny fucker.png (655x628, 150.11K)

I'm not defending Cernovich. But I am questioning your shit. By the way, the file no longer exists. Do you have it?

Attached: no file.png (1178x552, 26.4K)

yeah somewhere. give me a few minutes to find it

There used to be a funny blue-pill video of him going around for his bonobo brainblasting pills. I wish I still had it.

Thanks. I can add it to my own archives for later too.

This bot doesn't even have an English-speaking operator:

eceleb is what kikes say, because it means "not a MSM celeb". Gas yourself kikenigger of israel.

Here you go

pic related

Attached: mike cernovich zionist.png (633x554, 100.5K)

Did not know he represented Brennan. Pretty scumbaggy.
He is a joo,so birds of a feather& all that.
Safer to assume the worst until proven otherwise.

Attached: 6096c50b9be9415b25c2e99f15049586b805cfc5a15267edb90d29644a2fbbfa.jpg (255x180, 19.23K)

Thanks, user.


lol, just like that. But before, totally anti. :)

But how does that relate to what I said? I pointed out that the activities of the alt kike are done in our name, best to know what we're about to be blamed for.

< thumbnail

Attached: spic calling for a school shooting.jpeg (548x238 42.38 KB, 21.31K)

is why we should attack and not defend these ecelebs.

Attached: Screenshot (43559)

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Attached: shit lib tweets about killing maga kids.png (2439x1752 605.15 KB, 1.64M)

Redpill only to make them hate and kill journalists, leftists and kikes.
Anything else will amount to nothing.

Vid related?

Always white women.

What's with these weird D&C posts. It's almost as if someone is pushing a narrative relating to predominant right-wing "figures" by heavily pushing Jewish association propaganda to turn people away from them.


Fuck all the faggot D & C shit about Cernobitch. OP admitted it was a mistake. The potential to RedPill normies on this incident is off the charts. Doesn’t matter if the kid was a Martian. Do not let the media memeory hole this. This absolutely must stay in headlines.


Stop researching this topic instantly.

lawfare is so fucking un-aryan. the white solution to this problem would simply be to find that disney producer and feed HIM into a woodchipper first

Does everyone have emergency supplies, food, water, a method of purifying water, and a place to go well away from the cities?

These are good examples of libel, harassment and so on, but they're missing information that connects these acounts to real people. Pair your screencaps with dox of the respective user.

Indeed. Alas we live in very un-Aryan times.

I found this on cuck chan. Would be a shame if something happened to this poor jewess.

Attached: Anna Francesca Merlan.jpg (1356x1052, 501.92K)

Fucking redheads. Not even once.

Time to steal a new skin, I guess. At the best of times these shit speckled fucks look like the skin they stole is rotting.

If some of you can't see that this is a fucking shill, then you have no hope. You're fucking retarded.

1) Here's another journalist to add to the list. Working on getting his personal and contact information.
2) Now here's the real juicy meat of this matter. A politician. This is a perfect chance to hit the Democrat scum and knock 'em right off their high horse.
3) Tightening the screws on random assorted leftist rats is fun and all, but remember: Journalists and Politicians are the priority. They're direct agents of the System and need to be taken down.

Excellent work, but remember what I said in the OP. It's normalfags we're dealing here, we can't afford turning them off. Keep your power level down.

Attached: ilhan omar twatter profile.png (624x338 99.82 KB, 21.79K)

Did faggot Chris Evans delete his tweet?

Don't forget whore Kathy Griffin.

dont have it. feel free to work on that yourself tho

What kind of massive cuck tells these people to retract and apologize instead of urging maximum consequences?

They won't, and he knows they won't. It makes you look good, and your opposition scummy, when you give them every chance in the world to de-escalate and they don't take it. These faggots think they're safe by Twitter-flexing. They'd never say 99.9% of any of the garbage they spew to anyone's face. A precedent needs to be set that you can't use Twitter to stir up commie Internet lynch mobs and then go "lol j/k" and get off with no consequences.

It's worse than that. Not only these cancerous pieces of shit dox the kids and their friends and families but they made real, actionable threats of violence. They caused the school to cancel classes over safety concerns because they threatened to vandalise it at best and burn it down with the kids inside at worst. They even gloated about how they'd wish for a school shooting (you know, the exact thing they called the worst possible tragedy to befall our children). None of them have been banned by Twitter. They felt completely safe saying all that because even the slightest of consequences eludes them.

Therefore, I would say it's high time they suffer actual, physical consequences. More to the point, they can afford the fines and even if they get fired they'll find another job in short notice thanks to nepotism, but these kids's lives and the lives of their loved ones are haunted forever by the specter of violence. They will never be able to feel safe because these psychopathic cockroaches will be hounding them every waking moment. Thus why I insist Barnes and co. have to push for prison time for each and every single one of these rats. That will send a proper message. Come to think of it, they should sue Twitter as well for neglecting to take measures against these violent instigations. It's time to go big or go home.

Why can't Cernovich just give them some money and stop talking. Who wants his balloon animal voice on their side?

We need to tighten the noose around that nigger bitch. She's Muslim so she's already an easy target - it'll just make her constituents hate her more if we can signal boost this.

Remember how weimar germany was the reason Germany snapped so hard. The bigger the nose, the harder it falls.

Mike, that's a flat out bold faced lie and everyone knows it.

Indeed. But again, I have to insist you control your power level. If you want to be astute about this, do what Hitler did. Enumerate their sins and their malicious intentions without ever saying their names (JUDEN!). The peopel can fill in the blanks for themselves.

Pretty much. This massive, concerted effort to ruin the lives of children and even snuff them out has marked a tipping point. It shows leftists will stoop to any moral low just to grab power. This is good for the cause.


alan douchewitz is the same kike that gave Commander Rockwell a sentence to a goddamned (((insane asylum))) for a month (he was released in 10 days lmao) for (((psychiatric evaluation))) after so vehemently and righteously garnering support of Whites against ZOG. Cernokike and the rest of the lot are all despicable and untrustworthy as they are working as agents under an individual whom is absolute evil.
who cares about any of this…why dont we follow the guidelines set before us by our martyrs and heroic leaders?

Attached: kameraden.png (1060x825, 643.37K)

The people that want to kill you hate Israel too because that's where you come from, Mike.

posting from the Stand Your Ground thread, the shill tactic of the day is accusing him of being jewish, have a copypasta

taken from

Let's explore ID d1a67f and see what's going on here.

In a true internet classic he begins the thread with a first post kike post. He keeps with the traditional formula of "don't do anything goyim" and mocks people for "operating" and posting posters (the only IRL reminder since MSM will try to memory hole this fast).

Now we have our next tried-and-true tactic, the person who is doing something good is a jew, but I have no evidence of this, but look at the way they look. Also, despite being from a very low jewish population area, and a family history of going to catholic schools, they are jews because they have a nose.

Attached: 1536399390235.png (326x129, 26.47K)

It's yids. Don't worry, real anons still peruse these boards and ignore their idiotic filth. Seriously, even if it was all organised by kikes; do they really not think that we would use any opportunity to potentially wake up and save more of our own people? The fact that it, or many things like it have been real however makes it something we should all participate in.

Imagine being so disgusting that your only hope is to accuse others of being what you are. Truly chosen.

Exactly. Even if he is Jewish (which he is not) it doesn’t matter because this whole issue is really polarizing and great for pushing people further to the right or left and out of a center position on this. If this can lead to terroistic criminal charges against some blue check marks it’ll be a great precedent. Leftists will dig in deeper and become more unhinged and aggressive, which is what you want.


The tweet in question:

This is exactly what should NOT fucking happen. Allowing these cockroaches to isue a simple retraction and delete their hateful and violent messages just lets them get away with it scott-free and leaves them free to try it again at a later date. They'll keep pushing and pushing and get away with more and more horrible shit because they know all they gotta do is delete evidence and feign remorse. Barnes and the parents he's representing should be convinced to pursue aggressive legal action. Nothing less than a criminal suit and a firm, uncompromising demand for prison time for these wretches will be enough. To reiterate, and let's see if the message sinks in this time:




Attached: retraction.png (580x148, 12.8K)

never will happen. we all know the honest solution; fighting aryan men. no law over natural law - prison means nothing to the people (and when do they ever receive that judgement anyways?). all it takes is one good warrior willing to accept the sacrifice…

Attached: whatwouldbrucedo.jpg (235x293, 18.18K)


1. Its a great idea
2. Nothing will happen to the MSM whatsoever
3. It happens to be lead by that Lispy Jew Mike

How the fuck did the jews get away with stealing a seat from my State with a fucking somalinigger? Seriously refugees should be banned from public office by virtue of HAVING TO GO BACK WHEN THEIR HOMELAND CRISIS IS OVER.

Oh wait I know… the jews know if they keep taking "somalis best" out of that SHITHOLE it will always be a shithole and these mudshits will always have a direct path to free citizenship with 100% kike sponsorship.

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Even though it is Mike Cernovich, even if the kid in picture is a jew, even if this is a psyop - I do not see how this could damage the cause.
All the aggressors on twitter, all the threats to the school, all of the msm uses the same narrative: Fuck whites, dox them, kill them. I think we should go with that sentiment and let as many normalfag cuckservatives know about it. Nothing to lose really.

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