I don't get it. Why are multimillionaires pushing for a 70% marginal tax rate? What's their game?
I don't get it. Why are multimillionaires pushing for a 70% marginal tax rate? What's their game?
Good (((accountants))). According to the FudgeReport the Davos billionaires are just terrified of the AOC 70% scheme. Kek, sure.
Because the elite use tax shelters, so most of their wealth will never be touched to begin with.
What it will really do is help to reduce the capacity for people to break out.
why is her body shaped so weird?
According to the leaked wikileaks emails ( wikileaks.org
There's a very good reason why they tie class to gender identity, sexual orientation, and race as opposed to economic status. It's a means of preserving their wealth and power in the long run (see Tucker's segment). They claim that they're less privileged and more oppressed despite living better than the majority of Americans out there.
Many powerful and wealthy leftists attacked white school kids for smiling on camera. Their intention is serving as a ruling class who serves to dispossess whites of power and wealth through lies and manufactured violations. of leftist dogma.
tl;dr They want to preserve their wealth and power. Why should any "underprivileged" PoC give up their wealth when they can force whites to do so?
This makes sense, especially if there's selective enforcement against political dissidents who use tax shelters, while people who tow the party line get a free pass.
She's not really on your side, and you're going to figure it out the hard way. I wish the right would stop shilling for her. She a supports open borders, endorses NATO, encourages children to be trannies by funding them, and wishes to restrict your speech.
This is definitely it. The same shit happened in Brazil.
Sounds like everything the American right stands for.
So they have an excuse to place it into shell accounts in Israel, where it won't be touched. Taxes are only for the goyim.
This coon is nothing more than an NPC distraction.
but you already knew that didn't you Chaim?
Who could you read the post that way?
big cuban milkers
Because they will just pay themselves in stock options while collecting an $80k salary like Bezos always has.
That's the cuckservative right, minus the lack of mean letters to Israel.
People try to present her and other leftist politicians as BASED for stating that wealthy people should be taxed and saying that Israel is an apartheid state. However, leftist politicians do nothing but write a few stern letters/hitpieces to Israel and businesses.
Not only they do not coordinate to collectively attack Israel for killing Palestinians, they also refuse to attack corporations who intentionally sell addictive opioids that have harmed US citizens. What do they do instead? They collectively organize to target white kids who SMILE on a 2 minute video. That should tell you something important about their motives. Why do genocide and health hazards provoke less of a reaction than smiling kids in MAGAhats?
They're only interested in throwing native citizens under the bus to serve the interests of outsiders. Have you ever wondered why AOC is trying to invest in Puerto Rico with her bills?
I wish people would stop lusting after a morally bankrupt leftist who supports trannies and open borders.
I'm sure every Democrat and most Republicans feel that way, but has she said anything publicly to that effect?
They're hoping to get in line for some of her menatlly retarted poon.
Because they know they will NEVER pay it. They are lying. To make themselves look better.
They won't be here when the smoke is clear.
They do it to preserve their money and power. That will never happen because there is too many idiots keep falling for the lies.
The endgame is human slavery under cash-less currency, social credit system and universal income. There will be only room on top for the elites only, which means upper middle class has to be pushed back into poverty.
Where should we go to escape from this?
It's because the richest people don't pay taxes even if income tax is 100%. If you make money through investments, that's not "income." Income tax should be close to 0% or just 0%, and investments and property should be taxed into the ground. That way work has value, and the 1% will die, leaving only a county of people who work or support those who cannot work.
This philosophy is perfectly in line with Hitler's vision for Germany. The Left are delusional and believe that raising income tax will hurt the very rich. All it does is kill the middle class. In Germany, they knew to keep income tax low and seize property from (((the rich))).
Short term: rural survival, pay for protection or 3rd world shithole escape
Long term: mankind has to answer the jewish question or either us or this planet will be destroyed
Profit & Loss statement goes for multimillionaires just like Companies/Corporations.
Actors Trade mark their names/personas; Cher, Martha Stewart, Cindy Crawford, etc. hmmm
Offshore Tax Shelters, etc.
Salary is how suckers get compensated and socialists cant into crafyy accounting
Satan is smart
They already have their millions/billions. 70% tax rate rates ensures nobody else is ever able to match their wealth and their family's power is solidified.
It's the same reason corporations love red tape, rules and licenses. They have the money and the network to deal with it so individuals or small groups have no chance. They have to sell their idea to investors and get a little cut. This increases the gulf between gargantuan corporate global monopolies profits and true innovation beneficial to humanity.
then they will just gib the government all money and control it through it
both are Jewish inventions to enslave the goyim
she's a jew
They want choke to death small mom & pop stablishments
Yep this tax will guarantee nobody is able to grow a business past a certain size ever agin.
are you dumb? obviously fiscally raping white people you pleb
So what happens when they still don't have enough money, and 15 dollars an hour is no longer enough due to inflation?
It's going to kill farms.
They won't be affected. This will affect only small/medium business owners, lottery winners. It's communist cancer either way, punishing success.
Not yet, but she will because free speech is a threat to leftist's agenda, wealth, and power. She attacked Steve King recently and criticized Trump for attacking both sides in Charlottesville so it's not much of a stretch to do it with regular americans.
Leftists don't play fair with you and will do their worst whenever they have the chance too. They're the type of people to slash your throat during a boxing match. That's why you need to prepare or counter it.
Because it's good rabble-rousing and the non-White coalition doesn't know jack shit about how the world works. Specifically, they don't understand the difference between wages and capital gains.
I fully support it, and even a 90% take rate for income beyond 150K, because it will predominantly hurt middle-class professionals like doctors, accountants, HR-people, etc. who heavily vote Democrat.
These people easily make 150, 200, or even 500K/year in cities where the cost of living and the wages are high. They are also proletarians (in the original sense of the word) in that their wages are their main form of income. The rich won't be affected by this because they derive most of their income from investments, stocks, and dividends, but the cat-ladies and shitlibs in HR, at Google and in the hospitals will be right-fucked, which will lead to a splintering off the Democratic base.
I say we ππ» give ππ» based ππ» AOC ππ» a ππ» hand ππ» for ππ» this ππ» great ππ» suggestion.
Because they are monopolists who can afford that rate and will further entrench their monopolies by throwing ever increasing amounts of red tape in front of their competitors. Most of these companies you think of already probably receive massive tax breaks. If what you are suggesting is that these corporations are altruistic and want to raise taxes for the betterment of society - ask yourself how them just donating their proceeds wouldn't have the same effect without needing legislation. Now you know.
At what point does the population revolt?
Did they just choose 70% so people can't say that the democrats want to tax you by three quarters?
I was just told that the 70 percent marginal tax is not a flat tax.
yeah, this. It's why huge mega corporations love regulation, it hurts them but it FUCKS their competition into non-existence, overall a net gain on the bottom line
It's simple, because loopholes exist or will be created for those lobbying for it to escape from but their competition and enemies will not have that luxury
Because they know it will never pass even thought hey can live off even 5% of their wealth. QTDDTOT, nigger.
Same people pushing for UBI that taxed Canadians upwards of 70% for middle class.
Only difference was these people couldnt hide money in corporations and shell companies and non-profit hedge funds like Vanguard Group and other trillion dollar asset "non-profits".
And she is playing political games on someone's behalf. She went to an ivy league school and lived in luxury her entire life (no, shes not from the hood or whatever bullshit she spouts, she moved when like 5 years old to a rich white neighborhood and went to private schools). There is zero chance she doesnt know the difference between income tax and marginal rates and that even the 50's 80% taxes on the rich were never the actual amount they paid.
It's all a game to stir up retarded minorities that want to 'stick it to the man'. No laws will ever pass that affect the rich in tangible ways because the rich are the ones that make the fucking laws. Even your mom and pop local shops and shit own multiple companies to get around taxes. Most are random strings of numbers for names. They buy their personal vehicles, pay themselves tax free dividends, own property to rent to the actual physical company and all claim assets and losses back and forth to get around paying taxes. This isnt just how Amazon paid $0 in taxes, despite being a trillion dollar company. I'm literally talking about your local "Bob's Taxi" or "Bill's Restaurant" in towns of 10,000 people - they all own half a dozen random companies at least even if they only run the one actual business. And these arent the super rich or elites. Again, look at Vanguard Group - there are like a dozen or more Vanguard Group named companies registered with slight variations and those are just the public off shoots known - they also have the shadow companies with 16 digit numbers as the official name to funnel money through and all hiding as non-profits that pay no real taxes. Every corporation does this. Steve Jobs owned 1 car in his own name. Every other car was under company names and he'd cycle them out every 6 months. His name was never on papers for anything he owned.
Factored with marginal tax rates and the rich never pay. 80% wasnt even the highest tax rate. There were countries with 110% tax rates at the time for rich - no one was paying more than they made, but thats what this bitch wants the niggers and spics to believe. Its all lies. Taxes are for the middle class. No one else legitimately pays them. Look at that divegrass spic - he went to court for skipping out on taxes and paid $20 million. He makes $100 million per year and didnt pay for like a decade. He made more on interest and investments than he had to pay them and they still didnt come close to making him pay his share and no jail time or real penalty, despite millions in lost revenue and lies and even fled country at one point. Taxes are for you to pay for the 3rd world to replace you and so the rich can have a slave caste. It's the end goal of socialism - a communist class and return to feudal lords. you line up for bread, they eat honeyed tea and cakes.
>he thinks AOC is going to even touch (((The Rich)))
I'm LMAOing at your life!
The fact that the bitch has the pair to suggest any sort of 70 percent tax shows how far the demographics have fallen.
She would have been stoned to death in the 50s for even suggesting it.
I've heard this for a long time; seriously, like a decade⦠way back when I was still lolberg⦠and lolbergs were the first people I heard this argument from.
I understand the incentive for large corporations to make it difficult for upstarts who may one day compete with them, but (aside from that and standard jewish tricks) what difference would it matter to random rich guys if other guys also got rich?
Its better to be a big fish in a little pond and keep the other fish little
Not sure if you're operating at a high level of trolling, but Eisenhower-era tax rates were almost exactly 70 percent.
I honestly can't tell who's fucking around anymore.
Anyway, there's nothing inherently wrong with high taxes, within reason, and the welfare regime she's talking about works wonderfully when you have a country full of productive whites. Turn loose a nigger, however, and you're wearing anchors for jewelry before you know it. Sweden was a great place to live before the government shoveled niggers from Africa into it. The dirty secret of utopian socialism is that it only works in white and Jap ethnostates. Otherwise, the productive people work ever harder to keep the laziest niggers alive until the whole system goes down the tubes.
I guess there would be some dilution of influence, but somehow the argument always seemed to me to be missing something that I'm not smart enough to figure out.
The difference is that it's easier for them to dispossess citizens of money and power if they have control of the government. They're tried to cut scholarships, jobs, and education of the magahat kids who smiled to a native on camera. However, they failed because the right had enough clout, political power, and evidence to fight back.
Under the left, you're very unlikely to have those as it causes them to lose. They're liars after all. So they'll endorse policies that would restrict right-wing clout, reduce right-wing political power, suppress evidence, and eliminate due process. Leftists currently do those actions in institutions like university and the entertainment industry. Have you ever wondered why they tried to push #believeallwomen a year ago?
The jews have been trying to genocide Europeans since Titus up-ended their chosen ones myth in 70AD. The goal is suffering and death for whites, but first grinding poverty and servitude, otherwise they have to accept that they really are just ordinary sand nigger mongrels.
Have you seen all the commiecat porn?