Gang of Moslems Film Themselves Attacking Dutch Teen.
They mistreated a boy and kicked him in the head several times and -of course- kept on filming.
Gang of Moslems Film Themselves Attacking Dutch Teen.
They mistreated a boy and kicked him in the head several times and -of course- kept on filming.
Admit it, you can masturbate all you want but when you get in the sack with a woman you suddeny can't get it up. Why? You don't get it, you workout hard, you diet well, you avoid chips and cookies, you have an ok body but when it comes time for sex you just cannot perform. And maybe you can perform but not efficienty. You cant just meet a woman and BOOOOM here ya go baby!!!! You have a severed connection to women. You can recover, you can get aroused but not with ease……Why?
The powers that be are waging war against alpha males, that is why!!!!
What is(was) the perfect bodybuilding food to promote low fat levels and strong muscular development all in a cost effective go to food? Tuna fish. Remember back in 1997 or so when it was 77 cents a can and you would buy 10 cans and feast? Those days are LOOOOONNNNGGGG gone. Today's tuna is not tuna anymore. It's a hybrid food that has onions mixed in DELIBERATELY to wage war against athletic young men. The powers that be have ransacked the world's most cost effective bodybuilding food and turned it into a homosexual promoting food. Turned it into a testosterone lowers food, turned it into an estrogen promoting food. The reason why you have impotence and lowered testosterone levels is because your protein rich food supplies are being mixed with onions protein fillers. Not for any other purpose but to wage war against testosterone.
The powers that be fear a future of high testosterone athetes everywhere, they welcome a future where men have erectile dysfunction, weak muscles, heavy weighed down bodies and a major lack of willpower to do anything other than OBEY!
I'ts not just tuna. A lot of frozen burgers have onions mixed in with them. A lot of foods have onions mixed in. A lot of protein powders have onions mixed in. The powers that be are slowly infiltrating every protein rich source out there and mixing onions into them.
WTF? Why do you kill your thread with this bullshit.
wtf is this post lol?
dude im pretty ripped and i can get it up no problem, like whats you major malfunction brother?
Stop lying.
lol what the fuck is this? is soy still wordfiltered to onion like it was on /ck/ or something?
Is this some kind of projection. If you cant get it up, and its not hard drugs or whiskey dick, its probably a nervous thing. Even if you didnt have the highest T levels in the world, you should still be able to have normal erections, so im not sure who told you this. maybe stop drinking. lol
Why did you say that?
Sad, i am from the netherlands and Yes the foreigners do cause a lot of problems in every aspect of society. I could write a book or 10 about it.
Traitorous Dutch wigger looking on?
Write a post about it here.
Please, do tell. How fucked is the Netherlands? Most Dutch tell me that it's pretty bad. Any stories or details that you'd like to share?
Another Dutchie here. Muslims commit a shitload of crimes and cause a lot of problems in society, but they get treated with kid gloves. Whenever you call them out you get dogpiled by white, retarded lefties who call everyone racist but wouldn't want to have one of those sheep fuckers near their homes.
And most of this country hates Trump because the biased media told them. A lot of people don't know much about politics because the EU loves to pull the wool over the eyes of the masses. IRL I rarely talk to Dutch people about politics unless I know that they are right wing, because then I can be sure that they don't start screeching like the ham planets do in the States.
Seriously hoping for Trump 2020.
I see. I take it that Mark Rutte is just like Theresa May in the UK, he and his party VVD claim to be "conservative," while conserving nothing? Yet, your leftists and (((leftists))) probably still screech against even your cuckservatives, no doubt. Looks like the National Socialist NSB party was the last time an actual political party looked out for the interests of the real Dutch people.
The shills have lost it.
But I'll use their failure to point you to the performance enhancing benefit men get from raw onions, and Porn Induced Erectile Dysfunction.
Hail victory!
So basicly same like all countries in west europe. Sooner or later muslims will gain enough power to replace native cucks. Boomers will die out soon. For muslims it is like wolf vs sheep. Europeans don't fight. Muslims will try take over by violence. They are animals who just can't wait to for slow replacement. At least that is my wish. I don't even care anymore. I don't have family.
I seriously hoping Trump will lose in 2020. That could trigger civil war. Than Iran could start war with Israel. Until Hollywood and Israel lose power, NPCs are under their spell.
Good. Should happen more.
At least they aren't speaking German, right?
I'd take German over Arabic every day.
Flemish (Belgium) here. Shit is just as bad here
Blacked has new content? kek
Rightwing is a meme in this country tho, VVD claims it is right wing it's basically the party where retards vote for. I can't talk with anyone about politics since they are kept dumb by education + media.
NSB didn't look out for people it were a bunch of nazi bootlickers who sold out other people to the nazis. Basically let other people starve (literally due to hunger winter) and left them in garbage conditions so that they could profit of it. The leader of NSB, Mussert was a spineless coward who was inept and a tryhard to win over favor of Hitler, Hitler didn't give a shit about him and he got treated like shit. Mussert didn't care though since he made himself rich over the backs of Dutch population. They were overall very terrible.
Mark Rutte is beyond jewish with his lies. He lies about everything, his lies are constantly exposed yet he just smiles at the camera and his severely mentally damaged voterbase will vote for his party the next time anyway. They are actually quite leftist themselves, they pretend to be rightwing and against immigration but they don't push any legislation against it either. The coalitions they take part in they're mostly just increasing taxes and killing job growth, they're leftists disguising themselves as being rightwing. It doesn't claim to be conservative though it claims to be rightwing against migration and for growth and lower taxes. Yet nothing what they ever promise comes to pass and they have a weekly corruption incident at this point and it doesn't even affect them in polls. Dutch people care so little about politics, just whatever the mainstream media feeds them they gorge on it and can't really think for themselves.
And yes we have communist green party which consists of former communist party members in Netherlands (not even joking actual fucking communists are in this party) and it attracts hordes of braindead young indoctrinated sjw cattle to them. They have by far the most retarded of voters overall this left party.
Cities are lost, we are talking 60% of the population on record that is foreign born. Include illegal niggers and sandniggers youre getting closer to 75%. Bigger cities like Amsterdam, Rotterdam, Utrecht, Den Haag and the like are beyond saving and my personal opinion is that it is probably a good option to sacrifice our cultural heritage in those cities and just burn it all down.
More than half of the people under 16 years old (in te entire country) are foreign born. More than 80% of those people are muslim. An honest European will walk the streets, feeling lost. Strollers with children are not white, but black and brown. You see muslim scum walking around in full garb, usually around 6 to 7 children in tow. This is the cause of my pain and my struggle. Do i leave for America with my children while they are still young, do i struggle on and watch this social experiment destroy my children, my family, my country?
Our biggest 'anti-muslim' party is run by Wilders, who is a fucking kike, studied in Israel and does everything he can to stereotype conversatives. He will not convince the masses of their doom, he does convince them to stay compliant, meek… calm.
Our other option is Baudet with his FvD. Which makes goods points, fights against cultural marxism on most fronts - going as far as attacking modern art and architecture (breathe of fresh air), but are still compromised. 'Tis our best option, but unfortunately does not seem liek a viable one.
The old socialist parties have had a terrible loss of votes but the newer more peppy hippy hipster commie parties are gaining ground whereever conservative parties give them an inch. As a result of old leftist parties losing, we are literally ending up with leftist mayors that need new jobs. Securing their influence yet again in the public sphere, even when that same public told them to fuck off. Oh and dont forget the muslim mayors, because of tolerance or whatever. The new mayor of Arnhem could not even name a single street of the city he was to become mayor of. Fantastic. And to funnel the anger they send in Geert Wilders and a couple of stereotypical numbskulls to cause havoc and destroy optics of all legitimate criticism.
Schools and education in general is fucked, and an interesting development here is that men seem to stay out of higher education in larger numbers. The amount of women is growing immensely, which is predictable considering the marxist feminist agenda. The future holds even less white babies and more depressed women than ever before! And lets not forget the burden of debt that comes with studying. The start of adult life starts dim for a lot of young people that should be thinking about children and not about Playstations and muhweed.
But there is a light shining in the distance. A small flicker of a flame that i still expect to start an inferno. As calm and collected the Dutch usually are, more and more people seem to refuse to keep to themselves their anger with society. They notice its never white people that cause problems. They notice its foreigners. Disgusting sinskinned foreigners. Leeching our social programs, leeching the education and time meant for our children, leeching public resources, causing violence, irritation, vandalism.
I live on the border with Germany myself. Countryside. And the attitude here is like on every farmland i imagine; more inclined towards nationalism. Conservative values, men and women have their roles in life, people have learned a skill they can earn a living with within their own community. Snow falls, shits cold, almost spring. The usual.
We have one nigger in town and hes probably gone by the end of the month.
Oh to end the rant; i see more and more racemixers, but almost never white + other race. The sandnigger and the nigger seem to breed.
Heres some more information, since the other user seems to be working and unable to reply. More than half of our 'bijstand' (social security checks) goes to foreign born people. Let me make it clear im not against helping my family and i think social safety nets are a good thing for society, if that society consists of a single family - but when literal diseased leeches come here and breed like rabbits we have a problem.
Im looking up some numbers here so i can source some stuff, found it interesting that 'allochtoon', which means immigrant/foreigner (implication is shitskin), is now censored to 'Person with a Migration background'. Newspeak.
Almost 65% of our inmates are foreign born. After reports a couple of years ago that certain prisons had to close (literally renting prisons out to Sweden and Belgium) because of a lack of criminals - we experience the same issue with prisons being too full a few years later. Racists said immigration would cause precisely this. Fucking racists.
Interestingly enough, our Bureau of Statistics (CBS) has a very legitimate take on race and ethnicity. Where countries like Sweden and Germany tend to censor this information, or rather not document it entirely, CBS says: >"Verschillende herkomstgroepen vertonen verschillende patronen van criminaliteit, zoals uit veel onderzoeken is gebleken. Hieraan liggen diverse factoren ten grondslag. In de maatschappij en bij beleid is behoefte aan informatie over deze criminaliteitspatronen"
You know some (((reporter))) just had to put questionmarks behind documenting race. I can smell him here, disgusting.
Good signs in general are:
- More than 25% of companies would rather not hire shitskins
- More than 60% of shitskins report they experience racism daily
And i cant emphasize enough how little Dutch people still selfcensor their thoughts on immigrants.
Its about the same in Belgium. I hope the European elections in may will be a rightwing victory. But if it would make the difference? So much harm has already been done to Western Europe that I fear for the future
Kanker. Also the crime here is 5 times worse as reported. Let that sink in.
racist whiteboy got his bitchass beat
It would be interesting if the fire ignites in France again. Im obviously going to attract a discussion about it being a (((revolution))) and not a revolution, but i have faith in our southern brothers. They proved to be good adversaries to measure ourselves against in the past, and the conflict and cooporation helped us grow in many ways. But… France is about a decade ahead of the benelux in terms of immigration. If they had enough, perhaps the momentum of that fire can spread it towards the outer borders of Europe. People have had enough, clearly. Only Sweden seems to actually embrace their doom, how often is it that they are worse than the memes made to ridicule them? :^)
Its not a defeatist attitude at all, not meant to be at least, but i have no faith in something changing through votes. The system is corrupted, we need a new one. One that gives the people that have their roots driven into the soil the power to govern it.
There are only two options. Either white men embraces diversity and ceases to exist. As will every other race. Or we reaffirm our borders, assert ourselves and expel people that dont belong.
The problem is your fellow man. Inspire them any way you can.
And why are you faggots posting here about it instead of going out and doing something about it?
did u just watch the video? that white pussy posts on Zig Forums and decided to talk shit. see what happens whiteboy? go ahead a do something about it while your head bounces off the ground.
almost certain this is b8, but I'm going to treat it like it's demoralisation shilling and call you a faggot.
oh no. you called me a faggot on Zig Forums. say it to my face bitchass faggot
What's wrong, did I strike a nerve? It just must be true that you are, in fact, a niggerfaggot.
You do have a family user. Escalation means Muhammed raping Linda. You can still care.
why are you posting here instead of going out and doing something about it? pussyshit whiteboy
shoot all liberals you can find
I'm going to have many children with my blonde gf and pass on my genes, unlike you, a niggerfaggot.
i hope you tell your children to run their mouth in school so they learn their place at a young age.
Lmao they won't get more than a stern talking to.
Don't worry I will. At least I don't have to worry about them getting beat up by the children of the internet tough guy, as he is a niggerfaggot.
Could you two at least act white when youre in the company of others?
Semites are pathetic.
That's the equivalent of what the kid is doing in the video.
Most of them are niggers or half niggers kid should have fought back he probably would have hurt them more then he thought he would. This is what happens when you let “empowered” women raise your sons they teach them that fighting back is wrong
Yeah Sweden completely screwed.
Did you follow the news in Belgium? Did you see the youth climate marches getting completely hijacked by Groen (far left)? Its hard to inspire anyone else, the MSM is so anti right. Every day they shit on something. And yesterday I saw a clip of a teacher calling a right wing politician retarded
Its imperative you work out and learn to defend yourself. Poor kid
Typical shill faggot.
That sounds like the same (((lies))) that have been said about Vichy France. "Oy vey, goyim! Those times were really terrible! Even you poor Dutch were treated bad by the evul natzees!." Considering the state of Europe, particularly Western Europe, and the Western World today, I'm inclined to believe that Anton Mussert did nothing wrong, and you've been spoonfed a septic tank full of kike lies your entire life about the Axis, and their supporters just as we all have. For fuck's sake, the reason why things are they way they are is because the Axis sadly lost the fight, a fight to prevent the world from going the direction that it is going, which was (((planned))) long before the NSDAP even came into power. How you can not put the two together truly boggles my mind.
I agree with the rest of your post, though. Seems the Netherlands is just about as kiked up as the UK.
Shit, sounds pretty fucking dim. I take it that homeschooling is not legal in the Netherlands, yes? Hell, come to the USA, dude. While we also have our own share of racial problems, at least you can carry around a firearm, even without a permit in an increasing amount of states. Either that, or move to the Czech Republic, or Belarus.
good luck learning our language. East European slavs propably take your place before you arrive. Their language is similar so it is not that hard for them to learn. But don't fool yourself. Even if you manage to move to V4, you only buy 10-20 years of peace. Muslims will invade this place soon anyway.
Sounds like I shouldn't give a fuck about this then. The population sounds like trash. I don't care for a people that don't care for themselves.
No, do not encourage Europeans to come to America you fucking burger. We're meant to face our problems and protect our homeland–not run away from both. I hate faggots like you who think moving to America solves everything.
Sadly a fact. Living in Amsterdam for close to 5 years taught me the absolute horror that will await us all if this trend continues unchecked.
The only reason I want global warming to be true, is that it will flood the major cities and by extension, will flood out the rats that have taken root there. After the flood, most niggs and muzzies will flee back to their home country.
Kike, Jew and Mossad Agent? (pic related)
Did you know he was also named as an attendee in a child murder show? This was during the time he was in the government. According to the witness, he and Mark Rutte (and some others, including the witness) stood in a room where they witnessed two men murder a boy. The scene took place behind glass wall. The Von Amsburg family has a knack for that too: a youth facility, where the royals picked up children to work at the palace, sent out a warning after children were never heard from again when they visited the queen.. Really, if we want to fix the shit, we should see what's happening around the Von Amsberg family: everybody connected to them is in the know.
No, home schooling is still very much legal. I expect fringe communities with true teachings to pop up in the countryside as the cities descend deeper into chaos.
You're probably right. CZ and the V4 are basically their own Weimar Republics without much of the (((enriching))) diversity.
Nigger, it's an option, that's all I'm saying. If they wish to stay in their homelands and fight, I completely respect that and wish them the best in their endeavor.
Jesus Christ. I guess Ronald Bernard was right after all. Seems like (((they))) made the Netherlands their Jerusalem on the continent in Western Europe. And have allowed their most good of goyim to join in on the ritual child murder sacrifices. Unless, the royal family are crypto-Jews themselves? The princess, who is heiress apparent to the throne, looks like she has Asiatic Jewish eyes and face. More prominent lower lip in some high res pictures as well.
If literal violence to protect your future is not an option, is running away from that fight illegitimate? Im conflicted myself. Like i said, i dont see how i can give my children the childhood i had in my own country. Is looking for that future elsewhere wrong? Nothing short of a genocide would safe Europe. If only 10% of the population costs this much and they keep shitting out more demon spawn, how do you picture the future. Knowing that the race war we all desperately try to meme into existence is probably not going to happen anytime soon. Do i gamble with the life of my children?
I dont think you realise the depth of our problems here. We imported thousands of 'guest workers' in the 70s and 80s, cheap foreign labour to destroy our own. These people had kids, we are talking in some cases about the 4th or 5th generation when were talking about allochtonen. All of them still have a heavy accent. We have political parties that made an effort, AN EFFORT, to prevent integration. We needed new Dutch people and that was best achieved to preserve their own identity. New mosques are build, new synagoges are build and churches are closed. The marxist culture running rampant in the US has finally blown over.
It is so bad that a literal faggot was to be our saviour.
But ofcourse he had to get himself shot by a deranged commie.
I dont see a way to fight this. Not right now i dont. So is leaving for a brighter future so bad? Is it not in my Dutch blood to leave the confines of my small country and prosper elsewhere?
I'll leave this here.
Well fuck, that confirms a whole lot of shit.. Have a bump.
I'm off to work now. I'm going to discuss this in length during the weekend.
>You're probably right. CZ and the V4 are basically their own Weimar Republics without much of the (((enriching))) diversity.
No that bullshit. We are not Weimar at all. We simply know history. There will be more armed muslims than was german soldiers in WW2. They will simply came here, destroy all churches and kill everyone who don't submit. We don't have crippling poverty or insane degeneracy.
West Europe will be conquered without fight. East Europe will be conquered by jihad. I can go anywhere in public and say i hate niggers and muslims. Try it in your town.
Goh, vvd aan het manipuleren. Wat een verrassing.
Neemt natuurlijk niet weg dat Wilders een jood is en gecontroleerde oppositie.
Ik vraag we wel af wat ze nu dan uit hun hoge goed gaan toveren om mensen zo ver te krijgen vvd te stemmen. Het wie wordt de grootste is nu niet aan de orde.
Gezien de berichten van de laatste tijd zullen ze wel gaan doen alsof ze fvd/pvv standpunten hebben en er zijn voor mensen met een baan en ondernemers.
En niet vergeten "kritisch" naar migratie kijken natuurlijk, wat er in de praktijk op neerkomt dat ze kijken of de omvolking wel volgens de planning verloopt.
I don't know, CZ seems to have a lot of porn produced.
Why didn't he try to stop it? He just smiles and looks on from a distance.
That is just jewish business in Prague. We czechs get lot of heat for porn industry. Prague is degenerate shithole. It is nice city. But it is also hub for (((business))), (((media))) and junkies.
In reality you will not fuck random girl if you show her few bucks. It is staged. Not like we are saitns. Lot of beer, weed and meth abuse. But young people are still getting married and have kids. Unlike in west europe, we are openly against migration. At least of muslims and blacks.
Who knows. If he try to fight, they would still kick his ass, but they would not try it next time. But that is how west europe is. Try to be nice because you are not racist. East Europeans are racist. I kind a feel bad for our gypsies. They are not that bad compared to muslims and niggers. Yet they feel like second class citizens here. In west muslims act like Kangz.
88e4c5 has a point
If you still fall for "based eastern europe meme" you are a fool. But I guess it is easy to think so if you've never been there and compared to UK nowadays anything is based. Sadly. v4 are all presented as "extreme" nationalist while their governments are barely civnat. Speaking for Slovakia and CZ, the case is that Slovakia has somewhat better support of nationalist parties, but overall doing almost the same as CZ. CZ has smaller support of nationalist parties, the votes are sucked dry by civic nationalist party that is in no way to stop the invasion, meanwhile the ultra leftist degenerate parties gain ground. Prague is degenerate hell, but luckily the rest of country (except for few big cities) holds well - especially the east. Slovakia - Bratislava is a smaller Prague. Obviously if you go to the eastern parts, it is less corrupt there. Eastern CZ is somewhat similar to western Slovakia in terms of dissolution. Comparing Prague and Eastern Slovakia edge is where you get a huge difference, not so much if you compare it to Bratislava though.
CZ is memed up in Slovakia to be "great progressive country," be like CZ", that's the propaganda there) In CZ there are even larger attempts to uproot the little faith there still is, nationalism and everything while many people still hang up to faith but mainly to nationalism. You may be racist irl in both CZ and Slovakia. But you do see race mixers, there is lot of degeneracy around…not Weimar levels though.
Seriously if you trust the "porn plots" that a woman will sleep with you just that you flash money before her…I am sorry user, that is not the case. The same shit could be claimed for Ukraine and its "sexual tourism". Also have you known Krakow is popular place for sexual tourism? Nobody gives heat to Poles about that because theis country is memed up to another purpose.
Poland is memed up to be hyper nationalist, trad catholic country, while the process of dissolution is similar to CZ/Slovakia, just on a smaller scale.
We have issues, but it certainly is not that the country is full of porn stars. It;s the same shit when they purposely omit data from statistics to claim "the country is 90% atheist now. Give up, it's over."
Obviously each country is presented as something to calm down the population and keep it in the line, not to organize against invasion. For Poles it's civnat + catholicism, for CZ it's civnat, for SK it's similar to poland, Hungary…not too aware of their politics but I guess it's similar there.
tl dr. Moving to E. europe makes no sense, buys you 10 years at most, the situation will deteriorate rapidly and you will not even be in your homeland, living the same hell. I realize it sounds black pilled but this is what things are here.
Thank you for this post, user.
V4 is white fortress. We don't have tons of muslim and niggers because it is easier to get to Germany, France and UK. There they have bigger gibs, nobody dare to attack them and language barrier is not that big.
If West european nationalist or muslims starts some real fights in street, muslim will come to East Europe in next 20 years. Unfortunatly west europeans are still cucked and refuse starting fire. It would be good advantage point to have some part of Europe without muslims. But we are losing this chance slowly. We could win this if west europeans poke muslims to do some attacks. They could use Yellow vest movement. Muslims don't have to do anything to win. Just wait, breed and collect gibs. I don't even hope for our victory. I would just like to be part war against Islam. Just die with holding riffle and get some frags.
So basicly we are already defeated. Anons will post how shitty it is in west. Instead throwing few molotovs in shitskins homes in minecraft.
Or you cavemen can learn fucking English. Anyway, I hear Germans are moving in massively.
Ronald Bernard was certainly right. He estimated that 8000 people handle all the money. I think there's a plenty more of us than there's of them.
Regarding Amsterdam: it certainly has that Neo-Babylon sense around it and the Corporate Money flows richly through Taxhaven Netherlands. Allowing the Jews after the fall of Antwerpen was a big mistake.
Things went sour when this ultranigg on the left joined the crew.
Appearantly the Crown was bankrupt when they married out the sole heiress to the crown, Princess Juliana van Oranje-Nassau to Jonkheer Bernhard Lippe-Biesterfeld. This was primarily because of his wealth (and also because it 'clicked' between them). In the finance regard he passed this test sublimely: his Bilderberg Group is just one example of his ability to manipulate evil and create money out of it.
The Asiatic Jewish influences probably come from the Von Amsberg blood (through Prince Claus, concubine of Princess Beatrix). The present Heir, Princess Amalia had the same pigface qualities as her father. I have not looked at the line of Máxima Zorreguieta. Her Sister commited suice a few months ago. Appearantly she'd been struggling with depression for her entire life *because of child abuse?*
I'm sure the yellow vests would be glad to volunteer for that job. Just ask Goldman Sachs to give them the authority to do so, Geert. lol.
When are you fags going to step up and beat up some Musniggers?
I know my english sucks. Sorry for that. But honestly i use english only to post here. Don't know how to eliminate mistakes.
I don't realy care who move in at this point. Serbs, Slovaks, Ukrainians, Turks, Syrians or niggers. Don't worry, my crappy english will not taint this board any longer.
kosher shabbos is allowed to hold his throne by saying this shit hope there are some other royals to take his place after the day of the rope
Disgusting, how will you ever listen to Hitler and not rely on translations. How can you read Benito and Condreanu without having learned the language properly. How can you appreciate the nuance laid bare when you truly understand the tongue that is spoken.
You cant. Youre the caveman.
As I suspected as well. The Jewish appearance looks even more prominent with him.
When Jewish power is removed from the Netherlands.
Did they… dox the kid?
Looks that way. The low-IQ non-Whites are going to take this as a sign of disrespect somehow and beat up on him again.
You people deserve worst, if you think gypos are better, you deserve worst.
Dutch here…
Apparently, the kid called them out on their behaviour by saying their mothers are cancer or something (I can't determine it fully due to him talking that Moroccan Rapper Mumble Bullshit).
And they proceeded as minorities in these once-tolerant society usually do, beat the living shit out of him.
You know… It's a rule here never to ask a man whether he believes in god or not, nor how much money he earns. But individuals like these need to be profiled wherever they go if they should have any semblance of shaping the Dutch society back to the once proud and respectful culture it encompassed.
Even Suriname is one of the most respectful nations on it's continent, despite it being in South America…
I'm not a racist, but this reminds me of something some old man once told me (roughly translated): "It's not the culture that makes the society, it's the society that makes a culture."
Ik hoop deze geit-fuckers zijn dood door een dick verstikking nadat zij zijn deporteerd naar Zandniggerstan…
Whoa…mein nigger, no they are THERE TO STAY in your nations. They have come to conquer you, not as 'refugees'. This is a conquering occupation. They aren't 'leaving to go home' until you kill them and send them back to Hell.
It looks very much like the standard international rite of acceptance into society of a faggot.
The guy doesn't even bother to fight back, like he knows he's done shit, and the other white guy is happy about what is happening to him.
this is the danger of being unarmed while in a zoo.
Pinned meat to himself and didn't think the wild animals would eat it. I hope he learned his lesson. You don't reason with animals, you train them, tame them, or put them the fuck down.
Who gives a shit if lefties call you mean things grow a pair of bald, both shit skins and their supporters are beneath you
I never had problem with any gypsi so far. Can't say that about niggers and muslims.
You don't have to play NPC here.
I still have my doubts. He got murdered by the party cartel and they used a deranged commie as a scape goat, that is my take on it.
Have you ever been bullied? Remember that Hollywood kino colors all sorts of life aspects, don't be so naïve to think that it doesn't warp your mind about the simplest stuff. Bullying is nearly never in the fashion of the 80s Varsity-jacket wearing jock shoving a broken-glasses-wearing nerd in a locker in front of all the other laughing kids. Usually it is a few (3-5) kids fooling around and one decides to make a show before the others; a power play if you will. He usually incites the thing verbally, and then pursues physically whether or not the other kid has responded verbally or physically. To point is to humiliate before the others, esp. if the others are part of the boy's friend group. And so the idea that bullies are outside the friend group of the bullied child is a patent farce repeated by cinema and clueless academics who seem to forget how the social dynamics of children and pubescents work (or were never personally experienced with these phenomena). In the past, this test might be met with a mutual sparring between the two, which, regardless of who 'wins,' seems to give the bullied a chance to believe that he has a chance to defend himself before peers. The fact that teachers and parents are taught to discourage any response on the part of the bullied ('tell an adult' etc) seems to me that either they are willfully ignorant of this dynamic, which has to be learned through experience the hard way, or they are perversely and sadistically in on it, implicitly rooting for the bully.
Reading some literature on the subject, it seems that when the victim is encouraged by peers, near-peers (older brothers, teen mentors) or a close adult, a fight is one instance of a bonding moment with a bully and the culmination in thrown fists seems to bring to a close the latent tension in that relationship. Situations where the victim is unable to defend himself also occur, which is a different matter, being a more unequal state of affairs.
Between peers at least, Hobbes and Locke noted that while some people break the mold in extraordinary ways, most people are alike to each other in terms of strength and mental fortitude, such that in a 'State of Nature' individuals would battle with each others with no clear victor, contrary to the imaginary 'Alpha Male' discussed on places like this board. There is no 'alpha' social dynamic in human primates, although there are social hierarchies in which some males are higher than others, and at any given time these hierarchies are fluid, unstable and aren't even clear in the minds of the members in it. Young boys should be encouraged to meet their bullies in conflict when it is in the best interest of the boy. My first (and only) real fight was exhilarating and definitely had an effect on my masculine selfconcept.
This guy speaking the truth. Very accurate, particularly politically.
Yes, when they're your people, your demos, then that is the experience. It's not really the same cross racially.
I thought I was bullied when I was a teenager. Looking back, I don't think it's accurate to describe it as such; I was an overly sensitive kid that was easily scared by things. I was physically quite strong, confident in most things, but I had really bad parenting due to previous trauma's they endured.
Anyways I felt bullied and I really thought I was in a lot of danger from some fellas at our football (soccer for americans) group. So I decided to ask for help from a person at school appointed to deal with sensitive situations.
She listened to my story. She paused and thought for a bit. Then she said; when they try to hurt you, you hit them.
I said: What if I lose? She said: Just make sure you hurt them. It's okay to lose, but if you hurt them and keep trying to hurt them as long as they continue, they won't want to do it again.
There was one more time where the guys were intimidating me, and I said: "Okay c'mon let's fight" and they didn't. And that was the end of it.
I think what strikes me about videos like OP (or the disabled kid attacked by blacks in america for being a republican about a year or two ago), is that cross racially there does not seem to be as much of a stop once humiliation/victory is achieved. I'm sure this also happens within race.
Or more likely all types of shitskins have no honor, empathy and decency. They shouldn't be treated with any in return.
No, there's no sense in having yourself and your loved ones slaughtered because the majority refuses to even acklowledge there's a problem. I have no doubts they will wake up eventually though and there will be enough of them willing to take up arms. Once (and if) shit hits the fan you can still support your people by providing money, food, drugs, logistics and so on to them so they can fight. You must also remember that some of us may be too old in 20 plus X years to fulfill a combat role. In this case they must find other ways to contribute.
I see hope for Europe - Eastern, western less. I do not see hope for UK and US. But I might be wrong.
That remains to be seen.
“Hope” for Eastern Europe, don’t fucking make me laugh, lad. If there’s a land that’s worth saving, that’s Albion, for the Englishmen gave you the world, the language, the Industrial Revolution, plenty of inventions, innovations and what not.
Compared to them, Eastern Europeans are plain white niggers, not worth saving IMO. The only way for them to make themselves useful would be for all the immigrants to fuck off from Central and Northern Europe and into the East with the rest of the Slav Niggers.
Gang of jews film themselves murdering 3000 Americans.
Why wait? CUCK
Euro's first stomping by a pack of feral apes.
How's that diversity treating you, guys?
Ever going to ask Americans why they "need" all those guns, again?
Feral primates never "grow out" of this stage, they remain violent and stupid their entire lives.
I wish Clinton had won 2016. We would just be wrapping up the civil war right about now.
Come to America. If nothing else you can train with right wing militias over here and maybe someday liberate your homeland. Serious offer: I'll find someone to sponsor your family on an immigration visa. You'd feel at home in rural Wisconsin, there are towns around here without a single POC; they get run off by "mean scary nazi skinheads" when they inevitably cause problems.
I just care about women, the more men die, the less competition
Als we Nederland willen behoeden van een omvolkingsinvasie, moeten wij zelf gaan voortplanten. Het is de enige weg om de plaag die de Islam heet te kunnen weren en omwenden.