Supposedly they're ahead of Macron now. Have they become as cucked as I've heard and will winning the EU elections even mean anything?
What are their chances in the EU election?
Also, just as excuse to post these…
go back to imagefap, slidebro
it's a fucking legit question, just today she was trying to use the yellowvest shit as a way to springboard into E-Jew elections. Fap pics of her niece just a bonus, but the point would still be valid even iif her her niece looked like therea may..
a. Learn how to format correctly here, fuckface.
b. These used to be best hours to post here. Amerilards asleep and west coast Amerilards too paranoid on meth to post. Now it's fucking soyboys and cuckolds of every variety.
Le pens party is little more than cuckservative neocons after having purged the racist and anti semitic old guard of the party.
Having said that:
just blast it with piss already
With her grandfather gone from party, I've been hearing not only is it shit, but that she's even dropping her grandfather's name. Her grandfather tortured a lot of Algerian vermin, good dude. His daughter is an ungrateful whore but still, even she has to know the rage must go somewhere.
Yes and that rage will go to any target except the jews. The main problem.
For the 2nd time:
Learn to format, Hymie. Or were you munching on kosher krisps that day in hasbara school?
Oh they'll go for the Jews. Did you not see posters everywhere "Macron, whore of the Jew" last week? There was some guy on the French rightwing site encouraging everyone to keep dossiers on their local Jews.
Front Nationale is a shell of its former self. Just another civic nationalist party along the likes of UKIP, AfD and even Trump in the US. That said, I don't know how the French electoral system works.
"Marine Le Pen delivered a speech in Paris to thousands of her National Rally party supporters, who chanted “Macron, resignation!” as she spoke.
She denounced Macron and the EU as agents of globalisation with contempt for ordinary people.
She also said the European Parliament elections in May ought to be a referendum on whether Macron stays in office. “If Macron does not have the wisdom to go back to the people by dissolving parliament, then let the political arbitrage come from European elections,” she said.
“The European Union as it stands is a menace to our identity and to our security,” she added, while praising the Yellow Vests as a “healthy popular revolt”. The battle is now between nationalists and globalists,” she concluded.
At the same time Macron published a letter in French newspapers."
Silly Goyim, you really think that they would allow another Hitler?
Hitler was elected and nobody allowed it.
Probably not much, since the French think a lot like Varg and realize that there is no political solution, aside from BURN THIS MOTHERFUCKER DOWN!, hence, the Yellow Vests Movement.
Yes I have seen the posters but do not attribute that to lepens party
They must have cost the Jews quite a few shekels over christmas. Imagine the nip bastards who get "paris syndrome" finally taking a few days to get over the niggers and other subhuman animals, and then the actual french begin burning down Paris?
I'm a frog and I approve
Besides Le Pen's party doesnt even want to push for a fucking Frexit. It's a joke
c'est le seul marketing possible sous un paradigme pareil
sinon, je suis d'accord avec toi, mais les temps sont ce qu'ils sont.