they burn animals alive because agony increases their flavor, are hive minded, unable to feel empathy
Why are asians so psychopathic?
Other urls found in this thread:
Why are Jews so prone towards making slide threads?
pol inst important there are no shills if anything thered be shills in youtube comment sections
empathy for others is a european trait that is often exploited by non whites. That empathy is destroying us and which is never reciprocated
by the way the socially inept neckbeard stereotypis is far from true they are a minority on 4/Zig Forums because its just a place for anonymous interaction not some shy people club
Stay on the topic, nigger.
This guy looks like me
Im white since at least my great-grandfather's generation but ill gladly race-mix with a korean girl
It disgusts me that there are so many race traitors roaming around here. Why don't you find a white woman to marry?
hes jewish trust me i know this dude irl
he looks like nosferatu
Not him, but I live in a Judeo-liberal area, and a lot of them are garbage. Still, I'd rather die completely alone with no progeny than race mix.
I like tomboys and asians are just more androginous, white gals are too clearly femenine and i dont dig that
also im too busy with calculus to post the chinks burning animals alive webm's can someone do it for me?
Thank you.
See and learn. You need to gain control over your fetishes.
I used to have a femdom fetish (porn induced, IRL i avoid pain) but got over it.
in the last 3 years i havent fapped more than 10 times.
currently at 13 months nofap streak
Two IP-hopping kikes in this thread, by the way. It's ~2:45 PM in Tel Aviv right now, so I guess the JIDF got back from their lunch break from eating matzos soaked with sacrificed goy children's blood.
jidf doesnt care about pol
Everything you say is false.
Femdom is better than yellow fever.
No, femdom is vile and disgusting.
it's about paying a women to torture you.
Should I just marry a caucasian tomboy?
are there any specific genes for why asians lack empathy? i need to compile evidence
Nice nu-Zig Forums thread, great job
Cool new ideas for great 4channel nu-friend threads:
1. Based black guys
2. BBC threads/poor little white guy
3. Hyborian conspiracy thread
4. pepe the frog threads, HAHAHA he's one funny frog
5. MAGA appreciation thread
Good luck and have fun memeing out there friend!
Communism (specifically Maoism) killed or “re-educated” anyone with a sense of morals or higher education. So you literally had a mob of “people” with less than peasant tier knowledge and no sense of morals or responsibility running a country of a billion and perpetuating stupid myths and habits like eating endangered species for health benefits.
Its surely your fellow white male with an echoy name encouraging you to race mix :^)
Kek is that really what happened?
i am a based black guy though
these are koreans
shoo shoo stinky chink
What if I torture (You)?
go be a socially inept subhuman somewhere else
Of course it did, Mr. educated American.
these are koreans
No, you're the retard, see above.
you "people" create bad stereotypes about people who like anonimity
just die already you are human waste