World War 1 with its mass-mobilization of the entire male population and the substitution of empty factory jobs with women was the reason for why Feminism existed in the first place. Before that we had a Golden Age. We were the absolute, undisputed Civilizational Apex of this entire planet. Everything that happened after 1914 is a slow decline. It took untill the 1960s for Feminism to really fuck up gender roles, but you are a fool to falsely glorify the 1950s.
Every single wave of Feminism was horrible. Not giving women the fault btw. They didn't ask for this. Like them we inherited this problem. It's history now. We all hopefully know, who is to blame for this.
This thread is about researching and discussing the legal framwork of traditional gender roles that existed before Feminism.
Shut the fuck up. First of all women were not oppressed or second class citizens. They were a protected class. Also we need to admit the truth and reality, before deciding what to do. We can't just short-circuit and act like what happened is just, moral or natural, just because we want women today to be "not oppressed".
And we don't need to force anything. If we allowed people to write what they wanted in their marriage contract and made it legally binding the libertarian way, then we would probably approach what we used to have. After all marriage was an instituion that existed for all of recorded history. The system today actually makes real marriage impossible. Giving the women an incentive to get all of the benefits of marriage, despite remaining single/leaving her husband, is actually the opposite of marriage.
Tell your gf that a private marriage ceremony is much more real than the bullshit the gov wants you to believe. But this requires that you are able to convince her. It's much much easier to convince women, if they love you and respect you.
World War One was among the worst tragedies ever to befall mankind.
Gabriel Roberts
Imagine every single instance of mankind in the news/history to be replaced with Europe/European Civilization/European Race/White Race/etc /when it's accurate of course)
Matthew Thomas
I intentionally use "mankind" or "man" as often as possible because it triggers feminist cunts.
Nathaniel Gray
Domestic technology did this. Beta male (in the indians, not chief sense) engineers emancipate women and the corporations swept up the labornsuddenly creating the child care sector in tandem with the state. Kali yoga now, No such fantasy glazed in Amber can be re installed.
Wyatt Hill
TERFs are based though. They just need a bf that loves them and you could easily convert them into right-wing, traditional women.
They are usually more lonely, less extroverted women. They aren't the "go on parties and get shit-drunk" types. This is the only kind of personality you can safely marry nower days. Btw to any TERF that is reading this, I am just saying this, because an internet sort-of-gf that I used to have, basically turned into a hateful TERF and that made me kinda sad for her, because she would have been a good gf.
Lincoln Watson
TERFs are fine. They're far less hypocritical and far less disgusting than nu-feminism. TERFs just want to be left alone, sort of like how most White nationalists just want to be left alone. However, anyone triggered by the word "mankind" because it has the word "man" in it is probably a bigoted, bitter little cunt that deserves to be lynched. They can call it woman-kind among themselves if they like but we in the civilized world will continue to call it mankind and to hell with all the sniveling little Marxist bitches that want to police us.
Elijah Powell
*Anyway, WW1 is one of the reasons why I chide folks here who say that war is good for evolution. It is not. It kills all the bravest and brightest men and weakens civilization as a whole. I am no passivist and I'd be happy to fight a bloody revolution against the kikes and ZOG. But amongst ourselves war should be avoided.
Liam Adams
If you go back to the WWI generation who were named by their elders "the lost generation" they instilled a horror and despair in their parents and grandparents that transcended even the 60's boomer brats. Their degeneracy has been played down, buried in the sands of time but when you read about what they were actually up to they were fucking wildly insane people. The cigarette sucking flapper was boozing it up with bathtub gin, snorting cocaine and smoking opium with abandon. They were real sluts but when the big crash of '29 came they all had to return to their parents farm in Kansas or wherever Buttfuck Oklahoma for the duration. No more partying with jews in tuxedos in speakeasys.
Boomers wish we had another blood World War so that they could have factory jobs. They would gladly waste millions of lives for a short economic gain.
Perhaps the 50s are seen with rosy glasses because they want to make people want millions of whites to die.
in exchange for a good decade of economic activity in America we now have Muslims taking over Europe.
Carter Wright
The enemy of your enemy is not always your friend. The vast majority of TERFs are the same man-hating radfems who continue to believe in overthrowing 'patriarchy' and other such nonsense. Thinking you can wave a wand and get a tradcon waifu out of a TERF is just wishful thinking.
Henry Sullivan
All achievements arrived once the surplus male vacuum was opened by war. Voting, alimony, age of consent, and prohibition. Cats away, mice play.
Julian Jones
Oh yeah, don't worry. I am not saying that any kind of "alliance" with them is possible. I am just saying that you can convert them as individuals. Of course only if you are actually their boyfriend, because otherwise they won't care.
Evan Sullivan
Never said you could. What I believe is that they're irrelevant politically. The kikes have cast them aside like used whores and they're showing their true hatred for White women.
Andrew Foster
Boomers were the only generation to violently protest against the war. It was the WWII generation, the so called "greatest generation" that were happy to have those good paying factory jobs and callously send their sons off to get mangled in exchange for prosperity.
The only other American generation to seriously protest against a war was the 1890's generation that protested against the vicious unwritten war in the Philippines.
Nathan Sanchez
I lived in the 50's. Good times. Really good times. I have vivid dreams about it all the time. It kind of boggles my mind to think all those adults who seemed so permanent, so important, are all gone with the wind. A generation rises up, does its thing for a brief time then falls off a cliff into the void to be forgotten forever. Back in those days, the WWI generation were still around in substantial numbers. Then one day…*poof* they disappeared. Then one day, by the late 80's early nineties, the WWII generation disappeared. I hear Chuck Yeager is still alive at 93 though wheelchair bound.
The problem for millenials is that when you look back you see some old newsreels, some old documentaries, some advertisements and you think you know what that bunch were about.
There were hippies it's true. But most kids weren't hippies. Most people had jobs, tried to afford the nicest clothes, the nicest cars, the nicest homes, get the hottest girlfriends. Happy Days on TV has nothing whatsoever to do with the 50's. Just like MASH had nothing to do with the Korean War.
TV is pure shit. Maybe that's you're problem; you're educated by TV.
Julian Johnson
*ahem* your not "you're".
Caleb Davis
What country are you from? What were old people like back in your day? How big were the families? Did you know about your distant cousins? What were women like?
Were people more reserved about sex? DId people read a lot of books?
What did you know about Germans, what do you think about them and what do you think are their "ethnic attributes"?
I've been around the chans for some time. I started with Fucked Company board back in 2001 June. Then in 2003 I got into 911 truth big time. I've got a history degree at university and so I'm obsessed with news though the mainstream media disgusted me into ignoring them by the time of Carter. 911 truth woke me up hard to what was going on.
People did read more back then. There was no choice. There was no internet. People actually read War and Peace.
The Depression era people (the Greatest Generation) were really hard luck kids. They never thought they'd be able to have children simply because of their poverty. When the war came and the economy started booming they had their moment and then they had their children. Those first boomer babies of 1946 were their golden miracle children. Kid #2 and #3 were just extra and not so spoiled, nowhere near as spoiled. So if you want to meet some really arrogant self righteous people talk to the ones that are 72 or so.
I can remember 58 and 59. It seemed like everywhere you went, carpenters were busy as hell hammering and sawing, building new houses, new roads, widening old roads for more traffic.
My sweetest memory was in Grade 1 and going back the the library after school. It ruled by Mrs Boyd who was a mean angry old woman with white hair and big hangy arms. I really wanted to get my hands on a hard copy volume of Wind in the Willows (Graham and Shepherd). When I came up to her desk with the book and asked Mrs Boyd if I could take it out she was so sweet to me. She loved me. I went home that September day and laid down on my parents bed to read that beautiful book with the shadows of the tree leaves outside dancing on the walls and the bed spread in the golden autumn light and that was the closest to being in heaven I've ever been.
By the way I started thinking and googling Korean war and came up with this 4 part series. It's good.
Now I've got to go out and shovel the fucking snow before the freezing rain hits. They're predicting half an inch of solid ice on the ground this afternoon and evening. faahk.
Women asked for this. Women are never victims. They are guilty of all their wrongdoings since birth. Being born a woman is akin to being born retarded/defective. Women are tools. Not people. If they don't work as intended, they must be replaced with better tools. And we are already doing that, with artificial tools.
Luis Flores
They bred a bunch of subhuman degenerates into existence and destroyed half of Europe to give it to communism. You are all scum and now we have to clean your shit like those asians in the nursing homes who wipe your asses.
Christian Kelly
Let's say that this bell curve represents the population of a new, traditional, right-wing country. How do you shift things over time to the right of the curve without creating a genetic bottleneck?
Is it possible? Can we find a system that allows for the evolution of humanity while also keeping society stable and prosperous?
I also think that we should take a hard look at the idea of a nuclear family as being ideal as well.
Feminists of any stripe are evil. Just b/c they see a dick and say 'it's a dick' doesn't make them baste dumbass. GTFO
Cameron Sanders
When we talk about the Depression Era people being hard luck kids stop and think; 80% of them were off the farm. Literally off the farm. N. America was agrarian. If you think those hayseed hicks had any influence whatsoever on the masters of war you are high on crystal meth for four days straight. They were the cannon fodder at best. They did what they were told. They considered themselves lucky if they had enough to eat. There were no fatties in their generation. Not like YOUR generation, a generation of tubs of lard addicted to clown food like little spoiled baybeez. And what will you do to stop the momentum of the jew banker world enslavement plot?
Ryder Lee
It's worth mentioning that 1914 wasn't the big turning point. I'd argue that zero wave feminism and its repealing of coverture law in the early 1800s was the start. Even before that, (((Romanticism))) paved the way for zero wave feminism.
Regardless, every time, white men have given way to white women.
Hudson Gutierrez
What was the equivalent in non common law countries?
Joseph Perry
That's quite different from coverture law. To answer your question, it was similar zero wave feminism movements across European countries. History has shown us how quickly feminism spreads across European countries. Be it zero, first, second, or third wave feminism, it doesn't take long for American feminism to spread elsewhere.
The only success I know of is Russia's excellent managing of the Femen situation. But it might just be a fluctuation, like Spain's mother-worship problem.
Also, men used to have the privilege of courting young ladies at the prime of their fertility before then, to the dismay of harpies like Frances Willard.
Well, my view is that, sure certain dormant things have been there. Like Communism too for example.
But like a cancer, world war 1 gave these radical concepts the nurishment it needed. I don't believe in the notion that it "would have happened anyway".
Hudson Bailey
You must be pushing into late 70s or 80s user. How the heck are you even here.
Christopher Taylor
There's no existential proof that World War 1 ever happened. All photographs you see online, are digital, therefore their authenticity is now suspect. You were not there.
It's a scientific crime to say that something happened when you're drawing that "fact" from 3rd party sources about a past event.
William Garcia
Juan Diaz
Bullshit. TERFs are perhaps the most disgusting of all feminists. They hate men so much and treasure their victimhood status so much that they don't want to share it with trannies.
Because they are on the outs with most progressives, they come off as more reasonable than some feminists in interviews, but they are completely toxic. Zero empathy. Not that other feminists are much if any better.
What of women that desperately want to fulfill their biological destiny? Who want to be owned, obedient and useful? There is no place in this world for them anymore. To even say you want to be a mother, a wife and their husband's servant is scoffed at.
Jonathan Clark
You can thank (((TV))) for that.
Jayden Adams
Most big social changes of the last two centuries have happened under the disguise of "human rights", "humanitarianism", when the actual reasons were purely economical.
Abolition of slavery: Slaves became unnecessary after the Brits invented several machines which made slaves' work in a more efficient way. Besides, they also wanted to sell these machines to other countries.
Feminism: Mass immigration was still not a thing, child labour and slavery was illegal, so the fastest way to add people to the nation's workforce was turning housewives into regular paid workers. Ending the so called "oppresion of females" was just the façade.
Mass immigration: Façade: "We must accept those poor people who are suffering because our exploitation/colonisation of the Third World. Accept it and shut up or else I will call you a nazi". Actual reasons: We want to lower the salaries of low skilled jobs. Raising wages? Not an option.
Yeah we’re just as fucked as the men are. No place for any of us anymore, we either accept that or we do something about it, we make a place for ourselves
Alexander Foster
And what did your generation do to stop it? Absolutely nothing. So stop the guilt tripping and stop blaming "millenials and generation z" for all of your problems when we will have to face the burdens from all of your previous generations, possibly even worse than the great depression with the years to come. We should be uniting ALL generations against the global jew, but it's dumb shits like you who feed into the ZOG propaganda and take the least path of resistance by pointing fingers and placing all your burdens on the newest generation. They laugh their asses off over how easily divided and manipulated we are as a nation. Stones are easy to throw.
Samuel Robinson
1. Try it and God will slaughter you. Not in your sleep and not in a nice way. Look at what he's doing to faggots for trying to destroy the nuclear family. In the UK he's unleashed an ulcerous disease that slowly rots away your genitals if left untreated. Eventually that's going to become antibiotic resistant if their behavior doesn't stop. 2. Any system that you try to implement which upends the nuclear family can only last for a short time. Eventually you'll end up with a lot of very angry, very violent men (and maybe even women) who have nothing to live for and want your blood.
Besides, you're never going to be able to find a more efficient system for breeding than the nuclear family. The only long-term way to properly encourage good racial hygiene is to remove the societal forces that are promoting dysgenic breeding habits and foster a culture of genetic awareness through education… Whites generally breed quite intelligently when not subject to kike propaganda and financial oppression.
Elijah Cox
This. Intergenerational warfare is a kike D&C tactic. It's high mileage with low investment too.