Every single other issue I can see completely pales in comparison to this one, and virtually NO ONE is talking about it.
In comparison, all this 'Gillette' and 'Covington' and 'drag kids' bullshit is absolute inane fluff, and you just *know* that everyone will forget about it in a few weeks, or until the next ultimately inconsequential issue comes up.
Meanwhile, the US will continue to drop to 2nd place, while Israel continues to buy up US high-tech and manufacturing, and pass it off to China and Russia. Everything and everywhere from the Pentagon, to Facebook, to Intel, too Qualcomm, to 5G, to Apple and Android, to self-driving cars etc. etc. is being DOMINATED by the Israel-China-Russia alliance.
Communist China was built by Russian Jews. Israel itself was founded by Russian Jews/Rothschilds. Look up the birthplace and families of virtually all of Israel's prime ministers - they all came from Russia, Ukraine or Poland. Bibi is on video (vid related ) speaking at Shelden Aldelson's School of Entrepreneurship about taking top soviet scientists and engineers and letting them 'flourish' in Israel. He also talked at AIPAC about how many of the world's biggest companies are moving to Israel.
This is why you never had a real choice with Trump vs. Hillary - they are both completely in bed with this same 80s-Russian Israeli-Kissinger-Chabad Lubavitch mob. The same mob funded by Bronfman-Rothschild. The same Bronfman-Rothschild that was behind the NXIVM cult.
This is what (Rothschild-funded) Richard Coudenhove-Kalergi was talking about when he wrote about a 'merger of Capitalism and Communism' ruled by 'Europe's spiritual leader-race: the Jews'.
This is what China's One Belt, One Road Initiative is about.
This is what Dugin's 'Eurasia' and 'Foundations of Geopolitics' is all about.
This is what Greater Israel is all about.
It's all the same plan.
Stop being distracted by inane bullshit and signal boost this to all e-celeb talking heads, to local politicians, to think-tank forums etc. etc.
Some MAGA boomer talks about 'Chi-Comms'? Some lefty talks about 'Russian hackers'? Ask them why our 'greatest ally' is allying with our enemies then. Simple as that.