President @realDonaldTrump has officially recognized the President of the Venezuelan National Assembly, Juan Guaido, as the Interim President of Venezuela.
BREAKING: Global Affairs Canada tells CBC News that Canada will recognize Juan Guaido as the new president of Venezuela. The opposition leader took an oath in Caracas a short time ago, declaring himself acting president and saying Nicolas Maduro has been deposed.
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Probably good to read that over a couple of times for people who think Canada is some kind of "communist" country.
The current Venezuelan president is a jew… a jew is the head in a socialist nation, color me shock.
This is actual good news because this guy doesn't sound like a kike.
So who the fuck is Juan Guaido and is he Jewish?
Huge portions of the "refugee" population from Venezuela in the US are jews. The last opposition guy was a jew.
rminder that trump is a Jew and anyone he supports is a kike
That was quick.
Yeah but Maduro is quite literally a jew.
So what would make Juan Guaido worse than a Marxist jew.
oy vey if you name the jew you're a shill!
I think I'm getting the picture now.
He's from the Popular Will party.
So the jews want to replace a dictator jew who got a little uppity with a goyim who will push through jewish policies under the guise of social democracy.
Sounds like a lose lose for Venezuela once again.
Yeah, I mean you can look it up for yourself. It's probably better if you do so you can internalize and believe it.
The geopolitical center of global jewry is the United States. If the US isn't on board with you, you're not on board with jewish interests. I'd take that as Maduro literally has Sephardi grandparents and that's pretty much where it goes and ends. You could take a more conspiratorial bent and believe that Maduro is a jewish saboteur of what Chavez was doing [whose rule definitely turned anti-jew and got results when it did so], but that sort of doesn't make much sense because he's still on Trump's shitlist.
The more logical conclusion is that jewish capital wants to re-privatize the country and Maduro, along with the rest of the Venezuelan communist government, are largely incompetent and were completely caught off-guard by US fracking.
Can't wait for the flood of BASED SPICS
Don't forget that spic goblin zionists like Cruz and Lubio will demand that their brethren be let in because "its our responsibility" just like Syria and Libya.
Being a neoliberal zionist that will be the catalyst for "refugee crisis 2: electric jewgaloo".
Daily reminder BASED SYRIA stands with Maduro
It sounds like the kind of stuff that was going on in pre-revolutionary Russia with a lot of the subversive financiers avoiding [despite popular belief] giving money to the Bolshevik party and trying to prop up the provisional government.
George Orwell;
"totalitarian societies that remove political freedom often replace that freedom with sexual license".
ZOG wouldn't be supporting him if he was any good.
Lest we forget, Hugo Chavez was an enemy of world jewry
And we're living under a usurious judeo-capitalist system, the difference is that we're fully in step with the jewish agenda.
OH NO! Who could have ever seen this comming!
The citizens of Venezuela have suffered for too long at the hands of the illegitimate Maduro regime. Today, I have officially recognized the President of the Venezuelan National Assembly, Juan Guaido, as the Interim President of Venezuela.
The jews, because they're always there to pick up and hoard the scraps of whats left, then demand the native people do more for the poor.
Venezuelan women are sexy as fuck.
Trending Topics right now on Venezuelan Twitter.
1: #ScreamWithPride.
2: We have a president.
4: #ChavismHaveTheStreets
5: Habemus President
6: Long Live Venezuela
7: #DownWithTheChains
9: Public Ministry
Venezuelan here. I don't think Guaidó is a kike, unlike Maduro and Capriles (previous opposition leader). That being said, US is still 10/10 gonna make that little negro shill for Shlomo without a doubt, so it's more or less going to be the same thing.
CLEARLY THERE IS AGENDA HERE! It's not that attempts to build communism lead to complete failure. All those starving people on the streets are clearly paid actors hired by jewish imperialists.
That's what I figured. Is there any hope for at the very least a nationalist party rising to power?
Blame capitalism as they always do.
I'm sure the shelves were much fuller when they were getting a better price for their oil, much like those old videos of awful supermarkets in the USSR at the end.
Sadly, no.
Ah, clearly the oil prices are to blame! Because all capitalist countries which profited of oil are lso starving like Norway, Canada, Saudi Arabia, Katar, Brunei. Even fucking Russia which sucks balls is still not doing THAT bad.
HAHA, no. Also, did you know USSR government had no backup plan if oil prices ever went down?
Those supermarkets were always shit. It's just that after fall of the fall of the iron curtain, foreigners were allowed to enter the country who had cameras.
t. East German
In Venezuela's case, the underlying competence of the actual people [regardless of their political bent – after all, things weren't great when they put a communist in power] likely exacerbates the oil issue. Venezuela's primary market is, or was, the US. The loss of revenue means they can't just import from other places whatever they want to cover what they can't, or weren't motivated, to make themselves.
I can rephrase you as follows:
"If countries leaders were not communist antiUSA zealots then even some socialist policies could be salvaged."
Well, the attack on oil prices was coordinated between the US and Saudi Arabia and had a large part to do with the downfall of the USSR – or at least its monetary issues that brought other things to the forefront. Latent nationalism, corruption in the food distribution system, interventionist foreign wars that didn't make much sense to the population [sound familiar?], maybe a lack of the myopia that capitalist systems seem to produce in the consumer good section that prevented the Soviets from any kind of large scale production of high technology they had created.
It should be pointed out, though, that the people of the Soviet Union did vote over 70% in the affirmative to stay in a reduced, reformed Soviet Union. That resolution was overturned by Boris Yeltsin and I believe the two presidents of Ukraine/Belarus. Knowing what we know now about Yeltsin, since we're not all US mil-shill morons here [right?], I think you can draw some conclusions there.
I really don't think the fracking thing would be different if Venezuela was nicer to the US. It's something that was happening regardless. Venezuela's position isn't much different than the US's, actually, with regard to how the US is reduced to violently threatening Germany, France, Denmark, etc. over natural gas purchases from Russia. It is in a position where most of its neighbors have large scale hydrocarbon industries and there are oceans separating it from the other largest import markets. The US just has the benefit of an absolutely massive domestic market.
He's a left-leaning centrist, we aren't getting a Bolsonaro and Salvini. Better than a marxist jew who starves everyone except for himself though.
Countries recognising Juan Guaido as Venezuela's president:
Nice argument.
Yeah we really need more gibsmedat spics crossing over the border.
But helping whites? Nah fuck that.
Status: Isolated
Colombian president recognizes Guaidó aswell
Which was possible only after USSR sent troops to assault a muslim nation aka Afghanistan.
Which according to communist scum appears out of thin air and not thank to inherant motivational failure in collectivised farming.
Planned economy does not work for the demand of the consumer. There is no consumer in socialist view, only the worker. And what good is the work of a worker if there is nobody willing to buy his produce? Fucking nothing.
The "reformed" USSR was basicly a confederation. The end to that came from a coup of old hardliners who wanted communism to remain. After coup the communist party was discredited which made the old resolution null de facto and de jure. The ARMY that was sent by the hardliner commies into Moscow to kill Yeltsin and co. refused to obey orders and changed flags from red to russian. Some protestors in Moscov died under the tracks of soviet tanks. Just look at picrelated. Was this a foreign intervention? No. Those are tanks of the red aremy, the worker-peasant army. Why would they turn away from a glorious socialist paradise? They were hungry, disillusioned and disgrunted.
MAGA based my fellow pede.
Will he be taking in all the refugees as well?
Yes, fellow goy.
There is no need to, the neighbouring countries are not that bad and can take in the actuall refugeese. Jus like in Syria where actuall refugeese stay in Turkey, Lebanon, e.t.c.
Yeah, sure.
I don't think that's true at all. It clearly appears because there are positions that enable the siphoning of goods, leading to the potentiality of a mafia-type system. It's not unique to communism.
I'm not sure that's a bad thing. Here in the US, the only thing you can be is a consumer and you're seeing the unmitigated rise of surveillance capitalism where the goal is, quite obviously, to literally automate the consumer. Your mileage may vary, though, on whether you think that's a good thing [you sound like you like it, better to keep a close eye on those uppity goyim].
Right, which over 70% voted for.
Yes, the August coup led by Yanayev.
There was quite a lot of violence and rebellion just a few short years later under Yeltsin, when riots broke out in Moscow to bring back the Soviet Union. They've been hushed up pretty well, though, probably because it looks really bad how soon after Yeltsin's Harvard boys "shock therapy" these same people wanted communism back.
Now seriously, what'll be next for this mutthole of a country? I don't think a supposed U.Shlomo invasion will instantly fix all of problems, what if they just want oil? What if Vietnam 2.0? What if WW3 starts? Shit I just want something to happen lol
(((Harvard boys))) educated by (((Milton Friedman)))
Sure thing faggot.
Lmao no, I know damn well most non-white venezuelans (the majority) are mentally and genetically closer to apes than proper humans. Not even other 3rd worlders want them. Ecuadorians rn are btfo all venezuelans since that negro stabbed a pregnant woman.
Looks like Trump is truly the saviour of Israel
hoow based, my MIGApedes
1. Refugee flood
2. Decades of spics and commies blaming not the government for its general failures, but the United States and whites.
3. At best a low intensity insurgency and at worst all out civil war.
4. Even more whining about muh white imperialism/fascism/colonialism.
5. Mucho $$$$$ going to rebuild the nation (payed for by el gringo of course). Not to mention if this gets messy, the bill will just increase.
Whenever we want.
Shlomo only sends refugees to developed countries with white majorities, silly.
seems great
Literally. Saudis were not happy with USA and vieved USA as potential competitors on the oil market and a threat politicly, with their democratism and rights for women haram heresy. But while USA was clearly christian nation, USSR was an enforced atheisn full equall rights nation.(just look at how china deals with muslims for reference)
Which only appears if the goods are monopolised by the state and any competition is out of the question. Also collective farms were less effective then private farms. Also the motivation to work was actually absent. Also the hard working peasants were genocided as kulaks.
I can quickly construct an example. Let's assume you done goofed and owned only one pair of pants. You, working hard for the good of all comerades, tore your pants to pathetic shreds. You go to the store to buy new ones. BUT, you tearing pants was not in the five year plan. No pants for you. You can not try buy pants from alternative shop because there is no competition(I'm exegarating obviously). Your only option is to turn to the black market. In a planned economy black market works a bit differently then in other cases, here's why: the black market person can only get pants by somehow intercepting them before they get from factory to consumer. This is ofcource a selffulfilling loop, since it increses the number of people who can not get pants at the store and have to go to the black market or go in underwear. This does not report back to the planners since obviously the stolen pants were covered up, say as lost during transportation or even sold. Let's also assume YOU are a pantsmaker guy who can make best pants all by yourself, yet is illegal for you to make a buisness to cover the obvious demand for pants.
People din't give enough of a shit and the army and police obeyed his orders. Interesting how that turned out, huh.
Real communism has never been tried! This was… ummm… Maduro-ism. Also, it's capitalism and white men's fault. :^)
I think it's called Denialism.
saw one of those already on a discord server
With all due respect, I'm a White nationalist so the ins and outs of how Saudi Arabia and the jew colony of the USA viewed each other isn't super relevant to me. They cooperated to assist in the destruction of a largely White country and the pattern of behavior repeated in America itself as well as aligned-countries in Western Europe and the extended Anglosphere make it clear it was coincidental.
I don't think you genuinely believe this. You certainly can't if you live in the US.
That's actually a realistic scenario. Remember when allegedly an Egyptian financed by a rich Saudi flew an airplane into the WTC and then America invaded Iraq for no reason?
Yes, in the long run it really is. The total dissolution of everything Yeltsin and his CIA-backers ever built and the crushing defeat of the "End of History" crowd visible on the horizon. Best timeline for sure.
BREAKING: Maduro says Venezuela is breaking diplomatic relations with the United States, gives U.S. personnel 72 hours to leave the country.
The National Assembly is like 99% center left to far left. The only way I can see that happening is a successful military coup that doesn't recognize them as the legitimate government. Spanish speaking Zig Forumsacks would probably know more about the specifics and historical cycle of this whole thing.
Whatever the fuck he's holding, a shopfag NEEDS to start shopping.
lol, let that fat cake eating lard of fat do it.
None of this would be happening if he didn't eat all the food in Venezuela.
Get ready for even more Central Americans flooding into the US.
Why should I care about this?
Why should Trump care about this?
This is dumb.
Regime change is pretty bad.
He's a marxist kike, but remember what they did to Libya and Syria.
yeah we're stuck with lefties and I can't really think of a real solution unless pic related comes back to life and enslaves all the negroes
No, really, why does Trump care about this and why should I?
This is really, really dumb.
based and spicpilled
Isn't this pretty well how continental wars break out?
Good. Venezuela is a socialist shithole.
That's not a viable answer.
For us, it's an object lesson for what happens when modern leftist parties sieze control and to not become complacent. For Trump, it's an embarrasment to the Dems who rallied behind Maduro until they backpedaled around 2 years ago.
If you don't let them in, it's not your problem.
Again, not a viable answer.
Why is civil war in Venezuela an American concern?
Why are the rapefugees of such a thing his concern?
What happened to this 'sovereignty' shit being important?
I am not aware of any consumer product that USA is selling itself and forbids any private entity to sell. I am not from USA so I wouldn't really know.
I hope you did not mean the USSR, since USSR spent a lot of time and effort to import niggers straight into soviet universities, and promoted equality of all people. Also USSR heavily increased the landmass of Khazahstan stripin land from Russia proper WITH the russian population slill living there.
It's not really an embarrassment for anyone but the dwindling hopes of upstanding, isolationist White Americans who want a functioning country.
That's nice. How about some regime change in New York, California and Florida for starters.
How high is the percentage of hispanics in the US by now? I lost track, but last I checked it was around 30% or so.
Trying to keep them out has been a problem for decades and "The Wall" (that we still haven't got) is the whole reason Trump was elected.
If you haven't noticed, America is (((world police))) and the (((USA))) will get involved in everything whether it's their business or not. Refugees is absolutely a concern because millions of these spics are going to be knocking on America's door and looking for handouts.
Leftist parties? user, Venezuela is trash because it's full of Venezuelans.
Meanwhile, Trump is meddling in foreign affairs - AGAIN - while our own government is in shutdown because he's let enough spics in that the demographics basically ensure he's going to lose in 2020, particularly if he can't get money for his wall… Which, isn't the point of that to stop muds from places like Venezuela?
So we're interfering with a foreign nation to own the libs while utterly failing to curtail influx of muds from places like Venezuela, thereby turning the US into Venezuela?
And I'm supposed to support this as an alternative to growing a pair of balls in the context of defending our own border?
This is dumb.
At current rates, hispanics will surpass whites as the new majority in the USA by 2045.
This is a paid jewish shill.
weren't those caused or exacerbated by sanctions from globalists?
No, by 2030.
>If you haven't noticed, America is (((world police))) and the (((USA))) will get involved in everything whether it's their business or not.
I have noticed and Im sick of it, that's why I voted Trump, because he said this shit would end and we'd make America great again, but all he's done is let a bunch spics in and made Israel great again.