Julie WEISS Sandman is the mom - it's a psyop
Other urls found in this thread:
Shill! Shill! Shill! Shill! Shut this down! Report! Find and kill OP!
I was banned from cuckchan for this, even though that's where I found the pic in OP.
They don't want anyone to know, so they are trying to get more mileage out of this PSYOP and trick as many right-wingers into supporting this fraud.
Fuck off jew you own nothing.
I got a 2 week ban for this.
Fuck You
Oh no jewish beerskis
That's one hideous mom. German women are butt ugly.
deserved tbh
you proly let js run wild in your browser, too, lel
her features are more austro-italian so you get an F for your failed shilling.
Weiss/Weiss is german
May of course be a mischling but you newfags need to remember the rules of the name game.
Sandmann - Sand and Man normal gör name
(((Goldman - Gold and Man)))
We get it, you're shitter-shattered someone wore a hat you don't like.
Double letters at the end are sometimes used by jews. The father's surname fits more along these lines. However, surname means shit as do facial features, since more non-jews have such things than jews. Either way, OP is also asserting that the brewer's star also belongs to jews when there is no record of it being associated with david the jew in any way. Only Solomon has any association with it and only after he turned to Celtic beliefs near the end of his life.
Oh my heart is bleeding for the poor (((white))) kids
I got banned for dox, not spam, and the dox came from THEIR OWN WEBSITE
Get it correct, please.
Ok TORposter, I guess the sheep have to be herded behind this fraud.
Wierd how sharing "public information" for feee is a crime yet the same companies that assert so take that information, and more, and sell it.
Okay, but is she actually a jew?
Reasonable reservations to have given the shilling against facial features, names, and associations done by jews for many years. I am not on any side of this particular situation; simply waiting for lunch to end.
Same as how paying some whore to suck your dick is illegal, but paying her to suck your dick on camera is fine.
Kikes are currently pushing the whole We Are Whites too gambit. Knowing the walls are closing in they elect to blend in with Whites and share the same enemies too. Kikes are acting oh so nice right now. Never seen such friendlier smiley rats ever.
The face, the name, the job, the fact that I got banned for dox for posting public info from their own website. (Try it if you don't believe it)
So what are the motives for this "psyop" then? If it was a psyop, I would expect the kid to throw hands at the old shit, no?
The way the whole situation turned out, it's a win for the white kids.
To draw the MSM into grossly fake reporting then do a gotcha with the real details. Maybe in time to indicate there were jews in among the White MAGA hat wearing Catholic kids.
But the kids were being attacked by nigger Israelites
For the motive, see what people are now doing. There are shills on social media and chans right now trying to start posting flyers for this kid as if they want a Chalottesville 2.0. Don't fall for this trap.
Don't you understand criticizing kikes is not tolerated here? Fucking antisemite. Worship Trump or be crucified.
This also
Every sinlge public action and media psyop in the name of the jewish aut-right has had jewish agents acting obnoxiously on camera, while the jewish media makes outrage over these 'white racists'
Every single MAGApede spastic is equally as responsible for the decline of Western society as any Hillary bot or Bernie bro
2 week ban. That sucks man. I can't even post on 4chan at all.
Also you have zero evidence. Nothing. Do you realy think this kid is jewish agent? Looks like just kid standing in front of crazy faggot with drum. He smirk because he is just kid and didn't know what else to do.
What is point of point this jewish false flag than? Only interesting part is vicious hate by all these leftist cunts. I don't know why were black hebrew and this drummer old fag there. Maybe i am crazy. But if it is false flag, look at native indian and hebrew niggers. What are they doing on pro life protest?
The jews will throw the black jews under the bus at any time needed. Jews in fact would throw their own mother under the bus in a heartbeat.
It does seem like a huge reaction for a bunch of kids smirking, and that, alongside the (((reaction) )) that's been pushed on the alt-right makes it very suspicious.
Evidence is the pic in the OP. You can also try posting a thread on 4chan with it to test the banhammer.
Oy my vey, 2 week ban, I'm one of you goyim
Continuing, there is also a thread here and on halfchan as well trying to raise a personal army for these dumb kids.
I saw a clip of his TV interview earlier, the kid talked like an MK-Ultra robot. Really creepy uncanny valley vibe.
Would you bother showing your proof?
I need more proof of gravity. The earth is flat until someone shows evidence which proves otherwise. Space is a hoax.
All you have to do is post the pic from OP. If it isn't authentic, you shouldn't get a dox ban.
*Post it on 4pol
Why aren't his tribal comrades defending him?
What more proof do you need, NASA and black Hollywood actors like Degrasse Tyson tell us all we ever needed to know
you're terrified
everyone leave this thread and come to the real one:
NASA = To deceive in Hebrew.
This is a shill derail thread. Come back to the real thread for the Stand Your Ground poster campaign happening Thursday night (tomorrow):
The family hired a lawfirm already. People's tweets are also being deleted. According to the deleted threads, Twitter is also deleting the info.
How many threads is this Sharekike New Knigger Faggot going to put up with the same bull shit?
Someone who isn't on Tor please post this:
This is a German soldier who fought for the Reich whose name was Ernst Weiss.
This is the motive for the psyop. Shilling this Jew left and right, and not the other kids is pretty suspicious. Even CNN has had him on, why not the others? NYT has also taken up for him. Great company to find yourselves in, anons.
Here for good measure is a holocaust story about a certain family of "German Jews" whose last name was Weiss.
So we've got one instance of an Ernst Weiss who is a literal National Socialist serving in the Third Reich and we've got a bunch of jews with the last name
This shows that just because someone's name is Weiss doesn't mean they are a jew.
Ive been here sonce 2012, magapede
I realy don't care that you get banned. You will be back in 14 days. Show me some proof. Show me motive. None of your shit make sense so far. Not like it realy matter.
Because it is just nothing. Just show for NPCs. Important is reaction of angry leftist. Incident itself is nothing.
Holy shit bud, your kind is running an extremely hardcore PSYOP campaign right now.
Proof of the kid's Jewish last name, Sandmann, has been posted many times but you keep ignoring it. You're a gigashill.
Spot the retard
Also its funny how 'pede' because an insult considering it originated from Zig Forums's "Nimble Navigator" meme
This is a shill thread. "EVERYONE'S A JEW!!! REEEE!!! DON'T COUNTER THE MSM!!! It's fucking obvious too.
Come to the real thread:
Posters go up TOMORROW NIGHT
Do not change the design
Do not commit any vandalism or crimes
Wear a disguise if necessary
Ignore shills
You put this back on the front page every time you forget to sage.
The dox ban is repeatable and verifiable. The catalog has been full of threads about this kid, 20 at a time, with no pruning, and very few contrary opinions. Coordinated shilling for one select kid A poster campaign. It's obvious
ah sorry im posting very quickly right now in multiple threads
Reminder they are going to keep shilling and shilling for this kid until they reach whatever endgame is in mind for this campaign, brainwash you, or you leave this site and go somewhere without roving bands of paid shills.
Shills are using MKULTRA tactics here. They ignore blatant evidence and claim you never posted it ; post irrelevant information ; and derail threads. Nothing about the "MAGAkid" is organic. This story is being spammed across the internet on every mainstream and (((alternative))) media site and on TV. It's a mind control operation.
This guy gets it. They are trying to get anons in trouble or make them look stupid. Next, the kid will be at the white house taking about his great grandparents in Auschwitz.
failed tactics shill
Posters go up TOMORROW NIGHT
Do not change the design
Do not commit any vandalism or crimes
Wear a disguise if necessary
Ignore shills
come to the real thread:
The catalog is full of threads about the kid because paid shills are posting them, probably on the payroll of some Federal agency. Nothing about this is organic.
It reeks of intense psychological warfare creating an artificial consensus to support the kid. The majority of people posting in support of MAGAkid aren't actually from here, it's an attempt to make us go with the flow. They know most people just follow the herd and conform, but we are the few who don't.
It's extremely blatant.
If it's a psyop it's intended to fuck over non-whites and the media because that's exactly what it's done. One of the best redpill moments since Kavanaugh. Probably better because the kid is completely innocent and the Indian is an exposed liar. There isn't a way to spin it once the full footage came out and literally everyone had to backpedal and apologize.
Why don't you just admit you were paid to lie about this and then hang yourself, shill?
Truly disgusting Jewish trick indeed.
One : The Indian has been proven to be a paid actor.
Two : The MAGAkid looks Jewish. The MAGAkid has a Jewish last name. The MAGAkid has Jewish looking parents and one works for a company run by a Rothschild.
Nothing about this is organic. It is constant pro-MAGAkid spam. Just like pro-Trump spam. Why do so many people here suddenly support a kid who looks Jewish in a situation with suspicious circumstances?
It's a PSYOP, that's why and the people aren't from here.
Jesus fuck not this shit again
If the kids a kike hes a kike
but it doesnt fucking matter for the normies who think he's white
they're seeing etirety of the jewish controlled media call for his attack assualt and even execution
All while he's in fucking higschool mind you
This leads white america to race coniousness, not away from it
If this WAS a physcop
And i know about as well as any of you if it was,
which is to say but fuck at all,
It blew up in the kikes faces, big time
Post the pic in OP in any thread on fourchan and it will be deleted. Start a thread with it and enjoy a DOX ban. I invite anyone to try. When I'm back on my computer, I will cap the ban page and post it here.
This post doesn't even make sense, it appears to be some kind of attempt to manipulate anyone who sees maybe using a subliminal message or plant in the subconscious.
It lacks any context and is gaslighting. It is a psychological assault.
Of course it's a kike psyop. It backfired gloriously and whitey can still use it.
Because the browning of America is demographically unstoppable, the communist kikes are now disposing of the original communist goys so they don't have to share a seat at the table with them. Same tactic as the soviet takeover.
If this is a psyop, that is. This place must be flooded with newfags if the true depths of the synagogue of satan's nefariousness is not known to be at this level.
Holy shit look at the yids trying to push the stand your ground meme. With the fucking jew no less. kek put a diaper on it.
these anons both get it
come to the real thread:
Time will tell, but I doubt they'd allow anything like this to happen in public if it has a high possibility of backfiring….. and why are all the alt-kike Jews in on it? Seems like a blatant attempt to subvert the Nationalist movements yet again.
They've got to have some kind of angle for this. Maybe just the kid being a kike who supports Donald Trump is their angle? There is an obvious coordinated effort everywhere to legitimize the story when evidence shows it was staged.
No one can answer why this is focused on ONE kid. The kid's family hired a lawyer already, look it up. It's a propaganda psyop, and a blatant one.
And in a what way is this a "propaganda psyop"? Don't tell me this is against the democrats, the MSM and you see this as a problem?
I already listed why. Fuck off and read the thread asshole.
Regardless of whether or not the kid is a jew the fact remains this whole thing is backfiring spectacularly for the left. Even if it was a setup from the get this still needs to be hammered home to redpill the average white person. Make this shit blow up in their faces, at this point it doesn't matter if it's a jew or not, normies just see him as a white kid. Also KY is full of germans and Irish, almost no jews, the kid probably just has a Germanic name that has been co opted by central European jewry
It's the star of remphan. The Jews adopted it after they killed Christ and started writing the Talmud. They worship the devil.
lel I've been here since 2007. that feel when 4 years to wizardom, sigh
You mentioned they "want another Charlottesville"
How is this anything like that?
If this is a psyop what's the fucking angle?
Coordinated focus on ONE kid.
Crazed shilling and spamming right-leaning sites FOR A NON-STORY.
A fucking POSTER CAMPAIGN, again, focusing attention on ONE JEWISH KID.
Obvious scam is obvious.
Gee kid, what's it like trying to insert words into people's mouths? Wonder where exactly I even said that. It's a PSYOP because of the coordinated shilling efforts and support by alt-kike Jews + mainstream media building up a narrative, all within a very short period.
Oh and plus the Indian is a paid actor and the kid is Jewish. Oh and plus
Kill yourself.
jews going to catholic school isn't a new idea
Not everyone looks like pure Aryan. Rotschillds owns fucking half of planet. Yes, nothing about this is organic. But nothing about media is organic. Never was.
You just can't send people to gas chamber because they look jewish to you. It is obviously PSYOP. They expected to lynch kids for wearing MAGA hats. It failed.
Best we can do is showing normies how evil this is. Redpill some people and that is all. Next month we will have another show for masses. This is not end of the world.
what's your source on that?
Soon if you ever accidentally talked to, had a family member you don't even know that was involved with, or had any contact with a jew in any way you're a jew. Kind of like how Trump is supposedly colluding with Russians if he ever had any contact, however insignificant, with Russians. We all jewish now. *rubs hands*
Posters go up TOMORROW NIGHT
Do not change the design
Do not commit any vandalism or crimes
Wear a disguise if necessary
Ignore shills
come back to the real thread:
But he looks really jewish. Rounded ears, prominent lower lip, jewish ears…