This is Tareck El Aissami. He was Vice President of Venezuela until he stepped down after the Trump administration sanctioned him on international drug trafficking charges. El Aissami is a capo within the Iran-Hezbollah global crime network and the most visible face of the Iran-Hezbollah shadow complex which has grown increasingly powerful in Latin America. With El Aissami's assistance, Hezbollah agents were provided with legitimate Venezuelan diplomatic passports through which to enter the United States, and establish front companies for drug trafficking, espionage, and terror. Well-financed through the narcotics trade, and with the assistance of both Iranian and Venezuelan state organs, Hezbollah is easily the most dangerous international criminal network in the Western Hemisphere, posing a clear and present danger to the American homeland. The OAS must stand united and declare loudly that it will not tolerate the existence of a narco-petro gangster state in the Americas that threatens the people of both Northern and Southern continents with its terror sponsorship, support interim president Guiadó, and form a coalition to neutralize Iran-Hezbollah network assets before they are allowed to murder innocents as they did in the AMIA bombing. I fully support President Trump's option to invoke Monroe Doctrine
This is Tareck El Aissami...
Iran did nothing wrong.
Amerifats have difficulty telling the different between Iranians and Saudis.
Trumpniggers are just embarrassing themselves at this point.
I am Iranian-American, i can tell the difference just fine. Iran is state sponsor of terror, Saudi can avoid this label because its terror sponsors are private citizens who just happen to be in the royal family.
I agree which is why I focus on Hezbollah. Iran's influence network in the Western Hemisphere is a response to USA's influence network in the Eastern Hemisphere. However, I support Monroe Doctrine, and any foreign intrusion into the Americas must be immediately rolled back.
We can't tell the difference between Iranians and Mexicans. Pic related.
Fuck you pussy you scared of a little jungle warfare???
Translation: I'm a jew who was evaced to Beverly Hills.
Yeah no. Bay Area Persian master race, crush the Zionist SoCal vermin
Lebanon isn't the country invading Afghanistan to restart poppy production and recapitalize its failing banks.
Maybe because they are low test???
I'm glad it only took the thread 10 posts to get here. It can save everyone else the trouble and continuing along with it.
Hi Mossad, what is up?
Does independent thought scare you? Fuck Israel and Hezbollah for the same reason…..any foreign party that attempts to interfere in the Americas must be swept aside.
That includes you kike. Nicholas Maduro is a jew and he will be removed.
Okay faggot, I'm just a jingoistic NEET over here… do understand America invaded countries before ZOG right?
When was America not ZOG, actually? It was literally founded by Masons.
Yeah thats a fair point and the puritans were a bunch of crypto jews but technically i still think the Monroe Doctrine was pre-ZOG as there was not yet a World Zionist Congress
D-G bless
How clinically retarded are you?
What? I said you had a fair point. Just because Monroe was a mason didnt mean all of his ideas are verboten. You think we should have foreign influence in the Americas? You are Israeli shill.
Ah, makes sense. I guess I am also a shill for pointing out that socialism didn't impoverish Venezuela, but that the international ban instigated by the U.S. of the country did, because it couldn't sell its main source of income, oil, anymore. I guess I am also a shill that a new (((leader))) will probably privatise the oil industry, which means the common Venezuelan will not profit anymore of the natural riches their own lands have. Gee, I am such a giant shill. Perhaps this Israeli shill should move on to pointing out how immoral the (((international bankers))) are and why they must be stopped at all costs, but I guess only a shill would say that.
Oil prices aside, stupid shit like seizing the GM factory and the government giving away plasma TVs did a lot of damage. Besides the interim president was sworm into office ata mass rally attended by hundreds of thousands and recogniton has been grantrd to him by nearly every Middle and Southern American country. Venezuela can do whatever they want with their, and they should use revenues to develop the country, but i draw the line at outright marxist brigades of young pioneers with red berets carrying rifles through the streets. This type of contagion tends to spread and like a malignant tumor on the side of the Americas, (((Maduro))) and his jewish marxism must be dealt with.
Currently, jews are taking control of countries by hijacking the nationalist movements. I guarantee that Venezuela is about to get zogged.
The dictator of Venezuela is literally a jew
How do I send them money? Can I buy stuff from their front companies? Do you have a list?
Yeah, I used to think Chavez was based when he kicked the DEA out of Venezuela, but he just replaced one set of gangsters with another. I never did cocaine but I was a leftist, which was just as bad.
Nobody moves drugs without the approval of the CIA/Mossad, so just one more link proving Iran is a golem factory