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German far-right lawmakers walk out of speech by Lolohoax survivor
Don't get your hopes up. Half of them were on their way to an underage pizza party, while the rest had to go make a donation at one of Berlin's many Holocaust museums.
learn how to make a thread OP
It means you're a nigger from kikechan.
oy vey, are you saying jews have had their premium victim cards revoked?
You know when you think about it logically - let's say they failed to subvert our nations and we were still pure of body, mind and spirit to a manageable degree yet still infested by Kikes following the failure of the German Empire to attain longevity.
How long would the holocaust card last? Better yet, how long will it last? Are we already seeing the parting of clouds, is the light of truth giving way?
considering the breaking of yiddish taboos like dishes at a greek wedding, I think so user
As origin myth, the "sacred" history of World War II has clearly given legitimacy to the sovereignty and actions towards the Common Good of the Allies and their international organisations. Like any political justification, it will be built upon with the ascent of some group to the seat of Power.
Zero effort op.
Charlotte Knobloch, Holocaust survivor
Who would want to stay and listen?
they have already parted to one degree or another. Laws and punishment might stop people from being open about it but humans eventually get fed up hearing about something over and over again. What's likely is that people do their own research at night and start seeing things for how they really are.
holocaust never happened.
Judging by the picture you used for your intro (vampire jew buggerbeard) it means that you, like me, were a big fan of Judicial Inc. Perhaps one of the greatest if not the greatest website in internet history.
They walked out to protest the allegation of "anti-semitism" and downplaying "nazi crimes", not because they thing the Holocaust(TM) is bullshit.
AfD are jew cum guzzlers. Nothing to see here, move on.
Correct. They are like Iowa congressman Steve King. They exist in a state of quiet rage that they aren't given the proper credit or recognition for their obsequious nigger loving and jew servitude.
I'm okay with this. Lets make sure that more non-whites are represented in the shitskin community. The more shitskins we can turn gay the better.
I would also protest allegations that we downplay nazi crimes. We're really not antisemetic here on Zig Forums either, we are only against the 99.9% of Jews who want to destroy the white race. The negligible minority who are just trying to live their lives and aren't involved in this massive effort, I have no problem with and will leave alone, though I will try to prevent them from giving oral sex to the bloody penises of infant boys, because I find something slightly immoral about that.
What I don't get is, if the Germans are really this horrible, evil, bloodthirsty race of people with anti-Semitism in their DNA, why the fuck do Jews still want to live there? They're well into the overreach phase of the historical cycle right now. Even Germans on the right who don't necessarily like Hitler or National Socialism can still be sick of getting bitched at by snobby, rich Jews about some shit that (allegedly) happened 75 years ago.
War time propaganda. And a great stab in the back for anyone who truly believes in Freedom Germany was trying to be Germany and had the right by god to be independent without global interference they were being kicked around like a beat dog and almost gave up but as through out history you back a white tribe of men into a corner they will rise and survive one way or another. Did the jews get gas ? The Numbers don't add up. And Fact and truth are the only things that matter especially if you're talking the death of 6 million (((people))) so basically bull shit propaganda that caused a lot of nations countless lives
and making a topic like this illegal and you can be jailed for WORDS it isSo fucked up it is a crime against Free thinking human beings all around the world and by god i will not put up with it in my life every time i get the chance to call Bull shit it is as im doing something worth while for muh fellow man Never be afraid of challenging yourself and doing critical thinking it is for your betterment and you will be better for it
Frogged by a fat faggot un the middle of town. I don't play your alternating current game you faggots.
People don't seem to be doing enough to distribute evidence against the holocaust. I never believed it for the longest time because there appeared to be no reason to believe it. But once I saw the evidence, I was convinced.
There's actual "far-right lawmakers" in Germany?
What evidence? What holocaust? You can't convince anybody with a half assed comment like that.
chill the fuck out brother, he agrees with you. he is saying that he always questioned it but once he saw the evidence, he was convinced it never happened. he also said people dont do enough to spread the information (such as the link i included) that prooves the holohoax never happened and that more people need to help spread the information. develop some reading comprehension skills before going off the rails like a psycho indian street shitter
Interesting topic.
They are civ-nat cucks that believe in the holocaust (most of them, all officially)
They left because the kike called them Nazis. The kike is a promoter of colonizing Germany with arabs and nigger. AfD is endangering this plan.
If there was no holocaust then what good was Hitler and what was the point of WWII?
It's like he's the Trump of the mid 20th century or something.
Forever. It was born in the world war and only world war could remake myth. And there would be no world wars anymore because nukes.
Europeans know it's fake, or at least exaggerated and exploited by kikes at every turn. Both on the left and the right. Israel and jews are greedy, they try to get away with every impunity and manipulation they can, causing constant growing backlash.
For starters, Europe supports the palestinian cause. As usual, the real problem is the north american colony of israel.
what happened to skunkys site anyway? anyone got a download of it?
Daily Mail celebrates murder and terrorism:
The boy who stood up to Hitler: Traumatised by the treatment of his Jewish family, this teenager fired the first shot against the Nazis
Wow, just wow the Nazis do fly their flag, how dare they!
Why did they come this conclusion? A little bit killing of goyim should be OK
Yeah horrible treatment sending Poles back to Poland. Take notice Anglocucks and Magapedes!
Haha got you Nazis!
learn how to format a post at least
Whiny sore loosers wanting to be included in leftist victim morality.
First industrial genocide. Shit happens and the reasons are manyfold. Many jews had it coming. Some were tragic casualities of 200 years of failed integration. In the end it had to happen as the Zeitgeist demanded for some race to grasp for total power with the tools of a new and unknown age that had shaken old religion and morality to the core.
nigger what
we need to deconstruct these fuckin bots, what makes them malfunction like this, and why?
I dont know what it means goys, but its good. Keep walking out, you dont need to sit through any more of their lies than you did in school.
Based Poles.
lol. jews jewing
Yawn. The bullshit gets more ridiculous every day.
Hitler just tried to extract the Jewish fangs out of the neck of the German race. He was a naive idealist who was crushed and made an example of
how so? kikes had to spend decades trashing his legacy with their lugenpresse because it persisted in truth and threatened the great lie, and here we are now mein negger.
I make this point all the time.
Polish jews are protesting to be removed from Nazi Germany.
They would rather stay in Germany under the Nazis then to leave for their homeland.
That is somewhat an excuse for murdering of German diplomats, murdering of Germans in general. Murdering of Germans is totally OK for the Daily Mail, the French, the Swiss, because holocaust, that did not happened yet even by the official timeline: