I get it. There's a massively disproportionate amount of jews in media - TV, film, radio, news, etc. Not to mention shareholders in fortune 500 companies, etc. It's an extremely biased system where a small cabal of people (who are primarily jewish) control the vast majority of wealth and information. Nobody should deny this, and if they do, they are either shills, retarded, or both.
That being said, there is definitely something to the utter obsession that many hold with jews. I'm unsure if it's a legitimate fixation, or more reversal ops/co-opting being done (more on this in a bit). In any case, it's fucking stupid. New meme comes out? GOTTA TACK JEWS ONTO IT! Some guy says something positive? GOTTA FIND OUT WHERE HE MIGHT BE RELATED TO JEWS! And so on. It's one thing to note it, then move on to disassembling, debunking, etc… but there's often no rest for the obsession. It's as if it's supposed to stop there - as though there should be nothing more to discuss, at all. This makes me believe that it's much more likely to be a co-opting effort likely by jews in the first place, or just really useful retards.
The thing about jews is that the worst of them live in a perpetual state of martyrdom. If they are not presently a victim of something, they will invent it. If somebody else is presently a victim, they must become the bigger victim. Thus, they must find some way to play the martyr.
Right, the exact arenas in which they already have an always reliable, ever-ready out: muh holocaust. Everyone immediately bows down in respect to the almighty martyrdom. The thing is, that kind of rhetoric doesn't fly here. Nobody gives a shit about muh shoah on either chan (as cucked as cuckchan is, even). They have no power here - chan culture is innately immunized against identitarian bullshit.
So, what's the next best option? Why, create an ever-ready excuse for any outsider to ignore everything we have to say - to make us "irrelevant" - by creating a culture of jew-obsession (something they have obviously instructed normalfags to see as "bad" for generations now). They want the very first thing seen here to be some form of "anti-semitism". They know they can't censor or remove it (they've tried; it obviously backfired). So instead, the option is basically intentional radicalization - creating an "allowed" opposition (as it's out of the question to have a "controlled" opposition, at least here). This creates something of a boogeyman - something they feel isn't a real threat (it's a decentralized platform on a Thai etch-a-sketch commune, for fuck's sake), but can be used to prop up in times when they need to play the victim (which is always).
Take, for example, the NPC meme - first it was oversaturated, but when it resonated too well, they tried to co-opt it with "the next step" via "the golem" (a really shitty MS paint version of the NPC). It failed, of course, but you could see the attempt in plain view. Example is in this archived thread: archive.4plebs.org
Instead of revolving every single discussion, meme, etc around jews, or allowing it to be turned into such, keep your focus on improving yourself, your kin, and your nation. Look at each event with a critical eye - recognize if/when jews are involved, but don't sperg out exclusively about the jewish aspect and then arrest your own development. Keep your focus, and always be prepared for the subversive attacks by your enemy; as they march their men backwards and into your blade, know that they are still attacking you first.