Thank you NBC, CBS, ABC, CNN and all the other Jewish organizations for showing us all how evil young white boys are by wearing hats.
Whites boys lynching a black child!
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This is what happens to civic nationalists. Also, if you're going to MAGA virtue signal in public at least learn how to fight and not be a scrawny faggot who gets surrounded by chimps.
Cucks like you always blame the victim, is it a defense mechanism to suck off the attacker in the hopes they don't turn on you?
maganiggers and disinfowars shills like op are flooding this place for past 5 days.
Lynch niggers race war now
We just need a race specific virus that wipes all of them out. It boggles my mind that at least one person who knows how to create this has not done it.
It's like those two Norwegian feminists that went to Morocco, maybe this is the wake-up call this kid needed.
You know who to call, user
The Glow-in-the-darks have a monopoly on anything that could theoretically harm people. They keep those geneticists and virologists under serious watch.
Hard to feel bad for a perfectly healthy kid who won't at least try to defend himself.
She's not pulling her weight! I just read one report that she's only culled 439 hominids since August. Get it together Ebola Chan!
is it my imagination or do geneticists seem cucked? it's like they retain the pozzed disinfo from uni and carry it into their work, dismissing all evidence to the obvious about race
It just needs one though… just one! They could even be clever and have the result as an "unintended consequence" of studying something else.
All of them, except for Watson.
This is all the Conservatives/Republicans fault. Over 60 years of betrayal were allowed for this to even be a video.
Remember that niglets mature physically faster than whites, and in a typical school, most of them will have been held back for a few years. He's going to have a hard time handling all of them. Hopefully he does enact revenge on every single one of them though, especially the ape who repeatedly punches him in the back of the head.
Literal zoo sounds.
That's not a MAGA hat. That's a white cap with a red bill.
It's racial. A hate-crime. The biggest mistake was attempting to reason with them.
They did a piss poor job of understanding and then conveying the jump from economic to cultural subversion and the weaponization of the mentally ill and their services. Most didn't have a name for post modernist Marxist until a few years ago, but they knew it when they saw it. Now, it is over because the cat is out of the bag. This is why you have an acceleration as a last defense. It is only a matter of time before there is a call to suicide for one last virtue signal.
If you lynch all the niggers, most of Zig Forums's posters will disappear.
Did that video annoy you? Here's a shitskin climbing an electrical post for no particular reason. Enjoy!
What do you think would have happened to this poor boy had he dared to strike a graceful Nubian queen?
I can't wait for the report they do on TYT
Their options are to be cucked or to lose their job and have their research dismissed anyways. I mean its still disgusting but that's the reason everyone in the field is cucked, the ones who wouldn't be have already been fired.
True, but that doesn't make Republikikes any less of faggots for worshipping the kikelover in chief. I can't wait to go as far left as possible next election to destroy this cesspool and force the race war date to be sooner rather than later because the (((far-left))) is going to go full anti-white as soon as they get in and we still have decent numbers.
It's better than slowly going extinct while waiting for niggers to try and overtake us.
Society told him it was ok to go near wild animals. Some people have to learn the hard way.
Marxists have been requesting this for a long time.
It would be shown on video he was defending himself and provide a good example to young lads everywhere.
jews are going all out tonight.
This is their plan for us. That's what all that DNA testing bullshit was about. They are going to kill us and our children with our yearly mandatory shots.
Always kill niggers.
Kill them for existing. That is reason enough.
shoot them before they can even surround you, shoot them in the grocery stores, shoot them when you drive down the street, shoot them in their homes, shoot them in the schools, shoot them in their driveways, shoot them in the ghetto shoot them in the suburbs
shoot to kill
dblposting to ask when and where this was vid was taken
bull shit … hes stating that he rather have the outcome be that kid stomping out the people harassing him
sounds like a better world to me.
stop being an infighting faggot, you contribute nothing. You actually support the kid just fucking standing there and doing jack shit.
you also like the boys jew mother
It was at least 3 months ago and the boy getting beaten apparently has autism. Don't know more than that.
This story may be the same kid
Unable to find longer video/more informational story.
It's alive.
Literally made me think of this scene from Congo when the white guy is surrounded by the killer apes.
Imagine being so fragile that you cannot resist the urge to immediately chimpout upon hearing a word you literally say in every sentence.
I have absolutely no idea what is going on in this vid due to all the nigger.
bump for the poor kid. too bad he wasnt a kike in a maga hat or something might actually be done about this
Well….at least he has his constitution….
Learning how to fight isn't going to save a young white kid surrounded by 15 niggers. Only a gun will save him.
Whites are already doomed, The machine is strong and the machine is set against you, I don't see a counterforce to it, only paranoia, whining and memes. Good riddance white cucks, stay divided across the earth and get annihilated.
Which is why we have guns in the first place, to defend ourselves from shit like this, but of course the kikes have rotted everyones brain even cops are nothing but kikes now and just want everyone to live in perpetual fear
This. I'm sorry, but he should have known better not to get himself surrounded by apes.
Again the creepy similarity to screeching chimpanzees
Wow didn't know they actually bounce.
Flippidy floppidy - the nigger makes hoppidy…
lmfao at fucking chimp niggers
My first thought too. A cacophony of jungle sounds.
We will see how you fair in a 40/1 scenerio
Are you a black dick loving homo?
I see no other reason to google and save that gay images
Watch Utopia. They told us.
What's wrong with segregation?
It stiill allows niggers to exist
This is good. He will never look at the chimp people again without understanding that they are not HUMAN.
This. The chimpanzee people MUST be exterminated off the Earth. Much like the jew they are spreading out to all the world to make enemies of all the other species of humanity by 'being themselves'. It is only a matter of time until the Earth sees the chimpanzee people for who they are (like they are waking up to the jews) and exterminates them with extreme prejudice.
i support late term abortions of adult black men and adult black women
No he will turn into an apologist and realize just wow wrong he was and will thank the niggers that gave him permanent brain damage for educating him!
Awesome video
I seriously hope you guys don't do this
Why the need to be (((political))) at all? Just kill niggers/jews, my dude.
ben shapiro is never trumper
What is even happening here? I can't hear anything except a bunch of monkey screeching.
It's true, and it's almost the perfect set up.
The people most interested in their genetic heritage and most likely to be whites.
The whites who care enough to pay to discover this truth are also likely the most conservative/right wing.
They have a ready made template to use if they ever wanted to make a genetically specific virus to wipe out the most conservative among us.
If they're in some place in Africa, who cares? Besides, there is another chameleon-like parasitic leech that takes priority. And when Whitey stops feeding the chimps, they'll stop breeding. 13% will eliminate themselves because they'll be in their containment zone
Given that Trump can't even build a wall, I'm inclined to believe that accelerationism may be the best bet.
The other thing to consider is that civ-cucks won't revolt while Trump is in office, therefore, Trump's biggest value to us now is if he is removed from office before his term is up. It may be enough of a spark to get the (((moderate))) right off their asses for once.
I definitely think that the next time the left wins, they're going to try and punish us for ever being so bold as to think we could stand up against them.
ETHNO-GLOBE user…it is the only way. If you started killing niggers and jews how long until the jews rallied the bug people against you?
What the nigger is to whites in America, thje roach and the shitskin is to whites in Europe.
but crossing the street to avoid niggers would be raciss. What happened to the laws against them being on the same street as whites?
sending your kids to public school is literal child abuse
Wouldn't the cuck be the white kid under the misapprehension that wearing a jewish MAGA hat is some form of rebellion against the ZOG machine he gave his vote to?
There are schools/education systems online that suffice just fine for home schooling. And it's a great opportunity to teach the kids discipline through activity, exercise and a sport.
This is why black lives dont matter
yeah but they dont receive the traumatizing lessons such as shooting drills and holohoax lessons.
To loud to really know what is going on. Regardless somebody should teach that kid how to fight.
He's a kid who goes to a shitskin school district and forced to take the bus. Try growing up in one of these hellholes and see how it works out for you.
I can guarantee this is what was going through his mind
Dont look like there are many trees in that town. He was probably up there because instinct kicked in and he needed to climb a tree
There's a risk of it mutating and infecting humans.
this is very interesting and can be used to our advantage. the weak will automatically side with the strong instinctively, there was a time when because we were stronger as a people, we would side with the underdog those days are long gone. so now cucks always side with the powerful in this case its black children, in another case it could feminists or homosexuals(in these cases the power is more abstract but immediately felt). have you noticed that the video showing the guy punching the kid hasn't got much airplay? think about the reasons behind it.
what did he do wrong? I thought providing your body wasnt earthed you could touch a live electric cable and not get a shock. It's the reason birds are able to stand on electric cables
racist white boy got what he had coming to him. I SUGGEST ALL YOU PUSSIES TAKE NOTES FOR WHENEVER U TRY YOUR "ROPE DAY" 🤣
thats e-tough guy.
be a burden on society somewhere else.
go be a shit talking white boy somewhere else OTHER THAN THE INTERNET.
lmao. there is a reason the biggest pussies IRL are always white boys. then they get online and talk about genocide. niggas wont do shit 😂🤣😂🤣😂
Yet the media publishes articles like this
dumbshit cumskin. why do u honestly think the whole bus domed this stupid fucking whiteboy?🤔🤔oh yeah rite.. hes just sitting there innocently
He was also touching the wooden pole, which is touching the ground. By sitting on the pole and touching the HV cable, (you know because it's the one with an insulator, the stack of clay disks, separating it from the pole) he became a conduit for electrical current from the HV cable to the pole, then to the ground.
The guy would have died from the shock if he hadn't also fallen 30 feet onto concrete, basically double killing him.
t. someone who works at heights around powerlines
smdh stupid place where white pussies go to pretend theyd do something
yeah why dont you tell us how many you killed?😂 🤣😅
If your cum is the pink beige color of the average white persons skin, then you need to see a doctor.
Yes I agree, we need context. We need to see if indeed the evil white kid was making racist remarks to an entire bus of feral fatherless black children who hate whites so much they need only a look as justification to attack. Or, more likely, the negros are making shit up and twisting words about "sumtin on facebook" to attack him.