FBI in shutdown: 'We can't pay informants'
Spooks Blown the Fuck Out
fuck how is weev gonna afford the horse meat now?!
Not a problem; he can go home and eat his mom's matzoh balls and chicken soup.
Good. Ever since COINTELPRO the FBI has played the role of boot licking slaves to the destruction of whites by preventing them from getting together and organizing without setting them up for conspiracy to commit crimes.
The FBI is as responsible as the Jews are for all the problems within America, if not more so. Communists have been running around the agency since the 30's infiltrating leadership roles and never were removed. Their informants began in the 1910's largely from jewish sources and that relationship continues even deeper today.
I hope the shut down continues until they're forced to live in homeless shelters. Fuck you.
Normal people don't even care about the shutdown. Everyone that has been furloughed is non-essential.
It makes me wonder which agency actually runs this site.
Now, do they have the fortitude to hold out until the shekels start rolling again or will they start turning on their fed masters? I hope the shut-down never ends. All the automated crap keeps on working and all the manual theft gets roadblocked. Beautiful.
The IDF budget is just fine.
FBI was caught red handed not that long ago running the worlds #1 pedo site. Let that sink in for a second. Running a chan board would be an attempt at them going legit.
They'd actually have to do their job. Ain't happening with fedniggers, they're as lazy as their tree-swinging brethren when given the opportunity.
Find info on the agents and organize their assassination.
I would have thought the FBI was one of those "doesn't matter, gets funded" type deals. Well that's neat. Hope the government sleeps forever.
Any one in these organizations, keep an eye out for members that suddenly seem to be strapped for cash or take on extra jobs. Those are the informants and sleeper agents the group.
Those of us in such organizations can use this as a method of cleaning house right now while we can.
Its a massive global "business"
Any FBI career employee will make nearly $100k per year. If those niggers don't have enough money set aside in whichever way to last a decades without pay it's only their fault this is hard for them.
Expect a slowdown in foiled terrorist plots.
just lol at this guy's reading comprehension
Fuck the FBI and fuck their (((operations))).
Dismantle all alphabet soups.
perfectt time to form a militia and require 15k down to join
Explains of no recent "leaks" and report from "sources".
Awwww maybe they should have considered that before trying to set up the President of the United States of America.
F-B-I I-S A-S-L-E-E-P ! ! !
Post wholesome nationalist pictures!!!!
White people are the kind people. Don't let sociopathic jew slander say otherwise~
Just because you thought it, didn't make it true, user.
let the government stay down and maybe SOME of the blind statists plauging humanity- ideally both employees directly affected and citizens witnessing the madness alike, will wake up and realize we dont need gov control at last. fingers crossed
This place should mellow out soon then because there won't be half as many feds shitposting around here.
Just the FBI?
Hahaha this is hilarious. I wonder how much FBI "informant" cash just goes out to buddies and family members or even totally imaginary friends? Probably most of it.
(checking quads)
Was almost happy but am instead amused.
Fucking checked. When the Stasi can't pay its liars to frame people anymore, the end is nigh.
Does this mean we can finalize plans for blowing up a federal building now?
And the biggest non-essebtial employees are the supervisors that ARE the deep state or basically the ones that don't give a fuck about the normal people in this country and the ones that can cover all of their activity up since they DO HAVE SUPERVISORY POWERS and can delete this and that!!!! YEAH, FUCK THEM TO DEATH!!!!!!!>>12712251
Even though I know that trump is a shill for the jews I hope he keeps the government shut for another year until the US economy falls to the ground
baah we cant buy coke or hookers with government funds, spy on you, or pay for muh cold phone!
it hasnt even been TWO fucking pay periods and they are bitching about not being able to get new tires or printer paper?? Ive had the same tires on my car for about 1.5 years. eat shit. I hope the shutdown continues until their is no FBI and all government agents get shot by the cartel in drug deals.
A SHILL FREE Zig Forums?!
I doubt it. im sure they have shill back up funds or they just do it for free and take their jobs very seriously.
nice quads.
tfw. the serious crime rate drops because the feds are not bankrolling it any more.
the kikes and the mudslimes still have money, and the leftist faggots work for drugs and sexual humiliation.
Should be less calls for meetups, tho.
beautiful quads
Wtf is wrong with people?
There's always the JIDF to help ruin shit. But for now, there is solace in knowing at least one of these alphabet kikes has been weakened for the first time in a long while.
the fbi doesn't do anything of value, the only crime they stop is the crime they create themselves
As a devout Morrowind fag this image will never fail to make me laugh, worry it might be true, and then miss Hitler.
he's mossad / CIA.
and the first and most famous and illustrious of all the FBI directors was J. Edgar Hoover, a blackmailed homosexual transvestite whose grandparents were registered as negroes who had wormed their way into the Wash DC bureaucracy for the Post Office.
I remember watching this Jimmy Stewart movie from the 50's as a 12 year old boy in the early 60's and arguing with my older sister who was a university student about this. She asserted as you do that the FBI doesn't operate outside the USA. This movie begs to differ.
So they've been normalizing this kind of thing for a long time.
Truly, we live in an age of wonders.
hole ee fuck man, just how old are you? are you old as fuck? don't break your hip typing out a shitpost old man
So technically, i can plot a mass shooting of jewish people, unimpeded at the moment? Hypothetically speaking of course…
Kek confirms. Braise him
If you had to shovel as much ice storm crusted snow as I have this week you'd probably die, sonny.
don't waste yourself . Wait till you're diagnosed with terminal cancer.
When you ain't got nothing, you got nothing to lose
You're invisible now, you've got no secrets to conceal
Bob Dylan
We coming for you electric cool-aid acid test recipiant
So when is 8ch going to shut down?
Nope. The JDIF is desperate and uses students
Probably never.
The (((Goldwater))) had to lay off all of its staff a week or so ago.
Really makes you think.
Zig Forums is feds now. =
As this shutdown stretches on for a year or more, child abductions will absolutely plummet, I conjecture.
In fact, sex crimes of all sorts will plummet, especially against children.
Without Fednotes draining into the pockets of left/Democrat/weirdo pockets, where would the money come from for the drugs and child abductions?
PS Buzzfeed is laying off 150 paid shills.
Let's go for 100 percent reduction!
Haven't you noticed somewhat of a reduction in the shriekfest Zig Forums had increasingly become?
You mean blasts through even the ceilings set by post-Weimarsteinbergsilverbloomoyvey Germany?
Kill yourself vulture.
Nigger, the board is still spammed by shills. One is claiming the smug teen is a jew based on no factual evidence and our useless shill moderators allow him to spam the fuck out of the board unimpeded.
>hurr 8ch is owned by the dod cia fbi goy
Fuck off back to your dead splinter site with 2 UIDss and 1 PPH
One can only hope something brings this rotten hellhole tumbling down.
It hasn't been as bad lately, and the ones that are left do a shittier job. At this point i'd be cool with just leaving the government shut down.
And we all know Schlomo won't snitch for free… great work, Trump.
If the continued posting of the fucking slides are any indication, it isn't the feds you should be worried about. It's ALWAYS THE JEWS
Fuck off yid, the damned report queue is flooded because you kike fucks are slamming us with slides.
FBI are all masons, and guess who is their puppet, user?
The fucking X Files should have been your clue.
Keep it shut down forever! Too much government is why white countries are being invaded in the first place.
Let me see If I go to this white country they will give me FREE money house and food!!!!!
end all food stamp programs
Stop feeding the animals that alone would stop a huge percentage of shitskins from coming.
The smaller the government the better for whites. Keep it shut down forever! All big government does is take money from whites and grow shitskin invaders with it we should hang our government officials in the public square for all to see!!!!
Go back to reddit woman.
reminder: it was recently revealed in a lawsuit against the DEA that the DEA runs over 180,000 paid informants. the FBI is over 4x bigger than the DEA, so you do the math about how many paid informants the FBI runs. and we have seen in dozens of indictments of Federal Agents that one of the most common crimes they commit is to fraudulently fill out paperwork to request funds to pay Confidential Informants, and then pocket that money themselves, by either making up phony non-existent informers or by recruiting crackheads off the streets and taking a majority cut of the snitch pay. i wouldn't be surprised if over 25% of all FBI paid informants are out right fraud and theft from Ye The Tax Goy Payer.
while i am personally want this Govt Shutdown to be permanent or to last as long as possible, as payback, bitches, for decades of FedGov raping us tax payers in our wallet-holes and wasting trillions of our dollars on $1,000 hammers and $100,000 dollar office furniture and on funding hyper-Bolshevik ((( NGO's))) who actively work to subvert and destroy the fabric of America and enact White Genocide, i can be sympathetic to the plight of career FBI agents caught without a paycheck. i can understand perfectly well the unfair situation of the poor, poor treasonous layabout FBI agent, who has been an agent for 30 years, and who never goes out and arrests the real baddies on (((WallSt))) and in FedGov itself, and who is now pulling in a fat GS-14 salary with lavish bennies and a fully funded pension of 100% of the highest earning year of their salary, as compared to us slaver Plebians who earn less than minwage and who have no expectation of any pension nor Social Security, which has already been IOU'd and plundered by the kikes to pay trillions in shekels to Zion.
so hear is my advice to any FBI special retards who may be reading this, and who has enjoyed decades of regular paychecks, and who is now reduced to the same economic servitude as the common American, by missing a whole two pay checks. never mind about asking what the fuck kind of financial failure imbecile are you if you pull in your FBI salary for decades and have been unable to save anything and are somehow on the verge of being wiped out by missing 2 pay checks. my tiny violin trembles for your plight, believe me. but there may be a way out for you. let's say you're an FBI agent and you didn't get a pay check and now your mistress-prostitute-co-worker (i.e. Strzok's whore Page) wants to break up with you because you're a broke ass dead beat now. well here is what i would strongly advise you to do.
steal as many properly marked classified documents as your GS-14 access gives you. bulk download any and everything from SIPR and from NSANET. then upload all of it to Wikileaks, using Tor. Wikileaks has a net worth of something like $50 million in Bitcoins. if you dehumanize yourself and cry to Wikileaks about your poverty and the great risks to yourself and your alcoholism and your battered ex-wife and your 2 kids whom you see on two weekends per month, i have no doubt that Wikileaks will help you out financially in exchange for your pulling a Snowden and gifting them with the highest top secret documents. furthermore, i have no doubt that the Russia SVR, who are pulling the puppet strings behind Wikileaks and who control Wikileaks, at least according to the paranoid accusations constantly repeated by FBI Officials and Agents, would be more than happy to help compensate you for your delivering top secrets to the cut out Wikileaks, who will then pass along your dox to Putin himself, for Putin's bed time reading. the Russian SVR has the vast resources of Mother Russia and could even arrange to exfiltrate you from the USSA if you so wished and if the top secrets you "liberate" are about special compartments or are marked as GAMMA or higher.
so please think about all of your available options, you poor broke ass crooked treasonous FBI agents.
some are good
(fucking heil'd!)
Nice to see good news for a change. Wonder how many of the sad sacks are posting here and trying to justify their efforts?
Let's hope those anti-American kike slaves are starving to death.
Maybe if they spent more time investing the government kikes holding up funding for the wall, they wouldn't be in this dill of a pickle. because they would be dead from suicide
underrated post
(It just keeps happening)
And into the badges folder it goes
This is bullshit to get us careless, like the one with the iphone encyption "we can not read the messages so write your true feelings"
This is basical bait
Honestly, even if Wikileaks disclosed documents showing large chunks of the US were sold to Mexican drug dealers in 2008 by the Rothschilds, what do you think would happen? Absolutely nothing.
To be honest, most of them would still try and come. White nations are filled with white women, and all shitskins want them.
Who gives a shit about the shutdown? Not my problem, maybe you should get a private sector job instead of working for the government, my paychecks are rolling in as always.
I have noticed overall less shills here and 4cuck. They have had to step back quite a bit, from trying invade every thread and having honeypot threads. To just mostly having honeypot threads and you just have one faggot shill replying to himself.
all that's left are goons who do the shilling for free like in that Smiling guy with Trump Hat threads, and then there's the subversive fuckers within the 8ch mod team