Drugs should definitely be legalised because the government shouldnt decide what people put in their bodies. If you dont like it or it offends you find but its not harming anyone else. We humans have a natural desire to chase dopamine why does the government hate pleasure? If everyone did drugs there'd be no dumb unfocused people,no fat women,etc
Drug legalization
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[citation needed]
What do you mean? Like ncbi studies?
Prohibition for alcohol didnt work and it wont work for drugs either
Drugs should be legalized with the caveat that drug addictions should be criminalized and addicts sent to forced rehab.
Fat people are worse than drug addicts what should we do to them?
It is good genetic Clorox, also fuck giving the state ANYTHING it can use against the people.
Drugs should be studied and potentially used for certain reasons, but I don’t trust a lot of people who tout them. A lot of people online talk about LSD being harmless. If you point out accounts of people regretting it, the advocates react with hostility, which tells me there’s something else going on.
Also, I’ve known people who took LSD and are just as stupid and enlightened as they were before. I gives people the delusion of having achieved a new state of being, and some immature people like the “badass” feeling being rebel and taking LSD.
As Carl Jung said, beware unearned wisdom.
It's not for brainlets, few things are. Unearned wisdom? It's a tool.
Maybe the "LSD IS TOTES COOL MANG" types aren't exactly the smartest people in the first place?
That said, drug addiction is for faggots and niggers so who cares.
If there was no demand for drugs in the US, the spic cartels wouldn't try to smuggle them in and there would be no need for war on drugs. Addicts and dealers should be shot, incarcerated or kicked out.
What happened to this board?
First Kikey, now CM
terrible idea retard
you want even more tweakers and crackheads out there running around town?
want pablo to be high on lsd next time he is driving?
fuck off reeeeeetard
mandatory drug testing for all workers.
some high as kite worker to accidentally put bacon on burger, when kosher/muslim customer
some trippin balls worker tripping down some stairs, then getting workers comp on gov dime..
some drugged up hallucinating worker driving a bus full of children off a cliff.
Psychedelics should be the only psychoactives you consume, sparingly
It's not about government, it's about society. Sometimes the two are more or less aligned.
all drugs should be legal, but sold in pharmacies with mandatory questionnaires, depending on the drug.
Drugs should be legalized in order to make the populace complacent while society collapses
t. spook
Use, posession, growing, dealing, manufacture, etc. of ANY AND ALL drugs is punishable by death. Strictly medical applications of NON-PSYCHOACTIVE cannabis will be allowed. If for whatever twisted reason the psychoactive agent is proven to be necessary in a treatment, such cannabis can only be perscribed after admitting the patient to a hospital and only through specially licensed hospitals and specialists, who are rigorously tested for licensing and subject to constant and thorough transparency and security checks to ensure that absolutely all cannabis (psychoactive or otherwise) is accounted for and that absolutely none of it is missing, as well as ensuring all perscriptions and dosages are accurate. Failure will result in immediate hospital shutdown/lockdown, and any and all employees, patients, and civilians within the premises are subject to search and seizure. Cannabis (psychoactive) is by no means allowed to be on anyones person. All cannabis (psychoactive or otherwise) is locked in a secure, 24/7 closed circuit monitored room, with live guards inside and outside said room. Any cannabis (psychoactive) found on a person that is not currently hospital-admitted AND perscribed said cannabis is subject to detainment and arrest under charge of possession of said cannabis until the proper details are brought to light as to the persons possession. Other charges may follow relative to the situation. Any cannabis (non-psychoactive) found on a person that cannot provide legal and valid perscription is subject to detainment and arrest under charge of possession of said cannabis until the proper details are brought to light as to the persons possession. Other charges may follow relative to the situation.
Thats pretty fair, really.
The USA is chock full of meds (and anyone on them should seriously stop).
Reminder that weed in particular will impair your cognitive functions and you just need to look at (((who))) is funding it.
They aren't even trying today.
legalize the lot and let the bums die in the streets
OP deserves a caved in head pic for his burgerstanian logic. Well ASSHOLE, when you take your dope and get in your care… When you OD and the ambulance goes to your house instead of the sick kid or old ladies and you don't have health insurance and on and fucking on you stupid nigger.
The best thing about legal pot is that the list of drug testing jobs just got smaller because lawyers. Yes, for actual safety sensitive shit like airplanes, but no more "American style" blanket morality testing.
She doesn't look like a rancher or tractor driver. If people could grow whatever, opiates, cocaine, weed etc, there would be no pushers. Just like there is no obese farmers, there would be no druggy growers. Also, end subsidies which are in bed with corporate pushers.
Yeah no drug should be illegal, and if you want to chug a gallon of bleach that's your choice,but. But, but, but, it's not the tax payers job to pay for your retardation, so why you O.D. on flint stone vitamins if you can't pay for your medical care in full you get to die on a stretcher outside. Welcome to real life.
Fuck off with the avatarfagging bitch.
eat my shit
Caffeine pills are extraordinarily dangerous.
government hates different states of mind
Guy clearly has unhealthy violent fantasies.
OP is an obvious false flag posted by an anti-drug nigger. Just look how retarded it's written.
Any large company will still test you and if there is anything interesting that requires a secret clearance good luck having your pubic hair plucked and sent off for GCMS.
Why does it matter if they're cool or not? They are useful tools, just like cars and computers.
I think the more important thing here is that we are a different country. One that was FOUNDED with liberty in tact and guaranteed for all. Drugs are a liberty. What we eat, buy, read, watch etc. ALL liberties. Some liberties we have relinquished, and now we have mandatory seat belts, car insurance, nigger care etc etc etc. Mandatory. We have given up freedom after freedom in the name of safety, and for that we deserve neither. We will be given neither.
It should be legal in Africa and Israel. Everybody who wants to be a drug dealer's slave should go to those places.
get out
Yeah why do you think the country went to shit in under 100 years?
because of your kiked ancestors, if I had to venture a guess
Never said that, Moshe. You twist words and give yourself away. Your people twist words for thousands of years, you jews twist minds and souls and get away with it, but your time is running out. What is done in the dark will be brought to the light. The goyim are realizing who you really are.
Japanese fat tax
Let me guess you think their shouldn’t be limits placed on speech as well?
Literally how is this bad?
How is thread not 'low effort'?
Sure just no more narcan to revive them and a random batch of your drugs will be a hot dose so we don't have to indefinitely deal with this at such a large scale.
Daily Reminder
Prohibition worked.
The mods were purged after the midterms, their names hidden on the board log, and rates of 4chan /int/-tier shitposting increased exponentially.
One that was FOUNDED with liberty in tact and guaranteed for all. Drugs are a liberty. What we eat, buy, read, watch etc. ALL liberties. Some liberties we have relinquished, and now we have mandatory seat belts, car insurance, nigger care etc etc etc.
Actually, you did.
Not quite.
Prohibition laws always create a black market
Why make laws that create more corruption and crime than they solve? Because it shifts power to unseen hands, it shifts money to unseen hands and it can be used to harm specific groups.
Drugs can be used for good (medicine) or bad
Addictions aren't good
The total costs to society are lessened with simple regulation of the substance (think alcohol, more people died from alcohol per year during prohibition than any year before or since)
Sugar addict detected
Same thing applies to sugar
Filipinos are subhuman monkeys anyways
Who else could I cite?
And then Shlomo Sheklebergistein and the ZOGbots happen to you, you horrible terrible drug dealing Nazi you.
Still perfectly legal here, and yet shit like in the video happened.
poorly written two sentence post with no content, no discussion starter, no evidence and no effort at all.
What a fucking surprise. You can't even succeed at making a shitty post on a shitty uzbekistani bog snorkeling fan site.
sage and report for being a piece of shit