Chief Skrillex

It turns out that, not only has he assaulted the MAGA kid, lied about being mobbed by the Covington Catholic School boys and being a Vietnam Vet, Nathan Phillips also happens to be have starred in this 2012 video of Skrillex "Make It Bun Dem" with over 384 million, 441,812 views:


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Other urls found in this thread:

Days after Nathan Phillips’ story of his confrontation with a group of students in Washington was thoroughly discredited, many on the left are still rallying behind him, pretending he was somehow a victim.

This, even after both the New York Times and the Washington Post had to publish not just “clarifications” about the incident itself, but even corrections of his claim to be a Vietnam, or “Vietnam times,” veteran. (Turns out he was a stateside refrigerator technician, and frequently AWOL.)

It also turns out Phillips made nearly identical allegations against a few college students four years ago.

Given that the full, unedited video of the interaction between Phillips and the students shows that Phillips clearly approached the students, and given that he is connected to left-wing social justice causes, one could conclude that he targeted the teenagers for their support of President Donald J. Trump. Yet the mainstream press narrative is exactly the opposite – that the boys targeted Phillips.

Additionally, this is not the first time that Phillips has been at the center of controversy involving alleged racism against the Native Population. In 2015, Phillips claimed that he was “bombarded by racial slurs” by students at Eastern Michigan University.

An Ypsilanti man says he was trying to teach a few students dressed in American Indian theme party about respecting Native Americans.

Not long afterward, Nathan Phillips said that an interaction with party-goers and students turned ugly.

Nathan Phillips says he was out for a noon walk on a Saturday in mid-April

He walked by a home where he saw Eastern Michigan University students dressed as Native Americans.

“They had little feathers on, I was just going to walk by,” Phillips said. “A group of them said ‘Come on over, come here.’”

He says he walked over to the fence and saw roughly 30 to 40 students involved in a theme party.

“They had their face painted,” Phillips said. “I said what the heck is going on here. ‘Oh we are honoring you.’ I said no you are not honoring me.”

It was a statement he says they took offense to.

“Then started whooping and hollering,” he said. “I said that wasn’t honoring, that was racist. Then at that time, it really got ugly.”

Phillips says he was bombarded with racial slurs.

“(They said) ‘Go back to the reservation, you blank indian,’” he said.

One student, he says, threw a beer can at him.

“If I would have stayed where I was at, it would have hit me in the head,” he said. “I backed up and it hit me in the chest.”

it's Chief Full of Sht!!
the comment section is hilarious

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The Diocese of Covington is being evacuated after reports that a suspicious package had been found.

“WLWT in Cincinnati is reporting that police and fire crews are being sent to the Diocese of Covington following reports of a suspicious package,” the report said. “This follows protests at the Diocese following a viral video involving an indigenous protester and a Covington Catholic Student.”

The Diocese of Covington is home to Covington Catholic High School, which was engulfed in controversy after the mainstream news falsely accused Nick Sandmann of “mocking” a Native American man. After the entire news media gave Nathan Phillips, who lied about serving in Vietnam, a platform to smear the boys, video evidence which showed Phillips approaching Sandmann vindicated them from wrongdoing. The lying media took the confrontation out of context, sparking a wave of doxxing and death threats against the boys from popular media figures.

Phillips, who claims to be a former Marine and a Vietnam veteran, told The Detroit Free Press that the Covington kids “were in the process of attacking these four black individuals. I was there and I was witnessing all of this. … As this kept on going on and escalating, it just got to a point where you do something or you walk away, you know?”

Because naturally, when you see a group of individuals “attacking” another group in a public place where there are lots of police, the proper response when you are a 64-year-old man is not to inform a cop but to take charge of the situation yourself. Go up to the “attackers,” stand toe-to-toe with one of them and start loudly banging a drum in his face.

Mobilize large mobs of people to beat and kill niggers and other shitskins.
Stop with the debacles and start killing the enemy.

Can't you find something better to do with your time?

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Can you shill?

You kikes are too greedy. As always, you overplayed your hand.

Since the name Weis (pronounced "Wise") has surfaced, here are some of YOUR people:

It's as easy as typing Rabbi Wise, Rabbi Weis, or Rabbi Weiss into google.
Good germans, amirite?

What is wrong with your text? Seriously.

Polish lawmaker invites MAGA boyz to Polish parliament:

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let me just pick one up at the large-mobs-depot

now if you had said, grab your rifle and drive to secluded spots and take out a nigger at a time without being spotted or caught
that would be a more realistic arguement

The only "former" marine is Lee Oswald.

> lied about being mobbed by the Covington Catholic School boys and being a Vietnam Vet
I called this 2 threads ago I should have capped my post.
I knew it though, all the real nam vets I have ever known I would never fuck with he is just a skinny old weak ass prarie nigger

In case you really are as stupid as you're pretending to be, this whole thing is a blatant attack on whiteness. These kids were attacked by every single mainstream media outlet for standing their ground while being white. No, teenagers looking like teenagers does not prove that they are Jews. No, Catholic teenagers having German surnames does not prove that they are Jews. All you're doing is making up excuses to pardon rabidly white-hating niggers and kikes.


Chief Skrillex with NPC dj:

boom boom


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If our moderation were worth a damn, this shill that keeps spamming this (((narrative))) that whites with german names are jewish would not be able to spam the board.

· Philosophy

"Bun dem" is Jamaican slang for "burn them," which refers to God's judgement – burning them in hell. In the Rastafarian worldview, the subjugation of minority groups, in particular pan-africans but also indigenous peoples, is a modern representation of the Biblical power struggle between the Hebrews and Babylon during the "Babylonian Captivity." Rastafarians refer to the oppressive white power structure as "Babylon." Jah's (God's) judgement will eventually come down and "Babylon will burn." This is a ubiquitous theme in reggae music, including Damian Marley.

The music video for Skrillex & Damian "Jr. Gong" Marley - Make It Bun Dem shows a sheriff, under the instruction of a greedy rich white man, forcibly evicting poor people of all races. A native American character performs a "rain dance" and puts on warrior paint to represent fighting back against an oppressive system and protecting the home of his grandfather. Poor people losing their homes because of the housing crisis could be interpreted as another form of oppression by the "Babylon" power structure. The native child protecting his grandfather is likely also symbolic of America itself being his ancestral land, and being evicted from it all over again.

Do you have anything like the kid making pro-israeli comments or anything like that?

I believe this unironically =3

Due to assimilation, in the future ethnically Anglo surnames will be subject to this as well

Stay tuned, he'll be speaking from the white house and the Polish parliament soon. Maybe he will remind us of the holocaust at that time, and how his own case is similar.

There is only one of those kids that matters according to the majority of chan posters; see pic related.

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Didn't need a thread fucktard.

It's not a "maybe", it's a fucking given that this subhuman will do that. These "people" are all the fucking same; I've been through this too many times in my life