We cannot continue to rely upon internet users to browse and lurk in order become redpilled, and the disorganization of our message forces people to do this.
The disorganization also harms us because it allows the opposition to purposefully misinterpret our positions in the manner most favorable for themselves, because it lumps in the good stuff with the shit random retards spout, secondly, it deprives us of an official message and agenda to rally ourselves around, right now, we are a movement made up of many individuals with many disparate views that share a few commonalities, there is not official anything for us, even the word natsoc has been deprived of meaning by people interpreting it in a thousand different ways.
We need to to the following:
- collect and organize all our facts in one location that is easily navigated, and attach citations to each of them, this ensures that when we need to make arguments based on facts, we have a resource filled with all the data we need, and we can easily link to outside sources in order to back our claims.
- We need to write out our vision for the society we want to establish, we need to write out every political policy, system, and law that we support, essentially writing out the blueprint for an entire country as run by Zig Forums, we must leave nothing out, it must be complete even in how it applies to the most mundane of matters, by doing this, we present an solidified end goal tat we will be working towards, it also prevent out opposition from using the vagueness of our goals as an opportunity to claim that we are seeking out some ridiculous dystopian strawman, we also need to write out how we plan to go about pursuing this goal, building this society, and we need to also write out why we support the policies we do, we can also link this to the database of facts listed above.
- We need an official guide to what we support and oppose from our own movement, we also need to detail punitive measures for those among us who break our rules, this is important because it limits what our opposition can say about us, because if they lie, we can show them up as liars by presenting our ruleset. We also need to enforce these rules and record when disciplinary action had been taken in order to prevent the opposition from getting away with claims that it's just for show.
- We can do this in many different ways, since we are a collective, and what we create should be represented of our general perspective on things, I think the best way is to use some sort of wiki format, however, any other method you can recommend will also be adequate.
Keep in mind that there will be people calling me a jew, shill, or government agent, this is the latest shut down tactic employed against the good ideas of this site, and it's shown up repeatedly in any thread with any suggestion to action, it's an appeal to our paranoia, I bet they think it's some next-gen shilling, essentially they've made an asset of our caution and distrust.