What do you guys think about the neccesity to take away women's rights in order to raise the fertility rate among high IQ populations?
Thoughts on: "taking women's rights away"
based on the info I have provided I can show that taking away women's right (particularly voting) solves all of the problems of the developed West:
Not needed anymore since the population is growing now instead of shrinking.
Mostly women vote for socialist politicians. so all states would immediately become right wing nationalistic states overnight.
Without women voting for socialism, taxes would go down by 30% (Thats what the US gov spends on Gibs)
When women know their bastard baby with the local badboy drug dealer will not get welfare she will choose to find a man willing and able to provide a stable household for her (40% of kids grow up with single mothers, DO NOT UNDERESTIMATE the importance of this one).
etc etc
Women should be educated well enough that they can reasonably pass down their traditions onto their children. They should be able to help greatly with homeschooling, while the man goes and works to provide for the family.
16 years old might be a little too early for "must" be wed off. Even in biblical times, not all women could be married off at the age of 16.
Women should generally not be allowed to vote - I'd argue that in a democracy, only married men should be allowed to vote.
Agree with most but id add.
That way they will vote in interest to the future. We dont want another welfare voting brigade.
I don't think about women at all.
I think about race war…
kill all women tbh
taking women's rights away WILL prevent that racewar because:
no immigration
no socialism
no more SJW
no more feminism and women talking about "toxic masculinity"
no more divorce and women fucking their new boyfriend with your kids in the next room
No sex is anti intellectual by design. Its literally hack that shortcuts brains with orgasm. Think about it for a second. Rubbing excretion organs against each other. Blehhh. Why? Abomination. This is why only genes with hacked by orgasm brains survived natural selection.
Intellect is too smart for such hack it easily outhacks it with oral sex or condoms. Nature BTFO.
Only why fro intellect to survive natural selection is forget about "natural way" and threat it like an industry. there is nothing natural about modern industry and devolops exponentially. Unlike making families and offsprings "natural way".
More education leads to less children because of opportunity costs. Low IQ wastes of carbon pump out lots of children because lots of children means lots of little automatons to take care of them in old age. Also because they live in conditions where they are likely to die off. The educated have less because they don't need to have 12 spawn to work the farm with them and eventually for them once old and decrepit.
I still think women should not work though, because it is more important for the future that children are raised properly by their parents and values are passed on by the family rather than in some government school where the children can me molded. They most certainly should not be allowed to vote either, since it splits the vote of the household and ferments conflict between man and women. To say nothing about how women have the right to vote with no responsibilities like the draft or bucket duty. Add onto that the tax discrepancy the tendency to vote for gibs, particularly if they are not married with children. The sole compromise I can think of is that men should not get a vote if they do not provide a net positive to society through their labor while women can only vote if they have/had children.
Here is an obvious example of low intellect, anons.
First kill yourself
hmm nah
We need artificial wombs first or coma wombs.
If we had artificial wombs men would have slaughtered all women a long time ago. Men kill other men over 1/100th what women are doing today.
Imagine someone raped your wife 500 years ago and impregnated her? You would kill him right? Get a group together and lynch him.
Today: if your wife cucks her husband it is perfectly legal and its illegal for you to ask for paternity tests in most countries (I know france, GB). On top of that the woman can still divorce you and get child support+alimony from you.
Conclusion: women are getting away with stuff a man would get killed for.
Please explain why having more children in high IQ countries is so bad?
It seems to me that YOU took the "overpopulation, muhh global warming…I mean cooling…I mean climate change" scheme.
Meanwhile Africans are having 7 children each in Nigeria.
No low intellect just doesn't care. It lives in the current moment and sticks penis into vagina because it feels goooooooood. Natural consequences is babies popping out and low intellect doesn't prepares for such it beyond his horizon of planing.
BTW with current legal and financial institutions stock portfolio > kids as retirement preparation. Its obvious for every smart man.
because obviously population growth can't be infinite and when it stops nations would be facing same problems only with larger scale. Expansion just postpones problems and doesn't solves. Trick of boomer politics to buy time to retire and die and leave you with crash.
Après nous, le déluge
Minorities are going to abuse your disabled ass.
Its called colonization!
look at Africa: they have 7 kids per woman.
What do they do with their overpopulation? They send blacks to other parts of the world like Europe.
Once a Western country is overpopulated it spreads to other parts of the world or even space.
Im laughing my ass off as im typing this because you sound like you have never been outside of the city. Did you know that there is space between cities?
Did you know that cities can grow?
You seem to think very static, in the moment, a sign of very very low IQ. Expand your mind user: the cosmos is infinite!
Immigration was forced on us before the population growth stalled you bluepilled retard faggot. Immigration is not needed, period. A shrinking population is totally fine, we do not need to be chinkroaches destroying our nations with overpopulation. Only an absolute heeb would think "we need constant perpetual growth on our finite land" because only kikes steal a percentage of the total GDP via banking, so only kikes benefit from the growth scam.
The War on drugs happened because women were allowed to vote.The war on drugs started when prohibition came to an end. When prohibition came to an end they needed some way to keep the revenue agents on the government's teat during the depression.
Suppressors are added to the NFA because of fears over poaching during the depression.
So because of women 60,000 people are murdered every year in Brazil.
Then Europe becomes second Africa and now we have 2 Africa. Would it solve nigger problems? Nope. It would much worse they would be freezing their ass in Europe with no white man to warm them up and feed.
Nursing homes this is what poor zoomers would get from their kids. Rich people die in luxury surrounded by ass licking servants and concubines.
This. I don't like how gene selection for future generations are in the hands of women and they don't select for intelligence. We need another mode of reproduction that doesn't involve women. I would like for them to become a vestige of our past.
Read this, Anons!
No book or article you will ever read will be more valueable.
Isnt it surreal? ALL of the problems of the West/japan (developed world) will be solved when women can no longer vote.
When they can no longer divorce a guy and take his kids and money. When they can no longer fuck around and know daddy government will always be there to provide for her bastards.
Spoken like a true virgin incel. This board is a fucking joke anymore.
Spoken liek true bible thumping trumpet. Sorry m8 your kin would be replaced by BASED Mexican mestizos in two generations. Natural way wins.
more of your own people is always good, user.
I dont know what else to tell you.
If you have problems with jews skimming money via fractional reserve banking: they have skulls that are very succeptible to gunshot wounds or hanging or the guillotine.
Now as the OP I will kindly ask you to drop your ideas of "shrinking" the population in order to consolidate wealth into the hands of a smaller population: it reminds me of communism.
Im the OP btw guys, my VPN cycled.
Stop pushing that jew lie.
I watched the vid, thanks.
European people = African people
I must ask you to leave this thread.
I don't even understand what are you trying to mean by this.
Women have never had rights. Rights are secured by force of arms, which women are incapable of and vote against the ability of even their borrowed rights' providers' means to do so. The very concept of a right implies individual autonomy, where women push further and further for universally controlled society, usually for the sake of "safety" or some kind of humanitarian escapade that undermines their host nation.
"Women's Rights" is by definition an oxymoron.
Actually I'm the OP and I have the authority to declare myself a massive fucking faggot
Daily reminder that white women are not the enemy. Men and women are a team. I agree that women shouldn't have the vote, shouldn't be leaders, shouldn't be in wars, and shouldn't be pursuing money or a career, as those things belong to men. On the contrary, they SHOULD be excellent caretakers, educators, mothers, and role models for our future children, since, unlike men, they're very good at all of those things. They might be misled at the moment, but they're not "cunts" just because a sexless chode like yourself can't get one in bed.
Rights are secured by force of arms
Force of arms are controlled by """democratic process"""
Woman hagely affect result of """democratic process""" (yes there are another important """players""" here)
Woman control force of arms
Woman have rights.
And you are baka.
Women are only controlling anything by the absence of men, not because of any real power they have. It's an illusion. Anybody can be the biggest dog when there's nobody else around.
Days of feudalism and chivalry are long over user. When ruling class and enforces were same group. Now "force of arms" enforcers are mere low life mercs and they follow chain of command with ruling class have no force by themselves at all (liek Trump). This is how state projects power now. And it works better. Principles of capitalism and labor division beats "do all by yourself".
What is your opinion on how to develop an artificial womb?
My gameplan:
create braindead vessels: coma wombs!
Women also put in alcohol prohibition.
I've had so much sex I could make your mom squirt with my pinky, user, but I don't fuck landwhales nor STD-laden coalburners like her.
forgot the >, I was paraphrasing you.
Recant or leave, please.
I think it is sadly, probably the only hope for a future that doesn't look like Brazil.
By your description, the only force of arms enforcers in revolutionary America were the British regulars. It's not about who's ruling, genius. It's about who's going to tell them their rule is invalid. Hint: It has never been, is not, and never will be women.
Shit thread, go eat a dick OP.
I was going to be very sarcastic but then I read your entire post!
You are absolutely right! Women DO NOT HAVE RIGHTS! They have priviliges! Priviliges they did not even earn (nagging men is not earning)!
I dont know. I will adjust my rhetoric. Good point!
So a 28 year old Sergeant living in a barracks shouldn't be allowed to vote?
That's basically the gist of it, yeah. Everything a woman has called a 'right' of theirs is something that was handed to them by men. Usually weak men who allowed themselves to be nagged down and offered a concession just to be left alone. And in the end that has snowballed until the weak willed, emotional, self-serving, Oedipal, nanny-state desiring woman was allowed to vote on foreign policy.
This user is saying that because women vote, they DO have power and thus they DO have rights. It doesnt matter that men are the police, the military, 100% of the net taxpayers (see OP pics).
I agree with this user! And this is WHY we must remove women from the democratic process by eliminating their right to vote.
see above
The average man can unironically fight and kill 10 women at the same time.
Once he punches the first woman in the face with full force the other nine run screaming flailing their arms, then its a matter of kicking in the skulls of the other nine. (im not kidding, watch any video of a terrible accident:women scream, run and flail their arms)
If I had to wager. 100 average women vs 1 trained kickboxer in a deathcage: my bet would be he punches 1 woman and 99 women start sucking his dick!
I think I'd like to slit your throat, you scumbag.
If men really want to step up their game, there is something to be done. We should establish a day in the year that no man will consume anything.
Take your day off, stay at home. Don't watch television, don't go on the internet, don't use your cellphone. Go read a damn book, cook your own food, go exercise, clean your room(inb4 Juden Peterstein). This should be done by all men, all around the world in the same day. Let's see what the stock exchange has to say about it and we'll see how much power we actually have. We should make it happen organically, without MSM involvement.
I'm pregnant right now following decades of antinatalism because I decided to help save the white race. Had I not been able to make this choice freely, I'd have given up and killed myself instead. That's what happens when you oppress a population: you get only low-IQ women breeding, because you've stolen the high-IQs reason to live.
Sterlize the morons and leave the rest of us the fuck alone.
Quads don't lie. That cage game is pretty weak, though.
Woman find their purpose in total subjugation to a man. Be it her father, her husband or her sons. All their rights are represented by their guardian.
I wasnt going to say anything but now I must:
The best system I heard of is:
ANYONE can vote IF they are NET tax payers…for parliament/congress.
It disenfranchises most women.
It disenfranchises RETARDS of ANY race.
It Kills the commies that want to take your stuff supposedly for the poor
You see. We are not racist or sexist. Stop being a human parasite and you will be able to vote! And those that refuse and start to riot? We SHOOT them in the face!
I hope prison was not too hard on you.
And fucking remember my order: NO PICKLES!
Are you factoring in shit they might not want, like public education and the goy military?
Your genius idea is called "sunday". Now go back to the kitchen and cook a nutricious meal that could feed an entire SS division!
Wow! You are so amazing! You fulfilled your biological imperative: the only reason you were put on earth for and the only thing that will give your life meaning?
Arguing with women is so tiresome on the brain. You know what?
Good job! Thats a nice baby! We will hang it on the refrigerator door. You deserved your ice cream for sure!
what do you think of my argument that the NFA and war on drugs exist because of women?
Stay strong, user!
What's a woman doing in the military at the age of 28?
Good point.
Any public resources consumed by minors should be deducted from the parent/parents' contributions to see if they are NET tax payers.
This would be best. Children would also be under the custody of the man. Anything bad they do: the man is responsible. A right will exist to disown your children if you cant handle your childrens indiscretions.
(essentially Roman law, back before Rome adopted the bread dole, universal suffrage and granting Roman voting rights to distant conquered countries.)
That red line is also when the nukes were dropped and the entire civilization of Japan was changed.
This thread is retarded. Sure they have smaller brains than men but most women's brain are wired up better than the retarded incels shitposting in this thread
Prohibition of alcohol was on women.
Instead of marrying non-drunks they turned to the government to "fix" the men they thought they could "fix".
After prohibition was ended the agents were never fired: the government NEVER shrinks back. It only grows.
What's up with women who do that?
You never worked a sunday in your life and I'm the wymyn? Try it, it might you look less of an entitled piece of garbage. Also:
>>>Zig Forums
How packed are malls, best-buy and wallmarts at sunday? How many moneyz sportsball watchin' boomers spend on sunday? I don't think you get the idea correctly user
Basically. Then White men can get back to handling our business.
/thread, I guess?
People don't seem to understand that it's alot harder to go back and ban something than it is to legalize something. The genie's out of the bottle which is why women and fags etc etc are going to have rights until the foundation of modernity is collapsed.
regardless reminder that voting is a retarded idea in principle and even then it's only used to give people the illusion of political power.
Did you see the other graphs i posted?
Or am I to assume you will cherrypick the data and mention an invalid fact and then proceed to call everyone in this thread an involuntary celibate?
Also: please, please, will you women evolve beyond pic related at some point. It makes me bloodlusty how a 20 year old meme can capture your essence so consistently.
This image is dumb because it's obvious the vast majority of "incel" posers are just feminized males and not actual roasties. Roasties lack interests and it's rare for them to browse anonymous internet forums, or so anything but watch netflix.
in other words, it's more effective to get rid of point 2. and the tl;dr so it still insults the roastie and makes the guy making the argument feel like they are arguing like a roastie. The last part makes them just forget everything before it and say "oh it says i'm a girl, but i'm not a girl, so everything it says must be wrong"
Welfare queens dont vote
Most of Africa actually isn't overpopulated. The place is massive. They are only overpopulated relative to their poor infrastructure which they have because they are niggers. Libtards will argue that they are poor because they are underpopulated so it's hard to develop and have resources interconnected.
Colonialism also had nothing to do with overpopulation in Europe at the time.
White men are the biggest race mixers and cheaters.
This is a National Socialist board.
Im a highly potent medical doctor with multiple patents secured.
I do not want to put a bandaid on humanities problems, I want to cut away the cancer and free MANkind!
Soon men will no longer have to see their carefully crafted arguments countered by a "lol incel haha".
The artificial coma womb will soon be commercially available!
It is happening! Slowly and surely.
Before I am dead women will be replaced by artificial wombs and sexrobots just like the horse was replaced by the automobile.
Then, as the OP wrote, MAnkind can resume its endless quest for knowledge and space exploration…without worrying about paying for your 2000$ handbag.
Cant wait
This thread is shit.
What a bunch of bitter faggots. I suspect gaslighting by the Jew.
You are 100% right.
My point was that "overpopulation" is an invalid concept as long as their IQ is high. Low IQ people will not build more houses/infrastructure when population expands, they resort to stealing and killing.
Ignore that post, the user I was talking to may have been an unironic retard thinking that a shrinking population is a good thing.
Overpopulation is a very real concept and it forces a particular degenerate way of life. Overpopulation just doesn't mean every starts to starve.
Do you see why male promiscuity is perfectly fine, hole? No you dont: proceed to proxy deny me access to vaginas.
!!! Men, please, are you reading this? This, is why women MUST NOT VOTE!
They are too retarded to understand basic biology BUT will argue with you anyway.
Keep tipping that fedora! Women LOVE men that kiss their asses. You will get pussy soon…not now…but soon…later…btw my patreon is…
Yes but once per year, so we can use `1 woman out of every few of them as a sow for 10 white children each minimum.
Except we don't live in a polygamous society and white men race mix a lot with asians.
Agree to disagree. /
Im proposing a new law:
Women will no longer be able to post on the internet.
They will receive "read only" devices to use the internet so they can search the grocery store closing times etc.
Imagine the amount of cuntspeak we would no longer have to read.
I'm a Man. And the other graphs show correlations between (((schooling)))/(((gender inequality index)))/etc with birth rates.
Those are two very specific things. Women are lead by degeneracy, Marxist ideology, etc (for example, if a gender inequality index is defined by a Marxist, then obviously it's going to lead to brainwashed hedonists).
They need to be lead by men. But that doesn't mean we take away their rights.
With rights come responsibilities, and they need to earn their rights with their responsibilities. That goes for all men and all women.
You people are being swindled by identity politics and going to the other extreme.
When you give everyone rights, you let them think for themselves. You need a culture to guide them away from degeneracy, not towards it.
Obviously, before women had rights, they had no choice. Men are better at thinking for themselves (for example, men have bigger brains, yet it's the wiring that matters. A women typically will wire her brain in alignment with how the men around her have wired their brain in lieu of saving mental energy of figuring it out for yourselves, unless there is nothing consistent in the environment and everyone has fucked up wiring). But men don't know how to tell women to have babies responsibly. And the only weakness men have is women. So fertility rates are TOO HIGH. Yes that can be a thing. Overpopulation is a myth, but you need a fucking functioning society before you can have a baby boom. Give women not just a little choice, but also SOME REASON to have babies. Without rationality or incentive or anything like that, without any man to tell them what is obviously logical, they will find no meaning to life. Without any reason to live except pleasure, they become the Marxist Bolshevik hedonists and fuck and fuck without ever having babies. Because the only good is pleasure, they are told.
The only good is furthering their race, is what they need to be told. Through advancing society and making babies.
I'm not coming back to this thread, probably. Even if you disagree with everything I've said so far, it doesn't even matter. You plebs need help. Conniving how you are going to limit women is absolutely retarded. How are you even going to enforce any of this shit? Focus on rooting corruption out from the establishment first. What authority and rules we need is very easy to figure out once we remove all the identity politics.
You aren't supposed to punch women so hard they're unable to suck your dick. Just knock a few teeth out to remind her what her mouth is for when she gets too mouthy.
t. Women pro
Also did you really think any roastie would ever use the fact that women have smaller brains as a talking point?
Godamn you people actually need to meet some women before you can even claim to ever know how they think.
This guy has a better semblance of understanding regarding the simple childlike nature of feminine thought.
In conclusion:
Men love women.
Women know this and will make men pay dearly for every bit of reciprocal affection.
Women make men pay the ultimate price: the death of their culture and race.
Men accept death.
Women land on their back, spread their legs and whisper into Khal Drogo's ear: harder.
The End.
They should receive very basic education (how to add numbers, how to read, how to write) and that's about it. Beyond that the only kind of education they should be getting is stuff that teaches them how to be a good mother. They really shouldn't be allowed into schools period though, they should be learning the basics at home.
Also OP if a woman is unable to produce children for her husband (and it's her fault, not the husband being infertile) then the husband should be allowed to get another wife. Marriage is for the purpose of producing children and the production of white children SHOULD be subsidized. Childless marriages should NOT be subsidized.
This is why hierarchy is important. Can't have a bunch of bitter men leading society. Their souls are tainted and they can't see beyond their delusion. And again, I suspect gaslighting by the Jew. I know you're in here you fucking parasites.
I'm not a democrat.
Females can be educated but not in the current BS.
I've never had sex with anyone and am a white male and a virgin.
I hate all racemixers and I believe cheating merits the use of a shotgun.
I just want a woman that will have a family with me and won't betray me for having far-right ideals.
If you are not in the top 7% of men a.k.a. rich and handsome then FUCK YOU!
t. women
you don't need to take any "rights" away
just make it so females vote for their own laws, which are then unenforceable on men
then the male government can strike down all feminist laws on the books and we'll be free
after all, there is no such thing as a right to rule over others; there is no higher claim of authority than self determination
Hmmm, women sticking together cultivates natural femininity, which includes slut shaming!! Who would have thought?
Single mothers and childless woman would still fuck over conservative women.
The nigger invasion is real. You have to be black to say something that stupid. White people can do basic arithmetic as little children.