Furloughed nigger: "I have $1.06 in my bank account"
How are you a government(over paid) employee and you don't have any kind of savings/nest egg?
Now there's a name you don't see on blacks every day.
How the fuck do you get a mortgage loan when you don't even have a full-time job and enough in the bank to make the first payment? This story sounds like made-up bullshit to me.
Almost all government employees get paid poverty wages, pic in OP is not an exception.
Trump shutting down the government for long enough to let these employees starve is bad optics and will prevent Trump from getting the congressional approval he needs for his wall funding.
Most white normies will sympathize with these people, Trump just lost 2020 in a landslide and he will have no border wall to show.
You're a retard.
The stupid nigger should've planned ahead
Because they spend money like it doesn't mean anything.
Imagine being this stupid and believing that.
Get a different job with a trustworthy employer that pays better? I mean there must be thousands of them or they wouldn't want illegals wandering and snapping up jobs. And they would curb legal immigration too if they aren't lots of jobs to fill. It's just logic.
Don't do contract work for people who don't want to pay, that's just basic sense. Perhaps if you struggle to discern who may not pay you, don't be a self employed contractor, get a job at walmart or target.
Because all idiots today are brainwashed to spend and punished for saving.
Shes too nigger to get any of that.
I'm a federal prison guard user. I keep black nigger gangbangers and MS-13 behind bars, and have for over a decade.
I make literal peanuts, my family has no income now because my Wife raises the kids like she's fucking supposed to, I have 5 white children who all go to school needing clothes, supplies, and food. I have bills. I have two cars and a mortgage. Fuck Trump and fuck anyone who supports this Kike puppet who continues to give money to Israel and I can't feed my family. I've worked almost a month without pay, you dumb fucking mutt.
Anyone with less than a master's typically has higher pay as a federal worker than as a private sector worker
Apologies for wrong link
You are an idiot. Working for the (((government))) is far more profitable than the (((private sector))).
Do you look the other way when blacks try to rape whites? What do you do about this decades-long problem?
Do you send your kids to (((public schools))) or have you considered homeschooling them (really easy now with good online options)? Your wife could help teach your kids.
The kikes are still handing out subprime mortgages like candy. Interest rates have gone up quite a bit, but they'll still give niggers any loan they want.
Kids need to be able to socialize with other kids.
Home schooling was only an option when kids were on the farm and families were huge, if you don't have 6 kids, your children aren't developing social skills at home.
Choices => consequences
There's this thing called co-op.
Didn't I just say I have to pay to send my five kids to school? They don't go to public school. No, if you homeschool you have to allow state/gov intrusion into your home. First and foremost, my home is designated and decorated with countless National Socialist memorabilia. The the last thing I need is some kike in my house trying to take my kids.
I literally allow pedo kikes to get their asses kicked before I intervene, fuck niggers–every last one, both from Africa and any other nation.
This shutdown, I was for it IF TRUMP HAD A PLAN TO BUILD THE WALL.
it's all been posturing to appease dumbfuck boomers and were not ever getting a fucking wall. No, enough is enough and IT'S HURTING WHITES NOW with no fucking wall regardless.
1 dollar and 6 cents more than she's worth.
Sending children to public school is child abuse.
Not exactly true user, it pays the bills sure but some general managers at a larger food chains w/ overtime ends up with equal benefits / salary or very fucking close.
And what do you do about white non-pedos, like some 19 year old pothead?
Republicans tried to pass a bill that would give her pay, the DNC would rather grand stand.
AFAIK I've never encountered a 19yr old pothead in my federal prison, although there have been some larger coke/crack/Heroin dealers and they deserve shot anyway. I'm against pot because I think it's degenerate but I've never encountered such a situation.
How did she qualify for the Gibs?
Gobment workers get;
Weekends off -104 days
All gubment Holidays off -10 days
One sick or one personal day per month -12 days
Paid Vacation one to three weeks -7-21 days
365 - 147 = 218 day of work per year
Full on retarded. Enjoy your poverty.
Not at a federal prison, I've worked almost every holiday over the last decade since I don't have the clout over the guys here 30 years or more.
Found the kike
Money, beyond what's necessary for essentials, is the least important thing in life.
Tbh this place has literally turned into r/The_Cuckold, nerd virgins, kikes, niggers pretending to be Anglos, and stupid fucking boomers… The sucking off of ZOGnald Trump is beyond my fucking imagination at this point.
You have yourselves to blame.
The visceral, seething hatred of the poor and would-be poor is a dead giveaway of the jew infestation.
You stupid sack of shit. Do you not realize that even if we were stupid enough to believe your bullshit story, which we are not, that it just makes you a crying wellfare queen? Scum. You are not Aryan, and it shows all over
You're too stupid to construct a narrative, you likely brown pile of human detritus. No one believes your shit, and you should put a bullet in your own 95 IQ brain.
Thats what sports/activities are for public schools are terrible its just indoctrination for marxist. Also Public school is based on creating low iq factory workers. Then they get all this anti-white mental garbage. It far better for the kid to be around his parents then femm mant hating kike which are common in the public sector and shitskins.
Public schools even in White areas are filled with beaners and shitskins from the ghettos which is just there to promote racemixing.
I ended up testing in to a private school that had you only at school for a few hours with your pick of subjects you wanted so you could actually get help , smaller classrooms and the school was 10x better in every regard school was mostly White for being in a shitskin city.
Did you miss the entire year leading up to the election?
It's not about the nigger in the OP. It's the general sentiment that is constantly espoused here since around mid-2015. It is indicative of why republicans and conservatives can NEVER be national socialists.
Lying sack of shit, my ex-gf's dad worked at Pelican Bay. I know EXACTLY how they got paid and what the conditions were. Shitty to have to do that, but free call-ins without docked pay to keep guards from instigating the purge they all know needs to happen. And my mom worked for the school systems. I know exactly what they get paid and what their structure is like too. All completely overpaid on the White man's dime.
Public schools? Nigger daycare. Prisons? Nigger adult daycare. EBT? Nigger food bank. Section 8? Nigger housing. I think I can see a solution here. I know I'm not the only one who can see a path forward
Government workers provide useful services like forestry and wildlife management, and most of them are white.
Get the border fence money from CEOs and hedge fund managers instead.
( I can't stop doing it)
of course since the nation they serve is Israel.
Somebody fucked that two years and nine months ago to give her a child???
Also the smartest person in my private White school was a British Chad who had two phds and was a crpyto-White pride nationalist who also was the most liked teacher. Who taught history and social science that basically was heres the truth: Whites did no wrong and should never feel shame for it ,you shitskins are cancer. In cuckfornia of all places.
I'm with you guy, never mind these faggot shills.
You're living life the right way, forget the zoomer incels living in their parent's basements and the JIDF shills. There is a good reason Trump's approval numbers keep dropping and it isn't them.
Fuck Trump, fuck kikes, fuck Israel, and fuck zoomers.
Yeah, no. It's more than that. I'm going to go ahead and filter you, though, since you're just going to say a lot of nothing.
filtered, newfag
Not every white person has a high IQ.
filtered another zoomer
Do you ever get embarrassed at how bad you are at your job?
filtered for hating on the white guy getting fucked by your kike president
Besides shitty jobs like food service industry, most normal office jobs (non government) get all of those days off that you counted. I certainly do.
You're not actually filtering him if you've said you've filtered him twice.
You just wasted 3 posts in a row to simply say "filtered" in each. You're a fraud, a liar and dare I say it? A government shill. No wonder we're getting the bottom of the barrel here
Is this thing not working? Let's try it again.
No thine homosexual, I'm a different person. That's 4 posts in a row all with the content of simply "filtered". Go shill elsewhere, you're compromised here
israel could disappear tomorrow and republicans would still be the same rabid, anti-White party they've always been. They'd still work to end free coinage of silver. They'd still work tirelessly to destroy the Spanish Empire. They'd still side with China in the Sino-Soviet split. They'd still push NAFTA.
boohoo, im permanently disabled and not on disability, have no job and my gf is fully supporting me but its all worth it for the wall. If your pissed about trump then get on his side so you get paid faster.
I almost believed the story until I read this part. It's absolutely unbelievable that this dumb nigger wouldn't be able to make even the FIRST payment on the mortgage.
This dumb nigger didn't even have enough money to buy FOOD and a fucking $100 car battery? How the fuck did she let her car even get that bad in the first place???
No results?
I don't think this bitch actually exists.
What in the hell…
Sigrid is a strange name for a negress, and the only "Layne" I can even think of is Layne Staley.
This might indeed be a composite entity. We live in the era of blatantly fake news after all.
This sheboon is ABSOLUTELY fake. A name that unique would get immediate hits for everything she's ever done online, yet NOTHING comes back.
Literally everything for this name comes back with either this same story, or one or two sites that say that the person is a MAN in his EARLY 50s.
Sigrid is a feminine name, so I'm going with nonexistant persona.
I wonder if her photo is even of a real person, or it's a computer generated image? I'm betting the latter, considering how far that sort of tech has evolved, there are vids on Youtube that demonstrate rendered personas that fool people into thinking are real.
yeah shes most likely just a paid actor. the motive for a made up person is nobody can fact check her bullshit stories.
Niggers can’t plan though. You think they ever had to plan for a winter back in Africa? No; they just dig up tubers all year round. Do they even know how to farm those? I’m too lazy to check.
lol you stupid nigger, government employees get paid very well, if they're too stupid to live within their means and save money for the highly likely chance that they are out of work for an extended period of time they deserve to fucking starve.
This is a socialist board, kike. If they need money they should be given welfare and gibs to support them.
oh shit sorry, I'll just hop along back to storefront
Wanna know how I know you're a woman?
Checked. Not enough dead niggers to make anyone happy.
Government workers have this mindset that they can never get fired or laid off. Most get pensions so they dont think they have to save anything. In my broke ass blue state they work 20 years and get to retire with full benefits. The unions own the lawmakers because the unions deliver the votes.
Normal people would never be able to qualify for a mortgage if they are that tight on money. Government workers live in a different reality.
Attempting to make such an old man look childish is the least effective narrative ever attempted.
Look at the photo. That's a tranny. Sigrid isn't it's real name
I'd say you're overpaid
Is this one of those fake composite picture people? I should just start assuming everyone is one of those.
I make 60k a year and I'm not going to lie to myself and say I'm anything but a poorfag.
If your job is throwing slop to wild animals in cages, you're overpaid too
Shouldn't have bought that last 40, cunt.
That's the most creative way I've heard someone describe serving food to your mom.
Never ever happens. People choose those because they're stable jobs with benefits, not well paid.
Federal workers are either overpaid millionaires or nigger tier department stuffers that can't budget not having pay for a couple weeks. Fuck em.
its mostly due to evolution. niggers in africa had always good weather and most native animals didnt/dont hibernate, so hunting and also gathering was always flourishing and they had plenty, they essentially never learned to plan ahead. where the europeans instead had to plan for winter, storing food, knowledge of what grows when and where.
fridges will be the downfall for us. dont buy (((fridges))) they just make you a dumb fuck
Problem with "living within means" is there is some basic level you cant go under or you just die. Some people spewing that think dying is also an available standard there.
Generally i agree with that statement, but having white babies is more important than any bullshit about economy.
Lol stay mad
Fucking snitch you keep some of the best whites we have in there too. You deserve to get sliced from the corner of your mouth to your ear punk.
Greed is a jewish drug.
Congrats on 5 kids, you're great!.
Most "bourgeoisie" whites in the US have racemixed with nonwhites, especially jews to keep their privileges after the fall of the WASPs in the 60's.
Look at trumps' family, every single one intermingling with kikes, and let's not forget trumpstien being an oil driller himself.
These (((people))) made their deal with the devil and are desperate to keep their 30 pieces of silver.
Kill yourself faggot if you boomers had fought against civil rights instead of racemixing and doing acid we wouldn't be in this mess.
You got literal stupid problems. I got bigger problems than the combined energy of your entire family. You and your lazy wife shoulda been lookin for a job
Imagine of the old ladies eating catfood on social security made even half of what these cocksuckers made and could have saved. It's still under minimum wage which is being raised to fifteen fucking bucks an hour just to pay niggers to hold a fucking floor down.
Horseshit, you fucks make bank.