Canada unveils plan to attract, retain immigrants in rural and remote regions
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So much for all those anons who say to “get out of the cities.” It’s hard to not be blackpilled Canadian. It’s like the Twilight Zone up here
Canada is going to become a chinese colony.
We will need a wall on our northern border as well.
This is the same Canada that just cliqued up with the JewSA to fluff up their coup attempt in communist Venezuela. Know who actually wants you replaced.
So your surprised a shit skin wants to bring in more shit skins???
I'm still not sure how niggers, much less somalis and the like, can settle in places that commonly have subzero winters like Minnesota, much less rural Canada. A huge puffy coat can only do so much.
Winterchan save us
people who vote for immigrants should be forced to live with them
people who can't run their own countries are now running yours
how about the communities in their own fucking countries that need these same 'skilled workers' more?
Jezus fucking christ I just fled Vancouver for a small white town.
Look up the concept of "sunset towns" that are in the US. Take inspiration.
As if migrants can make it outside the cities. They'll be dead after one winter.
I'm still mad about Trudeau buying refugees those coats.
They're going to move long enough to pick up whatever bonus gibs they get and then they're going to crawl back to the cities - if they last that long. Does anyone think that some FOB chink who was born and raised in the largest metropolitan area on earth is going to tolerate living in rural Alberta or that some street shitter from the tropics or nigger from nigger africa is going to live in some subartic shithole? Fuck no. Between a free mansion outside of Slave Lake and a rat-hole $2000/month apartment in Toronto or they'll pick the latter nine times out of ten. It doesn't matter how much they're subsidized or how many gibs they get because they'll have no community, no support net, no family and their usual lines of business aren't viable.
Unless they plan on going south African style and steal farms from white owners those nigger won't ever get any jobs in those places since there is none
This. China buying up so much real estate there.
Don’t worry all the white Canadian families that are somehow functioning in the suburbs and city will be taxed a half of their income to fund all the great government gibs for 3rd world subhumans that can’t handle -5. If you don’t think their are massive financial incentive programs to genocide small white towns you are kidding yourself. As they straggle out the white community they will sending all the (((new Canadians))) big welfare cheque’s
China discovered America before Columbus. The entire continent really belongs to them. They are owed a lot of back rent.
Leafs get the gas tbh. Especially those that tailgate and speed.
we're not even getting that many chinese any more. it's mostly loo-pooers, sand niggers, and filipeons. 50,000 filipeons a year. can you imagine that?
Skilled in what, cheating ? Copying ? Following orders ? Ave these leafs ever seen a "skilled immigrant" that wasn't genetic European ?
They are good people, though. Not religeous cancer like Arabs or Africans and not low-iq bug people like the chinks. All genetic Koreans, Japs, and Souteast Asians are aok, so long as they aren't ladyboys. Send them to isnotreal.
Skilled in replacing whites.
anyone else see the problem here?
the same thing in England, a fucking shitskin is the immigration minister.
Absolute insanity. Enoch Powell come back.
Lel no because skills are something you have to work towards developing; non-europeans are not often able to do such a thing.
How to fight such insanity ? ? ? ? ? ?
What offering their ass wasn't enough?
when you realise that every zombie outbreak film is really about shitskins entering civilisation.
philipinos are generally decent people, catholic and family oriented. however, they are generally low iq and if you've ever been to the philippines, you'd se they are not like Europeans, despite 400-500 years of education and exposure. nothing wrong with them, but they don't belong in European societies.
they are better than any form of nog, arab, paki, jew, or gook, but why not just say "no" to all of them.
I only mean in the population sense.
Study biochemistry, develop a virus that targets anyone with any trace of subsaharan dna - that includes arabs aka juden, and 93% of brasil.
The virus sterilises them.
Make it waterborne and saturate the drinking supplies of the united states and europe.
No more imports.
Skaði, nordic goddess of winter, may she bring her freezing winds.
can't state the obvious in this timeline.
is that a 40 year old shitskin trying to lure 13 year old human females.
does he know them because of a (((charity))) putting them in a programme together by pure coincidence
ugh, my dad lives in one of the last places that is NOT popular at all among immigrants. It is a true paradise like you see in an old Norman Rockwell picture. My dad always asks me why I hate immigration and I'm just like… you never take the keys out of your car or lock your door. Good luck when your community gets flooded with Afghans and Somalis. He has absolutely no idea how good things are for him.
They're getting enormous amounts of gibs n' free sheeit so they and 20-30 of their kangletz can mill about at the mall and shit up all of the things that use to be nice
this really is where we are. Whites can now claim nigger defense. "You made me do it!"
They don't give a fuck
I live in a small rural town and there are pakis and niggers everywhere
Depends. Sandniggs are skilled in hating kikes more than the average white canadian and have tried to boot them out of a few orgs here, niggers though nothing.
My in laws are the same.
They live in a small town with a very high paying plant nearby. Just watch when all of a sudden they're flooded with pajeets who are willing to work for half
I bet he bought them canada goose coats since their olympics teams and shit wears them, and has canada in the name
Good. Make them see what's happening firsthand.
This is just a power-play, they know the game they're playing and they know that demographics are fucking everything. The progs know that their only real opposition is the rural or small-town Canadian, this is just a process of displacing these communities with immigrant populations that they know will be a reliable voting block.
I am leaving the country but I entertained the idea of going northward. These mother fuckers are intentionally filling every nook and cranny with migrants. They will destroy all of our nature just to line their pockets.
I have seen videos of negresses in Iceland and chinks are filling up Faroe Island at a rapid pace. These shitskins will adapt to anywhere.
I am sure Canada is lost. Have children and build them up to move elsewhere (a place of your ancestry) if you can't go yourself. Gov buildings here are boasting about servicing people in numerous languages. Pretty soon you will have to learn punjabi to speak to 911.
True fewer Chinese are coming but there are already a huge number here, and they are breeding.
Heill to that
Yup small towns are historically conservative so they want to wreck that.
They certainly are quite skilled at cheating in exams, I'll give you that.
By that point it won't be worth bothering with what the 911 sends over to you. Fireman, cop, paramedic… they'll all be incompetent muds.
I may consider moving back to eastern europe
United States has diverse neighbors, central America on the south and Asia on the north :^3
We only have money for one wall, you must choose between a the esoteric wall (hypothetical fence) in the north or south, not both.
Africa in the middle
take him on a weekend drive around some immigrant neighbourhoods, through gookland and shitskinville
Give me a fucking break, Canada. We already knew about you, but holy shit.
shitskins don't adapt though, and neither do chinks.
they just go everywhere they have free gibs.
chinks are 1/3 of the population of the earth, and they intend to make it 2/3 and 3/3 and spread to every corner of the world.
it sickens me when I see negroids arriving in yet another once isolated and traditional place.
it is a sign of the beginning of the end for that place. I was living in the middle of nowhere in a European country, hundreds of miles from a city/airport, and when I arrived there, there were perhaps half a dozen niggers out of 100,000 people. they were seen occasionally and didn't interact with or bother the local population.
within 4 years there were niggers and arabs in head to toe rags, double wives in tow, shitskins every single time I stepped out of the door and walked 5 minutes.
the nogs that had stayed out of the way before were now hanging out every day in their tribe on the street near a once pleasant cafe. aping around, male and female alike.
it is deliberate and it is governmentally controlled. they've done it all over Europe. these nogs have no brains, no knowledge and would never have found that place in a million years, evidently because they haven't. they stayed on a dry mud patch in nogland.
yet the signs popped up in the main square of this small, remote, traditional old town, in English, in a non-english country "refugees welcome".
It isn't that the nogs saw that, and went six thousand miles to feel welcome, there are huge industries working with governments to deliberately seek out every small place and inject diversity and enrichment in. what they are really doing is distributing a lethal virus, or poison, to kill the host country in as sure a way as possible.
it is a deliberate excision of the native people and culture of each country, weakening the host in all areas.
the same in the English parliament.
50% women, and then a deliberately allocated percentage of shitskins and ragheads. there is a brightly coloured turban wearer that looks just like the one in that picture too. fucking apu's grandpa.
It never stops, either. My city has had plenty of nigs and spics since WWII, so naturally Obama's friends at the Open Doors foundation crammed a fucking shitload of hajis in here too. So now there's a mosque in my neighborhood, and the school that was 95% white when my kid started there is now crawling with islamniggers who've had lots of (((help))) finding the little magnet schools where whites have been hiding from integration.
First month of this school year, a new student arrives. Nigger, of course. Picks a fight with my son over massively baboon-IQ issue. Shoves my boy, gets cracked in the fucking head. Both get referrals for "mutual fighting." When I took him for ice cream later, my son and I had a laugh about how we wouldn't bump into Nog, since his mother was on food stamps.
There are bright spots, but it's obviously getting worse faster than ever before.
He's a fucking lightbulb headed Somali too.
The rag head is the defense minister. Please annex us.
this is being done so we have nowhere to run to. they are going to have to try pretty hard though.
He's a 12 year old who has been aged by war you bIGOT!
Ebola chan save us
Its happening to America's rural areas too and pic related are the (((ones))) behind it. I remember seeing a post by an user who said his rural hometown in Iowa got flooded by nogs from Chicago because the (((HUD))) forced them to give benefits to people out of state and that the town ended up soaring in crime and had a ton of nogbums and that the town didn't want to take in the nogs but (((HUD))) blackmailed them to anyways. I think that's how the post went.
Same thing Obama did. Dumping niggers and sandniggers into the whitest rural areas. Policies don't get much more blatant with the agenda to genocide whites.
Here's the post btw
Why are you all still surprised about this? It's a war against humanity. This is going on for thousands of years and right now they are accelerating everything to create a war, so that they can intercept and enslave. Social credit, universal income and cash-less currency are waiting to end freedom for everyone. Why now? Because the jewish usury scheme is about to transitioning into the next step, but not before crashing the economy and end money itself. Only one thing to do…answering the JQ.
No, they want a single brown race, war is how you stop that.. and it has to be before a white minority. Small window and youre shilling against our only solution.
Chinkshits will do just fine, as well as some of the hardier spics. Never underestimate your enemy.
Yeah it's hilarious how smug my countrymen get about a fucking leaf getting used for asswipe when americlap's small towns are getting raped en masse. You're even starting to see more mixed race couples in rural areas, especially the christians.
let's say that there are migrants in that house, who will kill you if you start painting it
then it is easier to burn it down and build a new house
You seem to misunderstand. The meme is not sarcastic or satire.
(((Canada))) wants to make sure the civil war isn't just limited to the cities
.. no, it clearly says their goal is for shitskins to stay in these communities which means mixing with whites, which means reducing the number of white children and forcing white genocide. What are you, fresh out of cuckchan?
Lmao this will fail. Shitskins just want the easy life in the city.
dont bother with targeting. just burn it all already.
They will start selling drugs, raping women, forcing kids into prostitution like Britain, robbing, stealing, shooting etc.
Kikes will push the same narratives and tell you its because were failing to integrate them blah blah, your daughter gets raped and killed, your neighbor has mixed race kids. Nothing happens and we drift into South African status with 20% white by 2060.. as long as all these cucks countersignal fighting to stop it.
I wouldnt worry about it, even if they settle in dildo nfld for the gibs for a year or two by year three they will be in toronto for "cultural" reasons. The only thing that binds people to distant areas of rural canada are jobs (which overwhealingly aren't there anymore, thanks neocons, nafta and faggots) and family and these gibs loving nigger's family are all in toronto.
I just hope some progressive chick gets raped and they find out how such things are handled on the island or in rural sask or any number of places.But hey Im sure NB will finally have a immigrant chocolater, I hear they were hard up for one.
They dont have families, they will mix with stupid fucking brainwashed white women. Its horrible and you shouldnt try to downplay it, the niggers will do whats expected of them which is to prevent white children by making brown ones pop out of our women instead.
Boomers are mentally ill
They arent skilled. What they are is willing to work for less money and businesses are subsidized by the government to accept non-white workers. What this means is they get slave labour that WE pay for with taxes. There's no work in the Atlantic provinces. Ther'es no work in small towns in Canada. These fucks get a free ride, set up a shop and then act as sponsors for more mudskins to come into the country that immediately move to Toronto or Montreal area.
The canada gov pages all have listings for bursaries/subsidies for non-white hires. Welfare and benefits are instant for non-whites. our homeless numbers increased by 70% under Trudeau, yet niggerants are living in hotels like the Radison and occupying shelter system.
There's no skilled labour coming. They are all low IQ retarded inbred fuckfaces. Very few of them get jobs. They are almost all on benefits and working under the table at a local kebab shop.
1999-2010 -
2017 -
2018 -
2019 gonna be their year though.
Yep. I moved to the whitest community in Canada. 99% of the people here want more foreigners despite having massive unemployment and people thinking working 4 months of the year and getting pogey for the rest is a job.
No one needs, shitskins. Most rural areas are a disaster. High unemployment and neglected by government. This is about them running out of space for storing the niggers.
I've seen this cycle play out many times before
If you do get a wall it will be to keep you in.
Subs will run towards cities regardless of these shitty programs and gibs they roll out. Population density is so low in canada it would be impossible to pull a china with the agenda they have planned out for it. Nigs/muzzies aren't shoveling snow or cutting their grass.
The rural lifestyle is extremely difficult keep up with and not something subs will be interested in. Forget the fact that the canadian gov is already bankrupt and just awaiting for their southern bros to put the final touches on destroying the world economy.
They won't. All they do is flock to the nearest major city so they're in walking distance from their local gib dealer. Does anyone actually believe these nogs will become homesteaders? KEK
PEI is breathtaking beautiful, cheap, extremely cucked and still they choose to run towards the major cities.
Only two races on the planet who willingly go choose rural living are natives and whites. The rest run away from it if given the option. Like always they'll blame the locals for not being cucked enough but everybody knows the truth.
I'm getting ready to do the same. Where did you go? I'm looking at Vancouver Island (stay the hell away from Victoria and "Drunken Duncan" though). This place is getting to third world status. I'm seeing more and more Somali niggers everywhere and the whole place has this poisonous atmosphere. I don't dare to go to the store after dark now, I keep my head down between my bedbug infested studio apartment and my shitty job, hoping not to be noticed by aggressive junkies. And when the streets don't smell like literal piss and the skytrain stations of shit there's this overwhelming feeling of filthiness to every crumbling street and building. My shitty building also just got bought up by a Chinese numbered company so a reno-viction is coming. I visited the island a few months ago, and the place is beautiful. Even moderately sized cities like Nanaimo feel like a forest choked small town full of nothing but aging whites. Just gotta land a job.
Please share how user. I want to escape because Canada will doubtless collapse economically before the USA, and the Pacific Northwest looks like it'll be the last safe white areas before you know what happens (tiny towns of 1,000 whites in the middle of nowhere don't count, inb4 Maine/Dakotas etc.)
Sadly the US immigration system basically blocks anybody white who isn't already rich or a brain scientists, all while it ignores shitskins. How do?
lol i'm a well skilled it boi from germany and would never immigrate to an leftist "multiculti" country like Canada xD
I am hoping the next Grand Solar Minimum makes Canada unbearable for non-whites and that they return back to their homes counties.
I fucking hate bluepills. They need raped as soon as possible.
Canadian here.
What can I do about this?
-Turn in any firearms to the nearest police station
-Make or adopt only brown kids
-When Israeli soldiers come to take your kids, do not resist
-Then, just when they think they've won, let em have it.
Just kidding. Drink a beer and hope China learns from our mistakes.
vote ppc friend.
Shitskins might be a "reliable voting block" as you say but they aren't reliable tax cattle, they produce no wealth. Who the fuck is going to keep government afloat when there's no whites left?