Those retarded evangelicals have to be dealt with somehow
Oliver Walker
Reminder that Codemonkey is personally responsible for the state of the board
Jacob Gutierrez
I'll be an honest man. I liked Trump's campaigns. I liked the rhetoric. However, he is clearly not being as forceful or as strong-willed as he portrayed himself to be. I would say he bought us some time, but I have no idea what the immigration numbers are for 2017 and 2018. It could be even higher, who knows? The long and the short of it is, Trump is dissapointing. I'm not waiting for Hitler, I'm waiting for someone with balls. But it looks like thats really out of the question past 2016.
Chase Allen
Fellating kikes triggers leftists and Muslims. That's all we care about, you shariablue shill.
Juan Brooks
Pat Little 2020
Ryan Turner
Andrew Gonzalez
Hey man, I’m going to bump this forever, so just dispense with the sage.
Landon Mitchell
Good luck, nigger.
Zachary Ramirez
Fuck off nigger you are not welcome here. Even fucking 4chan hates nigger like you. GET OUT
The USA is a democracy and Trump is only one man. He can't accomplish everything he promised. Look at the shutdown. It isn't his fault the hispanic-kike controlled Democrats keep denying his deals.
Don't see what is with all the Trump hate, this board was pro-Trump during his election.