3 mandated visits per birth. This would prove to be a red line for some. How many tragic doxxes/lone gunmen do you think the nurses and unarmed state officials would suffer before armed escort were necessary for every appointment?
3 mandated visits per birth. This would prove to be a red line for some. How many tragic doxxes/lone gunmen do you think the nurses and unarmed state officials would suffer before armed escort were necessary for every appointment?
Other urls found in this thread:
Oregon, you better get your shit together real quick or you'll literally be flying the california flag by 2020.
Brown Bomber strikes again. But seriously, in this climate, with as much as the rural folk hate Portland/Salem/Eugene, this would almost certainly lead to lone wolf killings of state employees, especially if there was a robust database of who the inspectors were and where they live. And Brown wants to put their lives in danger in the first place! How many willing participants do you think there'll be after random bullets start flying? Nurses don't sign up for front line door kicking duty.
This is really starting to get spicy.
come on … they are leading california
Portland is the antifa mecca
Im glad i live in my state. I wish the blackpill wasnt true that white people wont back down
Perhaps you underestimate the absolute state of california.
Why isn't this creature being hung for treason yet?
Oh noes! Who the fuck cares? Whites take care of their kids.
brother, im less than 1 year removed ….. I know what I left
why didnt you just post a picture of SF streets
They're scouting for pizza, dipshit.
they're bringing free autism shots
Oh don't get me wrong, they're thirsting to surpass california with their faggotry, and they are definitely the loudest state when it comes to preaching the party line, but the racial demographics of the state as a whole aren't nearly brown enough for it to be as inimical to human life as California.
Portland's gotta burn though. What a shame. It could have been a beautiful city in the right hands.
Prima Nocta when?
The split-second after burgers give up their guns for real. So don't.
Just nuke us already please…
There is nothing of value left here, people included.
There are more Oregonians on here than I would expect for a lazy Thursday night. You know, I always hear of local white nationalist groups, but I've never seen any sign of them. I'll take that as a good sign. Keep your heads down guys.
I have no idea what you're talking about. I'm a law abiding citizen and everything I post here is political satire.
Instead the people should go to the homes of every government employee and barge in. Who knows how many children in cages will be found.
Did somebody say
But for real, this is definitely fucked up communist bullshit. People will die at the hands of otherwise good citizens.
wew what's going on in that shit state, first the whole 20 round shit, now violation of search rights. Are they using the bill of rights as a list of shit to infringe on?
Zionism aside, Trump Derangement Syndrome is very real and the local government is afflicted with the most metastasized version of it imaginable. I'm not even 100% sure they know what they are doing right now, but they gotta stick it to bad orange man and bad red hats, and this is apparently how they plan to do it.
If I am being as charitable as I can possibly be at this late date, the most positive spin I could put on this is that these cocksuckers think the government they use to fuck with us all the time is the first choice for partnering with common white people. In other words, it could be a misguided effort by people who don't belong in power to use the authority of the state to butt in on what should be the basic unit of society, the family.
If I decide to stop being charitable, then this is the thin end of the wedge. How long before having Culture of Critique on the shelf is a sign of child abuse? Also, don't forget that Indians and niggers have (((pro bono legal aid))) to call the authorities racist if they dare to tell them to stop heaping garbage up on the floor, or to stop beating their children. White families, of course, will get no such representation.
And to think there was a time when niggers were illegal in Oregon, and women couldn't vote. I'm thinking those two facts are not unrelated.
I still have hope for Oregon. You're a bunch of fucking faggots and assholes, true, but here in California, we're defeated faggots and assholes. Hold the line – spic voters are like killer bees, and they'll come for you after they sting the last of us to death.
Hopefully yellowstone goes up and takes out that entire section of the country.
Text of Senate Bill 526, in its entirety:
>Sponsored by Senators (((STEINER HAYWARD))), HANSELL, Representatives (((SCHOUTEN))), STARK; Senators (((BENTZ))),
care providers in this state. The authority shall submit findings and recommendations for
legislation to an interim committee of the Legislative Assembly related to health care not
later than December 31, 2019.
peace, health and safety, an emergency is declared to exist, and this 2019 Act takes effect
on its passage.
an emergency is declared to exist
You can see traces of that paradise here still. A hollowed out shadow of it, maybe., but it's there.
I personally believe that there is actual old magic in this part of the country. unfortunately there is a dark side to that, and just as old and prevalent is the masonic bullshit that is rife within the state. Especially Portland. Just looking at the architecture tells you well and for sure who's running things. They got a nice big fancy lodge down here too. Not to mention the underground tunnels and the pizza joints open till 4am.
Should I still go and start help start the fire? Planning on seeing if the NWF is holding up after Harold's death.
We deserve it. The beautiful forests in the area don't, and that makes me sad, but I guess that's why they call it collateral damage.
The most inescapable horror of it all is that even if both coasts were thoroughly destroyed to help stop the madness they cultivate and spread, the formerly inland states would become the new coasts and presumably start it all over again. Maybe we should drain the oceans.
They'll grow back. The leftists won't.
If I don't make it out of here alive, tell them I died shitposting.
The PNW is actually fairly safe from Yellowstone, relatively. Rainier/Adams going up in the aftershock is what's going to cook you.
I wonder if ashfall is comfy like winter.
Maybe if you thought The Road is comfy
well, it'll clog your gutters.
OP here, I moved here for this purpose. There're lots of talk of white supremacist groups, but I've yet to see one. The antifa game is strong here, you'd definitely be living behind enemy lines. I've been talking to the New Awakening for a few months, still sitting on the fence about joining them though. With the botnet and Black Budget and traitors galore, it's so damn hard to tell who's legit from who's not. Move to Oregon, find a good church, get a wife, have some kids, buy bullets, radios and associated hobby material. Prepare for Der Tag.
i view this as a (((tactic))) to provoke some white man to shoot up a govt bldg after the Bolshevik CPS home invaders kidnap his kids because he owns a hunting rifle and had a copy of Mein Kampf on his book shelf. the Shitlib Antifa mobs really want to find a vast underworld of organized and plotting Nazis to punch and to justify Antifa's own existence, so by Moloch, if that means The State has to inspect every household in the state just to find the one Nazi who goes McVeigh in retaliation, well goy, the end justifies the means.
this is all a ploy to ratchet towards siezing all guns. after McVeigh2 assassinates the Governor, that will be justification to go house to house siezing guns.
kidnapping babies is the dumbest provocation. just look at nature documentaries. if you want to trigger any mammal into a suicidal frenzy, approach its cubs and take one.
That will be a worldwide disaster friend, not just limited to a corner of NA.
gtfo you libshit.
Fuck off, WE’RE FULL.
Oregon has a vast network for stealing children through CPS. Eugene especially. I seem to remember something about a shriner children's hospital and the county coroner at the time. It has been a few years. I never like Oregon, feels like an ancient evil is there.
this is just a step toward the state owning your children. no wonder they are picking the most cucked state in the union to beta test this.
didnt they try to roll out mandatory home inspections for gun owners once? it might have been Washington state but i seem to remember round 2013 they tried that
the first openly LGBT person elected governor in the United States
Gotz ta plant da seed for future LGBT in new parents.
First Visit; what a cute "thing" are you sure you want to keep it, give it to the State for a LGBT Couple to raise, or would you like to Abort it now after it has been born?
Second Visit; It seems to be exhibiting male, female, and LGBT tendencies.
Third Visit; What does it Identify as?
Additional Visits to follow.
When these people take over the US when the Trump years are over the US will have finally exhausted itself into death
>state wants control over every newborn for forced vaccinations what this is probably about
They hate and love babies so damn much.
Can't wait for the volcano to wash you away too.
I was talking about vaccinations somewhere and they were like >vaccinations
I'm all for the polio, mumps, and measles vaccines but after a certain age I just don't see a point for a flu vaccine. Every time I got the flu vaccine, I got sick.
Anectdoctal sure, but I talked to someone else and the same thing happened to them.
Now the state gets to decide if you're a good parent if you don't party line.
And when exactly do these visits end and what is the scope of the visits?
Are they trying to prevent the highly publicized malnutrition/neglect deaths that we've seen in the news?
I know of one in Calgary where a baby died of neglect due to the parents treating an infection like meningitis with ginger and other things like that.
Protip; meningitis needs antibiotics
Wait til dumb ass White Boomers wakeup to the fact that the screeching socialists literally believe the government should just swoop in and take our kids from us for wrongthink.
I don't understand how this is even getting anywhere. I had a post typed up but it got destroyed so I'll just leave a scathing remark. The people of Oregon can't even pump their own gas, so maybe they're too dumb to see how their rights are being violated.
I love the North West, but the people of Oregon are some of the rudest people I've met in this country.
ash fall is the killer, and 10-30 mm is death.
You guys are missing one of the major implications of this. Naturally there would be a massive shortage of nurses if this law went into effect, so it would serve as an excuse for them to import tens of thousands of spics and flips, along with their entire families, at taxpayer expense! What, you think they would let White people take all those new government-funded nursing jobs? It's a way for them to brown Oregon since they hate that it's so White.