How to create a master race

The plan

Decide to escape degenerate society and create a master race

Buy up a bunch of farmland for self sufficiency

Bring chicks with good values, monogamous marriage starting very early

All wives produce 3-8 babies

Kids work, get strong, while also learning

Kids marry early to locals with similar mindset, by 30 they have half a dozen babies

People learn on the job starting early, no sitting around studying useless theory. No liberal college brainwashing

Most kids tour degenerate society for a few months after puberty, most don't like what they see, only the degenerate and weak leave

Ban conspicuous consumption, consumerism, or other degrading ideologies

Shun divisive media, Tinder, technology, etc. to focus on raising and providing for your family

Your population grows at least 10x every century. That's 1000x per 300 years, one billion x or more per millennium.

Plus 10-20% of your offspring and going out to colonize mainstream society along the way.

And there's no welfare or safety net, only the best can provide for large families, and the most degenerate leave your society, so you naturally cull out a master race

You are part of a eugenic master race that will overtake the world population quite rapidly

(be Amish, conquer the USA)

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Jew free first post

hello youngster. you can post again when you realize hostile takeover is the only way.

Fuck off and die reddit.

These two statements kinda conflict somewhat don't you think?
To be honest I've always thought monogamy conflicts with our own biological urge to reproduce and is mainly put into place to provide for the family

Fucking based AND redpilled. Praise kek.

This smells of 5th political theory.

Attached: IMG_20171204_164723.jpg (600x450, 39.77K)

Checked for truth.

FTFY and nah, smells more like reddit.

Monogamy is about the security each man has in knowing he's got a decent shot at reproducing and having a nice family to look forward to. That kind of hope is a cornerstone of civilization. Look at polygamous nations in the Middle East where Mahmoud the rich camel baron amasses all the girls for himself, leaving everyone else with dirt. That shit is why terrorism is so prevalent there.

So you're just lying to betas to keep them complacent useful idiots. That's extremely deceptive and nonwhite of you. Let losers know their place and shatter their dream, tell them that they are factual failures and will NEVER have a shot of reproducing if it is the empirical truth. Only the strong should succeed.

I don't think it would be such a problem if men were men, and had the power to seize their destiny. Anyone who can't find a single mate when there is equality of opportunity not equality of outcome, that is communistic. in play is simply a perfect example of why natural selection should exist.

OP could use less redditspacing, but TL;DR they're right. I'm intending to write a book about this, and it really is one of the only ways to go. We've got to form enclaves.

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Gets it.

Women copy what they see around them and what's easy. Most men do the same. Pussy political correctness just to fit in at job/mainstream society – all solved with enclaves.

There's a reason white people move to white states, cities, and neighborhoods to have babies. And it's not just crime, it's freedom from short term thinking and degeneracy. Sometimes the wives need the same.

This website is equally controlled by kikes just like trs tbh

You don't get to own anything, or separate from niggers as long as jews control your country. You need to fight now. There's no place to run.


No you idiot, it's true. In monogamous societies, almost all men apart from total failures get wives. In return, all men are expected to contribute, even if their job is sweeping the streets, they are part of the machine of civilisation and thus get rewarded with a wife.

Monogamy is a technology of even distribution of women in return for working under the alphas. If you don't have monogamy, thousands if not millions of betas have no incentive to work for you, but every incentive to band together and overthrow you.

I actually live in a mini ethnostate now, im afraid that will change, these fucking spics somehow seep through. How do you deter these faggots?

Teach people about race & IQ & genetics
Remove all welfare
Let the master race create itself over the years while the lesser ones become unable to reproduce due to no money

you must eradicate the kikes because they will hinder you every step of the way otherwise.

While i'm a bong there are micro and macro methods available. Macro ones you personally cannot achieve alone so i'll list a few micro ones of varying effect;

- Become part of a local housing association and spread data points in conversation. Example would be talking about recent areas which were deemed nice but recently had an influx of spic or negroes and went downhill. Make sure to subtley get the point across these undesirables are, as they always are, responsible.

- If connected to businesses around the area inform of potential thieves entering the area of operation, again make it clear the who of it. Ensure they cannot find employment in these businesses.

- Reinforce local cultural tradition. Any events etc that are primarily white, support in any way you can.

- Support Neighbourhood Watch groups. They are an oft underutilised element that can help indirectly deal with individuals arriving.

- Don't bother countering pro migration narratives, go on the offensive with data points either via poster campaigns a la Thousands Hands tactic. Direct engagement with those pushing this narrative will often fail due to heavy programming by media and social manipulation. You must work around this. Don't go full 1488 in initial postering, that should be reserved for those living among these groups for any extended period. Go with generalised red pills.

Other than that it's a waiting game. But these people are much like a disease. A single cell multiplies exponentially and while you'll be able to combat for a while it's a running battle.

First you must merely create a master society with masturful and virtuous values.

Probably going to be somewhere in africa started by boers.

It is called polygamy
The idea is right and Jews already undermine this
Have lots of children, ignore the anti-white shills from Zig Forums

Reminder that inbreeding is a Jewish lie, there is no such thing as inbreeding, all Europeans/Asians are descands of few men
Also technology enslaves you and takes away your willpower to do stuff
Modern men are weak because of technology

This kind of existence is pointless. It's just existing for the sake of existing. There's nothing to do and no goals to progress towards.

Yeah let's just make satellites and antibiotics and spacecraft and computers and trucks without relying on technology, that'll surely work. Some top minds of Zig Forums in this thread.

these are not necessary

Wherever you escape to, Israel will eventually expand there.

Yeah, if you're an uncontacted amazonian tribe and content with hunting and gathering until the sun goes out.

It's the psy ops jew. Tel Aviv wants to control the tech industry. They are also behind the threads/posts urging goyim to skip college.

So you are a progressive?

Are you mentally challenged? This is a serious question.

no, I am not.
Leftists/Progressives are mentally challenged as everything they will do will fail
Conservatism - wants to preserve
Progressivism - wants change
You sound like you want to "rebel" against nature

So yeah, you are mentally challenged. By your logic weight lifters are political "progressives" because they want to "progress" to higher and higher weights. And if you hate technology so much then what the FUCK are you doing here?

No, they want to improve themselves, but you take it on the level of society, which means it becomes political
first of all, it's not Zig Forums
secondly I think getting rid of technology is something to be strive for, getting rid of it totally is the end
I may use technology to get closer to my goals, to spread my message, because I am interested in the results of my actions, not that if it is hypocritical or not.

And I was talking about humanity improving itself. Progressing. But because you have a pile of shit where a brain is meant to be, you thought I was talking about the left wing ideology of "progressivism."

You're posting here using a computer. The computer is connected to a global network. It runs on electricity. And so on. So what the fuck are you doing here? You obviously want humanity to go back to the hunter-gatherer past.

Yes I want it because I want humans to be physically superior like they were in the past
We have advanced technology but have ruined our environment and our genetics
It depends, do you want to be strong by your own strength, or you want to be strong by external help from technology, which again leaves you untrained or if you train as much, you don't need the technology
I am quite sure that not only humans become genetically inferior to their real environment, they will also soon run out of resources but that's a good thing after all, as this mess will end
I already posted that I don't care about the hypocrisy I do, when I use technology to fight against technology
Neither I don't find using all technology bad but it's usage should be preserved for only when we really need it and I also think we don't need to save all humans, rather let nature select the best of us and not go help others

And then you just sit around waiting for the sun to go out, and that's it. What a great fucking plan. You may as well kill yourself, makes no difference.

I don't find primitive life boring

I can feeeel your fail, TRS…

why take over degenerate cities with subhuman remains?
It's better to attack by isolation, and later defending you new land.

by fighting against them. By defending your soil.
Don't be a cuck; repell them (by force if necessary)

This isn't viable because it involves women and isn't a sufficient way to bring up white population. You need a program that all whites around the world can implement so that the cumulative effects increase white populations. This won't even make a dent on the amount of whites.

white revolution is the only solution

You're describing Mennonites.


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Here, you dropped this.

Attached: youfuckingshill.jpeg (400x300, 14.66K)

You will not get past this stage. The revolutionary idea of putting benis in bagina is not new, but like all the hundreds of thousands of white nationalist that came before you, you will fail, because you won't do anything differently than they did.

You're still saying "go find traditional white women, user." Well, everyone was already trying to do that before you told them, so you're not changing anything unless you're giving your daughters to the fittest ones among them in marriage.

Without arranged marriage and aggressive enforced traditionalism, white nationalism will never get off the ground.

If you have a small community like the Amish, the end result is that of incest.