Analysis of viable re-location zones

The Western world as we know it is becoming (((globalised))) and is being filled with third-world people and communist ant-people. The demographic trends and all the data show that we will be a small minority in the next 30 years. Not only that, but by that time, our old cities will be smart-state 1984-style metropolises that will make Soviet Russia look like paradise in comparison. No joke. I'm not trying to black-pill people here but that's what we're facing. It's time to be realistic about this. So let's have a discussion.

In many places, such as Cucknadia, Ausfalia, Britainistan, etc., it will possibly be necessary for us, the red-pilled and non-suicidal whites, to leave for greener pastures, as an act of survival, if such places even still exist.

Let's analyse the global situation. Which places are viable for whites to escape to? Obliviously, a viable place may not be white-majority but the criteria should at least be:

*isolated from ground zero (any place that is a major, modernised city or state/territory or at is at strong risk of becoming one)
*have an environment suitable for growing, fishing, and hunting clean food
*not immediately close to excess dangerous people (blacks, etc.)
*not likely to be attacked or invaded in an act of war, especially by ZOG
+ (bonus: viable for an ethnostate)

I've analysed most isolated white lands. All are being inundated by third-worlders. Some of those places include:

* Faroe Islands (swamped by Africans and SEA people, totally fucked)
* Svalbard (inhabited by many SEA workers)
* Orcadia (okayish but slowly being swallowed, residents are cucks)
* Shetland (okay but to susceptible to being destroyed due to pop size and geo size)
* Other Viking Islands (similar to the above places)

Let the discussion begin.

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there is no running away from white genocide and diversity you fucking retard



Sigh. Thanks for the unintelligent reply. Obviously countries are fucked but if we are to survive we need to start thinking about strategies . If Jews survived for such a long time as a rootless people so can we. Maybe not all of us but I wager that the current situation will weed out the genes that leftist whites have that predispose them to being suicidal beings. If the whites with good genes can survive and reconsolidate, we could survive. Your attitude is part of the problem. You're probably a fucking NEET. No skin in the game.

Fighting is valid as an option for Euros, most likely, but countries like Canada and Australia are not native lands for whites nor is there any hope for them. I agree with adopting Evola's legionary spirit but in cases you are better off doing a tactical retreat. There's no point dying for good if you can survive and come back. That's basic warfare 101.

A massive organized relocation effort to a country like Canada would drastically shift the demographics and politics of the country.
Look for sparsely populated areas.
The other option is to look for areas where the rule of law is effectively non-existent.
Strategy A is to dramatically shift the population of a county. We don't have the clout to do that.
Strategy B is to just carve out a home anywhere we can, regardless of context or history.

I agree. I've been considering some place in rural South America as a temporary place to raise a white family in isolation. In the mean time, I'd like to find an initiative for a white ethnostate.

No. No more. You jew fucks get nothing. You had your chance and you fucking blew it. We are taking our planet back and woe me to the shitskin that gets in our way.

Okay, so do something you faggots. Don't just chastise other people for talking about relocating. Go round up six million kikes, or whatever it is you think you're going to do.

Stock up on diapers yid.

Says the guy who sits in his aprtment in an abject policestate that will likely soon lock him up for badthink and put him in a cell block with Muslims who will throw boiling oil at him and cut him with razors until he's dead.

Australia is still pretty white and low immigration. Some Chinese and lighter skinned Indians leaves it still way safer and high trust than the USA. And way less invaded than Europe, Canada, or the US.

Or just move to the 99% of red counties in the USA.

Out of a total of 25mm

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I'm Australian. Do you analyse Census data at all? We're 26% nonwhite. That's more than 1/5th and we receive over 200,000 nonwhites per year by immigration. If you do the math, we will be nonwhite by 2050, without fail. And have you analysed Australia's meta-political structure? We're virtually totally controlled by Zionist Jews and freemasons. Australia is one of the worst countries to be in. And you won't be stopping it: we have anti-racism laws that effectively get you put in prison for talking out against Jews. Look up the case of Brendon O'Connell, a Perth man who did three years in prison for debating Zionist Jews in public, even though THEY assaulted him. It was the largest case of its kind in the modern era, globally speaking.

Enclavism is death.

Stop ceding territory, pussy.

Which one of your grandkids/wife's kids showed you this board?

How fresh off the boat is your Asian girlfriend? Is she Chinese or Thai? Does she take you out to eat at MSG soup-holes, you mighty Anglo-Saxon?

Smart cities require engineers and maintenance techs with IQs over 120 to keep them functioning. We'll only be in a dystopia for about 20 years give or take a few years.

Your wife's son, actually. But he's a beta so fuck him.


You're the one living in a Chinese colony m88, while shilling for enclavism no less, aka the risk-averse coward's death sentence delay mechanism.

Tell me more about how I don't need hate in my life.

I'm not married and did you just say you want to fuck a guy?
The fuck is wrong with you?

Nope, the Chinese colony is your GF's share-house, mate. Good luck with your Civic Nationalism AKA Judaic Globalism.

White Bolivia is booming though, we could go there.

Australia, yeah, everyone knows.

I'm not a civic nationalist, which is why I can see that enclavism is the risk-averse coward's death sentence delay mechanism.

Mine has been in the US for over a decade, after we legalize her family into the US, I'm moving with her to Bolivia and become part of one of the many white ethno communities.

Yep, called it.
You guys are getting stale.

If only Europe had white immigrants from central America to make it great again.

This board is indistinguishable from 4chan.

Enclavism is the dividing of territories enclaves. It has been how many nations have formed, especially the nations of Britain eg Cornwall, Wales, etc. I'm not suggesting enclaves as a final solution but there's going to have to be some division if we are to survive. It's either that or stay in a melting pot, generally speaking.

Are we fucking going full circle now? lol Shit man, give it a few hundred years and we’ll have to recolonise the states.

These retards have ruined the board. The revolt against Kampfy was a mistake. He had flaws but the board was higher quality when he was in control. Now it's just 4Chan-lite.

A death sentence at this stage in time. You will not survive by continually ceding territory, you coward.
Or we destroy the pot. Cowards have a funny way or limiting the potentials, and if you remember, I already told you that you don't get to choose which paths forward are open, coward.

Take your 5PT shit and go.

They have.
No, it wasn't. The roach was trash.
I just didn't want to see one pile of trash removed to shuffle on in thats at least as bad if not worse.
Yeah, pretty much.

I remind you: Moderation staff was purged after the mid-terms, IDs were hidden on the board log, administrators see no issue to address the board population and the new moderators started their tenure by shitposting a bunch of images direct from 4chan /int/.
The admins want this board deradicalized ASAP, and their approach is to give /int/ the reigns and let them run it into thread ground through non-stop shitposting and gaslighting.

You're a LARPer. I knew it. Tell me, genius, how are you going to destroy the pot when literally everything is stacked against you and everyone in power is Jewish or Jewish-controlled? How will you rally the manpower when 95% of the population are basically communist or commie-lite? Some magic day of the rope bullshit? Some super tacticool strategy? Give me a break.

Makes sense.

Says the guy LARPing about White Flight 2.0 not being a death sentence.
Tell me more, ''le sigh'. Fuckin' faggot.

Vids related.

They aren't though,that's just you sperging the fuck out looking for a narrative to clasp onto.

Close, but much more effective.
Accelerationism + Nationalism.
At the very least, bound to be more effective than running away like a coward.

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Staying in an area where you're being actively killed off while being brastically ounumbered with near impossible odds VS tactical retreat.

Not really. If you look at survey data, imperfect – I know, the vast majority of people are basically in favour of globalism and socialism, implicitly. Most people like multiculti which is just a proxy for global Juaism/NWO.

Nationalism requires a homogeneous population and a population that wants itself. It also requires non-Judeo leadership which we don't have.

Accelerationism is the current situation only accelerates the Judeo Masonic plan. It doesn't accelerates a controlled demolition of your people. It's analogous to taunting the street gang who is about to attack to kill you by calling them faggots and sissies.

Also, your video is cherrypicked footage. Those groups are a minority and those people maybe constitute maybe 1% of the population. It's effectively only half-baked propaganda. Feels good but does not reflect reality.

There is no where to run away to moron.
Stand and fight or run and die.

Says the neckbeard at his battlestation, Cheeto dust snowing from sparse facial hair to keyboard, fat fingers sternly pressing sticky keys, brow coated thick with grease-sweat. You shall be the Lionheart of our generation, knighted by the most rare smug anime girl.

Accelerationism will never work and the autist(s) insisting it will are only shills.

The unfortunate reality is that we at current trajectories are in a lot of trouble. We didn't succeed in spreading the truth, and the only solace will be knowing that all of the white fuckers who support this genocide? Will die just as painfully as we will in opposing it. But we had a job, to convert people, or to dig up info and instead all we did was focused on which eceleb is a jew. To our detriment. That said, perhaps we ought to start considering backup survival plans.

Paradoxically the best place for your project is in Africa.
North Somalia on the edge of the gulf of Aden.
Why you ask? It’s a failed state, that entire area could be captured and the current inhabitants expelled by a couple of thousand determined gentlemen with assault rifles.


Further, we would be taking the fight to them. The problem with any European territor is that ultimate control rests with your joke overlords. In an independent state based in Africa you will have no overlords.

Until your get Rhodeserized.

What you feel is an inefficiency of information. It may take a long time before the masses move. The ones who move first are those with the information. An interesting note is that this is the one of the few years that Davos conference was pessimistic. Many wealthy are pessimistic. This is neat, because they move to devour themselves. Some may never move as this is also in the curve.

Western Europe is all that matters. If it falls, then it's all over.

All colonies are probably fucked- especially the US, Canada, and obviously South Africa.

Only if you are Jewish
Western Europe may fall and Ea
If Western Europe/colonies fall it is over for Israel

You shouldn't run away at all until all is lost.
But if that were to happen?
Go to Hungary/Poland/Slovakia and strengthen the core that defends Europe.
Alternatively Mexico/South America. Brazil seems to be getting good leadership, and South America in general has lots of potential. Yes, spics are a majority. A majority that is practically ruled over by white people (Whites are an elite class in South America)

If all else fails, Iran/Syria/. Yeah, they are muslims. They are persian/arabic. But at least we have a common enemy.

stand and fight or look into upper michigan its as far away as you can get from anythnig. in the keweenaw theres so much snow it scares everyone away. Dominant religion is apostolic luthern and 20+ blone blue eyed children is common. pic related is on US in allouez on the way to copper harbor.

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If Evropa falls then there is nothing on planet earth worth fighting for and we may as well go to Mars.

nah America is huge, and mostly unpopulated. only Whites go out to the woods and woe to any anti-White who treads out there. same with canada, but i cant speak for canadians

Patagonia master race checking in. Can't get further away than this.


Probably this last stand will be Central Europe

Eastern Europe
If you live in Western Europe, you should get here ASAP unless you want to wait for it's collapse and take part in race war
Unless you have the resources to fight off sandniggers/niggers after collapse of it, you better move here
Whatever you do, Western Europe will collapse because Western Europe is filled with migrants, even if you get zionist civic nationalist get elected, people will still be allowed to racemix because civiccucks don't make any anti-racemixing laws and it will result slow poisoning of white race instead of awakening it with a poke
When Western Europe falls because of niggers, nobody would want to take them here
it is better when we let Western Europe fall, then kill the niggers/sandniggers

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In white countries you're legally mandated to suck brown cock and let them fuck your wife and daughter, and if you resist then you'll be jailed or taken down by armed forces, and if you try to overthrow the government then other white countries will be called in to help subdue you in the name of peace and ethics.

Certain turd world countries are so shitty that it might actually be possible to establish a fort that you're actually in control of.

found some for those who refuse to leave

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and by this I mean we're re-locating our enemies out of our fucking countries, you cucked faggot.


Northern Canada?
New Zealand?
I tend to think New Zealand is a good spot, it's about the same size as Japan and is an island.
The real questions are:
Places that can support whites both via resources and industry.
We cannot allow wherever we might settle become isolated from raw resources like Japan was or Germany was during WW2.
Unless whites can not only settle in one place and then begin to immediately secure lands with resources, we'll easily become a puppet state, or become easily overwhelmed.
Even if the white state doesn't have a lot of resources, the most pressing, most immediate requirement is to maintain a powerful and modern navy to defend the land we settle.
Another option is going to Eastern Europe. Maybe Poland or something and just make our stand there. Ally with Russia on some level, even if it means being a puppet state.
The idea is to not be friendly with powers that are not entirely controlled by the kikes, but are also of a simar genetic template to what we're trying to create. We can't really buddy up to China, for instance, they'd just colonize anything we took and then replace us with Chinese.
At least if Russia tries to colonize us, their genetic template is similar enough to ours that we won't really be replaced.
Maybe we all just learn Russian and that'll be enough for them.
I personally like New Zealand. It's close position next to Australia is a problem if the strayans fall, but other than that, a well armed civilion militia, is enough for land defense, allowing all military expenses to go toward the Navy. Additionally, it's not as easily blockaded like China or Japan are, and easy access to places like Indonesia and South America mean easy access to those resources.

Want to buy a bridge in that case? The cities, states and fed are all bankrupt. DETROIT is the future. The shit you hear is from the jew widget sellers.


Coffins? I like the idea of burying them in a big hole much more :^)

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Go the fuck back to reddit.

This. Its as simple as searching for population densities in all countries. Stay and fight but have a plan B just in case. There is far more undeveloped land out there ready to be settled than these kikes would have you believe. With satellite internet and solar panels you could bring a first world lifestyle to any rural patch on the planet you want.

Agreed. Western euro is all but cucked minus a few outliers. The game changer will be a collapsed economy. They've already set things in motion that can't be stopped/prolonged. The next decade will be the make or break era.

Afronon here. I have a simple solution for you. The Indians are doing it and it works for them (In Canada for example there are Hindu/Sikh Enclaves). Ready?


Work for small businesses run by your ethnic cousins, or barring that, for managers who share a similar ethnic background. Run a small business on the side (work with your hands/code/anything where you can start with minimal materials and be your own boss). Marry within your own culture/race. Have kids. If you have to leave certain neighbourhoods to do this, then purchase homes in either suburbs or acreages near people with a similar mindset.


This will require organization as well as a shared goal within this group. However considering the sheer amount of divide et impera happening, the biggest problem with this set up is that it will be targeted as some sort of "white supremacy" neighbourhood, by both media and Antifa. iirc there was an American neighbourhood that resisted integration and the US sent in soldiers to enforce it. Just make sure that the group is about cultural heritage, and express it as loudly as you can. Kind of like the Amish in a way, except with more guns.

Understand this: degenerates will always exist, and they must be shamed out of the town if it is to be made, especially to protect the youth (future)

Aside: I am not so sure about "white" communities. I mean, the cultures of Europe are distinct. Do you think they can coexist without intermingling too much?

This has been solved for years
The Northwest imperative

No, go away.

The imperative isn't an organization you illiterate

Antarctica or a floating enclave in the North pole region. Until the impending Ice Age occurs, God willing.

Only with a religion similar to the Jews.

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NZ is just 5 years behind Canada and Aus in cuckoldry though, on the other hand it's where all the (((elite)) plan to hide when hell on Earth occurs nya~

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Stop being a fucking pussy and fight.

As far as the USA goes, Alaska is the place to be, or maybe Saipan or American Samoa if you can handle being a 3rd class citizen nya~

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We could accomplish this by shilling the #DeportAllWhites postering campaign but the mods keep deleting every thread about that.

Hey Zig Forums I have bought 85 acres of land… way the fuck up north.

Anyone here want to come live with me?


Rape and kill kike Children like this>>>


You can for example retire outside the cities to have many kids, which in 15 years will help you gas kikes in the upcoming war.

if that is accurate Europe is in a much much better state then America

Why do you wish ill upon the wealthy?

Commit homicide, faggot.

there are places where the original white flight should have occurred 20+ years ago. there should be a place for them because they are fucked and need to fall back. perhaps Texas it would be nice if Texas became Haven for all the whites who have lost their way due to displacement. North Dakota is pretty good too.


sometimes I think that whites should create a religion that binds whites together, but cloaks them in religious clothing similar enough to judaism or islam that would make oppressing them look bad. I know that sounds crazy but I think it makes sense. You could lie and say that you are jews with a different interpretation, and then refuse to tell anyone what you actually believe. If people fuck with you you wail about antisemitism and try to get help from other jewish communities.

Nomadic lifestyle is the only way to re-locate, but you have to do it over, and over, and over and over

What about the Orkney's? ..

Too small and NUKES are required.

The answer has always been and always be
Zig Forums just refuses to accept this. Underwater habitats are our future.

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The only place to really escape is the stars.

That remind me of the fallout game. I saved my post because it is irrelevant.

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Saved is a typo for saged. What am I thinking?

It's not about where to hide

It's about where you will stand and fight and die.

I will lead people when they are ready to be lead. Until then, enjoy the fires you've started.

My country is a big enough to balkanise and still have more room for the white people so I will not run.