The idea of Eugenics is seen as morally wrong because it goes against the idea of individuality and free choice, which the western world holds in high regard because of The Enlightenment. Imagine if there was a way to advance Humanity without violating these ideas… Because there is.
The basic Idea is to classify people with categories of beneficial and unfavorable traits. For example, some one could have the traits: But also have traits of:
This is probably a better way to implement it. Full on eugenics has the potential to get rid of some good traits because of the bad ones. Everyone had good and bad traits.
Jacob Bailey
Chase Hernandez
This is why we're going to lose
Carson Parker
If you really think you can implement eugenics with forced sterilization and no major push back/violence from people you're retarded. If someone tried to take away your option of having kids, you would fight back unless you were a complete cuck.
Tie welfare to sterilization and see how many niggers and betas will take you up on the offer. A lot, I think.
David Baker
soft eugenics or simply limiting the membership of the nation, and then dividing it into castes, THEN allowing natural mate selection and bodily birthing (no artificial wombs and no surrogates for these will breed abandonment complexes in the child) is best.
you start going the hard eugenics route: mixing sperm and egg in a test tube, CRISPR editing, and artificial wombs and surrogacy, and you are going to end up with a massively dysfunctional group of people.
you will always be too dumb to tamper with nature. the best we have ever done in the plant kingdom, and in a safe way, is selective breeding. GMO's are a fucking nightmare.
furthermore if you take "the chase" out of the mating game, you are going to emasculate the men. domestic violence and grabbing a bitch need to be legal, or the spine of the nation erodes.
Austin Foster
kill all men that should not breed in public displays of violence, the remaining women will naturally desire to mate with the killers
Gavin Thompson
This tbh, for centuries Europeans used to summarily execute violent criminals, we should go back to that.
Camden Garcia
user, there's a lot of "people" they're shills who push hard for extremism of any good idea, in the hope that it'll effectively neutralize the idea altogether.
Nathaniel Peterson
Edgy. This leads to shitty broken homes where kids want nothing to do with their parents altogether, and they end up as LGBTBBQ+ fairies.
Jacob Ward
t. Sigmund Freud's niece's step grandson
Isaiah Morales
This. Modern society views humans in too mechanistic terms, as tools to be employed. Most people are by definition of average intelligence, but many of them are decent people. I'd rather have a person of average morality and intelligence as a friend or co-worker than high intelligence and low morality.
Eli Phillips
if you cant physically discipline your wife and child and consensually fight/duel other men you end up with feminism and a nanny state. this must be done. it will lower crime and violence overall, and the men in the community can step in if someone is too hard on their family.
police need to be kept the fuck out of family affairs.
Aaron Bennett
Yes, but that too is a way of relegating your offspring to failure. If you engage in these, who are you destroying? Yourself and your offspring. You are crafting them into a lesser rank within society via your own 'values' (>>12718001 wants to act violently within his home and kill love {shrug} he is nothing more than a sandnigger). I am trying to say that these behaviors are dysgenic and they are weeding their own genetic line out of existence by following them. Seriously, sandniggers are the PERFECT example of this in action. If you want to have offspring with a fucking 80IQ then follow sandnigger 7th-century barbarian principles. Just saying, if you are beating your wife in front of your children, they aren't 'going to advance the planet or excel in any way' because this is all you are saying to your sons: 1) I can't control my temper 2) I am mentally weak enough to hurt something lesser than I am 3) I am not creative enough to solve a minor problem any other way.
This deserves a lot more deep introspection. Interesting point user.
wrong, we must pair specialised people with people who share the same traits we do not need lots of average people like brown mass what yids try to create, we need specialised people, because they are able to do more in their field
Ethan Turner
Women already do this naturally in mate selection. The odds of two autists choosing to marry and have children is extremely high. Thus a new species of humanity (something better than normal 'vanilla' humanity) is being selectively bred for already. Autists are the only future for humanity and this new form of humanity is rapidly breeding these mutations into itself until we end up with a workable genetic pool that is not prone to severe mutation. Meaning that high functioning autists become the new norm for humanity because we are superior to the NPC's. It is sad that so many of our brothers and sisters had to be broken completely, 'low functioning autists', to make a new form of humanity, but this is the function of the genetic lottery. When something is emergent it has a lot more range in terms of its potential until it reaches the point of 'averaging itself' to the mean.
Anthony King
Jonathan James
you can make a massive amount of progress with just a little bit eugenic activity. it should be noted that diminishing returns kick in very fast, and the likelihood of messing up the entire gene pool increases with the amount of eugenics that you implement. humans already know how to mate. we aren't mutant negroes who need somebody to tell us how to create offspring that are better than ourselves. nature already knows how to select. there's no reason to be so greedy about this. there are so many efficient and time-tested systems available to us already, and most are not being utilized currently. you should do that before going the unnatural kike-inspired route. embracing administrative extremism before you are even in adequate contact with the primal is actually retarded.
it should also be noted that the reproductive desire is one of the most powerful things in a man. unless you want to maintain the state of women being loose and on birth control with all the men addicted to porn, you're going to end up with very bloody conflict if you try to implement any of the eugenical autism that is often suggested on this board.
then have a societal system consisting of four castes: and then the people will pair themselves. if this is what you want to do then it should be done indirectly. some system where you get your name put into a database with a social credit score and you're then given a list of approved mates is what shills will push in these threads.
and anyways, none of this should really be planned to be implemented before all kikes are destroyed, therefore all of this is just theoretical.
Nature and biology are the most cruel, emotion-less, unforgiving, uncaring Eugenecists ever known to man. What would nature and biology do?
Andrew Rogers
it would be in the interests of nature and biology to kill those who would try to usurp its place at the top of the hill. using cunning to go against nature, or attempting to kill/dominate it is generally the judaic route. if whites played the "if you can't beat them, join them" game and caused it to be in the interest of nature itself to decree their propagation then that sounds like a good thing to me. this is not quite a symbiotic relationship because we cannot be completely be classified as two entirely separate organisms
Honestly, the next few centuries of eugenics will mostly be weeding out the objectively unfit useless eaters. I'm not talking about ugly autistic people that hurt your feefees, I'm talking about brainlet downs syndrone abominations. We got our work cut out for us for a while before we can even get to the point of raising the standard.
Joseph Phillips
yeah the very obvious ones like down syndromers would be a good start. the greek practice of abandoning unfit children by leaving them out on something like a nearby hillside is an attractive idea. it would also help to get people conscious of eugenics which is big. simply having people be aware of their own personal eugenic ability within their immediate relations should form the backbone of eugenic program, in my current opinion.
We need to discuss Eugenics to reverse the Judaic tainting of societal norms which produced the narcissistic do-nothing useless eaters of today, all believing that they are special snowflakes making the planet a better place by offering nothing more than their mere presence.
Nature and biology gave us a group which were the best of the best in physical and mental abilities imbued with aesthetics that the entire planet recognized as the standard of 'beauty'
Isaac Foster
Good news OP, all this lives on and today goes under the name, 'bioethics'. You just need to know how to navigate the literature. The great work continues.
Joshua Fisher
We need to make Whites incompatible with non-Whites. Race-mixing must be abolished on a genetic level. Also, there are some hard-wired instincts in women which proved useful in the past, but now lead to irrational decisions.
Nolan James
Better idea. Adopt white babies while also having children of your own. Raise those adopted children, not as your offspring, but as your children's future spouses. Through this method, you are choosing the future of your bloodline by choosing which children to adopt. While arranged marriages are not able to be done through the state, there is nothing making arranged marriage illegal in the US. Homeschooling the children will prevent social pressures from getting in the way, if done correctly.
Ryder Sanchez
Starting selling crack and pot with apefrican tier pandemic infenctions like ebola and monkey pox. Go kamikazi, infect yourself with pozz and fuck all the streetwalking whores in downtown.
Easton Torres
Why not just go join a Masonic Lodge and porkhole some little boys.