>The tough, new measure gives border authorities the power to detain asylum-seekers indefinitely and house them in converted shipping containers until their cases are heard. The country’s hardline Prime Minister, Viktor Orban, says it’ll save Europe. But the (((U.N.))) says it’s (((illegal))).
>At the height of the (((refugee crisis))) in 2015, as many as 13,000 people crossed the border in Hungary everyday. But now, few succeed. Currently, at least 8,000 (((refugees))) and (((migrants))) are stuck in Serbian camps waiting to cross into Hungary, which only allows 10 people per day to enter legally.
>Today, Hungary is paying people to have more kids while keeping (((migrants))) out. Watch our segment on how Hungary's helping its middle class while closing its borders tonight at 7:30 p.m. on #HBO.
Who gives a fuck? You're addressing the side effect but not addressing the problem The Jews using White Zionists to bomb Muslims is causing the problems in the first place displacing muh refugees into White nations
Kill the Jews, cure the disease
Camden Thompson
sure (((user)))
Michael Cruz
you are based and redpilled, hungarians are evil and not better than abbos. They should be exterminated
Colton Ross
Luke Roberts
them (((migrants))) better pray and they better pray real good
Henry Green
Rumor has it that they are then sinking the containers into the sea. BASED.
William Bennett
Is it accurate that Orban is only anti-muslim but completely ok with kikes? (((Buzzfeed))) just tried to blame the hatred of George Soros on two jewish consultants introduced to Orban by Netanyahu in order to get him elected for some unspecified reason. I've also seen other anons in the past say that Orban is kiked. Do any Magyars care to weigh in on this?
Josiah Baker
Your ID just gave me a boner.
Adam Hall
Yep. You have to be pro-kike to be in a presidential or PM position, anywhere.
Now, of course he publicly supports yidsreal. He'd be (((ousted))) if he didn't. I couldn't tell you how genuine the support is or is not, but I can link you this,
Hudson Sullivan
So you are saying we shouldn't put them in containers as that's what the Jews want? Right….
Those fucking hungarianiggers are going to pay dearly for mistreating those Aryans.
Carter Moore
Who would want to illegally immigrate to a third world country anyway?
Blake Hernandez
Go fuck yourself.
Samuel Reyes
Exactly. Hungarians aren’t even white, so I don’t know why they’re screeching about European culture.
Jaxon Anderson
I know that orban and netanyahu hate soros more than they do hitler. Not that it matters much since netanyahu's proxies pretty much work with soros anyways. Soros is his own evil that wants to burn the entire world, and while I could say its to conquer it I could entertain the idea he just wants chaos for chaos' sake.
Blake Smith
I'm getting sick of coming here and seeing these shill posts in every single thread with the moderators absolutely refusing to ever even contemplate the idea of doing anything about them.
Brody Foster
They don't want to stay in hungary, they want to move onwards north, where milk and free money flows. "Unfortunately", on this route, they'd have to pass hungary, which effectively blocks the way.
Noah Myers
That's exactly why the shill posts exist, user.
Jordan Murphy
Only threads worth bothering with anymore are the ones that actually teach you something about life, like homesteading or managing money. Shills and retards stick to the Trumpshit and mainstream news garbage. Just steer clear.
Grayson Gonzalez
Are they using tear gas across an international border? Isn't that a war crime?
Henry Baker
lay off the MSM koolaid, kid.
Alexander Young
And unlike the PIGS, the Hungarians don't just herd them through their country and be done with them.
Yes, except part of the EU 'migration pact' states that the 'migrants' cannot and and will not be returned to their country of origin by the European nations. I am telling you, they set this up so that you will either BECOME NIGGERS by allowing your children to be raped by these subhuman niggers OR you will have to kill them to get them out.
Brody Martinez
Only if you care about it. Israel don't give a fuck about it, so shooting kids and using white phosphorus is not war crime. Do you think niggers in Africa care about warcrimes?
Chase Turner
This. Honestly 'morality' is culturally derived. When you understand that the only question left is what are your own personal 'ethics' and how are they weighed with practical reality. The practical reality is that these are INVADERS who have come to pillage and conquer our nations. There is nothing immoral about slaughtering them in as gruesome and horrific manner that we can imagine.
Joseph Adams
Also, the dead or genocided races don't have 'moral superiority' because morality is irrelevant when you are dead. It only matters to the living and beyond that it only matters WITHIN the culture, meaning the FLESH AND BLOOD of the people with whom they originated.
One of the few European nations 100% allied with and fighting alongside the Germans in the war
Adam Garcia
Joseph Stewart
Thanks for this, user.
I don't get Netanyahu would hate Soros since they are both kikes. Or is it like Sauron vs. Sauruman?
Just like Finns, Estonians, Portuguese, Spaniards, Irish, Greeks, and Slavs, right?
Justin Phillips
Filthy cigány.
Benjamin Harris
Hé magyar user. Tudsz-e olyan magyar mozgalmakról/oldalról ami nem teljesen irányított ellenállás, vagy nem teljesen van tele alkoholista neonácikkal?
Kicsit már kezd fárasztani hogy nem találok olyan magyar embereket akikkel tudnék a magyar politikáról társalogni. Nem szeretnék amcsikkal a magyar politikáról beszélni, mivel azt se tudják miről beszélnek.
Leo Sullivan
Kill yourself jews.
Liam Jones
Nos, user, az egyetlen ami így most eszembe jut az a Betyársereg, tán hallottál már roluk. Biztosra nem tudom mondani hogy megbízhatóak, mert se nem jártam alaposan utána, és nem is tartom naprakészen a kevés tudásomat róluk —politikáról többynire személyesen beszélgetek a közvetlen baráti körömmel—, az oldalukat se olvasom gyakran. Annyi biztos, hogy cikkíróik közül többen mintha egyenesen az itteni intelligensebb rétegből jöttek volna. Az alapítóra, Tyirityán Zsoltra, ez kifejezetten igaz.
Az előbbiben reménykedek, az utóbbit pedig felteltételezem hogy valamilyen arányban biztos jelen van, mint minded jobboldali megmozdulásnál itthon, mert bizony az elkerülhetetlen.
Micsoda tükörfordítás. Nem is tudom van-e erre egyáltalán normális magyar kifejezésünk.
Juan Reed
This is a great idea. We need a professional movie production company filming horror reals of what happens when migrants illegaly cross the border. Who cares if it's fake, the majority of those dimwits will shit their pants.
Jordan Murphy
Stay the course, Magyars! Hold your ground, Poles! Take back your country, Italians!
Soros got his fortune by robbing other Jews in WW2 and then turning them in to the Germans.
Liam Moore
I love how the cucks at vice are framing this as a bad thing.
Xavier Stewart
Or lock them in it and drop them in an ocean.
Sebastian Morris
Check'd and Keked. Do it for Hitler, our Hungaryan brothers!
Xavier Carter
user, there are several breeds of kike, with their own subfaction. Which one is Soros? Is he like the coneheaded rothschilds, or is he one of the Kohen Gadol of the line of Aaron?
The refugees aren't migrating on their own. They're being shipped in by NGOs such as USAID, IsraAid, and International Rescue Committee. They often aren't trying to flee their country - they are paid to be relocated and are given housing. (((They're))) profiting off the wars as well as the refugee aftermath.