American Steps Toward War
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American Steps Toward War
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You mean. Why the United States Declared War on Hitler, right? Or do you belive Hitler declared war against USA when he tried to avoid war with UK?
ive already read this article, it was on DA last year. your answer is in the article but yes you are correct
This is an entirely different situation
What is entirely different situation? I am not exactly expert on history. But did single bomb from Germany hit American soil?
I not going to read that article. WW2 is over more or less. I can find articles about Hitler be gay, jew, agent, muslim, devil etc. My grandparents lived during WW2. I know their experience. I don't care what some American think about this. How brave Americans saved world again and again.
Try again.
Because he was dumb player who only had some luck was bluff but couldn't play high tier game.
but you have no prob making merit less assumptions about what is contained in it?
more kike d&c trying to come between north american Whites and european Whites. that is such a stale tactic. if you think we are going to save the kikes again like WW2, think again. we are done with brother wars
another triggered kike or kikebot
He never declared war on America. Your American education is trash.
this is what pol is all about and always has been. you will not be able to change that so expect more pro natsoc articles like this one while you are here. or you can leave. either way, its fun to watch you kevtch
He quite literally did though.
your triggered because this breaks the “Hitler was dumb” narrative. you should learn to code
Ask me what "tube alloys" refer to and why nu-CLEAR is bulllshit. It's kikes kikes kikes all the way down.
Hitler was right.
You can take your filthy mutt ass outta here you low IQ mongoloidian.
You mean those North Americans that destroyed the German state twice and sealed the fate of white people to be ass raped by Jews while America, the joos puppet does it bidding, destroying the world so that Israel can become Greater Israel and so that migrates can rape European women? That North American people? You and the British have caused incomprehensible damage to our race, you should no longer be considered white but a disgusting traitorous filth like you are
its kike around here. if you want to shill properly, you will have to start calling your own people kikes
Zig Forums has never been about 6 month old blogpost opinion pieces. Kill yourself.
Pearl Harbor got memory holed?
I am pretty sure (((Japan))) (((attacked))) the USA for no good reason right after they refused joining the war, what a (((coincidence)))
you really cracked me up with that one. you must be new
Fun fact, of the 5 out of 6 anti-war republican candidates, only the 1 pro-war candidate won the primary for the 1940 election to the immense relief of FDR
Since Americans love communism of course it was inevitable.
So many ignore or simply don't know of Hitler's rightful anti-masonic stance.
Yeah sure. That is why you fight for jews in middle east and create more and more refugees for us.
I know Hitler didn't declared war on USA. Judea declared war on Hitler. Why should i read article about American version of WW2?
Dude. Your American army of freedom killed last chance to defead jewish banking mafia. Your American army of freedom bombed our cities. And than just in Plzeň so Russian could take us and create their Communist Empire. Than you fund Al-Queda, turn middle east to giant battlefield, made muslims angry. You know what? Now these angry muslims rape our woman? Now we have ZOGed EU. That was also American idea.
And when Israel ask you to attack Iran, you will be there to give them more freedom. And all these refugees will end in Europe. European Islamic Union is our future. America will be Brazil 2.0. And if Europeans try to fight back, you will come here to again like 2 times before. You don't help us by killing muslims in middle east. You only help jews.
Now whole white race is done. Thank you England. Thank you America. How did jews paid for your sacrifice? Made you 56% white. London have 16% white brits and grooming gangs protected by police. At least stop pretending you helping. American Hollywood brainwashed Europe. If you want to help, stop supporting Israel and destroy Hollywood. But you can't because you are controled by jews.
The United States pretty much forced war on Japan via an oppressive embargo
WInston Churchill wrote in his memoirs that FDR's aim was to 'wage war without declaring it' against Japan in order to get a 'back door' to war with Germany.
Research the McCollum Memo, which basically confirms this.
Also, the U. S. was sending over mercenary pilots to fly in American planes painted like Chinese ones to shoot down Japanese fighters months before Pearl Harbor, so there was a de facto state of war already.
These were known as the Flying Tigers.
if you actually read the article, you would know how foolish you look
Lies. Russia was out of the war and it was a one front war with all the grain from Ukraine and oil from the Caucasus it could ever want. It took an overthrow of the government by Jewish led trade unions and navy traitors mixed with demoralization from the jewish owned press. In a better world it wold have ended in white peace and then the Germans would have put down the commies post war when they tried to expand into the German east europe puppet states.
Why did Hitler invade countries like Netherlands and Belgium?
Because by invading the netherlands and belgium the heer could prevent the british government from lurk 2 years
Why did ZOG invade neutral Iran and Iraq in ww2?
just like in western russia and france, the germans were usually welcomed as liberators by other countries, including northern euro countries
exactly. that is what the article is calling out. notice that the paragraph leads with “establishment historians”
Come on. Germany declare war on America. Can you explain how they would attack? And why? Hitler lost war because he let Bongs escape in Durkerk. He didn't want to take over UK and he would declare war on USA? When his soldiers freeze in Russia. Why the hell you eat all propaganda bullshit like candy? Do you know how foolish you look, if you say America fight for freedom and democracy?
From article:
Sounds like America declared war on Germany to me.
I'm not going to disagree with you on americans, but this imediately makes me distrust you
check it out, its Q!
The english public and the english king even were against war with germany. Unfortunately, juden were already bribing and extorting puppets in the government and so suddenly called war via a public broadcast.
As for london, I'd have it nuked it if it meant preserving the rest of england.
You won't see me on here gleefully mocking the downfall of germany, or sweden etc - I find it strange that you are doing it towards england. That's a sickness you have, and it makes you a hypocrite.
As for america, they've been under the control of the juden for a long time, and much of 'their' worst actions have been directed by them.
They should have been completely kicked out of europe a thousand years ago and never ever let back in.
Hitler declared war on the whole world and on everyone all at the same time, and he was a lunatic, and had one testicle, and he slept in a coffin that was painted pink on the inside because he was a bender, and he dressed in women's clothes, and he was a womaniser and a black jew drug addict that had sex with animals lol, and he wasn't even german, he was from russia or china but they used makeup on him even though he was really a woman and you're just afraid of strong women so u can't take it 2 hear that.
otherwise, why would they call it a world war.
also he had space zombies in flying saucers that froze people but capten amarieca punched him onto the moon and the end
It was because of Churchill begging and campaigning for the US to get into Europe's War. Imperialists be imperializing.
Watch LaRouche History of America… great documentary.
If only America had the technology back then to be a true democracy instead of a republic.
I know. But in the end your RAF did their job. What hapen is tragedy. Now what? Europe have islamic cancer. Jews are stronger than ever. Yes i am angry our countries fought each other like puppets controled by jewish hands. I don't have any joy from destruction of USA or UK. Now white race is doomed.
All these soldiers died for jews. Only for jews. Every day i wish i could travel back in time. Whites could rule planet. But instead we are host for these third world parasites. There is nothing i can do to change it. Europeans are like cows waiting in slaughterhouse. Sad end of this race. Sorry.
I just read another book on your royal family and the Jews who murdered them. Even if every gas chamber lie, soap bar hoax, and lampshade tale were true, it would be worth the Jews going through it 100x over again if it could save that family their agony.
Never believed the stories my grandmother brought from lithuania about the evil of the Jews. Was intensely curious, so asked a professor and was told it's a "peasant myth." It's all true though. You can fill in the pieces yourself.
Friendly reminder that FDR let good Americans WHO DIDN'T WANT TO GO WAR get killed in pearl harbor to trick the public into thinking the japs suddenly hated us.
Easily one of the top 5 worst presidents ever.
I know amerimutts that call themselves natsoc yet fully support the embargo on Japan and American world policing (lend-lease to Churchill) and call Hitler and idiot for joining Japan in war.
Did the anglosphere doom our race, anons?
more d&c as ive pointed out above already. i suspect you switched ids because your making the same grammatical errors you made before. who are these natsoc americans you claim to know and where did you meet them? sounds like bullshit to me. im american an ive only met 2 or 3 other americans who cliam to be natsoc in my entire life
this jew is correct.
Anglos are the worst single thing that happened to mankind, of course surpassed only by the parasitic ((( merchant nomads ))).
Easy, after winning against Imperial Japan, the focus would have been on Germany.
If anything, Hitler divided the US war effort between south-east asia and europe.
Sweden: mostly neutral
Germany: axis
England: allied
Do you see the difference, faggot?
Germany expelled their jews and forced them to concentration camps.
Anglos and their inner jews were responsible for the situation we're in. Instead of expelling and gassing your parasitic jews, you embraced them.
What makes you think you anglos won't do the same again in the future?
It happened twice. England/USA are golems, not more nor less. They will always do the same.
You can keep quiet in your home waiting for ZOGmerica to behead their jews, it won't happen. On the contrary, their sick symbiotic relationship (between jews and their golems) is as healthy as ever.
no, on the contrary, just redpilling. And to propose a solution, i think among the most reasonable paths to take is to balkanize and create a white-only jew-free state within United States (possibly located around Texas), destroying once and for all that artificial, multicultural, disgusting monster called "United States of America", its concept, the "juis solis" concept, the "melting pot" concept, once and for all.
continues to d&c by trying to divide north american Whites and european Whites.
I'm asking. Genuinely interested.
Thanks for the thread OP. Many of us are already aware of this information, but a thread on it is good for the shills and newfags.
You know the tldr is “jews”.
Yeah…. Not Hitler's best moment.
I guess a broken clock is right twice a day.
This action was quite obviously poorly thought out and did lead to him losing the war. Intentionally doing something that you KNOW that the enemy wants you to do and then losing the war for doing it generally are put in "dumbest wartime decisions" books.
Misleading. You don't need to declare war on a state that you are not at war with. Even if you know that the jews want war between these two states.
In fact, if you know that the jews are not nice people and you also know that they want war between your country and another country that you cannot possibly defeat and probably will destroy you, the intelligent thing to do is to NOT make it easy for the kikes.
This will trigger many people who lack the ability to think critically and they will accuse me of being unkind to Hitler.
And they'll say something dumb like this
Well, allow me to make another obvious observation;
Having a foreign power fund your enemies is superior to having a foreign power fund your enemies bomb your cities, destroy your armies, land 300,000 troops in Italy and another 300,000 in Europe.
Anyone want to dispute this? Anyone? No?
Okay, here's another obvious observation.
Being at peace with a country that you cannot possibly attack and that can destroy you is superior to being at war with a country that you cannot possibly attack and that can destroy you.
Disagree? No?
Okay, one final obvious observation;
If you are already in a desperate war of annihilation with two major powers and you know that a third (that outmatches you in almost every regard AND is completely unreachable by any of your weapons and armies) will enter the war to try to destroy you, it is better to have a few extra years or even months of time to resolve your first wars than to not only bring the third power against you, but to actually give them the benefit of claiming victimhood when you foolishly declare war on them
Oh, I'll bet I'll get some great non-arguments and temper tantrums in response to this.
Because of this video?
America entered the war because ((Japan)) launched pearl harbor
Why the parenthesis? Are you saying Hitler allied himself with Jews?
No, he or she is just a newfag trying to shitpost and failing.
OP, are you saying that the current Communist takeover is like the rise of Hitler? A Communist takeover motivated by Hitlerian maxims would cancel itself out. Any amalgam of Communist ideology with Hitler ideology could be catastrophic; nullifying all that the Marxists have sought for the past 70-years.
Be careful!
So im gonna ask a question/make a point thats probably going to get me called a kike here but its something thats been rolling over my brain in a while
I'm a white american (German Irish mut go on call me a potato nigger you anglo faggot)
And over the last 3 to 4 years ive come to understand and aperciate alot about national socialism
its understanding of marxism
its understanding of judaism as the root of it
its understanding of race mixing as a product of it
all true undeniable facts that are suppressed by the jewish ((media))
All valid things to apose in the manner national socialism did
But heres my gripe or question if you perfer,
Why did germany, in both world wars (both working against jewish interests to some extent or another)
Ally themselves with enemies of the european race
We can all agree that the jews are probably the most dangerous enemy we have currently
but take for instance japenese
who waged wars against and were in opposition to the americans english and germans all throughout the region and were hopeful at the colonization of and rulling over australia as well as the eastern possessions of the United states
Go back even further and you se the krauts making commen cause with the ottoman empire
the god damn caliphate
The same caliphate that invaded, raided and raped europe on and off for hundreds of years
that act was treason to europe by any measurment and while hitler didnt partake in this particular sin, he still made league with muslims, in the british colonies many of whom wanted to recreate said caliphate
now dont get me wrong, im not against hitler or even national socialism by any means
but this seems to be to be a break in character
and i am willing to believe with evidence
and even accept that i am wrong about this if anyone can answer me
Why did the germans make common cause with the muslims and japs?
The US is just a jewish satellite. Like a paper towel to be used once and then discarded like a useless piece of trash.
No. The US blockaded oil transport via shipping to Japan. Japan was forced to either respond or be relegated to history as an easily defeated people. To this day, the Japanese are seen as the exceptional people they are, and anyone that claims to be NS will tell you exactly "why".
The act of NS Germany to mend ties with all who believed in a Muslim Caliphate, was nothing more than prioritizing. In 2019, it is the jewish-islamic alliance against the Christian or all nations perceived to be Christian/Non-Islamic/Non-jewish as the global enemy.
History repeats; and it is anyone' guess as to what timeline we're in. We could be 3 milliseconds away from a full 14/88 situation or a Full Deux Volt kill off.
wew lads!! Zig Forums is fucking triggered with this OP! hahaha i’ve been on a streak with these kids!!
What will the Communists do next?
Don’t forget the USA basically used The USSR to fight a proxy war against Germany.
Which was created by an English jew, who never went to America. Look up our original immigration acts,
1st was "White Christian Europeans"
then, only a few years later, was changed to
"White Christian Europeans of Good Standing."
You utter faggot, learn the history of those you castigate! "E pluribus unum" was for only and always will be for only, Europeans of Christian ancestry, not europeans of jewish ancestry, or gypsy ancestry.
The "Many" in our motto is the many nations of White Christian Europeans, the "One" is the singular culture of "The United States of America". This is also applied to the States and the Nation as well.
tl;dr: Jew's made the "melting pot" bullshit up and spread it. "E pluribus unum" is for whites and only whites.
Also it's why we Americans have long used the term "White" as a manner of expressing we are no longer simply Scots, Germans, English, Dutch Welsh, etc,etc, but one singular people known as "Whites"
What are you talking about? Next time you will say D-day never happen. Jews send your money, vehicles and your soldiers to Europe. History is not d&c. We killed each other for centuries. Until America kick out jews, nothing change. Or they will just suck you dry and all move somewhere else.
kikes is the proper way of spelling that. you shills have been going crazy the past the few days, it’s hilarious
Jew or kikes. You know who i mean. For you it easy to comment what in Europe. Here our familes experienced it. I don't blame you for what hapen 80 year ago. But don't act like it never hapen. This is why everybody have problem with America. You allways help wrong side. Your paranoia is hilarious.
You think you do important work, right?
No its just you dumb as Hitler. He didn't see US division on matter of isolationism and war participation and didn't play this card. Instead liek his stupid japs allies he all excuses for US unification on this matter.
The US federal government had previously been supplying the Soviet Union during the war, despite already knowing what the communists did to their own people.
The US was engaging war on the Germans in the Atlantic since 1940. It was totally illegal by both today and 1940's maritime laws. Between this, freezing Reich assets in America for no reason, and giving an army of marauding rapists millions of boots and trucks, Hitler righteously decided to declare was on the United States.
Your faggotry does not debunk what I said.
For the benefit of doubt and the visiting spectators, I'm going to refute your cookie cuter jewish argument.
The allies were sending literal armies of nigger, arabs, chinese and pajeets to Europe to exterminate the Germans and you kikes accuse the Germans of "allying with the enemies of the european races".
That were at war with the Chinese.
When the USA, GB, France and the Dutch felt the need to intervene, against their old ally against Germany, Japan.
Japan was the only country willing to agree to an anti-communist pact:
Willow Run, also known as Air Force Plant 31, was a manufacturing complex in Michigan, located between Ypsilanti Township and Belleville, constructed by the Ford Motor Company for the mass production of aircraft, especially the B-24 Liberator heavy bomber.[1] Construction of the Willow Run Bomber Plant began in 1940[2] and was completed in 1942.
Construction of the Willow Run Bomber Plant began in 1940