Trump Reopens Government with No Wall Funding
Incoming redditpede spin and narrative crafting.
I fucking hate this guy
anybody that is that fucking stupid that you think this guy is a secret white nationalist doing 4D chess, if you're really that fucking stupid then the best thing you can do for our movement is fucking KILL YOURSELF retard
I want to support Trump but there's only so much constant winning I can take along with him abandoning everyone who supported him who later get's fucked.
>I'm such great friends with
Trust the plan this is all part of his grand chess scheme
A lot of sheboons are going to get pregnant tonight so they can have more gibs savings next time.
We never wanted the silly wall anyway, right magabros? We love our Hispanic friends, and with a civil war in Venezuela, we're all ready to welcome 5 million more. Shaliday! Kek wills it.
I gave up after the third permaban for telling him to find his balls.
i would love to injest some spin right now to avoid this blackpill trump's lack of balls is generating.
A state of emergency during the colder months would keep the porch monkey uprisings to a minimum.
So what was the point of the shutdown?
To Cuck
I'm so tired of this cuck. At this point it's almost preferable to vote for dicky next yearyeah right Seriously though, this shit is ridiculous. I have no reason to vote for him again.
He said he was going to close it again if they didn't come to an agreement in 3 weeks. Just so that statement is out there, since no one in this thread seems to want to discuss what was actually said, for some reason.
This doesn't bode well for the potential for two scoops. We elected him not only to keep the demon Shillary out, but also to build the wall. If he doesn't build the wall, or at the least lock her up, then it's not going to go down well with the American humans.
To prove Schumer and Pelosi are traitors, not just stupid.
Horrible speech by Trump, one of his worst. He achieved nothing, and just offered up empty platitudes. At one point he even said "immigrants enrich our nation."
It's over.
Everyone already knows though
So we get to repeat this long process over again so he can capitulate again? What is the purpose?
He closed the government for 35 days and it achieved absolutely nothing. With media backing, Pelosi is immunized from any criticism over the shut down. She'll tell him NO WALL, and he'll proclaim that he's giving her ANOTHER 3 weeks to approve his wall.
Everyone saw it. It just deoesn't matter. He's giving away his leverage and cucking his base. We all know nothing will happen in three weeks and are calling him on his bullshit.
I didn't. I thought they were just greedy corporate peons. It's obvious now that they don't care about this country at all.
The 'Night Of The Black Baby Boom'.
And then what? Do what he needed to do the moment he took fucking office and declare the state of emergency, go over any judge that stops him and if he needs to - direct the military to end anyone that gets in his way in saving the fucking country? He hasn't fucking done it yet, he spends more time kissing beaner ass and patting himself on the head when he gives monkeys jobs instead of European men.
Sorry, childfucker, not only did we already know this, they're not punished in any way for their proven treason. Trump is a jew shill, just like they are.
A wrong statement trump had made was predicting that crime would shoot down massively. thisis wrong because we're still full of criminal nigs and criminal beans/
Fucking Failure.
I cannot wait until 2020 so I never have to see a retarded chessfaggot again, although knowing you tards will probably just start shilling for the spic the republikikes pick in 2024.
No one is really paying attention to the fact that even if not a single piece of third world trash manages to worm its way into the country, there's plenty here and all of them are breeding yet more worthless brainlet criminals on a daily basis.
You shills it is obvious he was blackmailed by deepstate. Roger stone getting arrested and the talk of impeachment again should be obvious to you brainlets.
Fuck this cuck. 1 term president.
Roger stone is a faggot, no one cares what happens to him
Maybe he meant immigrants "enrich" our nation.
Nice selfie.
Hey, anons. Do you remember those times when you said all the Jews had to do to keep winning the whole world after World War II was stop being so horribly obvious about their plans?
Well, that's happening under this President.
They're not exactly secretive, a lot of people are aware of their constant backstabbing.
Secretive, no. Keeping people distracted? Yes.
On the subject of "stupid" politicians:
Here's the deal faggots. The elite for the most part are at least above average intelligence.
No they're educated with a useful degree and that means thry know things, at least how to make deals, boost economic growth, or read thousands of pages of legal agreements (Brexit anyone?)
So why do they APPEAR to ACT stupid? It's a disarming strategy, it appeals to your basic humanity that the guy you voted is
Teleport to a parallel universe where the politicians do the exact same things as today, EXCEPT they don't act stupid.
Did you imagine this situation? They're making bad decisions that harm you but seem very intelligent and capable. They know that those decisions harm you, there's no paper writing funny articles mocking Blue or Red, nothing. One question anons:
Are you angry? Are you mad at these fuckers? Probably. And basic psychology tells us that anger is a mobilizer, a motivator. It drives people and makes them want to do something. Anything!
TV tells you only 2 people are allowed to be angry - authorities (cops) and bad guys. You wouldn't want to be perceived as bad now would you?
This is why they vent and pacify you with drugs, games and TV. To keep you from being angry.
Politicians are not stupid. They are smart and choose to do you harm. Get angry!
Whichever one of us gets to be the fuhrer when it's all over, will you at least not be a weak faggot?
it's time to go for cortez in 2020 and start chasing that sweet stinky bean poon and have lots of mixed children.
Enough. He had his chance. Trump lost 2020.
There will be many, fuhrers, kings, chieftains, and other assorted leaders in the balkanized remains of the United States.
This is absolutely intolerable. The death of the white race is one thing, but now celebrities on Twitter are feeling serotonin for the first time since 2016. Not acceptable.
Pathetic. What, if you cant make a deal, go home and give up?
Trump loves making deals more than the result.
Stone arrest has scared the shit out of him.
Has anyone salt mined T_D? I bet there's a lot of deletions going on.
It's all so tiresome.
Trump showing that he is a huge pussy for not standing up to the dems and demanding security at the border.
I guess the distraction this shutdown was suppose to provide did it's job and now they don't need to hide what they are doing anymore.
Where is based Anglin when we need him
The moment I began to lose faith?
The first day he took office with no SoE declaration.
What was the point of shutting it down, then?
I liked his recent article to stop all immigration. It has more benefits such as creating policy towards education for things we need such as farmers or doctors
Everyone with a brain knew it was coming long ago.
I believe Stone himself announced literally a year and a half ago that he expected to be indicted.
The only two immediate choices are to hold his feet to the fire to let him know that if he gives in on the wall then then he doesn't get a 2020 reelection or actively call for his impeachment or resignation so that we can have a possibility of a different candidate for 2020. That's where we're at now.
Sometimes you just want to break a fucker mentally before you kill them.
He's having the jews strung up and tortured until they are almost dead and then gets them healthy enough for another round, and another…All for the whole world to see. How humiliating it is for them.
Shutting down the fed gov is not hurting Dems, they don't care the least bit about the health of our Nation, but it is hurting the United States.
Just build the damn wall illegally, same as all the wetbacks coming over here, and let the Dems bitch (which they will do no matter what) about how illegal it is. They're just gonna tear the wall down the moment they get back in power anyway. So get it over with, and move on to other things.
A world-wide civil war is coming between Left and Right, between white and everyone else, between Nationalists and Globalists. This war can no longer be avoided. The Left has gotten too crazed, and they won't back down. In America, half the population will die in this civil war, and the USG will cease to exist. I'm not shitting you Zig Forums. I serious as a heart-attack. This is coming to you personally, it's now inevitable, so you'd better fucking prepare for it. There's only one way (not two, just one) this is going to get resolved. Only through violence will we decide if America belongs to white people, racists, or to the world, racists.
Always remember, JEWS did this. Jews did it to us, deliberately, with foresight and malice. Figure it out for yourself, the 'crazy Nazi conspiracy theories' are true. Jews did this. Jews.
Surely he knows that, at literally every one of his rallies there are thousands of people chanting in unison "Build The Wall". If he fucks this up he might not even make it past the primary.
he was to damn old to run, the more he talks the more he sounds like a nutty old man instead of a strong leader. getting his shit kicked in by an old crony halfbreed like nancy pelosi is disgraceful.
can this happy soon pls.
it seems like this is the only true way to solve any of these problems; widespread war and destruction so something can come out of the ashes.
i don't know how these even happens in the modern era though. usually the government is neutralized by a third party first before civil war erupts; like what happened in the middle east, or syria, the main power in the area is taken out, and then the people fight amongst themselves to fill the power void.
So he cucks out at the end, are you burgers all like that?
Dems/neocons will neutralize populists, then all Hell breaks loose.
It would go straight to the supreme court and there's a strong constitutional basis for the presidents power to defend the border.
We've long moved on from 4D chess, and are playing bisexual backgammon.
I gave him the benefit of the doubt until now. I can't believe he called this a deal. Deals have concessions from both sides.
He opened the govt for 3 weeks, just enough time to get everybody paid up and to have the SOTU.
The reason Nancy is trying to shut down the SOTU is because Ruth Bader is dead, and it will be obvious during the SOTU.
1000 IQ master plan here.
Everybody is going to see that empty seat of Ruths and there is nothing Nancy can do about it.
Then Trump either declares emergency, or shuts the shit down again.
Try harder, jew.
Except they won't fight back at all.
Thank you for further demonstrating that winning back the government from the inside-out is impossible without breaking the rules. But Trump still wants to play by the rules, so what's your point? More 4D chess?
I still think it scared Trump. Today wasn't planned until after it happened.
If we let the Dems/neocons retake the Fed government, they will, as quick as they can, fire nuclear missiles at Russia.
It is literally life and death for them, for us, for everyone. We will fight. We will all fight, because the only survivors will be those that win.
My point is that declaring a national emergency is not a slam dunk. Neither is random or targeted violence. It's a puzzle, but unfortunately many anons are too simple minded to appreciate how complex it is to solve.
Why would they fire nukes? Makes much more sense for them to want a conventional war, so they can draft all the remaining white men to go die in some third-world shithole while importing even more shitskin refugees.
Soooo more 4D chess then. Gotcha.
Make your subtle shitposting less subtle because we are infested with retards who will think this is real
I think you meant. Bergs Bilderbergs. They're the pussies
Nukes aren’t real weapons go seek that redpill
top lel
Please try to read posts before you reply. And actually click on the right post number.
They already control it, dumb fuck.
That's already proven false.
What's your counter point? Just that because 4D chess is a meme that my point is wrong somehow? I don't get it.
There is no counter point. What you said is correct, and that's all there is to it. You do, in fact, get it.
I am a bit butt hurt not gonna lie, just because as a man who is always "Fuck you motherfucker" I would have built the wall and hanged these people and extradited the slimy jew's and The Sanhedrin would all be extradited to my chambers to have a very clear and cutthroat discussion. However, I do see his long term plan, in opening the government and allowing SOTU. Bader Ginsburg is definitely dead, we need to get the jews % out of our Supreme Court and put in a strong Protestant/Methodist leader. Akin to a Martin Luther, who can steel the will of our remaining patriots. Then our neighbors get paid, and they can have some money for Easter (HUGE DEAL OKAY!) It will be back to our previous position, but I wonder if he did a reduction in force yet? Or is he still using that as a leverage card? I say RIF two times, and keep going in and out of shutdowns will allow us to keep using the 30 day RIF over and over l o l.
(((They))) want a 'limited' war with Russia to drive us into the arms of world governance, but if they get to start their war, it won't be limited.
fuck off
So if the Republican-Majority Senate gives this thing 60+ votes, it mean either that it is the entire ZOG pushing this and R-cucks were about to abandon him as usual and leave him high and dry, or he's in on it. But it's weird to think he's in on it, because he could have cucked a long time ago without shutting government at all. Frankly, all I see is just him being dogpiled by ZOG for daring to defy them. In any case, government was never the solution to government.
Trump isn't one of "us" (if he was pelosi and schumer would be dead or in jail by now) he's a delusional old boomer that still believes the Jewish narrative of history. he actually thought he could do anything of value in the corrupt government system without bloodshed and completely crushing his opponents (read the fucking prince by machiavelli!) he was the only non-crazy option to vote for, but he was a long-shot and the last chance to avoid a full civil war (we are in a cold civil war right now). if the trump presidency fails (like its looking) then get ready to circle the wagons.
Except the rules pretty fucking clearly state that Trump CAN do many things. He's just not doing them because reasons. He could:
But where the fuck is any of this? Trump is done.
Bro. I am just wondering, you have such a loud voice but you never know what the Riders of the Storm will parachute into your homes and extradite your Sanhedrin warlords, and subterfuge leaders. Be very careful where you stand, the only reason Israel exists is to be a bastion of defense in the Middle East. However, as we utilized them to do dirtywork they're now trying to use us. If you or your family members were involved in the Coup (WORLDWIDE) WE WILL extradite you, you will be put into trial publically, and we will hang you. There are more well trained black op's teams in the state I live in alone, than the entirety of the Mossad. We have given everything to Israel, yet now at a tipping point they try to take more. My family has been very kind up until now, if you don't recede and go back to your homes you will not be able to lick the wounds you have received in the next cycle.
I reach the same conclusion. We just came by different paths.
trumps a masochist who never gets tired of cucking, just like the MAGAniggers
Fuck off.
>Trusting the (((Democrats.)))
Please, user. Open your eyes.
repubs said the would fight him on that. both house and senate would not let him pull that. if he can't get the wall from a bipartisan agreement then its not happening.