You are living in the New Testament

Jesus lived in a dystopia, which is being rebuilt around you. Palestine had the mark of our time: truth was entirely suffocated by official lies, tribalism meant zero discussion between different groups, and reaching the people meant instant death by clique.

There is a very modern man, in the New Testament: Pontius Pilate had nothing mythological going about him. He is a caretaker authority, who understands that society is so corrupt on a basic ethnic level, that he wishes to share no part in it - he's the same as any disillusioned loner here. The Romans as a whole understood that society was a threat to humanity and decided to destroy it.

So the next time you hear about Jesus, stop the autopilot into that fairy land of peace and love that's destroying Christianity. He was a fighter and got killed for it, just like any other user is risking for speaking against jewish supremacism.

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Other urls found in this thread:

Nope. I just saw the reset code on the front page. You can't take that back.

fuck off /chrisian/ faggot, jesus didn't even exist

this is all of christianity, you commie cunt

>>>Zig Forums
sage and report

stop posting your bullshit on this board

We have IDs here, retard

no shit faggot fuck off

Why so angry, moshe?

Fuck off to temple already yid.

Christians don’t realize who the three wisemen were or what they were doing. Christians never ask “why were magi from the east interested in Jesus? What sort of knowledge alerted them to his birth? If these magi were holy men, why are there no Christian magi today?”

The magi were from Babylon. They were Jew mystics that hadn’t returned to Israel after the captivity but remained in Babylon practicing Babylonian mysticism that had subverted the religion of the Israelites with Kabbalah and the Talmud.

The magi clothed Jesus in gold and anointed hi with spices used in ritual sacrifice. They expected Jesus to be killed by Herod because they knew herod would see the birth of a prophesied king of the Jews to be a dire threat to his rule.

The magi had direct access to the king, and they met with him in secret to give him council, which is exactly how this same Babylonian cult (under all it’s guises- Freemasons, jesuits, talmudists,etc) operates today. Jesus’ parents were forced to flee to Egypt to hide from the machinations of this cult. Jesus was fully aware of this evil during our lives, but modern Christians are completely blind thanks to the Babylonian invention of the Bible (lots of good scripture in the Bible, but the important scripture warning us of the methods and origins of the Babylonian cult was suppressed. See the book of Enoch).

Come talk Bible at >>>/christianity/

the book of enoch says writing is magical and babylonian in origins. you think writing should be abandoned?

nah im living in ur mom

christians really don't know where to stop with their ignorant babble and belief with their bullshit jew loving book means anything to others. Or recognize that it has done anything but destroy white men for thousands of years. Sacrifice came from an father standing naked in front of an battle line after handing off everything but an sword/spear and shield to his son's so they can stand with the soldiers behind him protecting the rest of their families and societies from alien cultures and rabid violent savages. Sacrifice means standing there knowing you are the evil bastard that is going to charge straight into the enemies line without any interest in survival because your only goal, your only hope, your only desire in this world is to break the enemies battle line with your unbridled rage and unleashed love for your volk so that you may pave the way for those behind you to close into those gaps you will by all the heavens cleave and break the moral and will of your enemies. Your will, your conviction and love, you know it has led you to that day and it has doomed your own pathetic life, but you will by sheer force of will ensure that those whom matter in life survive. An man dying from an dozen wounds, missing an arm an leg, blinded by the blood, bile, shit and piss that has made the ground into mud, hearing in your final moments the victory cries of your people, that is my religion. That is an man worthy of being worshiped. A simple man, who has given everything to ensure OTHERS are first and formost. To give up all of life itself, for an eternity of nothing, just to give an single chance to your brothers in arms an way to see themselves into the future. To feel pride in your kin even as your body is slipping into oblivion. Compared to an failed god on a stick, my ancestors are fucking glorious, and worthy of worship. Worthy of following in their example and pushing to fight rather than pine for selfish and petty desires focused upon nothing but oneself.

I've seen more proof of an fucking ancient Egyptian frog god being real and on our (whites) side than I have ever seen ONCE in decades that the christian god is either capable or cares for my voil. Our odd gods have our back, your god openly professes love only for its 'chosen people' and no mental gymnastics matter compared to results. Fuck your church, go raise your daughters black nigger baby, you know the worthless 'xian' father isn't. Maybe if you stop worshiping the fucking yids I'll care. Till then, I will honor my ancestors and that odd god from the waters of chaos. I am white, and we are the only ones true gods care about.

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Fuck Jesus and fuck G*d.

That's judaism.
We got an exotic shill here.

You know what Jesus, Hitler and G*d have in common? They’re homosexuals. Xtianity is for cuckolds.

Hell is forever

Living in hell.

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suck my dick faggot you Zig Forums pieces of shit have like 15 threads in the catalog of the same fucking bullshit arguments and the nigger (((mods))) dont ban you faggots for shitting up the board

did you read your own fucking book or what. do that then get back to your own post and why your retarded.


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Kill yourself.

Just because you have a crush on them doesn't mean they are homosexuals


Book of Enoch

Writing is magical in origin. Every letter began as a magical symbol. Why do you think it’s called SPELLing. The blind masses just think they are communicating in writing but the wizards understand they are casting spells by creating realities


Kike shills

Christian talk is political incorrect since we had a NOI idiot for president

yes i know its magical in origins, who gives a shit? you want to abolish writing because its spooky? youre worse than fucking niggers, ive only ever heard niggers talk like this and I honestly suspect youre nonwhite

Jew confirmed

Fuck off jew. I’m not playing your word games


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fuck off jew lover. btw, take a look at your dick. If you are a jew, you should be missing your foreskin. But if you are an western non jew, ask yourself why you are missing yours? Another fucking cover so the yids can hide in your filthy jew loving nation?

get outspelled nigger


explain how writing is bad , nigger



no arguments , no sources, typical for a nigger, just screams and thinks they have won

arguments and source ur mom, faggot

finna cast sum spellz n shiet on dis nigga

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Your race is so inbred, that both your bodies and minds are literally falling apart.

Christianity is dying. Unlike the homopagans on here, I don't celebrate this, but I view it as undeniable.
All things have their life cycle, all things come to fulfill their purpose and, once having done so, perish. They leave a permanent mark on the world even after they are gone, but all things have a time and a place.
Most protestant Churches now are little more than community centers, many of them explicitly far-left liberal.
The Catholic Church is so completely infiltrated that no remnants of the old ways hold power, and they are fighting a rapidly losing battle.
The Orthodox Church may still hold out in the East, but you can already see signs of the infiltration through the world council of churches.

Blessings to you Christanon, I weep for the death of your faith. The West is now Godless and set adrift on an infinite empty ocean without a captain.

We should have stopped at the edge of Europe.

If it's been mutilated, it most certainly is not beautiful by any objective definition. If you think otherwise, it's just because the Jew told you and you believed them.

Why not cut off your legs while you're at it? Stumps look SO much sexier!

Promotes forgetfulness as per Socrates' argument, allows retards to muddy the waters of knowledge as per everything you've ever written, arguably contributes to social atomisation due to divorcing learning from human interaction.

What if I were to tell you the New Testament was written by poets and scholars at the direction of CIAniggers and acts as a Predictive Programming device?

Christianity is about the Logos. If you don't know what the Logos is, you're just arguing against a bizarre cult around a dude.

Socrates had the right idea when he talked about God and the gods of Athens. We have God and the saints and angels. If you dispute some stories about saints, or Jesus, well, okay, they're legends. It means nothing to the question of God and faith.

Faith is an intellectual assent. Can you intellectually take the ideas of courage, prudence, temperance, and justice seriously, and look for the perfection of those cardinal virtues? That's where you find God. If you can find faith, then you can find hope, because what comes out of a man's mouth defiles him, and you can avoid being defiled. Then you can find charity, recognizing in others the divine gift you've accepted.

That's what Christianity has meant since the time of St. Paul.

Abandon exile, come home to your faith.
Abandon fear and despair, embrace hope. Charity will come to you, and other divine gifts.

socrates was a pagan you numbnuts, and typically retards arent the one who have the knowledge of reading and writing, its the retards who DONT read and DONT write that are a threat to knowledge. those are the idiots who pretend to know everything and reject the wisdom of others in their arrogance.

how the fuck is human interaction a required step when it comes to learning? and how did writing prevent human interaction? youve never read the same book as someone else and discussed its contents with them? the earliest uses of writing were for writing down data and mathematics, steps which allowed the first civilizations to be built. youre really a stupid nigger if you think "lack of human interaction" is a serious con when compared to the pros of writing.

You sure you don't want to check for yourself?

Logos, a pagan concept used by the Stoics and other Pagans, which got used a few times in the Bible, without the writers fully understanding it's meaning.

Then I'd say we are indeed living in it


Jesus was gay, he was nailed by a bunch of men. Literal kike worshipers lol.



Humens dont. Maybe you do satan

t. Cain

Socrates and Plato both received divine enlightment. In fact, more than any (fake) semitic prophets.

Hence Meme Magic.

You cry like the creed of the slave taking the dirt nap is a bad thing.

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Don't worry kike, your time will come when you'll be screaming for mercy once justice is served to you, you wicked degenerate rat

The swatstika was an early christian symbol used by the chrsitan Germanic Teutonic knights you kikewashed Mongoloid ape, your ignorance will cost you a lot when the time comes you idiot shill

I'm a Jew and I think that shit is dumb

Keep posting degenerate crap like that while you can you Mongrel low IQ kike ape, the time will come when great suffering will come to your way due to your destructive degenerate nature

Prolly a flagwanker too

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No, its an Aryan symbol which existed far before the birth of Christ. The oldest in Europe is in Ukraine and dates to 15,000 years ago.

Your definitely a degenerate westerner, ZOG has completely fried your brain and your nation is god forsaken for eternity , you're a lost cause you brain dead imbecile, good bye

no u

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Christian astroturfing is just another hasbara made to pollute the board. Stop feeding the troll you idiots.

Rabbi Jeshohua Ben Josef was a Jewish rabble-rouser who led a Jewish rebellion against the Roman Empire and got righteously killed for it. His followers spun a myth about this con-man in order to poison the minds of goyim and make them vulnerable for every next step of the subversion that followed. Christians should be thrown to the lions, not discussed with.

Hail Marduk!


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I never said on where it originates from you idiot, I was talking about where the NSDAP swastika was inspired to take it from, which was from the early christian Germanic Teutonic knights, which makes clear sense when you considered that both the NSDAP and Teutonic knights were of Germanic descendent, also on the orginal story on where they think they got the swastika from; it would make no sense for Hitler to be inspired by a primitive literal shit worshipping culture that was on the other side of the globe which has no relation to his christian Germanic ancestry and to his people's ancestry


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Logos (UK: /ˈloʊɡɒs, ˈlɒɡɒs/, US: /ˈloʊɡoʊs/; Ancient Greek: λόγος, translit. lógos; from λέγω, légō, lit. 'I say') is a term in Western philosophy, psychology, rhetoric, and religion derived from a Greek word variously meaning "ground", "plea", "opinion", "expectation", "word", "speech", "account", "reason", "proportion", and "discourse",[1][2] but it became a technical term in Western philosophy beginning with Heraclitus (c.  535 – c.  475 BC), who used the term for a principle of order and knowledge.[3]

Ancient Greek philosophers used the term in different ways. The sophists used the term to mean discourse; Aristotle applied the term to refer to "reasoned discourse"[5] or "the argument" in the field of rhetoric, and considered it one of the three modes of persuasion alongside ethos and pathos.[6] Stoic philosophers identified the term with the divine animating principle pervading the Universe.

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I would rather be with White Christians than /pol tards larping over failed "National Socialism".

Hortler was a loser.YT is in desperate need of a winner.
You could say it is a matter of life or death.

Christianity's message ends with a call to end Rome. Destroying Rome was the thesis to the poorly manufactured coded messages in Revelations. That's why it uses words like Armageddon, an actual place, and says the ultimate battle would be fought there.

Recycling the New Testament's meaning and then using it as literal like you are doing, "You are living in the New Testament," is both literally and figuratively incorrect.

Read the bible you profess to follow. The christian god is the same god in the old testament aka the torah is the same god in the oral torah is the same god in the talmud.

It's ironic when people despair and say a cliche thing like, "We have strayed from god's light," and , "Why would god allow this," because if you read even one story of the jews being delivered from the wrath of an enemy force, it is one of the primary promises of their god.
The old testament is littered with god making this as a promise.

Christians always evade. It's how they avoid having to answer for the flaws in jewish worship, of which flaws are readily apparent - it is jewish worship after all.

No it isn't. Attaching Logos to christianity is headcanon brought about by Thomas Aquinas. What you are about to say is derived from Thomas Aquinas and him insisting that anything smart said by greek thinkers automatically applies to christianity.

Called it. Also, you exhibit the same mentality with myth. Permitting people to be selective withthe stories of the bible allows them to ignore the most damning parts it. Saint worship is also how christianity bastardized hero worship and how men could ascend to godhood.

Thomas Aquinas doctrine that all virtue is inherently godly.

Really? Because Saul of Tarsus was only truly interested in converting non-jews to christianity. Have you even read Acts? It seems as if you're only interested in lofty headcanon.

The gibsmedat mentality goes back to the old testament. As long as you worship god he gives you free stuff.


Most people are born to be slaves, idiot. Go outside and look around you.

Oh lol, looks like this pomo goon faggot outed himself


Christian forefathers identified the biblical God with the greek Logos. Greek philosophy follows up to this day, of course it's so good it can remake the Bible.

Nope. Christians do not respect any bullshit about no chosen people, which would invalidate any dignity of a Universal Principle.

Jews are neither truly monotheists (they accept the existence of multiple gods, but worship theirs) nor believe in an external divinity (their god is an extension of themselves). You would know this if you weren't a filthy cuckchanner.

You have no idea what a Christian is like, it's like reading a teen's imagination about inquisitors.


Thomas Aquinas (1225 - 1274) wasn't a christian forefather. The christian forefathers were verifiably jewish. By the time Thomas Aquinas started inserting greek concepts into christianity because he really really liked ancient greek thought, the jews that made christianity were dead over a thousand years prior.

It's medieval fanboyism. When fanboys like two things they usually bridge the two to make them appear compatible. If Thomas Aquinas was alive today he would be in fandom communities writing crossover fanfiction. The irony is you and other christians rely on his headcanon in a desperate attempt to appeal to Zig Forums by going after ancient greeks and bastardize their concepts in the service of semite worship.

That's so besides the the point that you can work that out regardless of whether christians subscribe to the chosen people doctrine. That's how far you will go to evade the issue. That's how in denial you are over the fact that you worship jews and their god(s).

< so desperate to avoid the issue
< recycles an irrelevant issue
< in desperation, accuse poster of being a cuckchanner
Absolutely pathetic. You can't directly address the issues raises because doing so would show how illegitimate and ill-equipped you are to defend your semite worship. Anyone is free to see you can't do anything in the face of facts so you can only slide discussion back into christian headcanon and delusion.

It's not feigning authority if the facts are themselves authority.
Is the bible not a compendium of a false jewish history, plagiarized works and ideas, jewish propaganda, a series of degeneracy and anti-white propaganda, the prototype of the talmud, and what you believe is literally and figuratively accurate?
Still can't accept the true leader of christianity was a "based" jew who changed his name from saul to paul. He converted non-jews aka, "gentiles" to a religion that at the time was made up purely of other jews. It is in ACTS, part of a book you unironically worship.
It's really sad and pathetic that you can't keep your thoughts straight after reading redpills that expose your jewish worship for what it is. You could have typed, "I literally can't even," the same way a tumblr hamplanet does and have accomplished the same feat in your post.

Wtf is a " pomo goon?
White sandnigger worshippers seem to take slavefaggotry better than most.
2nd pic you

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Joospooge sponges are pretty thick right here

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Xrizcucks murdered their own race 4 their joo gods.

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Its bad when the mods are the shitposters….

…the /thread

The trouble with (((anti-semites))) is that they don’t know anything about Judaism.
I studied with an orthodox rabbi for 2 years, lived among Jews for a while, and can honestly tell you that your anti-semitism just comes at them in the way they expect it. They hope to be crypto, but expect the pogrom. You don’t even have to take my word for it. Just look at all the prelude-warnings to the holocaust, or Iran’s nuclear capability.
I’m sure some of you cocksure jew-led atheists (atheism is no better at being Judenrein in this cute little purity spiral of yours) could go a little further than inb4 kike-desert-religion on me. But, I guarantee you I’ve done more irl among Jews that would irk them than you ever have, simply by asking questions about Jesus or basic holocaust questions, or by being a German apologist.
The responses you see on Zig Forums to Christian posts should tell you something about the state of this board. You achieve nothing. And by the way, you’re achieving nothing because you don’t have Christ in you.
For many in the reform tradition, R C Sproul and others have laid great groundwork toward the judenreinification of Christianity and on a Christian stance toward Israel. For Catholics, e Michael Jones is a great voice on this topic.
You’ll never stop that, but you can crack down on the false advertising and promotion of it.

It's the beginning of the Gospel according to John

The creed of generations of kings, the creed of our greatest heroes, the creed of our ancestors going back for centuries. The creed that broke our slavery to the Romans.
All you offer is edgy ((LeVey)) satanism, bunghole worship and self-gratification.
An empty abyss.
Even Nietzsche was intelligent enough to weep for the loss of God, because he was smart enough to understand what that really meant.

Fuck your king& pope with a flaming pineapple sideways,along with your dead kike cuck.
Conquer far-flung shitskin empires 4 kike& cuck king.
I believe in the Sumerian pantheon meself.Small g gods.Gengineered.

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