Lets do it Zig Forums
Plenty of web serieses like Awesomeness TV, Breadwinner, and FRED get slots on TV. If Zig Forums raises enough money to air one episode of Murdoch Murdoch on a small public television network. It could lead to billions of triggered liberals and perhaps Murdoch Murdoch being showed on CNN, MSNBC, and Fox News.
The more publicity the better.
A ideal station for airing Murdoch Murdoch would be on a small local TV network. When the program begins, it needs to ease the audience in instead of injecting pure NatSoc Fascy memes right ahead. It needs to feel like normal programming but end with a bang that the audience remembers. Murdoch Murdoch has a great online following on Cheekyvideos.net and YouTube but airing on TV like any other Saturday cartoon show would popularize it fast than any other means. The average viewer will be confused, frustrated, and compelled to post a pic of his TV on Facebook. On the contrary, many other viewers could take up a interest in the series Murdoch Murdoch and peruse it further on Cheekyvideos.net.
Murdoch Murdoch on Live TV Project
Other urls found in this thread:
Fuck off jew.
The best ideal is to have MSNBC, CNN, Disney, or Nick cover the airing of the series on their own. By buying out one station, telling everyone to tune in, and airing the episode, it is less risky than potentially getting arrested and charged. Having around 150,000 TV's on one local channel watching Murdoch Murdoch would not only help out the TV station with Ad revenue, it could cause the TV station to fully endorse Murdoch Murdoch. Until agencies come in and demand the station to stop airing Murdoch Murdoch on live TV.
I'm not going to give them shekels but I do hope they manage to pull this off just because the reaction from normalfags would be hilarious.
God, you kikes really have to get better at this whole shitposting business
Just do like Max Headroom and flat out steal broadcast signal.
It's funny that to this day no one knows how or why this happened.
I'm pretty sure TV advertisements are screened for ratings content.
It's a neat idea but I can't imagine this ever working. Don't stop trying though.
How difficult would it be to intercept transmission during the Superbowl and play snippets of MM, or show images/video of cultural enrichment? It seems like a system can be made, put into a vehicle(hidden), parked away from the target; then when complete, they're gone.
Some poorly made aut-right meme cartoon isn't going to be redpilling anyone. If someone were to actually pull something like that of, it would only be worthwhile if they used actual redpills.
Threadly reminder that Murdoch Murdoch made a cartoon in defense of the jew Michael Peinovich after it was revealed that he was married to a B'nai B'rith BioQueen.
Would you support an right wing version of the purge?
so the turner diaries?
This would probably just wind up with MM banned. But since it prettttty much already is - why not?
Yes, what we need to make an cinematic adaptation of this masterpiece?
First we need to take control of the entertainment industry as well as education and all media. It will make itself after this.
Got any other better ideas?
How about setting up concealed projectors in public spaces (out of reach) and project MM subtitled on walls?
lf crossed is getting an tv adaptation, it doesn't seems to hard.
fuck your e-celeb
Outside of the largest 50-75 DMAs, you can buy the 28 minutes and 30 seconds in between a weekend sporting event and the news for $100 or less. Keep anything overt out of the first and last few minutes and no one will bother checking the rest of the content until it's already aired and someone calls to complain.
That's because after "Wish You Were Here" the entire thing became pozzed to all hell. If I am not mistaken they have multiple Feminist power fantasies written into the latest serialized version and also it is now canon that after the initial Crossed incident - the only book left is the Quran so all of the US becomes Muslim.
i have doubts about this.
The jew is probably very controlling and is monitoring every piece of propaganda they are willing to air.
Is it? Last I heard there was a movie planned, but that was like in 2010.
I'd be surprised if any decent adaptation could be made today since it's basically just gore and rape porn.
"He" (the teacher) was probably Jewish, tbh.
Is that kind of thing really off the table today? It's been barely a decade since dingy snuff/torture porn was the next big thing in both underground and basically mainstream normalfag horror movies (Hostel, Human Centipede, the 10 or so Saw movies etc etc)
No shekels but have a bump
One small public access broadcast is enough to cause hundreds, maybe thousands, of people to hear about Murdoch Murdoch (a series which opened my eyes ever so slightly to the truth of 1488)
I'm sure male rape and gore is fine, but I doubt the SJWs are going to let you make a TV show where women are raped in every episode. Game of Thrones was probably the last time anything close to that will be allowed by the current regime.
wtf, source?
Most of the questions were made 2 weeks ago. There are currently 2,800 questions.
All will be answered in a 3 hour show.
Make your local TV channel to air Murdoch Murdoch folks!
Why TV? It's dying. You're better off crowd funding to produce quality made content & making it public domain so that rising platforms can throw it into their libraries just to bolster the amount of content they have.
Because airing it would reach far more normies and could potentially land on MSM.
Pretty sure Direct TV has nick as part of a kids programming package you pay a little extra for, Cartoon Network is included so a lot of people get that I'm sure
All publicity in this regard is good publicity. Force the general populace and society to normalize white nationalism and right wing agenda, whether they initially agree with it or not, they will first come to tolerate it. Use the Jew playbook against them.
Did you just shill for your own show?
We have an idea of who it was but we are missing the one bone connecting the monkey to the man as it were. Still a great piece of pre-internet trolling.
Where did they announce they were doing another AMA?
Murdoch Murdoch is gay.
If you manage to get something shown on TV, and you chose to put Murdoch Murdoch; i dont know what to tell you except you're a retard. MM is meant for our own consumption and entertainment; it would never be palatable or funny or even good propaganda to normies. It would be cringe as fuck and a laughing stock.
It'll be a documentary.
FWIW my eldest (daughter, 13) came in while I was catching up on episodes tonight (thanks for reminding me - I had moved and then had surgery.) I played it off on the down low and said it was satire while I explained 1488, Pepe, evils of AntiFa, etc and the one that resonated the most with her was the episodes where Chan explains about all the kids on the playground and how a parent protects his own children because they are blood but that doesn't mean he hates the other kids - just loves his own blood more. The other one that worked well was the one about the paints and what happens when you mix them.
She got a couple good redpills off of it. I don't even want her near infinity yet but she even made comments about how she understood what alt-light was. In 4 HS level classes (in 8th grade / middle school now) and gets straight As. I am so proud.
Fuck off nigger. Our goal isn't to "trigger the libtards" its to exterminate our enemies.
Murdoch Murdoch is cringe tier shit and only appeals to the lowest IQ of white nationalists.
Its full of "in-jokes" and causes the low-IQ faggot to think "Oh I know that reference" which makes them feel smart when in reality they are most definitely not.
Who's we faggot? You and your anime degenerate faggots gonna start caving in nigger and jew heads anytime soon?
Why would you want to have a bunch of normalfags watch it? MM is mainly a bunch of inside jokes, I don't think anyone would get it.
Then use this
Youtube and cheekyvideos
tits or gtfo
Choose one, kike shill
Unironically based fascist father.
All the usual do nothing ever, goyim shills itt.
ProTip: every form of pro-white activism, trolling, etc. that amplifies our signal and gets it out to larger and larger audiences until everyone just expects to be surrounded by our memes every day is desirable and will create enough support for the day we start killing the lefties
To kill the lefturds we will need help of the normies and for that we need to annoy the cancer enough for them to lose their shit and start attacking the normies.
you are a normie if you think you need normies …
we are leaving your kind
-business men
-marketing agents
these people are not needed in the future and anyone creating goods or interacting with normies are obsolete …
we can create programs to automate this type of media, and we will
Checked. We'll call it: The Greatest Story Never Told.
dont use this please, but based
8/pol/ ruined its own memes
since the 2016 this place has been complete garbage
earlier, discussion died before creativity did.
Creativity only ends when the normies begin
that is so true
Where is that capeshit comic that were shilled here last year?
I agree. Let's get it put on Netflix
Any of /ourguys/ with suitable skills should take advantage of this. Public broadcasting is a thing, for now, and you can use it just like Tom Metzger.
oh we know all right, we know…
also Sieg fucking Heil
Dude…. Is gonna get shut down before you know it.
ummm…… murdoch doesn't change opinions , it entertains people from pol who already have pro - white opinions…… Someone needs to use his noggin a bit more………
Remember that time Murdoch Murdoch said confederates should throw away their american flag and join arm in arm with antifa?
Those who defend Murdoch Murdoch are (((Weev))) servant golems.
Correction: I meant they said they should throw away their confederate flag, I mean.
I mean should we be defending either groups?
Anyone watching the super/pol/?
you mean the hate america bowl , no , its a sport for niggers and faggots
whats with the 'lol' at the end of that last one … fucking retarded shit
This could have been our slot to launch a subtle 30 second clip of Murdoch Murdoch on the Super Bowl. Not on national TV but on smaller local transmissions.
damn … if only our IQ was high enough pickle rick. A missed opportunity indeed
Opinion discarded
Kill yourself.
I call Daft Punk - Superheroes and a 30 second Murdoch Murdoch short next Superbowl.
Anyone placing bets, seeing how it also will take place during the 2020 election?
If there is local news commercial space after the 2020 Superbowl showing, the actual animator or animators of Murdoch Murdoch could remake the Daft Punk music video. Replace the composer guy with a fat happy merchant and make the agents glow in the dark too.
This shit is fucking gay and always has been.
what's with all the youtuber spam? MODS
That's the impression I got. No shilling allowed.
When they had their original forum on cheekyvideos, I started a thread suggesting they make a new version of this video (Which would match their art style perfectly) changing the song to "When We was Fash" and making it a retrospective on 2016. I didn't get a reply, and now their new forum is account-only.
Thoughts on this?
Is cheekyvideos made by Murdoch Murdoch or is it made by a unnamed user?
Both ways, its great to have the full 75 episodes online.
The AMA2 is out. Has Zig Forums discussed it yet?
Like what?
imagine being this much of a purist.
Your sex life must be terrible, I've redpilled more girls with dick than with beating the nigger assaulting her. Both work, don't get me wrong, but begging purely for RWN won't win over the masses.
Counter-subversion is the only viable tactic. When they go low, you go lower, drown them in their comforts, purge the rest.
people actually like Murdoch Murdoch?
At least World Peace was amazing in what it set out to do.
The niggers at my work also hate him, perhaps because he's more successful than they will ever be, oh well stupid niggers will chimp at anything
his theory seems interesting
Would the media even accept it?
How is it that literally nobody has the balls to fucking hijack some airways?! I'm sure at least one of us has the technical knowhow.
Yes, even though it would take 5 minutes and an executive order from Disney to restart Fish Hooks as a anti-fascist, anti-nationalist show. Disney hasn’t made anything heavily political since the 1940s. Also, the animator for Fish Hooks/Friend Hooks is behind Rick and Morty. Disney would need enormous loads of money to recreate Fish Hooks/Friend Hooks into essentially a mainstream Murdoch clone for TV.
To create one solo would be enormously hard because every frame needs to be animated by hand. Even the similar trashy 2008 Obama show “Eddsworld” was created by a large company of animators.
Could Fish Hooks-style animation become the future for Murdoch Murdoch as a fully animated show?