Kim Dotcom just now: "Hannity, let's talk about Seth Rich"

Kim Dotcom:

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Other urls found in this thread:

MOSSADniggers you gotta go

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Remember when Sean Hannity shilled daily for almost two decades for the jewish foreign wars that have completely destroyed this country?

Kim Dotcom is fat useless piece of race traitor Untermensch.

Who? Go back to reddit.

This fat fuck is a known liar and attention whore.

His credibility is completely shot - who gives a shit.

Wait what?

Fat dotcom.

Shills immediately start whining ITT
No big surprise. Anything to keep eyes away from the Clinton victims.

Kim dotfat.

seven out nine top posts glowing brightly. We know it was seth guys… Also,

the mueller indictment of stone mentions the wikileaks DNC trove. It's funny because the only thing it says about it is that "the DNC asserts that it was done by russia". ie the fbi never actually examined the servers, so they can't assert that their own people know the russians did it. Some shady fly-by-night security fixers (cr*wdstr*ke) concocted the evidence that would point to russia (poorly). they forgot to fix the timestamps on the files, lool.

Oh, terrific. How about that 9-11 truth? How is that coming along? Sean going to have a segment on that next week, maybe?

Focus, kiddo. there are other threads for 9/11 if you so desire.

Assange has been dead, you know that right?

Attached: hannity 1.PNG (614x701, 238.88K)

In 2016, Kim went on for months about how he had dirt on Hillary and when the day to release came, he had nothing. Not a single thing.
He is another attention whore liar.

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Israel did 9/11, and Seth Rich leaked the emails. What does that have to do with Hannity?
And what is everyone's problem with Kim Dot Com? Mega is a site that everyone has used here for as long as it's been up.

Got any proof?

perhaps, but that's beside the point. Seth rich leaked the dnc emails and they killed him for it

Bro he died in 2016.

Read this:

then watch this:

I know all CIAniggers are bad according to Zig Forums, but there's actually an internal war happening right now involving all Intelligence agencies, even ones you've never heard of. Assange is dead and his image is being used to create a narrative manipulating his "Street Cred."

Are you sure?

You got proof he's alive?

the claim is that redactions are never white text boxes with black borders but nearly document released since features that redaction methodology
but lol this lugenpresse will discount this dudes testimony because the domain has the word russia
it's a zero sum game of manipulative propaganda
gets real tiresome

Did he come back to life to do this interview in September 2018?

video related

blink twice through your tie if you're in a bad spot, juji
sage for hivemind


It's just a clip someone edited from one of his interviews. So because someone took a clip from one of his interviews and edited some CGI bullshit into them this guy is dead? LMFAO, this is the crap they are pushing nowadays. No wonder Zig Forums has gone to shit.
This is how far they will go to discredit this man. WTF, I love the CIA and Mossad now.

yup. he wasn't there. deepfakes are fake.

if only there were some way to see the man on live internet broadcast right after a monumental and favorable legal ruling.
oh right, there was and the nigger stepped out on to the balcony and the feed went down because somebody deployed a signal blocker
we live in a mediated society
almost nothing is experienced first hand and when something is experienced first hand and interrupted it tends to get the noggin joggin
plus see the above comments about the documents kim released
here's some other mediated events where someone edited the footage

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What if I were to tell you Seth Rich never existed? If I said "Seth Rich" is a character played by a MOSSADnigger who adheres to the Seth Rich Legend, would you believe me?

Attached: (((seth rich))).JPG (1562x323, 101.13K)

Nobody can prove Assange isn't a mossadnigger from the start that may or may not be dead or on the side of truth at all. Q is the new Assange tbh. It's all July.

Why would anyone think Assange were Mossad?

the shills flooding this thread have no answer for you.

Nobody gives a shit about this fatfuck. He's all talk and bluster and does absolutely nothing,

Because it was a drip feed of inconsequential information that didn't expose obvious international jewry?

I'm sure this is why the FBI wants him extradited and arrested. He broke the story on war crimes in Iraq and released government malware to the public.
International Jewry has been exposed for a long time.

media pundits and other shills claim wikileaks is a russian front group… The only evidence they can provide is that they "turned down" a leak from the russian govt and publish leaks from the us govt. Basically, "patriotic" americans feel they have to show their patriotism by declaring wikileaks is actually controlled by our enemies.

is this just another case of s/russia/israel/g when looking at mueller-related activities? Not sure I ever bought into that meme, but there's so much smoke it's almost impossible to see clearly.

A board becomes unusable when the first 50 replies are one sentence shills. Is the BO even trying anymore?


It might work on cuckchan, not here.

Has he ever once delivered on a single fucking thing? Seriously every few months we get a new statement hinting that something BIG is coming but he never delivers jackshit.

cuckchan isn't an argument. im sure it's just a cohencidence seth rich is jewish?

Did you get banned from cuckchan or are you from /intl/, fellow white?

I don't understand user. Why would you sage such obviously important information. It's almost like you don't really beleive it yourself….

not an argument

you bump my replies drawing attention to them. It's almost as if you don't understand Catch 22.

your sage is a shill flag, in case you didn't realize.

You bump to my sage draw attention to my posts, in case you didn't realize.

Attached: mfw smug in august.jpg (1080x1080, 80.39K)

We can play your game, cuckchan. Don't worry, we have all the time in the world.

keep drawing attention to my redpills pl0x

Attached: mfw smug.jpg (519x769, 51.19K)

Hillary's emails are nothing compared 9-11. It's a nonsensical tangent with no resolution, meant to serve as red meat for the easily distracted while super jew Seth Rich gets lionized. If Hillary's emails are so awful and she's such a criminal, why hasn't she been arrested yet? Or just drone bombed?

Tick tock, fellow pede! DECLAS any day now! Think.

You hope too much.

There are no redpills. There is only Eternal Misery.

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Oh shit, he's serious. Cuckchan confirmed.

Seth Rich is Jewish. Is this a cohencidce?


Still not good enough. Still doesn't go far enough. There's not even anything funny about it all. It's just hollow and worthless.

Like a box of chocolates.

You're a dumb fucker. Grow up, get educated, stop being a nigger.

Kill yourself jew.

you're losing the narrative

Butthurt blue faggots make me laugh.

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Hannity wears a fucking CIA pin on his lapel every fucking night. At least shapiro rogan and peterson hide it. Niggers.

Show me how. Prove it in detail. Provide links and timestamps.

Go away Moarpheus. Only you can be this shitty for memes.

see #. YOU YOURSELF proves what I say. stupid fucking MOSSADniggers I will raep yew!

Attached: how to spot a shill 2.JPG (778x632, 59.45K)

What's this shit

They glow in the dark and you hit them with ur van

He pulled this shit before acting like he was going to release information but nothing came out of it. Feels like he just wants attention but I'll be awfully happy if he proves me wrong.

Kill yourself.

Yeah, but he keeps running that clip of Louis Farrakhan that is an actual redpill on jews. He's a real estate magnate like Trump, that's how they know each other. The radio thing is among the zillion of Mike Rowe-teir jobs he's had for five minutes each.

Fuck your D&C. A friend of mine chills with him regularly, and that friend is full on 1488. As such, I do not believe you.

Less of an attention whore than McCafe though.


This effect is called MOrph Cutting and is available in Premiere Pro you absolute moron. Stop spreading fake news retard.


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This Hillary stuff is just 4cuck nonsense

Is Hannity still doing that tic-tock bullshit?

Kill yourself glownigger.

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