the very best example i can think of that is currently being pulled right under the nose of it's base would be firearms. The very best example of this i can think of would be forgotten weapons or inrange ( both ran and hosted by the same people) IAn Mccoloum and Karl Kasarda who are probably the biggest gun-related channel on youtube, they have what is now a army of zoomers and boomers who routinely give them money despite them softly counter signaling average views of a average gun enthusiast.
the best examples of this would be cataloged in several events
basically they got this white roastie from south Africa to come on, praise communism and women's rights, praise women in combat roles etc
basically inrange showed up and sponsored a company called hudson that was owned by a husband wife combo, but the wife owned it (wife jew, husband good goy) Ian praised them for being progressive and having a female CEO
Ian post he will be going to south Africa to look at rare guns there that his, all which paypigs funded. Many people warn him to be careful in the comments, he spergs out and pins a novel like post about how south Africa is wonderful and their is no genocide going on and that is just a lie made up by bigots! He constantly berates anyone who dares bring it up.
after that shooting in Texas circa 2017, Ian made a video and only uploaded it to the gun specific video site, after a large outcry he quickly deleted it, like I'm talking 3 hours of it being up quickly
in it he talked about a licensing system to reduce the number of semi auto rifles out there and argued it wouldn't affect most of gun owners as long as they were capable of proving they make over 30k a year, then stated "maybe British gun laws are not so bad". He has thoroughly scrubbed the web of it existing but i and many Zig Forums people remember it but many of his paypigs refuse to believe it
many YouTube gun channels feared loosing revenue once the cucks at youtube started cracking down to leftist demands for gun censorship, to fight this Inrange and Forgotten weapons stated they will now be cross posting on pornhub and taking ad revenue there, (luring more zoomers to the haven of the most disgusting jewry that exist)
His best friend and weirdly autistic co-host of inrange Karl Kasarda was recently doxxed by their ex-friend and competition organizer Jonathan Piccone, who dropped all this info and proof that Karl was a practicing satanist at a satanic church in Arizona, who took part in rituals that involve drinking fucking cum, etc, turns out the church is linked with several antifa cells in Arizona (though karl and ian both deny having anything to do with them)
Ranges from BOGNALD BURPPHFF jokes to inviting blacks and other minorities on to criticize how "white" gun culture is and why it needs more diversity , allowing a tranny to talk and compete in a match they broadcast, and interviewing it afterwards
that's just one part of e-celeb cancer in the gun world, others inlcude
biggest snake oil salesman and wannbe zog bot their is, has mulatto grandchildren and brags about how great they are and how he's not a racist, has been openly mocked for how he ran and hid causing teammates to be killed when he was a mercenary
extreme neocon zogbot, talking bad about greatest ally = instant ban from his comments, visit non white countries weapon companies like turkey and greatest ally and promotes them almost exclusively now, also has shit on South Africa and called the white genocide there (well deserved)
I don't know guys, i have notice a sharp interest in guns from the j-left type people, is it about to boil into another gamergate situation where (((sponsored))) people shit on the community because it isn't progressive and diverse enough and another traditionally white area that whites and white values are being pushed away