The basis of our race is blood and soil. No matter what political gains we make, they are worthless if we do not return to a way of living that produces healthy white children. Only from physical communities rooted in blood and soil can a movement spring with the strength and longevity to save the west. Join the New Awakening. We are a National Socialist vanguard working towards an ethnostate in the Pacific Northwest. We are the only National Socialist organization with a constructive focus. We create networks, families, and physical communities dedicated to the fourteen words.
You must be a National Socialist of white European ancestry to join and adhere to strict anonymity. If you are interested in joining, enter our riot gateway under an account and email unattached to any personal information.
Harold Covington was a fat faggot pathological liar. Anybody who follows him is a retarded faggot, including OP. Spam your advertisements somewhere else.
Anthony Smith
Not if you're in the Northwest your not.
Angel Cooper
How do you organize yourselves and what is expected of new 'recruits'? What is your member size? How are you led? Do you plan to use IRA 'cell' style organization or are you gonna March down Main Street a la Blues Brothers? What measures do you take to ensure anonymity? Do you take proactive measures to prevent infiltration? Are you a pre or post SHTF group? How long have you been successfully led under the same management?
I understand that these are the questions that our enemies would looooove to have the answers to, but you're asking us to join your group, so we need them too.
Logan King
We are not a part of the Northwest Front. We are a National Socialist organization.
Is this poster a joke? I've never met a farmer, worker, or artisan. How about office worker, small businessman, and professional? That's a pool of tens of millions, and it connects with modern people, unlike mid-century propaganda.
Easton Garcia
I see the allure to it, but I wonder if their Hitlerite nature pigeonholes them into certain stylistic choices
We are majority online right now with some members in the homeland.
You must be white, National Socialist, and willing to move to the Pacific Northwest.
Can't tell you that for security reasons.
We are a meritocracy with a leader.
Neither. We advocate for organic migration that doesn't break the law. The majority of our organization is for a network of National Socialists who can aid each with security and employment.
Sharing of personal information among members is forbidden. All accounts must be made with no connection to your identity.
We have a thorough vetting process and our anonymous organizational structure discourages infiltrators.
Both. It's good to be with quality white people in both situations.
We are only a year old. We had a serious change in leadership about four months ago, but we have a much better grip on things now.
There are plenty of uneducated members who are in trades and also plenty well-educated members. A successful ethnostate movement will pull from all strata of the white race.
You can get your hormone treatment but you cant just be mildly passing.
Hudson Lee
Most of those skills will be useless after the collapse. With the exception of the most skilled office workers, small businessmen and professionals people should learn to farm, build and craft.
Jack Powell
A probe (or several) should be sent to make sure this isn't a trap.
Julian Allen
You might assign somebody to editor, because your propaganda has bad spelling.
Ethan Nguyen
Thank you for pointing that out.
Chase Baker
Is there a network in place once a person moves to the Northwest? Are you placing people in contact with each other when they move there?
Is there a rough idea of how expensive/cheap land is in the Northwest? This idea and group sound enticing but not if I have to place myself in (((debt))) to move out there to begin with
Jackson Williams
Someone told me you plan to do brownshirt marches in Idaho and Washington. Is this true? Also, how do you feel about the fact that Hitler himself said Germanic National Socialism was "not for export"? Why use a movement structure and tactics from a dense 1920's European nation when you're a sparesly populated 2020's American one?
Larping makes them feel better, they won't stop doing it even if Hitler himself were to tell them to do so.
Zachary King
You are gay
Jayden Myers
What if it never happens?
Ian Price
Might have been a plan before we purged the larping elements of our organization. Definitely not true now.
I remember that's from Hitler's Table Talk. In the context of that quote he was talking about his plans for the future: integrating Nordics from Flanders, Scandinavia, and the US into the Reich. He thought that only Germany would be sufficient to bring about this world order and didn't want to waste resources on meddling with the politics of foreign nations. You are thinking too much in terms of national lines, not racial. Nothing about that quote suggests that white Americans shouldn't NS, especially today.
Our tactics are completely different. Germany was already an ethnostate from the start. In America we need to work from the ground up.
this. and while I support the NA, (not trying to be a dick, just helpful), the branding kind of sucks. I believe in utilizing the swastika, but all branding/propaganda I've seen out of the movement has been subpar.
I think cleaning it up, making it sharper, could do wonders for the movement as it continues to grow
Joshua Wright
Angel Williams
So you are now run by feds, where as, before, you were not. Thanks for clearing that up.
Jordan Anderson
I am glad you recognize the importance of the swastika. Do you have any specific suggestions?
This. How do you even tell which organization isn't just some CIA/FBI niggers? Not trying to be blackpilled but how many fucking times was there a Jew or fed behind a white nationalist group? Only one I can think that wasn't kiked was GLR.
Christian Cruz
How do we know you're not Feds?
Ian Stewart
Pnw iz breddy gud. Think about it.
Noah Anderson
We do not want your personal information and we ask you to migrate to the PNW on your own.
What have you guys achieved? If you don't have anything to actually show us then you are worthless; just a fed honeypot in the making.
Jordan Long
We have successful migrated members to the PNW, and have laid the groundwork for an NS support network. There's also been a couple families started with white babies on the way.
Am I the only one that's weirded out that they use fake first and last names in the riot room? Obliviously they are not real names, but why use a fake first and last name as a username?
Eli Perez
There's a couple of members with the same first names. There's so many you can choose from before you have to add another layer.
What's your stance on the homosex? On Christian/pagan/wiccan? What about folks who don't want kids (not that I assume you'd find many eligible folk here like that)? On television consumption? I personally believe that the car and television have done more damage than any other two things after banking.
Aiden Robinson
You're movement is interesting. Thinking of the pacific northwest does feel like home for some reason, even though I've only been there once. Only thing though is, I'm a black-pilled faggot with no real hands on skills. How does one become useful and find purpose again in a country that resembles Sodom and Gomorrah? The only thing that gives me hope is having a family of my own but I think I have to relocate to the country to even a find a woman worth reproducing with. All women from the city seem to be completely tainted.
Caleb Miller
So you funded some peoples moves and got to know some people? I understand you're just getting on your feet but I would have thought there'd be some type of bigger scale organization going on. Are any of your members trying to get into positions of power in the area? Or is your goal basically isolationism until your numbers increase?
I have other stuff going on and other threads and sites open in other tabs. I'm not a nigger who ruins the relaxed pace of imageboards by treating them like a fucking IM. I'll respond when I'm good and ready.
Watch craftsman and repair videos on youtube until you find works that interests you. This is how I discovered my electronics repair hobby; and a friend of mine got into woodworking this way.
Jace Bailey
If you are interested in starting a family on a solid basis, you need to be around like-minded people. You should definitely check out our gateway and talk with some members.
I am a National Socialist, I just think the implementation of the policies will have to be done differently in the USA. I'll admit I think the NWF's guerilla plan is my favorite at the moment. I also like their inclusivity of pretty much anyone white who wants not to be fucked with so long as they aren't Civic cucks.
That being said, how do you differ from them plan wise? I don't necessarily trust their current leadership (I suspect a "Provisional" NVA will spring up) but I think their plan is the best.
No. We need people to be able to support themselves. We can give them advice and maybe set them up with a job, but nothing more.
Mirgration is an organic and independent process. It involves building careers, purchasing property, and starting families across the Pacific Northwest. Aside from a select few trained activists, members of the New Awakening will rarely show their affiliations in public. Early organization is a loose social network for assitance in moving, employment, and security. As more and more migrants congregate, they can influence local politics by conventional means. During this period, liberals and nonwhites will leave in a process of cultural gentrification. When state governments are secured, white nationalists can then enact laws to enforce a de facto ethnostate. This nation inside of nation will exist until the Pacific Northwest gains its independence through the inevietable balkanization of the US.
Intrigued, but hesitant as always. Hope y'all have your calling cards when you come sniffing around my neck of the nw when the shtf.
Joseph Phillips
We differ from Northwest Front in the fact that we are a purely National Socialist organization. We encourage all racially aware whites to migrate, but can't have people compromise our values.
We also differ in our organizational structure, placing much greater value on anonymity.
How do you plan on stopping Kikes of getting wind of this once it starts to take off, and then having them build shitty apartments and purposefully ship in all manner of stinky shit skins?
Adam Reed
Look, I'm gonna be completely honest, I investigated you people and you turds are not fit to manage a chicken coop.
You require people to dox themselves, require use of some cringey uniform that is paradoxically desert colored despite your love of the northwest, and then you don't even sell the uniforms yourselves, you tell people to buy the pieces from chinks on amazon.
You run the movement extremely rigidly and autocratically, with no room for organic organization or experimentation, basically rewards gook brained yes-men instead of actual thinking aryans.
Aside from physical separation you have no apparent real plan. Keep in mind that "SHTF" or "collapse" is a pleasant fantasy you tell yourselves of how some cataclysm will magically remove your enemies so you don't have to compete with them anymore. It's fanfiction.
You have no plan for how to employ people or keep them employed.
The whole thing is larp mixed with a healthy dose of "go starve in the woods."
I have no problem with moving to the PNW, but I have no desire to wear your nigger colored uniforms or be your mindless slave.
James Ward
Since migration is an organic and independent process, governments and political organizations will have a difficult time preventing it. Nonwhites do not want to live around "nazis" and we will use any legal measures necessary to deter them. The PNW's climate is also hostile to any equatorial shitskin. The majority will take the path of least resistance and move to more hospitable areas.
Seriously nigger, why are the uniforms so retarded?
Why are they nigger colored? Why do they not blend with the PNW scenery at all? Why do they not reflect anything historically norse-germanic? Why do they not offer any apparent protection from the sun or the elements, or functionality for work?
Of all possible uniforms you morons could've designed, you chose the absolute worst.
Jaxson Adams
We no longer have any of the policies you mentioned and our leadership system is now more simplified around a meritocracy (no more 50 different ranks and pins).
Much more importantly. We purged the members who were the source of problems you describe.
Migration is not running away. Sitting at home is running away. The New Awakening is rallying our race to face the enemy at the most decisive point. Taking land for an ethnostate is a battle that will shape the future of the West.
I can tell you a lot about land in the northwest. In particular Willamette Valley area in OR. The homesite designation is worth more than the land in many cases. You can buy 100 acres of beautiful farmland and plan on living there and having 6 kids but you will never ever get a building permit.
It's a big deal and anyone coming here needs to understand this shit.
Jose Murphy
Bentley Peterson
What's your plan nigger?
Dylan Ross
Honestly, this feels like cointel-pro. I've mentioned all the problems with the NWF in past threads, and it seems like "the new awakening" is ignoring all of my suggestions. You should be "Franchising" ethnic-nationalism, so that you can get other races wanting their own homeland (just like Israel). the main purpose of this is to create "multiple fronts" for the sabbatean-frankist" media to contend with. It also creates a universal principle that is hard to argue against, making it more likely for us to convert people.
By re-emphasizing an only-white nation, you're creating an "us vs them" mentality all on your own. You're literally going to make more enemies with these pictures than allies!
Michael Nguyen
Reason: Nope. Troll Forget room
that is why NatSocs will always fail.
Daniel Myers
Fuck off back to 4chan faggot.
Aiden Hughes
I do not live in the Pacific Northwest, and I am a poor gag/ wage salve who cannot afford to go, so fuck that. Where’s the Midwest national socialist movement?
Dominic Taylor
Dude. Go to school for something cool like timber framing or welding. That's what I would do if I could.
Xavier Jones
Oregon is a cancer on this planet. No limits on building here in Idaho.
Liam Ramirez
True. I am a subsistence farmer. It's fucking awesome. I hang around the house all day. Play with my kid. Build a rabbit fence or FIS the rain water pump. Drink moonshine at noon with lunch. Heat with wood. Solar for lights. I work mayyybe 10 hours a week and live well.
Brayden Rodriguez
Yeah it's a nightmare. I hope you guys take it over so I can build a house. I'm not selling my family's land here because of faggots in Salem. I won't run any more.
Nicholas Nelson
Nonwhites are not the main obstacle to an ethnostate in the Northwest. White liberals are.
Using Jewish tactics to appease browns is a waste of time.
Seattle is literally a faggot paradise. There aren't as many beaners and niggers as most other major cities, but it's incredibly "diverse" and degenerate.
The PNW is one of the fastest growing regions in the country. Moving here will likely be an improvement to your quality of life no matter your skill level.
Don't move to the Midwest, because it's cheap. The whole area reeks of stagnation.
wie ich bereits sagte: an dieser kleinkrämerei wird natsoc regelmäßig scheitern.
akzeptiert es einfach, ethnostaaten sind für den arsch du untermensch.
Aiden Rivera
I thought that was only true if you wanted to tie into the grid or install septic? Pretty sure they can't touch you if you just do solar+generators and use composting toilets.
Hudson Sanchez
Any good colleges/Uni's that are not totally fucking kiked besides trade schools? I have the GI bill and need to use it.
Blake Gutierrez
You've never met them because you're an urbanite faggot. Go banter at your wine bar you small souled insect.
Thomas Jones
As long as you stick to the hard sciences most will be OK. The liberal arts courses are the only ones that have been Super Jewed.
Nope. 240 Sq feet MAX. You can't live there full time or even part time. Not a legal residence. And without one you can't vote. How do I know this? Hrmmm…
People gotta know what they are doing when the come here from somewhere like Nebraska and plan on buying a few acres and building. Expect 100k$ for a few acres with a legal homesite designation. BARE Land.
Asher White
Id love to join but im 88 percent white. Grandmother was a Mestizo (51 percent european) and my mother a Castizo. By Spaniards racial caste standards im white but i am unsure of your cut off line.
Carson Wilson
This is why you can't have any real discussion on Zig Forums anymore.
Also your idea would imply we have any pull in ethnic communities, which we don't, and never will.
Elijah Peterson
so any proof that the admins are neither yet? they seldom are.
Brody Nelson
Most state schools are fairly conservative. WSU, OSU, University of Idaho, and MSU to name a few.
There is also a decent selection of right-leaning private schools, but they tend to be religious. (Whitworth, George Fox, and University of Portland)
Yeah I always ask the "are Spaniards (not Mexicans) considered to be white question and never really get an answer.
Charles Butler
I only have 2 percent spanish.
But yes Spaniards are white. Authentic spanish genes are european. Now of course due to the moors and arabs the further south you go people get a bit more mixed but not by too much. Just enough to notice. Yes spaniards genetically are related to the Gauls. Which are celtic. Celts and Nords are european.
Anyone who says otherwise is fucming retarded. Pureblood spaniards have blonde hair and blue eyes ffs.
She may be a coalburning whore but Lauren Southern is almost 100 eprcent spanish and shes blonde hair blue eyes
Saying that spaniards, italians or Irish are not white is just a meme.
Dominic Sanders
I didn't say "Prevent" you from moving there. I meant them pro-actively moving in shit skins and building dead end suburbs. Look into it this isn't accidental. They have found ways to bus in niggers to rural areas before - I wouldn't be surprised if these cunts tried to counter act your movement but making their own with it's own claim to the Pacific North West.
Nolan Young
Ffs after the Greek/Italin, Brits, and Germans; Spaniards are the most influential European ethnic group. Only the French might tie with them.
Kevin Thompson
I love how someone calling a shill thread out for exactly what it is, is "heat," and doing exactly what you should do to a shill thread, i.e. calling it what it is and then never coming back to it to avoid contributing and making the thread seem valid with your presence and commentary, is now de-facto "proof" that the thread must be legitimate.
The NWF is a dead end, and the reasons for why have been elaborated upon numerous times in previous threads back when these people first starting coming here and shilling their cult of personality at us. All of the most important points were buried or ignored, and people who aren't from here kept coming here and shilling for it anyway no matter how many times people told them to fuck off.
Covington was a fat fuck, a proven degenerate, and a liar. His entire "career" as a White Nationalist was nothing but him going around and doing everything he could to sabotage absolutely every single one of his peers, and the fact that he survived them all and died of old age having accomplished NOTHING to secure the existence of his people or a future for white children is all the proof anyone should ever need that he was either a fool or a Federal plant.
The fact that niggers keep coming here and shilling for this trash now that we know the mods and site owners aren't stopping feds and professional shills from doing what they like here is just further circumstancial evidence that the NWF is most likely a honeypot. Never forget that RAM was party vanned, Rockwell was shot. Real people who are actually out there doing real shit get shut the fuck down.The NWF hasn't been shut the fuck down, in spite of the fact that a domestic terrorist Nazi group prancing around in the woods with guns and MARPAT is literally the wet dream of the alphabet soup agencies. So the fact that they're still around (and still haven't accomplished anything in all this time) is incredibly damning.
Actual Nationalist and National Socialist movements like Casapound, Golden Dawn, Nordfront, Antipodean Resistance, and others, have accomplished more in a couple of years than the NWF and everyone associated with the Butler Plan has collectively managed in decades. The results speak for themselves. By their fruits, ye shall know them.
Feel free to call me a shill as well because I'm a "(1) and done" poster. I'll not waste my time talking to useful idiots or strangers who glow in the dark. The people who matter can figure this shit out on their own.
Ryder Roberts
Depending on the penalty for building without permit, you really only get a fee when the property goes up for sale. Otherwise, they really don't care. You can also build a tiny house on a trailer without any restrictions so long as you do not build it to sell it as a "product".
Jayden Taylor
Federal Government International Banks United nations Multiple Jewish Organizations EU State Governments etc.
1. Tactics can never be inherently "jewish", the fact that you made this statement shows that you didnt read my post. Lets consider the two scenarios;
Gabriel Foster
Plenty of constitutional violations there, user. Stand up. wtf does that even mean ? You can change the zoning of your land to whatever you want, especially if it is grandfathered as something they no longer permit.
Reminder to all newfags tempted to fall for these types of potential honeypots - join NOTHING you heard about online. Any offline activities are 0 electronic communications - absolute blackout. Yes, leave your cellphone at home or battery out at all times. Network through people you know first hand, preferably blood relations or friends from birth you KNOW to be like minded. Small cells only, 0 strangers. People have coordinated political movements & recruited for millennia without the Internet - this place & ALL other online locations are for shitposting, memes & news only. 88
Joseph Cook
Despite my criticisms, I wish I could have met Harold. He honestly went through alot of shit in his life, and that made him paranoid (to the point of dampening the NWF). But in his and the NWF's defense, America IS NOT Europe, the USA is at an affluent apex where no one wants it to change, where as parts of Europe are more "fertile".
Balkanization of the US WILL happen, its only a matter of time, whether thats in ten years or a hundred is anyone's guess. Personally I dont like the…… "new awakening" for the simple fact that they don't grasp the concept; !! seriously !!