Help me write a paper

I'm in an Archeology class and I want to write a school paper on Child Sacrifice to Moloch/Molekh. Can anyone send me find sources?

So far, I've only been able to find sources from the 1950's to 1990's that are locked behind paywalls.

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Other urls found in this thread: 32&version=NIV

Quite the giant faggot you are, newfriend.

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I want to make degenerates uncomfortable and send signals to insiders who get what's going on.

It's not a subtle strategy. At all. But the time for subtlety is far from over. When the shit hits the fan, I want ppl to know I at least have integrity.

Here’s a cylinder seal depicting child sacrifice.

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I would normally sage, but I'm after a segment of this myself right now, too. Specifically a series of sources on the "blood libel" being true.

Youre assuming normies know anything about Moloch. Youre assuming that you will be doing some grand thing by writing about something you dont enough about to source. Youre assuming you will even find scholarly sources at all for this subject.
Ask yourself this; how does naming the jew help me get through the nightmare of university? What will be gained by putting my reputation on the line for an archeology class? Is this the hill you want to die on? Will this action harm me? Is waking up one normalfriend worth failing and retaking an elective?
So yeah giant faggotry newfriend.

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Google scholar: "Moloch, Molekh, or molk-sacrifice" (Klaas Snelik) and "Molech - A God of Human Sacrifice in the Old Testiment" (John Day).

Papers exist. I just can't find any free ones.

And I never said I'm "naming the Jew". I never said anything of the sort. I'm just interested in how humans could kill their own kids. I think normies need to process this on a deep level. I don't see how I'm sacrificing myself to accomplish this.

Don’t listen to the haters, you’ll get away with citing savitri Devi in your ecology classes no prob.

Never mind. Get out.

Absolute newfriend.

pay the fees and get your sources!

He's asking for info. You're gay for not providing any.

normie detected

would it kill you to include a link? I want to know too

The absolute state of this board. No one here has any macros for newfags like me and OP.

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Hey fed informants, even when I don't post here you harass me. Get fucked by a bull.

can't tell if schizophrenic or AI chatbot

Bloody Passover by Ariel Toaff

I don't want to jewgle on Friday night.

usually, you login to your library site, then use it to search for academic papers, when you link them through your library site, you are autopassed through the paywall.

Internet Archive Library is open to all,

Linked for triple eights.


thanks i'm kind of new to this stuff

Here’s a quote about the Moloch/Baal/Yahweh god that kikes, sand niggers, and christcucks love. Make them squirm.

i don't have sources for you user, but perhaps i can give you leads. to start with, you've got this Hebrew alphabet with only consonants, and the name for Molech is simply MLK. so various spellings show up in english. MLK simply means "king". and an MLK zedek is a "good" king:

now, some might complain that even going down this path is "antisemitic". whatever. it's not like God chose a bunch of goody-twoshoes to be His people, eh? no, He chose the most vile degenerates out there. why? to prove a point. to cleanse them by fire Himself and make them pure. it's not like they could do it on their own. even so, He eventually had enough of them falling back into their degeneracy and smote them.

speaking of falling back into their degeneracy… as you probably know by now, there is this thing called rabbinical judaism, and it is a series of attempts to subvert the Will of The Most High by lawyering against His Word. these subversions are called Talmud. The Word itself is called Torah. Torah itself forbids that you deliver your child to the idol Molech and cause the child to go through the fire. but according to arguments in Talmud, it is not forbidden to only do one of these things. that is, you can deliver the child, and not cause them to go through the fire. or someone else can deliver the child, but you only cause them to go through the fire. you can do one or the other, but not both. why would someone even care about such an insane question? well, if you're a degenerate tribe that keeps falling back into idol worship, you might want to get the blessings of Molech without incurring the wrath of Hashem. at least that is the idea.

happy hunting user…

all I know is that the jews and masons continually refer to this character, baal, at one time the main sun deity, as moloch and infer that human sacrifices of children were made to him by immolation. However, I have also heard that the Babylonians carried a Canaanite tradition of baptising their children by passing them over an altar of fire. as far as I know there isn't any evidence of giant bull shaped ovens used for sacrifice anywhere, either.
not sure why, but they also refer to an owl effigy as moloch sometimes, as well.
there used to be an old site called joy of satan, sounds gay I know, but it had lots of links to articles about occultism, masonry, and national socialism. but like those old hub like web sites you would click one thing sometimes and find yourself in a Lalaland new age sister site. don't know if theyre still around but there but they had a lot of info. not much help maybe but good luck solving this mystery

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oh hey yo, i know he molochian sacrifice stuff is cool, but its not the one you wanna do in college. I did a piece on global mummies that was similar.
College papers are not the ones that matter, they are the ones that build connections and determine if you get accredited.
Do one on solutrean migration, its interesting and an actual fun write.

Moloch level stuff is a much much deeper project than you are expecting. No way wil you write it as a good paper in that class. Save it for scholarly pursuits.

No, do your own work you lazy fucking niggerjew.

Kikes are going out like they know it's their last shabbat.

This might not be as ceremonial as a sacrifice to Moloch, but it's a modern day equivalent. Aborted children are routinely incinerated in the US.

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I'll bump this. I'm confused about molech's origins. Is it from the minotaur or apis cult in egypt? Is it babylonian? Religion is essentially politics in that age and Judaism was generally opposed to witchcraft and matriarchy.

perhaps judaism is officially opposed, but the people themselves that were called to be set apart, well they have always been quick to return to their old ways, as you can clearly see them fashioning a golden calf in the old days, just because Moses went out to pray for too long. 32&version=NIV

judaism has generally been infested with all kinds of witchcraft, and it's a recurrent theme in the OT. even the wisest king to have ever lived, Solomon, was seduced to witchcraft by a favored wife and lost everything because of it. Kabbalah is popular among modern jews, and what is it but witchcraft? they truly have a spiritual arrogance about themselves that makes them think they can play around with demons to their advantage and not get burned.

go lurk in some jewish sites for a few years, and be patient. you will see for yourself.

Here is your paper;

En-uru-gal, or Nergal for short, Lord of the Great City, that which in popular imagination is known as Moloch from the rendering of Melqart as Lord of the City, the translation of the title Nergal into the Semitic, that which in popular imagination involves feeding children into a furnace.

It might be imagined that this involves the activities of some strange cult but in reality it is the basis for the entire military industrial complex, that it could be considered that everyone who sends their children into the mines and foundries, the military and heavy industry in general are feeding their children to Moloch, even that through this some are hardened and transformed, but that more often than not the result is death.

The origins of Nergal are humble, he was a God of mining and smelting and forging, a God of transformation through fire, as the God of casting culture his early motif was the double headed axe seen extensively throughout the Eastern Mediterranean, his place of origin the mines of Cilicia, he was the human or semi-Divine principle of such and literally tunneled his way into any underworld associations.

As a son of El-lil, Nergal was obviously an aspect of the early NW Semitic Pantheon which Israel looked to disassociate themselves with, as the God of mining/smelting/toxicity/plague/weapons/death was always somewhat problematic, but his cult had strongly developed in that region due to the merchants relationship with the trade in precious ores and the quasi mass industrial practises of the Phoenicians totally depended on such so he was their principle Deity of the military industrial complexities, and others also;

It's obviously the case that a casting God is concerned with transformation, that one extracts the crude ore, refines that and smelts it, the resulting artifact having made the process worthwhile, and thus the transformation through fire was such a spiritual metaphor, perhaps not best taken literally but that certainly occurred depending perhaps on how strongly one desired change, the principle involved was that of consecration.


Any religious cult is at it's strongest and most developed in the region that it originated and in this case that is of the Indo-European Deity Sandon/Sandas/Santa of Tarsus in Cilicia, were the pyre relating to his cult is often seen on classical coinage, this was also the basis of the funeral tradition of Roman Emperors, the transformation within the flames toward Divinity were the eagle atop the pyre was the conduit of the soul, the cult of Sandon was a cult of resurrection;

There is only evidence that Semitic peoples directly sacrificed children in terms of this cult, there is no such evidence with regards to Nergal and Sumer or Sandon of Cilicia. Indo-European tradition has tended to maintain the tradition in terms of the all conquering hero, after the manner of Herakles, were the underworld is entered into, whether merely in terms of psychological condition or actual, and the means of transformation obtained, the forging of the indestructible weapon also the basis for Odin.

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Thanks to everyone who responded. Especially

I'm going to dive into these sources and keep everyone updated.

Not the most popular resource for Zig Forums fags, but David Icke has some pretty interesting stories.

He who studies evil is studied by evil. -Solbor (DS9) lol.


Never leave the pig pen, 8niggers.

This is a cunt that is basically trying to intimidate OP. OP if you are brave enough remember that telling the truth regardless the circumstances is always better than not telling the truth.

ask your professors if they have access to any of those research paper databases like the ones aaron swartz pirated from. Also, check library genesis for any ripped versions of papers you find

And at the same time tell your professors that I said they're a bunch of kike fags. Thanks.

go back to your waifu discussion board, gooca


If only human autism was directed more productively than inventing elaborate reasons to needlessly harm themselves and others.

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Churchill compared Hitler to Moloch in terms of the Military-industrial complex associations and there's a movie on Hitler based on that theme, but it isn't like they weren't all playing the same game and Hitler would have insisted Odin not Moloch, with some justification.

Sometimes i suspect they have the Right chasing their own tails with the hunt for Moloch.

hello piglet

Can i help you Pooh?

Here's the White Pill, Hitler knew very well the archetypes involved with cult of forging and destruction towards transformation given his favourite opera was Parzival based on the Indo-European casting God Santos/Odin, he even designed a very great city in the manner of En-uru-gal.

What is involved is always destruction towards transformation and the perfect weapon that emerges from the ashes.

Way to waste dubs newfriend.

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Keep your paper as professional as possible. Do not openly mention Jews or connect Jews to moloch, just mention what the bible has to say on the matter. Research equivalent gods from other semitic cultures such as baal hammon from carthage. Lots of archeological evidence of human sacrifice in carthage also. Be sure to mention that child sacrifice is a global phenomena but dont be afraid to stress that it was particularly widespread in certain cultures. Explain that the reason Saturn was equated to baal hammon and moloch is that the Greeks and Romans saw parallel mythemes between the two which may point to the possibility that Saturn was once offered children as sacrifices before human sacrifice was outlawed. Mention how scholars have some scepticism about whether the child sacrifices were always murder or if sometimes it was a ritualized cremation for stillborns (this theory is bullshit and there's alot of reasons it doesn't make sense , animals are often found burned alongside the remains of children implying these sites were sacrificial in nature and not simply burial grounds for children) just because it will make you look less biased and conspiracy theoristy. I know it sounds like cucking but college people need to be approached cautiously when trying to redpill them. They respect people who sound smart whether they are or aren't.

These cults are still around and dont like being exposed. Be careful and dont go crazy with the Jew shit. Dont compare abortion to moloch rites. Honestly this is a subject that you only need to present the info and if people have enough brainpower they will connect the dots.

Richard Francis Burton's unpublished manuscript Human Sacrifice Among The Sephardine. It is being kept under lock and key in the London Metropolitan Archives.

>i don't have sources for you user, but perhaps i can give you leads. to start with, you've got this Hebrew alphabet with only consonants, and the name for Molech is simply MLK. so various spellings show up in english. MLK simply means "king". and an MLK zedek is a "good" king:

some more thoughts on this… notice who else the letters MLK refer to, other than Molech? none other than Martin Luther King, and his son Junior. it is interesting to note that MLK nor Junior was born MLK. rather, the name was changed at a later date (one wonders who put them up to it). so did the father know that he was offering his son up for sacrifice when he presented him to Moloch? someone else did cause Junior to go through the fire, so perhaps the father can not be found at fault under Talmudic principles. and how would certain people feel if they realized that MLK Jr was a planned sacrifice?

This thread again. No you fucking moron. You write about how amazing Indians are and about how they had secret mystical health and medicine far superior to western science that has most likely been destroyed by colonization. You get a fucking A. You don't get blacklisted. You don't let your enemy choose the battleground! Why in God's name would you start a fight when your opponent and your referee are the same person? You get a good job and tell your 15 white children about moloch.

Just fucking lurk for two years, god damn, there's like 6 moloch threads on the front page.

Here, seriously I'm going to help you. First your strategy is shit. You naively believe your teachers are acting in good faith. They aren't. They're there to identify and punish wrong-think.
If you do this you will be marked and they will punish your grades and future. You will have no power to stop them either. You're being challenged to a fight where only your enemy has a weapon.

Seriously do this. Do a paper on "venus of willendorf." It's feminist shit. It will not matter how good your research is. You will get an A on this paper and every single paper you ever do after because then you will be marked as a good goy. Spend the rest of your free time lifting weights and reading classic lit.

Did you not see those professors who made up ridiculous fake shit and submitted it for scholarly review and got accepted? Learn a lesson from this.

This is your real school. The shit you go to day to day is your training on how to practice stealth when you are behind enemy lines. Never get confused about this again.

I dont know fuck all compared to a lot of the board on this subject.
But what about the mayans and islanders and sacrifice to volcano gods and shit?
Or is this just history from movies.

This user makes sense, but I went to college so far back in the last century that I have no fucking idea what a shit show clown farm universities have turned into.
The one thing my aunt told me b4 I went to college was "college does not teach you everything but it teaches you how to find out what ever you want to know"
In retrospect was the most sage advice I ever got.

as the user who tried to give genuine help on how to do this and made this post

I have to say these guys probably give the best advice

most professors are fucking shills, I remember getting an F in philosophy class because I tried quoting the havamal and stoic literature, the reasons were that my quotes were "inapplicable to modern society and focused around men". make of that what you will. the only class I ever got away with sneaking that kinda shit into my projects was an art class and I suspect thats because I used alot of really occult symbolism that most people wouldnt recognize. im surprised the wolfsangels and black suns went over most peoples heads and I got A's and my art got shilled by some of the students there.

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Anyway, if you need anything else specific (book, ebook or paper), ask and I'll give it a look.

Flaubert read about 400 scholarly books before he wrote Salammbo.

Flaubert's main source was Book I of Polybius's Histories. The novel kickstarted a renewed interest in the history of pre-Imperial Rome's conflict with the North African Phoenician colony of Carthage.

Tanit[1] was a Punic and Phoenician goddess, the chief deity of Carthage alongside her consort Baal-hamon.[2][3] She was also adopted by the Berber people

Chapter 13. "Moloch". Carthaginian children are sacrificed to Moloch. Hamilcar disguises a slave-child as his son Hannibal and sends him to die in his son's place.

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Also for any cultural or religious practices in the Ancient World I find Herodotus' immense and meticulous writings to be indispensable. He traveled throughout the entire ancient world and described everything he saw in that strange and alien world.

looky here

user, show some agency.
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