China's Social Credit System

It is scary how Tucker's segment touches on how China is transforming into a nation straight out of a dystopian science fiction novel. I can only imagine the beneficiaries to this type of data, e.g., insurance companies (another metric to use an excuse to increase premiums), employers (another reason to not offer a job, you're simply not active enough) and countless others.

Is this situation a slippery slope where US, UK and civilized countries will ultimately follow in China's footsteps? We're already going down the 1984 path with our smart phones tracking us and recording every movement in addition to the advancement of autonomous vehicles.

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Dont forget all that lovely facial recognition software in full effect.

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People who live in 1984 glass houses, ….

We've got one on >>>Zig Forums1022976 too. Interesting that the collective hivemind is talking about this more.

Saw a good vid on this a little while ago. Take note that Google helps the Chinese government find dissidents, knowing that the CHinese government regularly declares these people enemies of the state and gives them the death penalty. Hillary and other globalists have praised the CHinese internet model for years now.

this is kosher skynet. google has jewess run deep mind an AI program, and alphabet, who owns google, also owns boston dynamics the robot builders.

Shows how much the media still controls what's in the public consciousness. This has been an issue for a while, and people only talked about it when it first hit headlines and now.

You want total war MOSSADniggers? You wouldn't survive the night. Accept defeat and move on, or move into your final phase.

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It makes it easier to talk about what happens here when you can point at all the same, and worse, things China is doing.

i know anglin is a shill. he has that company man vibe about him. at the least he is handled, and not just by rabbi weev

notice his latest article series is about not ever dethroning the federal government. he wants us to simply compete to be alpha slaves of the alpha slave party.

Definitely not a place niggers would migrate to.

Our countries are already far worse, they're just much less obvious and overt about it.

At least in China you know what the rules are and metrics they're using to track you.

I hope you enjoy the sewage delicacy

Really? Did they post source code of trackers for review? You same naive as people who believe to google or facebook blabbering.

Don't forget that those software HUD are in English and the companies making them are all from the West.
We already have the exact same shit, except while china is happy to communicate on it and let journalists film it because to them an ordered society is a great society, ours are just secret up the ass.

No, Google sold Boston Dynamics after it learned all the secrets therein to Softbank, a Japanese multinational holding conglomerate.

/thread. The technological underpinnings for this originated with the Western tech companies and Five Eyes, et al, not the bugmen. You are deluding yourself if you think it's not already being targeted against the White West today.

Global EMP blast is the only way out of this. Purge the insects and their robotic "god" with nuclear hellfire.

America is just Western China.

of course that is where they trial shit because the chinese are naturally subservient. it is only a matter of time before the chinese willingly take microchip implants and connect themselves to a ((central server)). sorry did i write subservient, i meant to write based.

This. So much fucking this. The Chinks are literal fucking insects that don't care if they are filmed or recognised. They have to be careful in the West because they know we might do something about it.

William Colby never said "The CIA owns everyone of any significance in the major media." This was concocted by David McGowan in 2000 in his book "Derailing Democracy" and he never listed any source supporting the claim Colby said that.

Safe to say no. If trump had actually been a serious candidate we would already have E-verify as a RFID implant

Daily reminder this is happening in the west RIGHT NOW through corporations and social pressure, rather than directly from the government.

Kill yourself Jamal.

okay, CIA.

So scary. Go suck his dick somewhere else moshe.

Sage negated, kike.

We're becoming the boiling frog. They are slowly manipulating our behaviors to when people don't actively use technology to the normal extent, own mobile phones and limited internet footprint, you will end up on a watch list.

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You ever notice how many cyberpunk dystopias tend to be smeared with chinkrunes? I sometimes wonder if that was a purposeful commentary on what futurists believed China could become, or if it was just an arbitrary decision that got memed into reality.

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Seriously, fuck off China.

We should have an echo but for China

I propose {{{China}}}

Iirc back when those cyberpunk movies and novels were made it was believed china and Japan would economically dominate the west not really a stretch from truth

Yes, (((China Bad)))

Has this ever really happened? Cause I mostly see the opposite. So many people are posting inappropriate stuff that would discredit their employers.

Social media is mostly a giant liability for employers. First, employees will waste time on Facebook. Second, they will leak company secrets and even bad-mouth the employer. Yes, people will tweet out company secrets right in front of the CEO who is explaining them. Third, they will give ammo to anyone suing the company. Fourth, it often shows that your center of gravity is not your career but your partying/online presence.

I would think of social media like a criminal record - employer has to check, and the less recent activity the better.

No its not the US government doesn't care about arresting criminals, Trump and Kushner are about to release every nigger from prison as we speak

Operation Mockingbird:

I am going to burn this building down if you don't stop.

People who complain about the Chinese social credit system or debt shaming have no knowledge about Chinese culture and values. Chinese society is grounded in Confucianism and is based on harmony with government and not criticism of it. Also, since the British and David Sassoon flooded their country with Opium as a way to control it, they are very harsh on drug offenders.
I wouldn't be surprised if Tucker knows these things but disingenuously prefers not to mention them, since he is aware that his audience probably doesn't know about them. With American culture and education being as poor as it is, this sort of behavior is likely to continue.

Why Google hasn't been broke up under the trust laws is beyond me. Just imagine how the public would have reacted if a company did this in the 70s or 80s.

It's because they are surveillance partners with the government, like Facebook, Twitter, Telegram, and much of Silicon Valley.

Theres a lot of sneaky bullshit with the social credit system.
Your score slip below what the government defines as "normal"?
You can't get train tickets, no passport, etc. Your travel becomes even more restricted than it usually is in China.
Falls even further? No internet access.

And who are the primary info gatherers in much of China? Random old people (usually women) who are tasked with collecting information, collating it and sending it to a regional office where its all processed to set your score.
So you have an argument with your wife one day? Better hope nobody heard that and she never mentions it or your score is going down down down.

The worst part though because yes it gets better is that you can fix your score via a number of means. But by far the most effective and expedient is to donate money at a government office. Just waltz in and pay so much dosh for so many points.
Supposedly the money goes to charity, but who will dare question where it goes?

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Holy shit, what happened to Zig Forums? That thread is a mess.

I have been both offered a job for lacking online presence and rejected from a job implicitly because of the same. Hiring managers are extremely lazy people and want to proceed/disqualify you based on 5 seconds of googling. If they can't find you, or can't find the "you" that applied usually they move on.


They had to do it in china first because if you can work out the difference between chinese faces you can work out the difference between any face

Remember 20 years ago we used to have similar stories about "the great Chinese firewall", and how we'd never do anything like that in the west? And now I can't access a whole bunch of sites without a vpn.